File - Utahloy United Nations Educational Scientific

U2NESCO 2015
Committee: Promoting Science
Agenda: Measures to expand knowledge of the human genome and develop technology in
order to discover prevent and treat genetic disorders and diseases prenatally.
Officer: Kenny He
Nowadays there are numerous types of genetically caused disorders. Measured for
expanding the knowledge of the human genome and develop technology in order to discover
prevent and treat genetic disorders and diseases prenatally born with can be used to treat these
diseases prenatally.
Genetics play a big role in a person’s health, they can affect how body cells work and
react to different illnesses. Genetic disorders are caused by an abnormality in the genes, whether
it is in a single gene, or in multiple genes. Genetic disorders can be divided into 3 groups,
Monogenetic disorders (single gene) E.g. Sickle cell anemia, Hemophilia, Cystic fibrosis,
Taysachs disease, Fragile X syndrome, Huntington's disease, Multifactorial inheritance disorders
and Chromosome disorders.
Major Parties Involved
LEDC: the LEDCs suffer from diseases related to malnutrition, lack of preventive health care,
lack of immunization, and poor living conditions. The LEDCs do not even have basic health
care. LEDCs will oppose to invest in genetic research; they will rather invest in hospitals and
clinics for basic health needs. LEDC children die each year from preventable diseases. African
governments claim that their partners should invest more in helping Africans, because it is the
only way in which they can socially improve. Only 58% of the people in sub Saharan Africa
have access to clean water. Africa has 60% of the worlds HIV cases.1
MEDC: More economically developed countries have high incomes and standards of living,
access to health care, and medications.
The World Health Organization (WHO) is involved in genetic research. The WHO is also
working with different organizations to make new discoveries of the human genome, these
organizations include:
"Africa's Health Problems Are Getting Worse Says the WHO." News Medical. N.p., n.d. Web. 4
Dec. 2015. <>.
Initiative on genomics & public health
Ethical standards and procedures for research with human beings
HINARI: Health Inter Network Access to Research Initiative
INASP: International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications
SHARED: Science for Health and Research for Development
Center for human genetic research: CHGR 2
The CHGR promotes investigation with power tools sets to explore the human genome and its
mechanism with correlation to genetic diseases.
Definition of Key Terms
MEDC- More Economically Developed Countries
LEDC- Less Economically Developed Countries
Genetic testing- the study of a person's DNA in order to identify genetic differences or
susceptibility to particular diseases or abnormalities
Gene therapy- the introduction of normal genes into cells in place of missing or defective ones in
order to correct genetic disorders.
Reproductive genomics- the genetics of reproduction including genes and chromosomes in germ
cells and the early embryo.
Genetics: The scientific study of heredity. Genetics pertains to humans and all other organisms.
So, for example, there is human genetics, mouse genetics, fruit fly genetics, etc.
History and Past Action
The history section provides delegates with an in-depth understanding of the
Historical context regarding the topic. It lays out all past developments and actions, and context
critical to understanding the current issue. This section should be organized chronologically.
The history of genetics dates back to 1871, where Frederich Meicher publishes a
document with information about the presence of DNA in the cell nucleus. In 1950, Erwin
Chargaff works out the pairing sequence of a human gene A, C, T, and G. In 1953, the double
helix of the DNA is discovered. In 1980 new methods for DNA sequencing, are discovered. In
1990, the human genome project is launched, to hopefully be able to sequence the 3 billion
letters of the human genome in 15 years. In 2003, the human genome project is completed, with
Center for Human Genetic Research at The Massachusetts General Hospital.N.p., n.d. Web. 26
Nov. 2015. <>.
99 percent accuracy, humans have and approximate of 20-25 thousand genes. In 2009, the first
comprehensive analysis of the cancer genome is published.3
Past Action Chart
UNESCO is organizing debates to discuss about whether they should apply genetic technology
or not to apply genetic changes prenatally; this is because there are many factors to consider
before applying this kind of prenatal care.
Timeline taken from: 4
Scientists at Celera Genomics and the Human Genome Project complete a rough draft of the
human genome.
Science and Nature magazines publish the human genome sequence, making it possible for
scientists all over the world to begin researching new treatments for diseases that have genetic
origins, such as cancer, heart disease, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.
An era of very rapid shotgun sequencing of major genomes is completed. Included are the mouse,
chimpanzee, dog and hundreds of other species.
Celera and NIH complete sequencing of the human genome.
The FDA approves the first monoclonal antibody that is an antiangiogenic, inhibiting the growth
of blood vessels—or angiogenesis—for cancer therapy. The FDA clears a DNA microarray test
system, which aids in selecting medications for a variety of conditions. This is an important step
toward personalized medicine.
"Timeline: History of Genomics." Your Genome.N.p.,n.d. Web. 2 Dec. 2015.
"Timeline of Medical Biotechnology." AMGEN. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Nov. 2015.
The FDA approves a recombinant vaccine against human papillomavirus, which causes genital
warts and can cause cervical cancer. Scientists determine the 3-D structure of the human
immunodeficiency virus, which causes AIDS.
Scientists discover how to use human skin cells to create embryonic stem cells.
Chemists in Japan create the first DNA molecule made almost entirely of artificial parts. The
discovery can be used in the fields of gene therapy. Dr. J. Craig Venter and his team replicate a
bacterium's genetic structure entirely from laboratory chemicals, moving a step closer toward
creating the world's first living artificial organism.
U.S. President Barack Obama signs executive order freeing up federal funding for broader
research on embryonic stem cells. Researchers identify three new genes associated with
Alzheimer's disease, paving the way for potential new diagnostics and therapeutics. Geron
initiates the first FDA approved clinical trial using embryonic stem cells.
Harvard researchers report building “lung on a chip” – technology. Dr. J. Craig Venter
announces completion of “synthetic life” by transplanting synthetic genome capable of selfreplication into a recipient bacterial cell. ReNeuron initiates clinical trial using a genetically
engineered neural stem cell line to treat stroke victims. Neuralstem initiates clinical trial using
human embryonic stem cells to treat patients suffering ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease). FDA
approves a personalized prostate cancer medicine that boosts a patient's immune cells to
recognize and attack the cancer cells. Passage of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The
FDA approves an osteoporosis treatment that is one of the first medicines based on genomic
Trachea derived from stem cells transplanted into human recipient. Advances in 3-D printing
technology lead to “skin-printing”. Advances in next generation sequencing enable human whole
genome sequencing in less than one week for under $2,000. FDA approves the first cord blood
therapy to be used in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation procedures in patients with
disorders affecting the hematopoietic (blood forming) system.
FDA issues draft rules for bio similar drugs.
Possible Solutions
DNA technology has led possible the diagnosis of many genetic diseases. It will play an
increasing role in research and diagnosis of a growing number of inherited diseases, that will
become curable. The increase of knowledge and the technical development will be exploited and
quickly transferred to the clinical laboratories. However, the widespread diffusion and the
transferibility of these technologies will need to develop protocols and to take care of possible
ethical problems.5
However, in a world where the gap between the wealth and the poor is very large and not
all people have access to medical care. MEDC should invest in this technology, but the main
goal should be to bridge the gap between LEDC and MEDC in terms of access to basic medical
treatment. LEDCs would benefit far more from prenatal care, preventative medical care, an
emphasis on proper nutrition, and vaccinations than from trying to treat genetic diseases
prenatally. However, this technology should be made accessible to poor countries once
developed and not used primarily to boost the profits of western pharmaceutical corporations.
The patent on gene therapies needs to be limited to make this medical tool available to a broad
segment of the world’s population. This will be opposed, however, by MEDC where patent
rights are the source of massive profit for pharmaceutical companies.
Resources Section
Genetic disease foundation: Information about genetic diseases of different types
In this webpage there are many of the genetic key words and terms.
World Heath Organization has a lot of information about different diseases.
"Timeline of Medical Biotechnology." AMGEN. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Nov. 2015.
Center for Human Genetic Research at The Massachusetts General Hospital.N.p., n.d. Web. 26
Nov. 2015. <>.
"Diagnosis of Genetic Diseases by DNA Technology." (n.d.): 1-8. IUPAC. Web. 29 Nov. 2015.
"Genetics - Key Terms." Science Clarified. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Nov. 2015.
"Diagnosis of Genetic Diseases by DNA Technology." (n.d.): 1-8. IUPAC. Web. 29 Nov. 2015.
"Genetic Research." World Health Organization.N.p.,n.d. Web. 27 Nov. 2015.
"Specific Genetic Disorders." National Genome Research Institute. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Nov.
2015. <>.
"Down Syndrome." Genetics Home Reference.N.p.,n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2015.
"Timeline: History of Genomics." Your Genome.N.p.,n.d. Web. 2 Dec. 2015.
"Africa's Health Problems Are Getting Worse Says the WHO." News Medical. N.p., n.d. Web. 4
Dec. 2015. <>.