PPG 27 October 2015 - The Mission Practice

The Mission Practice
Patient Participation Group (PPG)
Minutes of Meeting
Held at the Practice on 27th October – 18.00-19.00
Present: Stephen Cordes Snr (Chair), Isabelle Cossar, Stephen Cordes Jnr (Secretary), Genevieve, Brenda,
Frederika Lucibero, Claire, Jackie, Ian, Carol.
1. Welcome Introductions and apologies
The Chair opened the meeting and noted that apologies were received from Nahira.
The group welcomed Ian to group the group and Carol who was observing on behalf of
2. Accept the agenda
The group accepted the agenda. There were no requests for any items to be taken under
3. Minutes from the last meeting
The group noted the following items that had not been completed:
IC to collect statistics from the phone and online booking system and bring them
to the next meeting for discussion
IC to draw up a rota to ensure that we have a GP in attendance at these meetings
These would be completed by the next meeting.
All other actions had been completed.
4. Requirements under the Directly Enhanced Service (DES)
IC reported the following updates in relation to the DES
The online meeting (virtual) would be asked to come back with ideas to the PPG
so that they could be discussed and go on the agenda. The chair noted that he
had not received emails about the virtual group, and that he and others had
reported problems with emails addresses. The chair asked all members to ensure
that Brenda had their up-to-date email address.
The chair asked Brenda to add the email addresses to the online group.
Ian noted that people do not have a lot of time and might feel required to sign up for
The Mission Practice
Patient Participation Group (PPG)
Frederika asked for reminder emails to come round reminding the group of the meeting
date and the actions from the last meeting 1 week before each PPG
5. Practice update
IC provided the following updates in relation to the practice:
The practice had won the appeal for funding for the PPG for 2013/14
They were still waiting to hear about section 106 funding – which would be used
to create two new consulting rooms.
They were planning to do some work on the reception desk to bring it further out
as there is currently a disconnect between the waiting area and reception.
The practice had started recovering chairs with anti-microbial material which
would help with infection control. This would continue over the next 2-3 years.
There had been a dip in performance on phone records. Absences and illnesses of
staff had affected answer rate. Abandoned called were noted as the most
important statistic and would be the focus
There had been an interruption in text message reminders so the practice had
noticed an increase in missed appointments.
Claire asked about monitoring of SLAs with external providers. IC noted that the practice
is responsible for 3rd party add-ons.
Ian asked if this would be reviewed in the future. IC said that these bolt-ons need to link
into EMIS; that they are moving to a more integrated EMIS approach; but it is unlikely.
Claire suggested that the practice should utilise more IT help. IC noted that this is
available already.
Ian asked if there was ever a clinical impact. IC noted that everything internal on the
system can be seen but everything external (such as hospital letters) cannot.
6. Fun day
The group looked at the current suggestions and agreed to come back to the next
meeting with additional ideas.
Ian asked if we could get funding and suggested the events department for Tower
Hamlets council; the Health and well-being board and Public Health England.
Ian and IC
The group suggested some additional stalls on health prevention (diabetes, obesity and
smoking cessation). The group also suggest having healthy food and snacks and to ensure
The Mission Practice
Patient Participation Group (PPG)
that it was halal.
It was suggested that it should be held when it was warmer; when scaffolding is down;
and that we should tap into Wilma’s knowledge and include the next door pharmacy.
7. Chairs update
The Chair asked for his appointment to be ratified, given that the group was now quorate
and that the chairmanship should last until March 2017 to allow enough time to make a
different in the role. The Chair also asked if anyone else wanted to stand for the chair’s
post given the appointment was temporary until ratified. No-one else wished to stand for
chair and the decision was agreed in a vote by 6-0. There were no abstainers.
Given the rules in the protocol regarding having two members of the same family serving
as officers on the PPG the chair asked if anyone else would be willing to stand as
secretary. Jackie agreed to take on this role and the decision was agreed in a vote by 6-0.
There were no abstainers.
The chair thanked the secretary for taking on this role on a temporary basis.
8. Any other business
No AOB was discussed.
9. Date of next meetings
December 15 - 6pm