Call for Expression of Interest (“EoI”) to select potential participating SMEs Groups in the National Workshops in West Bank and the Gaza Strip for training and coaching on the Cluster Concept for the Private Sector Development – Cluster Project (PSDCP). Reference number: Call for EoI No. CDP-AwC1 1. Definitions and Interpretation In this Call for Expression of Interest, capitalized terms and expressions shall have the meaning attributed to them below, unless otherwise defined above or the context requires otherwise: Applicant an SME Group applying to this Call for Expression of Interest; Business Day a day during which MNE and FPCCIA office is open; Deadline 30 October 2012; Eligibility Criteria the criteria with which the Expressions of Interest and the Applicants must comply with; Expression of Interest a form filled by an Applicant in response to this Call for Expression of Interest, within the Deadline, to be drafted in accordance with the template attached hereto annexed; PSDCP The Private Sector Development Cluster Project; Donor l’Agence Française de Développement (AFD); AwC Awareness Campaign implemented by the FC Ministry of National Economy; MNE FC Federation of Palestinian Chambers of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture France Cluster - a networking association gathering 100 French clusters AwC Team The team comprised by MNE, FPCCIA, and FC representatives Assessment Criteria Assessment criteria applied by PSDCP to the suitability of the Applicant and/or the proposed SME Group according to the standards designed by the project; Small and Mediumsized Enterprises or SMEs micro, small and medium-sized enterprises as defined by the PA; FPCCIA PSDCP – Expression of Interest – September 2 012 1 2. The Private Sector Development – Cluster Project The PSDCP’s objective is to strengthen the competitiveness of local companies, and especially SMEs, in order to increase their market share on local market and/or explore new markets for export through (1) a support to the structuration of productive sectors/subsectors with high potential, by the creation of linkages between the stakeholders of the same value chain on a defined territory through the cluster approach and (2) an improvement of public-private dialogue. The PSDCP should obtain the following results: 1. Several clusters will reach a high level of maturity and coordination between all relevant private and public stakeholders, allowing them to sustainably struggle for their own competitiveness in front of external challenges. 2. The collective projects of these clusters will be supported, financed and implemented successfully, resulting in a significant improvement of competitiveness and employment generation, both at firm level and at local and national business environment level. 3. The model approach of cluster promotion will be facilitated, monitored, and capitalized by the MoNE-PA, through capacity development of MoNE, in a way to support the public/private dialogue, the business environment improvements and the policy making process. 3. Description of the activities performed with the selected Groups of SMEs The proposed cluster development approach, implemented by the PSDCP in collaboration with the selected groups’ initiatives will consists of: PSDCP – Expression of Interest – September 2 012 2 Stimulating organization, cooperation and partnerships between all the enterprises belonging to the same value chain and the same geographical area, among themselves, and in relation with their local public environment, through a professional coordination function Coaching and facilitating the collective elaboration, among clusters stakeholders, of a collective vision, strategy and action plan, in order to face with mutual tools and initiatives the competitiveness common challenges and threats, Supporting the implementation of collective projects, launched by enterprises’ consortium and/or by the cluster as a whole, aiming at short, medium and long term improvements of productivity and competitiveness in depth factors Supporting the capacity building of local authorities in policy formulation to support the adoption of cluster approach.4. Expression of Interest How to participate? A template for the Expression of Interest is enclosed herein and can also be found at the following internet address: Until no later than 15 October 2012, the Applicants may request clarifications regarding the Call for Expression of Interest or the nature of the expected support. Such requests must indicate the Call for Expression of Interest reference number and the name of the Applicant and shall be submitted in Arabic and/or English via email to: FPCCIA Cluster Project Requests for clarifications from Applicants shall not receive individual replies. Instead, answers to all requests for clarifications received within the relevant deadline will be published together in a clarification document to be posted on the project website. 5. Language The Expressions of Interest, including the submitted documents, must be in English and Arabic. 6. Submission of Expression of Interest The Expression of Interest shall be submitted on or before the Deadline by hard copy or email. The Expressions of Interest delivered shall consist of a closed single package, and shall contain the Expression of Interest, together with its attachments, in paper form. The Deadline for the submission of Expressions of Interest is 30 October 2012. PSDCP – Expression of Interest – September 2 012 3 The Expressions of Interest shall indicate the reference number of the Call (No. CDP-AwC1) and the name of the Applicant and shall be sent to the following address: Address: The Federation of Palestinian Chambers of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture Attention: Cluster Project – AwC Unit Baloua’, Ramallah Palestine The outer envelope (package) shall indicate the following: “Expression of Interest – Reference number of the Call (No. CDP-AwC1). E-mail Address: Attention: Cluster Project – AwC Unit After the Deadline, an acknowledgement of receipt will be sent to the relevant Applicants by FPCCIA. The acknowledgement of receipt shall not be construed as a declaration of completeness of the Expression of Interest and the documents submitted therewith, nor any kind of assessment of the same. 7. Selection process When selecting eligible SMEs Groups, AwC Team is committed to respect fundamental principles, such as: i) equal treatment, ii) non-discrimination, iii) confidentiality, and iv) transparency. The Expressions of Interest will be examined by AwC Team, on a comparative basis, using professional analysis and judgment, taking into account the Selection Criteria. PSDCP – Expression of Interest – September 2 012 4 Expression of Interest Form (Template) A. BASIC INFORMATION 1. Name of SME Group Representative: Tel: 2. Contact Information: Mobile: Email: 3. Names of Participating SMEs : Please fill the table annexed (name, establishment name, and type of work and/activity – indicate average production capacity) + Contact information for each potential actor from the SMEs. 4. Geographical presence of participating SMEs: (Localities: City level, Governorate level, Regional level) 5. Sector (and sub-sectors) from Which SMEs are part of: 6. Number of SMEs operating in the Sector (and sub-sectors) (in the specified locality): 7. Does the sector (and sub-sectors) have a recognized Business Service Organization (BSO)? If Yes, Please share the Name and Address. Name of BSO: Address: PSDCP – Expression of Interest – September 2 012 5 B. BACKGROUND INFORMATION 8. Have you learned about the Cluster Concept before? If yes, where? Yes. In No. _______________________________________. 9. If your answer to Q8 is yes, what is your understanding of the Cluster Concept? 10. Why is the Cluster Concept is relevant or applicable to your development as a Group? C. CLUSTER PARAMETERS Development Potential of the Economic Activity 11. What are the main competitive advantages that your sector/sub-sector activity brings? 12. If known to you, what is the number of establishments or enterprises in the different fields of the sector in which you operate in your locality? (Localities: City level, Governorate level, Regional level) PSDCP – Expression of Interest – September 2 012 6 13. Are all firms proposed in the SMEs Group initiated within a geographical proximity? (Localities: City Yes No, explain: __________________________________ __________________________________________________ level, Governorate level, Regional level) 14. If your proposed initiative is concentrated in one geographical locality, do you see the need to include other players from other localities? If yes, why do you see the need? No 15. Are there common threats and/or challenges of the SMEs Group proposed? What are they? (Why are you coming together?) No Yes, please explain: - Yes, what are they? - 16. What are the shared Interests and Opportunities among the SME Group proposed? - The Potential for Mobilization of Private Sector 17. Are there any existing groups, consortiums, and/or collective collaboration in the economic activity in your area? If Yes, please identify the coordination dynamics among them? No Yes, please elaborate: PSDCP – Expression of Interest – September 2 012 7 18. Are there already some collective actions launched by the group of SMEs, either on mutualized basis, or within subcontracting relationships? If yes, describe? What was the impact? Potential for Public Sector Involvement 19. What role do you see for the Public Institutions in your cluster initiative? Which ones would participate in your cluster’s coordination core group? - 20. What are the opportunity to expand the possibility presented by your Initiative to a national level? - PSDCP – Expression of Interest – September 2 012 8 D. INITIAL/PROPOSED CLUSTER MAP: In this section, the Group of SMEs have a chance to specify the initial players as they see them on the cluster map in their own locality in a bottom up approach: PSDCP – Expression of Interest – September 2 012 9 D-1. Cluster Initiative Map (from Procurement to Market): Core Enterprises (from various parts of the value chain) - Business Services Organization(s) Financial Institutions Business Development Services Support Firms Authorities Public Services - Education and Research Institutions Vocational Training - - PSDCP – Expression of Interest – September 2 012 10 [TABLE] Names of Participating SMEs: No. Name of SME Establishment Name of Representative Type of Activity Average Production Capacity 1 Contact Information Tel: Fax: Mobile: Email: Tel: Fax: Mobile: Email: Tel: Fax: Mobile: Email: Tel: Fax: Mobile: Email: Tel: Fax: Mobile: Email: Tel: Fax: Mobile: Email: Tel: Fax: Mobile: Email: Tel: Fax: Mobile: Email: Tel: Fax: 10Mobile: Email: Tel: Fax: Mobile: Email: Tel: Fax: Mobile: Email: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 PSDCP – Expression of Interest – September 2 012 11 12 Tel: Fax: Mobile: Email: Tel: Fax: Mobile: Email: Tel: Fax: Mobile: Email: Tel: Fax: Mobile: Email: Tel: Fax: Mobile: Email: Tel: Fax: Mobile: Email: Tel: Fax: Mobile: Email: Tel: Fax: Mobile: Email: Tel: Fax: Mobile: Email: 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PSDCP – Expression of Interest – September 2 012 12