Townsville, Australia James Cook University COURSE EQUIVALENCIES Things to remember... If you find a course in the program material that is not listed below, stop by the International Office. We will provide you with the forms necessary to obtain the Allegheny course equivalency. Courses taken on this program are listed as James Cook University transfer credit on the Allegheny transcript; we will ONLY accept courses with JCU grades of C (pass with credit), D (pass with distinction) and HD (pass with high distinction). We will not accept PC (pass conceded) or P- (pass minus) or grades below P-. Effective Spring 2005: P (pass) will not be accepted. Satisfactory is not accepted as it is given for an ungraded subject. JCU grades are NOT factored into your Allegheny GPA. In general 3 credit courses at James Cook University will count as 4 credit courses at Allegheny. This is based on the "full-load equals full-load" comparison for international education. It is anticipated that you will take 4 courses at JCU. Courses that have multiple equivalencies indicate cross-listings only; courses cannot be counted twice for graduation requirements. James Cook University awards most of its bachelor's degrees after 3 years of study (most of the world does this, except for the US). Students enrolling in a degree program at JCU generally do not have general studies courses, but focus almost exclusively on their major. This means that many of their 2000 and 3000 level courses are equal to our advanced level courses. Be prepared with alternate courses if you find them too difficult!!!!! REMEMBER the different seasons!!!!!! Term 1 at JCU runs from February through June and Term 2 runs from July through November. Make sure you pick courses that are offered in the semester you're planning to study at Townsville! The term "subject" in Australia is used for the same word as "course" in the US, and the term "course" in Australia is used for the same word as "major" in the US. *Not all Environmental Science courses satisfy the natural science requirements. Check the AC equivalency to see under which division the courses fall. NS = Natural Science division; SS = Social Science division; H = Humanities division. JCU Courses Number /Title ALLEGHENY Equivalency AN1001 AN 1002 AN 2004 AN 2008 AN 2013 AN 3004 AN 3019 AR 1002 AR 2407 AQ 2001 AQ 2002 AQ 3002 AQ 3003 AQ 3005 AQ 3007 Anthropology 1A: Discovering Anthropology Anthropology 1B: Australia and Regional Culture Medical Anthropology Myth & Ritual Culture, Knowledge & Environment Medical Anthropology Asia Pacific Development: Culture & Globalization Archaeology: Methods and Approaches Forensic Archaeology Introduction to Aquaculture Aquaculture of Tropical Species Aquaculture: Feeds and Nutrition Aquaculture: Propagation Aquaculture: Management of Culture Systems Aquatic Animal Ecophysiology SOC SCI OTE SOC SCI OTE SOC AN 2TE REL ST 1TE SOC SCI OTE ESTD 3TE HIST 3TE GEO OTE ENV SCI 3TE ENV SCI 2TE NS ENV SCI 2TE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS BC 2013 BC 2012 BC 3102 BS 2001 BS 3001 BT 1020 Principles of Biochemistry Introduction to Molecular Biology Advance Cell Biology Biometrics Advanced Biological Statistics Plant Diversity: From Reef to Rainforest BT 2240 Marine Plants & Algae in Their Environments BT 2250 BT 2260 BT 3230 BT 3280 BT 3320 BT 3330 BT 3340 BT 3360 BT 3370 BT 3400 BX 2021 BX 3210 BX 3705 BZ 1001 BZ 1002 BZ 1020 BZ 1030 BZ 2400 BZ 2410 BZ 2420 Plants and the Tropical Environment Tropical Plant Communities Plant Ecophysiology Tropical Rainforest Ecology Re-Vegetation and Land Rehabilitation Tropical Landscape Ecology and Management Structure and Dynamics of Tropical Savannas Topics in Conservation Genetics Bush Food, Plant Defenses and Physiology Tropical Flora of Australia Managerial Economics Rainforest Ecosystems The Australian Vertebrate Fauna Fundamentals of Biology Introductory Ecology Inheritance and the Evolution of Life Introductory Ecology Quantitative Biological Methods Adaptations to the Environment Ecological Genetics CHEM 3TE BIO 3TE BIO 320 ENV SCI 2TE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS BIO 3TE, ENV SCI OTE NS ENV SCI 2TE NS, BIO OTE Area B ENV SCI 2TE NS ENV SCI 2TE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS ECON 240 BIO 3TE Area C BIO 3TE Area C ENV SCI OTE NS ENV SCI OTE NS ENV SCI OTE NS ENV SCI OTE NS ENV SCI 2TE NS ENV SCI 2TE NS BIO OTE Area A, BZ 2430 BZ 2440 Life at the Land/Sea Interface Ecology and Conservation BZ 2450 Biodiversity of Tropical Australia BZ 2705 Australian Vertebrate Fauna BZ 3212 BZ 3215 BZ 3220 Tropical Wetlands Ecology and Management Conservation Biology Rainforest Populations & Communities BZ 3400 BZ 3410 BZ 3420 Population and Community Ecology Biological Evolution and Diversity in the Tropics Tropical Ecosystems CH CH CH CH Environmental Analytical Techniques Organic Chemistry Environmental Chemistry Marine Chemistry and Chemical Ecology 2012 2032 2041 2042 CH 3101 CN 2012 CN 1022 CN 2202 CN 2204 CN 2666 CO 1002 CO 2601 CP 1010 CU 1112 CU 2012 CU 2112 CV 1200 Chemical Kinetics and Mechanism Land/Legends in Australian Cinema The Love Story in the Cinema Men in Film Sirens, Queens and Studs: Screening Gender The Haunted Screen: Dark Visions in Cinema Contemporary Accounting Business Finance I Introduction to Multimedia Communication, Information and Society Introduction to Cultural Informatics Communication Technologies and Change Effective Speaking EA EA EA EA 1001 1002 1100 1110 Introductory Earth Science Environmental Earth Science Dynamics of Planet Earth Evolution of the Earth EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 1200 1300 2004 2005 2100 2200 2210 2300 2400 2500 2800 2900 3004 Earth History and Resources Earth Resources, Environment and Hazards Geology of the Coastal Zone Australian Minerals and Ores Stratigraphy and Paleontology Earth Minerals 1 Earth Materials 2 Crustal Processes Hydrogeology Mineral Resources and their Genesis Marine Sedimentary Environments Introductory Field Geology Applied Soil Science ENV SCI OTE NS ENV SCI 2TE NS ENV SCI 2TE NS, BIO 335 ENV SCI 3TE, BIO OTE ENV SCI 2TE, BIO 3TE Area C BIO 3TE BIO 335 BIO 3TE, ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV SCI OTE NS CHEM 2TE ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV SCI 2TE NS, CHEM 3TE CHEM 340 Humanities OTE COMRT OTE COMRT OTE COMRT 2TE COMRT 3TE ECON 250 ECON 427 COMRT 120 COMRT 2TE COMRT 2TE COMRT 455 COMRT 150 GEO OTE GEO OTE GEO OTE GEO 110 FDN Science GEO OTE GEO OTE GEO 2TE GEO 2TE GEO 3TE GEO 2TE GEO 2TE GEO 3TE GEO 3TE GEO 2TE GEO 3TE GEO 2TE GEO 3TE EA 3100 EA 3200 EA 3800 Tectonics, Regional and Igneous Geology Metamorphism and Structure Earth and Environmental Geochemistry GEO 2TE GEO 4TE GEO 3TE EL 2008 EL 2009 EL 2027 EL 2035 EL 2047 EL 3022 EL 3025 EL 3027 EV 1001 EV 1004 EV 1005 EV 2002 EV 2003 EV 2201 EV 3001 EV 3002 EV 3003 EV 3020 ENGL 3TE ENGL 2TE or 201 ENGL 211 ENGL 4TE ENGL 350 ENGL 301 ENGL 390 ENGL 4TE ENV SCI 110 NS ENV SCI 2TE SS ENV SCI OTE ENV SCI 2TE SS ENV SCI 2TE SS ENV SCI 3TE SS ENV SCI 3TE SS ENV SCI 3TE SS ENV SCI 3TE SS ENV SCI 3TE EV 3406 Instant Anglo-Saxon Middle English: Pilgrims, Passion, Plays Women in Literature 1 Australian Literature 1 Children’s Literature Subversive Genre: Novels from Origin to Austen Literary Theory Women in Literature 2 Introductions to Environmental Science Foundations of Environmental Studies Environmental Processes & Global Change Environmental Law and Policy Introduction to Environmental Economics Tourism and the Environment Environmental and Regional Planning Environmental Impact Assessment Teamwork for Environment Professionals Human Dimensions of Nature, Environment and Conservation Terrestrial Resource Management Coastal Zone Management Caring for Country Conserving Marine Wildlife Conserving Tropical Rainforests Environmental Impacts of Human Activities in Protected Areas Indigenous Environmental Management in Tropical Australia Coral Reef Geomorphology GE GE GE GE GE GE GE GE Introduction to Human Geography Society, Space and the Environment Physical Geography and the Environment Urban Geography and Design Geography of Southeast Asia and the Pacific Using Social Databases for Planning Economic and Population Geography Australian Landscape Processes and Evolution ENV SCI OTE SS ENV SCI OTE SS ENV SCI 2TE NS – L ENV SCI 2TE NS ENV SCI 2TE NS ENV SCI 2TE NS ENV SCI 2TE NS ENV SCI 2TE NS, GEO 2TE ENV SCI 2TE NS ENV SCI 2TE NS, GEO 2TE ENV SCI 2TE NS ENV SCI 2TE NS ENV SCI 2TE NS, GEO 2TE ENV SCI 2TE NS, GEO OTE EV EV EV EV EV EV 3200 3201 3202 3203 3205 3251 EV 3252 1300 1350 1400 2301 2302 2303 2350 2401 GE 2402 GE2403 Biogeography Climate Systems and Climate Change GE 2452 GE 2453 GE 2454 Biogeography and Climatology Microclimatology Natural Hazards GE 2455 Natural Processes from Rainforest to Reef ENV ENV ENV ENV ENV ENV SCI SCI SCI SCI SCI SCI 3TE 3TE 3TE 3TE 3TE 3TE NS NS SS NS NS NS ENV SCI 3TE SS ENV SCI 3TE NS, ENV SCI 346 GE 2501 GE 2502 Introduction to Environmental Remote Sensing Introductory Geographical Information Systems GE GE GE GE GE GE Contemporary Population Issues Urban Geography and Design Geography of Southeast Asia and the Pacific Introduction to Population Studies Economic and Population Geography Tropical Geomorphology 3300 3301 3302 3304 3350 3401 GE 3402 Quaternary Environmental Change GE 3406 Coral Reef Geomorphology GE GE GE GE Tropical Geomorphology Field Studies Biogeography and Climatology Microclimatology Natural Hazards 3451 3452 3453 3454 GE 3501 Environmental Remote Sensing GE 3502 Geographic and Land Information Systems GE 3503 GIS for Environmental Analysis GE 3054 GE 3555 GE 3601 GIS Integrated Study Assignment GIS Applications in Landscape Ecology Social Impact and Planning Issues HI 1302 HI 2191 HI 2420 Age of Extremes: The Twentieth Century Australian History Aborigines and Settlers HI 2422 HI 3001 Aboriginal Encounters: Conflict and Accommodation Globalization - Historical Perspectives HI 3005 HI 3006 HI 3282 Environmental History Australian and Pacific Exploration North Queensland Local History HI IA 1007 IA 1015 Aboriginal History Linking Indigenousness Indigenous Australian Worldviews IA 2013 Ecology and Australian Indigenous Cultures IA 2017 IA 3007 Impact of Change on Indigenous Peoples – A Global Perspective Linking Indigenousness 3 JN 2003 Feature Writing ENV SCI 2TE NS ENV SCI 2TE NS, GEO OTE ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS, GEO 2TE ENV SCI 3TE NS, GEO 3TE ENV SCI 3TE NS, GEO 3TE ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV CI 3TE NS, GEO 2TE ENV SCI 3TE NS, GEO 3TE ENV SCI 3TE NS, GEO OTE ENV SCI 3TE NS, GEO OTE ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV SCI 3TE SS HIST 2TE HIST 2TE SOC SCI OTE, VESA 4TE HIST 3TE HIST 3TE, ESTD 3TE ENV SCI 431 HIST 3TE SOC SCI OTE, VESA 4TE HIST 2TE SOC SCI OTE SOC SCI OTE, VESA 4TE, ENV SCI 3TE SS ENV SCI 3TE, SOC SCI 2TE POLI SCI 2TE HIST 3TE ENG 207 LA 1006 LA 1008 LA 1103 LA 2902 MA 1420 MB 1110 MB 2050 MB 2060 MB 2070 MB 2080 Legal Studies Law In Action Law, Society and Change Environmental Law & Policy Foundation Statistics Introductory Marine Science Functional Biology of Marine Organisms Marine Ecology and Environmental Assessment Evolution and Biogeography of Marine Organisms Marine Invertebrate Biology MB MB MB MB MB MB 2090 3050 3150 3160 3170 3180 Tropical Marine Ecosystems Plankton of the Seas and Oceans Fisheries Science Biology of Reef Fishes Benthic Ecology Biology of Tropical Crustaceans MB MB MB MB 3190 3200 3210 3220 MB 3230 MG 1731 MG 2701 MG 2705 MG 3715 MI 2021 MI 2031 MU 1203 MU 1412 Coral Reef Ecology Marine Conservation Biology Biology of Reef Corals Ecology and Impact Assessment in Mangrove Ecosystems Design and Analysis in Ecological Studies Principles of Management Organizational Behavior Marketing Communications International Business Introductory Infectious Disease & Immunobiology Marine Microbiology Bach to Beatles Ragtime Dues to Hip Hop Blues NM 1201 NM 1401 NM 2000 Introduction to Digital Imaging – Capture Introduction to Graphic Design Art, Artist, Environment COMRT OTE ART 2TE ENV SCI 2TE PH 1002 PH 1005 PL 1001 PL 1002 PL 2291 PL 3110 PL 3202 PP 1210 Astronomy: Evolution of the University Advanced Stream Physics Comparative Politics World Politics: International Conflict & Cooperation Australian Public Policy and Politics Government & Politics in Developing Areas Environmental Politics and Policy Introduction to Anatomy PP PP PP PP PT Anatomy and History Comparative Animal Physiology Principles of Human Physiology Neuropharmacology Effective Photography PHYSICS OTG PHYSICS 101 POLI SCI OTE POLI SCI 2TE POLI SCI 3TE POLI SCI 3TE ENV SCI 3TE SS NEURO 3TE, BIO 365 BIO 365 BIO 3TE BIO 3TE NEURO 4TE ART 171 2100 2202 2230 3252 1410 POLI SCI 2TE POLI SCI OTE POLI SCI OTE ESTD 3TE ECON 320 ENV SCI OTE BIO 3TE Area B ENV SCI 2TE NS ENV SCI 2TE NS ENV SCI 2TE NS, BIO 3TE Area C ENV SCI 2TE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS, BIO 3TE ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS ECON 240 ECON OTG COMRT OTG ECON 452 BIO 3TE Area B BIO 310 MUSIC 101 MUSIC OTE PY PY PY PY PY PY 2101 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 Brain & Behaviour Health, Sport, and Exercise Psychology Human Development Across the Life Span Experimental Investigation and Analysis of Behaviour Evolution of Behaviour Environmental Psychology PY 2110 PY 3101 Forensic Psychology Advanced Behavioral Research Design & Analysis PY PY PY PY PY PY PY Social Psychology Psychopathology Principles of Counseling Behavior in Organizations Theoretical Foundations of Modern Psychology Personality and Individual Psychology Cognitive Neuroscience: The Biology of Mind 3102 3103 3104 3105 3106 3108 3109 SC 3501 SP 1002 SS 1010 Intro. To the History and Philosophy of Science Sport and Exercise Nutrition Australian People: An Intro to Social Science SY SY SY SY Australian Society: Intro to Sociology Deviance, Crime and Society Deviance, Difference, and Social Control Power and Protest in a Globalizing World 1001 1003 2003 2018 TH 1103 TH 1200 TM 1360 TO 3025 TO 3026 TV TV TV TV TV TV 1201 3010 3101 3102 3201 3202 VA 1051 PSYCH 150 PSYCH 172 PSYCH 160 PSYCH 207 PSYCH 3TE ENV SCI 3TE SS, PSYCH 4TE PSYCH 4TE PSYCH 207, STATS 207 PSYCH 162 PSYCH 170 PSYCH 4TE PSYCH 4TE PSYCH 3TE PSYCH 460 PSYCH 410 PHILO OTE BIO OTG PSYCH 1TE, PSYCH OTG SOC SCI OTE SOC SCI OTE SOC SCI OTE SOC SCI 3TE SS, PSYCH 450 Acting 1: The Art of Acting Effective Speaking Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander’s History, Culture And Health Ecotourism and Wildlife Tourism Management Ecologically Sustainable Tourism Planning and And Management Introductory Animal Science Advanced Anatomy and Histology Tropical Animal Production 1 Animal Disease and Control Tropical Animal Production 2 Animal Welfare COMRT 150 COMRT 150 SOC SCI OTE New Media COMRT OTE ENV SCI OTE SS ENV SCI OTE SS ENV ENV ENV ENV ENV ENV SCI SCI SCI SCI SCI SCI OTE OTE OTE OTE OTE OTE NS NS NS NS NS SS WC WS WS WS 1001 1001 1002 3014 Australian Women’s Studies Intro to Social Policy Dimensions of Human Experience Socio-environmentalism and Community Work PHILO 2TE POLI SCI OTE POLI SCI OTE ENV SCI 3TE SS ZL 1001 Diversity of Animal Life ZL 1003 ZL 2005 ZL 2008 Introductory Zoology Invertebrate Zoology Animal Diversity, Form and Function ZL ZL ZL ZL ZL ZL ZL ZL Ecology for Engineers Animal Ecology and Conservation Field Biology and Animal Adaptation Animal Form and Function Field Course Freshwater Ecology Animal Behavior Molecular Ecology Rainforest Populations and Communications ENV SCI OTE NS, BIO 3TE ENV SCI OTE NS BIO 3TE Area B ENV SCI 2TE NS, BIO 3TE ENV SCI 2TE NS ENV SCI 2TE NS ENV SCI 2TE NS ENV SCI 2TE NS ENV SCI 2TE NS ENV SCI 2TE NS ENV SCI OTE NS ENV SCI 2TE NS, BIO 3TE ENV SCI 2TE NS ENV SCI OTE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS, BIO 335 ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV SCI OTE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV SCI 3TE NS ENV SCI OTE NS ENV SCI OTE NS ENV SCI OTE NS 2010 2102 2013 2014 3025 3026 3041 3042 ZL 3061 ZL 3203 ZL 3204 Behavioral and Evolutionary Ecology The Australian Vertebrate Fauna Conservation Biology ZL ZL ZL ZL ZL ZL ZL ZL Wildlife Ecology and Management Marine Parasitology Tropical Australian Herpetology Projects and Evolution Projects in Behavior and Ecology Biology of the Australian Vertebrates Zoological Research Projects Tropical Entomology 3205 3210 3211 3301 3302 3400 3410 3501 OTE = will satisfy requirement for either minor or major in department, or distribution requirement 2TE = major/minor elective credit at 200 Level 3TE = major/minor elective credit at 300 level 4TE = major/minor elective credit at 400 level OTG = counts toward graduation, but not toward major/minor