High School IB Computer Science

Issaquah School District
Issaquah School District CTE Framework
CIP Code: ISD - CIP 110201 - Computer Programming
Framework Hours: 630
Program Level: Preparatory
Date Last Modified: 3/4/2013
Career Cluster: Information Technology
Cluster Pathway: Programming and Software Development
Course Name: TBD001 - IB Computer Science (180 Hours)
Standard/Unit: Unit 01: System Fundamentals
Total Learning Hours for Unit: 25
Components and Assessments
Performance Assessment:
Students will define the role of a prototype in client communications.
Students will perform iterations.
Students will define various terms: hardware, software, etc.
Students will evaluate user documentation and training.
Embedded Leadership Activities:
Students will access and evaluate information in a timely fashion.
Students will use information accurately as they complete customer-based projects.
Students will use technology as a research tool.
Students will utilize online tools and other digital technologies as they complete their projects.
Students will practice responsible behavior to forward the interests of the larger group.
Students will assume shared responsibility in the completion of their collaborative projects.
Students will practice leveraging their strengths and the strengths of others when accomplishing tasks.
Students will set project goals and meet targets.
Students will practice managing time and effort as they complete projects.
Students will collaborate in teams to accomplish set goals.
Students will practice solving non-familiar problems in conventional and non-conventional ways.
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Standards and Competencies
110201 - IB - Computer Science (2012)
1.1 Systems in Organizations
1.1.01: Identify the context for which a new system is planned.
1.1.03: Outline compatibility issues resulting from situations including legacy systems of business mergers.
1.1.04: Compare the implementation of systems using a client’s hardware with hosting systems remotely.
1.1.05: Evaluate alternative installation processes.
1.1.06: Discuss problems that may arise as a part of data migration.
1.1.07: Suggest various types of testing
1.1.08: Describe the importance of user documentation.
1.1.09: Evaluate different methods of providing user documentation.
1.1.10: Evaluate different methods of delivering user training.
1.1.11: Identify a range of causes of data loss.
1.1.12: Outline the consequences of data loss in a specific situation.
1.1.13: Describe a range of methods that can be used to prevent data loss.
1.1.14: Describe strategies for managing releases and updates.
1.2: System Design Basics
1.2.01: Define the terms: hardware, software, peripheral, network, human resources
1.2.02: Describe the roles that a computer can take in a networked world.
1.2.03: Discuss the social and ethical issues associated with a networked world.
1.2.04: Identify the relevant stakeholders when planning a new system
1.2.05: Describe methods of obtaining requirements from stakeholders.
1.2.06: Describe appropriate techniques for gathering the information needed to arrive at a workable solution.
1.2.07: Construct suitable representations to illustrate system requirements.
1.2.08: Describe the purpose of prototypes to demonstrate the proposed system to the client.
1.2.09: Discuss the importance of iteration during the design process
1.2.10: Explain the possible consequences of failing to involve the end-user in the design process.
1.2.11: Discuss the social and ethical issues associated with the introduction of new IT systems.
1.2.12: Define the term usability.
1.2.13: Identify a range of usability problems with commonly used digital devices
1.2.14: Identify methods that can be used to improve the accessibility of systems.
1.2.15: Identify a range of usability problems that can occur in a system.
1.2.16: Discuss the moral, ethical, social, economic, and environmental implications of the interaction between humans and machines.
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Issaquah School District
CCSS - High School English Language Arts
Language Standards Grades 9-10
L.2 c. Spell correctly.
L.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
L.3 a. Write and edit work so that it conforms to the guidelines in a style manual (e.g., MLA Handbook, Turabian’s Manual for Writers) appropriate for
the discipline and writing type.
L.3 Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning or style, and to
comprehend more fully when reading or listening.
L.4 a. Use context (e.g., the overall meaning of a sentence, paragraph, or text; a word’s position or function in a sentence) as a clue to the meaning of a
word or phrase.
1.2: Understands, analyzes, synthesizes, or evaluates information from a variety of sources.
1.2.1 Evaluates effectiveness of and creates a personal response to visual and auditory information.
1.2.2 Evaluates the effect of bias and persuasive techniques in mass media.
2.1: Uses language to interact effectively and responsibly in a multicultural context.
2.1.1 Analyzes the needs of the audience, situation, and setting to adjust language and other communication strategies.
2.2: Uses interpersonal skills and strategies in a multicultural context to work collaboratively, solve problems, and perform tasks.
2.2.1 Uses communication skills that demonstrate respect.
2.2.2 Applies skills and strategies to contribute responsibly in a group setting.
3.1: Uses knowledge of topic/theme, audience, and purpose to plan presentations.
3.1.1 Applies skills to plan and organize effective oral communication and presentation.
Educational Technology
1.3-Investigate and Think Critically: Research, manage and evaluate information and solve problems
1.3.1-Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation and plan strategies to guide inquiry.
1.3.2-Locate and organize information from a variety of sources and media.
1.3.3-Analyze, synthesize and ethically use information to develop a solution, make informed decisions and report results.
1.3.4-Use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions.
2.4-Adapt to Change (Technology Fluency): Transfer current knowledge to new and emerging technologies.
2.4.1-Formulate and synthesize new knowledge.
Speaking and Listening - Common Core State Standards
Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
CCR 4. Present information, findings, and supporting evidence such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development,
and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
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CCR 5. Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays of data to express information and enhance understanding of presentations.
CCR 6. Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and communicative tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate.
Writing - Common Core State Standards
Text Types and Purposes
CCR 2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection,
organization, and analysis of content.
CCR 3. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event
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Issaquah School District
Standard/Unit: Unit 02: Computer Organization
Total Learning Hours for Unit: 6
Components and Assessments
Performance Assessment:
Students will describe the architecture of a computer.
Students will define various roles and functions of an operating system.
Students will apply Boolean operators.
Students will diagram logic diagrams.
Embedded Leadership Activities:
Students will access and evaluate information in a timely fashion.
Students will use technology as a research tool
Students will practice solving non-familiar problems in conventional and non-conventional ways.
Students will assume shared responsibility in the completion of their collaborative projects.
Students will practice effective listening skills to decipher meaning and knowledge.
Students will practice knowing when it is appropriate to speak or listen.
Students will use reasoning skills (inductive, deductive, etc.) as appropriate.
Students will evaluate how the parts of a whole interact with each other to produce overall outcomes in complex systems.
Standards and Competencies
110201 - IB - Computer Science (2012)
2.1: Computer Organization
2.1.01: Outline the architecture of the central processing unit (CPU) and the functions of the arithmetic logic unit (ALU) and the control unit (CU) and the
registers within the CPU.
2.1.02: Describe primary memory.
2.1.03: Explain the use of cache memory.
2.1.04: Explain the machine instruction cycle.
2.1.05: Identify the need for persistent storage.
2.1.06: Describe the main functions of an operating system
2.1.07: Outline the use of a range of application software.
2.1.08: Identify common features of applications.
2.1.09: Define the terms: bit, byte, binary, denary/decimal, hexadecimal.
2.1.10: Outline the way in which data is represented in the computer.
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2.1.11: Define the Boolean operators: AND, OR, NOT NAND, NOR, and XOR.
2.1.12: Construct truth tables using Boolean operators.
2.1.13: Construct a logic diagram using AND, OR, NOT NAND, NOR and XOR gates.
CCSS - High School English Language Arts
Language Standards Grades 9-10
L.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
L.2 c. Spell correctly.
L.4 c. Consult general and specialized reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of
a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning, its part of speech, or its etymology.
L.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.
L.6 Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the
college and career readiness level; demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to
comprehension or expression.
Educational Technology
1.1-Innovate: Demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge and develop innovative products and processes using technology.
1.1.2-Use models and simulations to explore systems, identify trends and forecast possibilities.
1.3-Investigate and Think Critically: Research, manage and evaluate information and solve problems
1.3.1-Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation and plan strategies to guide inquiry.
1.3.2-Locate and organize information from a variety of sources and media.
2.2-Operate Systems: Understand technology systems and use hardware and networks to support learning.
2.2.1-Develop skills to use technology effectively.
2.2.2-Use a variety of hardware to support learning.
2.4-Adapt to Change (Technology Fluency): Transfer current knowledge to new and emerging technologies.
2.4.1-Formulate and synthesize new knowledge.
Reading - Common Core State Standards
Career and College Readiness Anchor Standards For Reading
CCR 01. Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or
speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. (Key Ideas and Details)
CCR 04. Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical, connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze
how specific word choices shape meaning or tone. (Craft and Structure)
CCR 06. Assess how point of view or purpose shapes the content and style of a text. (Craft and Structure)
CCR 07. Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse formats and media, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words. (Integration
of Knowledge and Ideas)
CCR 10. Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently. (Range of Reading and level of Text
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Speaking and Listening - Common Core State Standards
Career and College Readiness Anchor Standards for Speaking and Listening
CCR 01. Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and
expressing their own clearly and persuasively. (Comprehension and Collaboration)
CCR 02. Integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally. (Comprehension and
CCR 05. Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays of data to express information and enhance understanding of presentations.
(Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas)
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Issaquah School District
Standard/Unit: Unit 03: Networks
Total Learning Hours for Unit: 14
Components and Assessments
Performance Assessment:
Students will identify different types of networks.
Students will use a VPN.
Students will explain data compression.
Students will describe the need for network security.
Students will evaluate different network security methods.
Embedded Leadership Activities:
Students will define and evaluate a basic understanding of the ethical and legal issues surrounding access and use of information.
Students will demonstrate integrity and ethical behavior in using influence and power.
Students will evaluate and analyze evidence, arguments, claims, and beliefs.
Students will manage time and projects effectively.
Students will be accountable for results.
Students will access and evaluate information in a timely fashion.
Students will use technology as a research tool.
Students will collaborate in teams to accomplish set goals.
Students will practice solving non-familiar problems in conventional and non-conventional ways.
Students will evaluate how the parts of a whole interact with each other to produce overall outcomes in complex systems.
Standards and Competencies
110201 - IB - Computer Science (2012)
3.1: Networks
3.1.01: Identify different types of networks.
3.1.02: Outline the importance of standards in the construction of networks.
3.1.03: Describe how communication over networks is broken down into different layers.
3.1.04: Identify the technologies required to provide a VPN.
3.1.05: Evaluate the use of a VPN.
3.1.06: Define the terms: protocol, data packet.
3.1.07: Explain why protocols are necessary.
3.1.08: Explain why the speed of data transmission across a network can vary.
3.1.09: Explain why compression of data is often necessary when transmitting across a network.
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3.1.10: Outline the characteristics of different transmission media.
3.1.11: Explain how data is transmitted by packet switching.
3.1.12: Outline the advantages and disadvantages of wireless networks.
3.1.13: Describe the hardware and software components of a wireless network.
3.1.14: Describe the characteristics of wireless networks.
3.1.15: Describe the different methods of network security.
3.1.16: Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each method of network security.
Educational Technology
1.1-Innovate: Demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge and develop innovative products and processes using technology.
1.1.2-Use models and simulations to explore systems, identify trends and forecast possibilities.
1.2-Collaborate: Use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively to support individual learning and contribute to the learning
of others.
1.2.1-Communicate and collaborate to learn with others.
1.3-Investigate and Think Critically: Research, manage and evaluate information and solve problems
1.3.1-Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation and plan strategies to guide inquiry.
1.3.2-Locate and organize information from a variety of sources and media.
2.2-Operate Systems: Understand technology systems and use hardware and networks to support learning.
2.2.1-Develop skills to use technology effectively.
2.2.2-Use a variety of hardware to support learning.
2.3-Select and Use Applications: Use productivity tools and common applications effectively and constructively.
2.3.1-Select and use common applications.
2.3.2-Select and use online applications.
2.4-Adapt to Change (Technology Fluency): Transfer current knowledge to new and emerging technologies.
2.4.1-Formulate and synthesize new knowledge.
Reading - Common Core State Standards
Career and College Readiness Anchor Standards For Reading
CCR 01. Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or
speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. (Key Ideas and Details)
CCR 04. Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical, connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze
how specific word choices shape meaning or tone. (Craft and Structure)
CCR 07. Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse formats and media, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words. (Integration
of Knowledge and Ideas)
CCR 10. Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently. (Range of Reading and level of Text
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Writing - Common Core State Standards
Career and College Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing
CCR 02. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective
selection, organization, and analysis of content. (Text Types and Purposes)
CCR 04. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
(Production and Distribution of Writing)
CCR 06. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact and collaborate with others. (Production and Distribution
of Writing)
CCR 08. Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, assess the credibility and accuracy of each source, and integrate the
information while avoiding plagiarism. (Research to Build and Present Knowledge)
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Issaquah School District
Standard/Unit: Unit 04: Computational Thinking, Problem-Solving, and Programming
Total Learning Hours for Unit: 45
Components and Assessments
Performance Assessment:
Students will define the difference between decisions and conditions of a system.
Students will identify the inputs and outputs required in a solution.
Students will create examples of abstractions.
Students will identify concurrent implementation in solutions.
Students will create algorithms.
Students will analyze algorithmic solutions in diagrams.
Embedded Leadership Activities:
Students will access and evaluate information in a timely fashion.
Students will use technology as a research tool.
Students will practice managing time and effort as they complete projects.
Students will collaborate in teams to accomplish set goals.
Students will practice solving non-familiar problems in conventional and non-conventional ways.
Students will practice effective listening skills to decipher meaning and knowledge.
Students will use reasoning skills (inductive, deductive, etc.) as appropriate.
Students will evaluate how the parts of a whole interact with each other to produce overall outcomes in complex systems.
Students will practice managing the flow of information in a system.
Students will use digital technologies to solve problems.
Students will synthesize and make connections between information and arguments.
Students will interpret information and draw conclusions based on analysis.
Standards and Competencies
110201 - IB - Computer Science (2012)
4.1: General Principles of Computational Thinking
4.1.01: Identify the procedure appropriate to solving a problem.
4.1.02: Evaluate whether the order in which activities are undertaken will result in the required outcome.
4.1.03: Explain the role of sub-procedures in solving a problem.
4.1.04: Identify when decision-making is required in a specified situation.
4.1.05: Identify the decision required for the solution to a specified problem.
4.1.06: Identify the condition associated with a given decision in a specified problem.
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4.1.07: Explain the relationship between the decisions and conditions of a system.
4.1.08: Deduce logical rules for real-world situations.
4.1.09: Identify the inputs and outputs required in a solution.
4.1.10: Identify pre-planning in a suggested problem and solution.
4.1.11: Explain the need for pre-conditions when executing a algorithm.
4.1.12: Outline the pre- and post-conditions to a specified problem.
4.1.13: Identify exceptions that need to be considered in a specified problem solution.
4.1.14: Identify the parts of a solution that could be implemented concurrently.
4.1.15: Describe how concurrent processing can be used to solve a problem.
4.1.16: Evaluate the decision to use concurrent processing in solving a problem.
4.1.17: Identify examples of abstraction.
4.1.18: Explain why abstraction is required in the derivation of computational solutions for a specified situation.
4.1.19: Construct an abstraction from a specified situation.
4.1.20: Distinguish between a real-world entity and its abstraction.
4.2: Connecting Computational Thinking and Program Design
4.2.1: Describe the characteristics of standard algorithms on linear arrays.
4.2.2: Outline the standard operations of collections.
4.2.3: Discuss an algorithm to solve a specific problem.
4.2.4: Analyze an algorithm presented as a flow chart.
4.2.5: Analyze an algorithm presented as pseudocode.
4.2.6: Construct pseudocode to represent an algorithm.
4.2.7: Suggest suitable algorithms to solve a specific problem.
4.2.8: Deduce the efficiently of an algorithm in the context of its use.
4.2.9: Determine the number of times a step in an algorithm will be performed for given input data.
4.3: Introduction to Programming
4.3.01: State the fundamental operators of a computer.
4.3.02: Distinguish between fundamental and compound operations of a computer.
4.3.03: Explain the essential features of a computer language.
4.3.04: Explain the need for higher level languages.
4.3.05: Outline the need for a translation process from a higher level language to machine executable code.
4.3.06: Define the terms: variable, constant, operator, object.
4.3.07: Define the operators - <,<=, >, >=, mod, div.
4.3.08: Analyze the use of variables, constants, and operators in algorithms.
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4.3.09: Construct algorithms using loops, branching.
4.3.10: Describe the characteristics and applications of a collection.
4.3.11: Construct algorithms using the access methods of a collection.
4.3.12: Discuss the need for sub-programs and collections with programmed solutions.
4.3.13: Construct algorithms using pre-defined sub-programs, one dimensional arrays and/or collections.
Educational Technology
1.1-Innovate: Demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge and develop innovative products and processes using technology.
1.1.1-Generate ideas and create original works for personal and group expression using a variety of digital tools.
1.1.2-Use models and simulations to explore systems, identify trends and forecast possibilities.
1.2-Collaborate: Use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively to support individual learning and contribute to the learning
of others.
1.2.1-Communicate and collaborate to learn with others.
1.3-Investigate and Think Critically: Research, manage and evaluate information and solve problems
1.3.1-Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation and plan strategies to guide inquiry.
1.3.2-Locate and organize information from a variety of sources and media.
1.3.3-Analyze, synthesize and ethically use information to develop a solution, make informed decisions and report results.
2.2-Operate Systems: Understand technology systems and use hardware and networks to support learning.
2.2.1-Develop skills to use technology effectively.
2.2.2-Use a variety of hardware to support learning.
2.3-Select and Use Applications: Use productivity tools and common applications effectively and constructively.
2.3.1-Select and use common applications.
2.3.2-Select and use online applications.
2.4-Adapt to Change (Technology Fluency): Transfer current knowledge to new and emerging technologies.
2.4.1-Formulate and synthesize new knowledge.
Reading - Common Core State Standards
Career and College Readiness Anchor Standards For Reading
CCR 01. Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or
speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. (Key Ideas and Details)
CCR 04. Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical, connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze
how specific word choices shape meaning or tone. (Craft and Structure)
CCR 07. Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse formats and media, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words. (Integration
of Knowledge and Ideas)
CCR 10. Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently. (Range of Reading and level of Text
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Speaking and Listening - Common Core State Standards
Career and College Readiness Anchor Standards for Speaking and Listening
CCR 01. Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and
expressing their own clearly and persuasively. (Comprehension and Collaboration)
CCR 04. Present information, findings, and supporting evidence such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development,
and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas)
CCR 05. Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays of data to express information and enhance understanding of presentations.
(Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas)
Writing - Common Core State Standards
Career and College Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing
CCR 01. Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.
(Text Types and Purposes)
CCR 02. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective
selection, organization, and analysis of content. (Text Types and Purposes)
CCR 04. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
(Production and Distribution of Writing)
CCR 06. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact and collaborate with others. (Production and Distribution
of Writing)
CCR 07. Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects based on focused questions, demonstrating understanding of the subject under
investigation. (Research to Build and Present Knowledge)
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Issaquah School District
Standard/Unit: Unit 05: Abstract Data Structures
Total Learning Hours for Unit: 28
Components and Assessments
Performance Assessment:
Students will identify examples of recursion.
Students will construct algorithms.
Students will create recursive algorithms.
Students will describe characteristics of dynamic data structures.
Students will explain the purpose of an array.
Embedded Leadership Activities:
Students will access and evaluate information in a timely fashion.
Students will use technology as a research tool.
Students will practice managing time and effort as they complete projects.
Students will collaborate in teams to accomplish set goals.
Students will practice solving non-familiar problems in conventional and non-conventional ways.
Students will practice effective listening skills to decipher meaning and knowledge.
Students will use reasoning skills (inductive, deductive, etc.) as appropriate.
Students will evaluate how the parts of a whole interact with each other to produce overall outcomes in complex systems.
Students will practice managing the flow of information in a system.
Students will use digital technologies to solve problems.
Students will synthesize and make connections between information and arguments.
Students will interpret information and draw conclusions based on analysis.
Standards and Competencies
110201 - IB - Computer Science (2012)
5.1. Abstract Data Structures
5.1.01. Identify a situation that requires the use of recursive thinking
5.1.02. Identify recursive thinking in a specified problem solution.
5.1.03. Trace recursive algorithm to express a solution to a tprblem.
5.1.04. Describe the characteristics of a two-dimensional array.
5.1.05. Construct algorithms using two-dimensional arrays.
5.1.06. Describe the characteristics and applications of a stack.
5.1.07. Construct algorithms using the access methods of a stack.
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5.1.08. Describe the characteristics and applications of a queue.
5.1.09. Construct algorithms using the access methods of a queue.
5.1.10. Explain the use of arrays as static stacks and queues.
5.1.11. Describe the features and characteristics of a dynamic data structure.
5.1.12. Describe how linked lists operate logically.
5.1.13. Sketch linked lists (single, double, and circular).
5.1.14. Describe how trees operate logically (both binary and non-binary).
5.1.15. Define the terms: parent, left-child, right-child, subtree, root, and leaf.
5.1.16. State the results of inorder, postorder, and preorder tree traversal.
5.1.17. Sketch binary trees.
5.1.18. Define the term dynamic data structure.
5.1.19. Compare the use of static and dynamic stat structures.
5.1.20. Suggest a suitable structure for a given situation.
Educational Technology
1.1-Innovate: Demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge and develop innovative products and processes using technology.
1.1.1-Generate ideas and create original works for personal and group expression using a variety of digital tools.
1.1.2-Use models and simulations to explore systems, identify trends and forecast possibilities.
1.2-Collaborate: Use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively to support individual learning and contribute to the learning
of others.
1.2.1-Communicate and collaborate to learn with others.
1.3-Investigate and Think Critically: Research, manage and evaluate information and solve problems
1.3.1-Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation and plan strategies to guide inquiry.
1.3.2-Locate and organize information from a variety of sources and media.
1.3.3-Analyze, synthesize and ethically use information to develop a solution, make informed decisions and report results.
1.3.4-Use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions.
2.2-Operate Systems: Understand technology systems and use hardware and networks to support learning.
2.2.1-Develop skills to use technology effectively.
2.2.2-Use a variety of hardware to support learning.
2.3-Select and Use Applications: Use productivity tools and common applications effectively and constructively.
2.3.1-Select and use common applications.
2.3.2-Select and use online applications.
2.4-Adapt to Change (Technology Fluency): Transfer current knowledge to new and emerging technologies.
2.4.1-Formulate and synthesize new knowledge.
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Reading - Common Core State Standards
Career and College Readiness Anchor Standards For Reading
CCR 01. Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or
speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. (Key Ideas and Details)
CCR 02. Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas. (Key Ideas and
CCR 04. Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical, connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze
how specific word choices shape meaning or tone. (Craft and Structure)
CCR 07. Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse formats and media, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words. (Integration
of Knowledge and Ideas)
CCR 10. Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently. (Range of Reading and level of Text
Speaking and Listening - Common Core State Standards
Career and College Readiness Anchor Standards for Speaking and Listening
CCR 01. Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and
expressing their own clearly and persuasively. (Comprehension and Collaboration)
CCR 04. Present information, findings, and supporting evidence such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development,
and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas)
CCR 05. Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays of data to express information and enhance understanding of presentations.
(Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas)
Writing - Common Core State Standards
Career and College Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing
CCR 02. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective
selection, organization, and analysis of content. (Text Types and Purposes)
CCR 06. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact and collaborate with others. (Production and Distribution
of Writing)
CCR 08. Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, assess the credibility and accuracy of each source, and integrate the
information while avoiding plagiarism. (Research to Build and Present Knowledge)
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Standard/Unit: Unit 06: Resource Management
Total Learning Hours for Unit: 8
Components and Assessments
Performance Assessment:
Students will identify resources in a managed computer system.
Students will explain the role of the operating system in terms of managing memory, hardware, peripherals.
Students will explain scheduling, policies, multitasking, and virtual memory.
Students will explain how an operating system hides the complexity of the hardware.
Embedded Leadership Activities:
Students will access and evaluate information in a timely fashion.
Students will use information accurately as they complete customer-based projects.
Students will use technology as a research tool.
Students will set project goals and meet targets.
Students will utilize online tools and other digital technologies as they complete their projects.
Students will practice responsible behavior to forward the interests of the larger group.
Students will collaborate in teams to accomplish set goals.
Students will practice solving non-familiar problems in conventional and non-conventional ways.
Students will use reasoning skills (inductive, deductive, etc.) as appropriate.
Students will evaluate how the parts of a whole interact with each other to produce overall outcomes in complex systems.
Students will practice adapting to varied roles, job responsibilities, schedules, and contexts
Students will use digital tools to solve problems.
Students will use a range of idea creation techniques.
Students will practice responding with an open mind to different ideas and values.
Standards and Competencies
110201 - IB - Computer Science (2012)
6.1. Resource Management
6.1.1. Identify the resources that need to be managed within a computer system.
6.1.2. Evaluate the resources available in a variety of computer systems.
6.1.3. Identify the limitations of a range of resources in a specified computer system.
6.1.4. Describe the possible problems resulting from the limitations in the resources in a computer system.
6.1.5. Explain the role of the operating system in terms of managing memory, peripherals, and hardware interfaces.
6.1.7. Outline OS resource management techniques: scheduling, policies, multitasking, virtual memory, paging, interrupt, and polling.
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6.1.8. Discuss the advantages of producing a dedicated operating system for a device.
6.1.9. Outline how an operating system hides the complexity of the hardware from users and applications.
Educational Technology
1.1-Innovate: Demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge and develop innovative products and processes using technology.
1.1.1-Generate ideas and create original works for personal and group expression using a variety of digital tools.
1.1.2-Use models and simulations to explore systems, identify trends and forecast possibilities.
1.2-Collaborate: Use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively to support individual learning and contribute to the learning
of others.
1.2.1-Communicate and collaborate to learn with others.
1.3-Investigate and Think Critically: Research, manage and evaluate information and solve problems
1.3.1-Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation and plan strategies to guide inquiry.
1.3.2-Locate and organize information from a variety of sources and media.
1.3.3-Analyze, synthesize and ethically use information to develop a solution, make informed decisions and report results.
2.2-Operate Systems: Understand technology systems and use hardware and networks to support learning.
2.2.1-Develop skills to use technology effectively.
2.2.2-Use a variety of hardware to support learning.
2.3-Select and Use Applications: Use productivity tools and common applications effectively and constructively.
2.3.1-Select and use common applications.
2.3.2-Select and use online applications.
2.4-Adapt to Change (Technology Fluency): Transfer current knowledge to new and emerging technologies.
2.4.1-Formulate and synthesize new knowledge.
Reading - Common Core State Standards
Career and College Readiness Anchor Standards For Reading
CCR 01. Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or
speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. (Key Ideas and Details)
CCR 04. Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical, connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze
how specific word choices shape meaning or tone. (Craft and Structure)
CCR 05. Analyze the structure of texts, including how specific sentences, paragraphs, and larger portions of the text (e.g., a section, chapter, scene, or
stanza) relate to each other and the whole. (Craft and Structure)
CCR 07. Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse formats and media, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words. (Integration
of Knowledge and Ideas)
CCR 10. Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently. (Range of Reading and level of Text
Speaking and Listening - Common Core State Standards
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Career and College Readiness Anchor Standards for Speaking and Listening
CCR 01. Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and
expressing their own clearly and persuasively. (Comprehension and Collaboration)
CCR 02. Integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally. (Comprehension and
CCR 05. Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays of data to express information and enhance understanding of presentations.
(Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas)
Writing - Common Core State Standards
Career and College Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing
CCR 01. Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.
(Text Types and Purposes)
CCR 03. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event
sequences. (Text Types and Purposes)
CCR 06. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact and collaborate with others. (Production and Distribution
of Writing)
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Issaquah School District
Standard/Unit: Unit 07: Control
Total Learning Hours for Unit: 24
Components and Assessments
Performance Assessment:
Students will describe and discuss control systems.
Students will evaluate different input devices.
Students will describe the need for feedback in a control system.
Students will compare and contrast the difference between a centrally controlled system to a distributed system.
Embedded Leadership Activities:
Students will use technology as a research tool.
Students will utilize online tools and other digital technologies as they complete their projects.
Students will practice responsible behavior to forward the interests of the larger group.
Students will set project goals and meet targets.
Students will collaborate in teams to accomplish set goals.
Students will practice effective listening skills to decipher meaning and knowledge.
Students will practice knowing when it is appropriate to speak or listen.
Students will evaluate how the parts of a whole interact with each other to produce overall outcomes in complex systems.
Standards and Competencies
110201 - IB - Computer Science (2012)
7.1. Control
7.1.1. Discuss a range of control systems.
7.1.2. Outline the uses of microprocessors and sensor input in control systems.
7.1.3. Evaluate different input devices for the collection of data in specified situations.
7.1.4. Explain the relationship between a sensor, the processor and an output transducer.
7.1.5. Describe the role of feedback in a control system.
7.1.6. Discuss the social impacts and ethical considerations associated with the use of embedded systems.
7.1.7. Compare a centrally controlled system with a distributed system.
7.1.8. Outline the role of autonomous agents acting within a larger system.
Educational Technology
1.1-Innovate: Demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge and develop innovative products and processes using technology.
1.1.1-Generate ideas and create original works for personal and group expression using a variety of digital tools.
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1.1.2-Use models and simulations to explore systems, identify trends and forecast possibilities.
1.2-Collaborate: Use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively to support individual learning and contribute to the learning
of others.
1.2.1-Communicate and collaborate to learn with others.
1.3-Investigate and Think Critically: Research, manage and evaluate information and solve problems
1.3.1-Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation and plan strategies to guide inquiry.
1.3.2-Locate and organize information from a variety of sources and media.
1.3.3-Analyze, synthesize and ethically use information to develop a solution, make informed decisions and report results.
2.2-Operate Systems: Understand technology systems and use hardware and networks to support learning.
2.2.1-Develop skills to use technology effectively.
2.2.2-Use a variety of hardware to support learning.
2.4-Adapt to Change (Technology Fluency): Transfer current knowledge to new and emerging technologies.
2.4.1-Formulate and synthesize new knowledge.
Reading - Common Core State Standards
Career and College Readiness Anchor Standards For Reading
CCR 01. Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or
speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. (Key Ideas and Details)
CCR 04. Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical, connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze
how specific word choices shape meaning or tone. (Craft and Structure)
CCR 07. Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse formats and media, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words. (Integration
of Knowledge and Ideas)
CCR 10. Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently. (Range of Reading and level of Text
Speaking and Listening - Common Core State Standards
Career and College Readiness Anchor Standards for Speaking and Listening
CCR 01. Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and
expressing their own clearly and persuasively. (Comprehension and Collaboration)
CCR 02. Integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally. (Comprehension and
CCR 04. Present information, findings, and supporting evidence such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development,
and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas)
CCR 05. Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays of data to express information and enhance understanding of presentations.
(Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas)
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Issaquah School District
Standard/Unit: Unit 08: Options
Total Learning Hours for Unit: 30
Components and Assessments
Performance Assessment:
Students will create web pages.
Students will describe web network protocols.
Students will identify and use fTP.
Students will create static and dynamic web pages.
Students will define elements of search algorithms.
Students will describe web crawlers.
Students will describe possible futures of the web.
Students will differentiate between mobile computing, ubiquitous computing, peer-to-peer networking, and grid computing.
Students will define and use different compression techniques.
Students will define and evaluate cloud computing solutions.
Students will describe the need for standards.
Embedded Leadership Activities:
Students will access and evaluate information in a timely fashion.
Students will use information accurately as they complete customer-based projects.
Students will use technology as a research tool.
Students will utilize online tools and other digital technologies as they complete their projects.
Students will practice responsible behavior to forward the interests of the larger group.
Students will set project goals and meet targets.
Students will practice managing time and effort as they complete projects.
Students will collaborate in teams to accomplish set goals.
Students will use reasoning skills (inductive, deductive, etc.) as appropriate.
Students will evaluate how the parts of a whole interact with each other to produce overall outcomes in complex systems.
Students will practice exercising flexibility and willingness to be helpful when making compromised to accomplish a common goal.
Standards and Competencies
110201 - IB - Computer Science (2012)
C.1 Creating the Web
C.1.01 Distinguish between the internet and the World Wide Web (web).
C.1.02 Describe how the web is constantly evolving.
C.1.03 Identify the characteristics of the following HTTP, HTTPS, HTML, XML, XSLT, and CSS.
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C.1.04 Identify the characteristics of the following: URI, URL.
C.1.05 Describe how a domain name server functions.
C.1.06 Describe the purpose of a URL.
C.1.07 Identify the characteristic of IP, TCP, FTP.
C.1.08 Outline the different components of a web page.
C.1.09 Explain the importance of protocols and standards on the web.
C.1.10 Describe the different types of web pages.
C.1.11 Explain the differences between a static web page and a dynamic web page.
C.1.12 Explain the functions of a browser.
C.1.13 Evaluate the use of client-side scripting and server-side scripting in web pages.
C.1.14 Describe how web pages can be connected to underlying data sources.
C.1.15 Describe the function of the common gateway interface (CGI).
C.1.16 Evaluate the structure of different types of web pages.
C.2 Searching the Web
C.2.01 Define the term search engine.
C.2.02 Distinguish between the surface web and the deep web.
C.2.03 Outline the principles of searching algorithms used by search engines.
C.2.04 Describe how a web crawler functions.
C.2.05 Discuss the relationship between data in a meta-tag and how it is accessed by a web crawler.
C.2.06 Discuss the use of parallel web crawling.
C.2.07 Outline the purpose of web-indexing in search engines.
C.2.08 Suggest how web developers can crate pages that appear more prominently in search engine results.
C.2.09 Describe the different metrics used by search engines.
C.2.10 Explain why the effectiveness of a search engine is determined by the assumptions made when developing it.
C.2.11 Discuss the use of a white hat and black hat search engine optimization.
C.2.12 Outline future challenges to search engines as the web continues to grow.
C.3 Distributed Approaches to the Web
C.3.1 Define the terms: mobile computing, ubiquitous computing, peer-2-peer network, grid computing.
C.3.2 Compare the major features of mobile computing, ubiquitous computing, peer-2-peer network, grid computing.
C.3.3 Distinguish between interoperability and open standards.
C.3.4 Describe the range of hardware used by distributed networks.
C.3.5 Explain why distributed systems may act as a catalyst to a greater decentralization of the web.
C.3.6 Distinguish between lossless and lossy compression.
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C.3.7 Evaluate the use of decompression software in the transfer of information.
C.4 The Evolving Web
C.4.1 Discuss how the web has supported new methods of online interaction such as social networking.
C.4.2 Describe how cloud computing is different from a client-server architecture.
C.4.3Discuss the effects of the use of cloud computing for specified organizations.
C.4.4 Discuss the management of issues such as copyright and intellectual property on the web.
C.4.5 Describe the interrelationship between privacy, identification, and authentication.
C.4.6 Describe the role of network architecture, protocols, and standards in the future development of the web.
C.4.7 Explain why the web may be creating unregulated monopolies.
C.4.8 Discuss the effects of a decentralized and democratic web.
Educational Technology
1.1-Innovate: Demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge and develop innovative products and processes using technology.
1.1.1-Generate ideas and create original works for personal and group expression using a variety of digital tools.
1.1.2-Use models and simulations to explore systems, identify trends and forecast possibilities.
1.2-Collaborate: Use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively to support individual learning and contribute to the learning
of others.
1.2.1-Communicate and collaborate to learn with others.
1.3-Investigate and Think Critically: Research, manage and evaluate information and solve problems
1.3.1-Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation and plan strategies to guide inquiry.
1.3.2-Locate and organize information from a variety of sources and media.
2.1-Practice Safety: Demonstrate safe, legal and ethical behavior in the use of information and technology.
2.1.1-Practice personal safety.
2.1.2-Practice ethical and respectful behavior.
2.2-Operate Systems: Understand technology systems and use hardware and networks to support learning.
2.2.1-Develop skills to use technology effectively.
2.2.2-Use a variety of hardware to support learning.
2.3-Select and Use Applications: Use productivity tools and common applications effectively and constructively.
2.3.1-Select and use common applications.
2.3.2-Select and use online applications.
2.4-Adapt to Change (Technology Fluency): Transfer current knowledge to new and emerging technologies.
2.4.1-Formulate and synthesize new knowledge.
Reading - Common Core State Standards
Career and College Readiness Anchor Standards For Reading
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CCR 01. Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or
speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. (Key Ideas and Details)
CCR 02. Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas. (Key Ideas and
CCR 04. Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical, connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze
how specific word choices shape meaning or tone. (Craft and Structure)
CCR 07. Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse formats and media, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words. (Integration
of Knowledge and Ideas)
CCR 10. Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently. (Range of Reading and level of Text
Speaking and Listening - Common Core State Standards
Career and College Readiness Anchor Standards for Speaking and Listening
CCR 02. Integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally. (Comprehension and
CCR 04. Present information, findings, and supporting evidence such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development,
and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas)
CCR 05. Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays of data to express information and enhance understanding of presentations.
(Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas)
Writing - Common Core State Standards
Career and College Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing
CCR 02. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective
selection, organization, and analysis of content. (Text Types and Purposes)
CCR 04. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
(Production and Distribution of Writing)
CCR 06. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact and collaborate with others. (Production and Distribution
of Writing)
CCR 08. Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, assess the credibility and accuracy of each source, and integrate the
information while avoiding plagiarism. (Research to Build and Present Knowledge)
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Standard/Unit: Unit 09: Issaquah School District Thinking Skills (required)
Components and Assessments
Performance Assessment:
Taught and assessed in all units.
Embedded Leadership Activities:
Taught and assessed in all units.
Standards and Competencies
Issaquah School District Thinking Skills
1.0 Thinking Habits
Creating, Innovating
Listening and Empathy
Taking Responsible Risks
Thinking Flexibly
2.0 Thinking Skills
Cause and Effect
Decision Making
Finding Evidence
Goal Setting
Making Connections
Problem Solving
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Total Learning Hours for Unit: All Units
Issaquah School District
Standard/Unit: Unit 10: Leadership and Employability Skills
Total Learning Hours for Unit: All Units
Components and Assessments
Performance Assessment:
Taught and assessed in all units.
Embedded Leadership Activities:
Taught and assessed in all units.
Standards and Competencies
21st Century Skills
Access and Evaluate Information
4.A.1 Access information efficiently (time) and effectively (sources)
4.A.2 Evaluate information critically and competently
4.B.1 Use information accurately and creatively for the issue or problem at hand
4.B.2 Manage the flow of information from a wide variety of sources
4.B.3 Apply a fundamental understanding of the ethical/legal issues surrounding the access and use of information
Adapt to Change
7.A.1 Adapt to varied roles, jobs responsibilities, schedules and contexts
Apply Technology Effectively
6.A.1 Use technology as a tool to research, organize, evaluate and communicate information
6.A.2 Use digital technologies (computers, PDAs, media players, GPS, etc.), communication/networking tools and social networks appropriately to
access, manage, integrate, evaluate and create information to successfully function in a knowledge economy
Be Responsible to Others
11.B.1 Act responsibly with the interests of the larger community in mind
Collaborate with Others
3.B.2 Exercise flexibility and willingness to be helpful in making necessary compromises to accomplish a common goal
3.B.3 Assume shared responsibility for collaborative work, and value the individual contributions made by each team member
Communicate Clearly
3.A.2 Listen effectively to decipher meaning, including knowledge, values, attitudes and intentions
Guide and Lead Others
11.A.2 Leverage strengths of others to accomplish a common goal
11.A.4 Demonstrate integrity and ethical behavior in using influence and power
Interact Effectively with Others
9.A.1 Know when it is appropriate to listen and when to speak
Make Judgments and Decisions
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2.A.1 Use various types of reasoning (inductive, deductive, etc.) as appropriate to the situation
2.C.1 Effectively analyze and evaluate evidence, arguments, claims and beliefs
2.C.3 Synthesize and make connections between information and arguments
2.C.4 Interpret information and draw conclusions based on the best analysis
Manage Goals and Time
8.A.1 Set goals with tangible and intangible success criteria
8.A.3 Utilize time and manage workload efficiently
Produce Results
10.B.1.b Manage time and projects effectively
10.B.1.f Collaborate and cooperate effectively with teams
10.B.1.h Be accountable for results
Solve Problems
1.A.1 Use a wide range of idea creation techniques (such as brainstorming)
2.D.1 Solve different kinds of non-familiar problems in both conventional and innovative ways
Use Systems Thinking
2.B.1 Analyze how parts of a whole interact with each other to produce overall outcomes in complex systems
Work Effectively in Diverse Teams
9.B.2 Respond open-mindedly to different ideas and values
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