Notes from 4th Meeting April 2014 PMN

Notes of the fourth meeting held at Woolsthorpe Manor 28th April 2014
Sophie Forgan
Ian Wolseley
David Geekie
Jannette Warrener
Claire Potter
Trevor Millum
Elinor Camille-Wood
Ann Dinsdale
Captain Cook Memorial Museum, Whitby
Wilderspin National School
Major Stewart Museum, Burnby Hall Gardens
Woolsthorpe Manor (Newton)
Epworth Old Rectory (Wesleys)
Better Barrow community group (Harrison)
Shandy Hall (Sterne)
Bronte Parsonage
1. Jannette had arranged a tour of Woolsthorpe Manor – birthplace of Isaac Newton and where several key
discoveries were made.
a. National Trust new scheme of all-year opening meant that they trialled guided tours through the winter
which worked well. Had 3 pre-booked tours per day Friday–Sunday. Other days were much quieter.
Christmas and New Year were very busy. Held workshops in school room – stained glass windows and
wreaths etc. However now as numbers of visitors are building up, they can only manage with ‘free flow’
and guides available in the rooms.
b. 80% of visitors are NT members. 42000 visitors per year.
c. Much of the furniture is on loan from V&A, which means that it can be changed around every 5 years or
so. No photos allowed – in V&A agreement.
d. In process of attempting to purchase additional land to make larger car park, play area and new visitor
centre. Also developing ground floor building in order to relocate office from top floor of the house. Also
plan to make current education room into larger café because current coffee shop cannot cater for the
large numbers who come. Currently do not employ catering manager, but will need to do so if expand
the coffee shop.
e. First floor section in science centre has been developed by two volunteers who have tested the
interpretation with visitors before making it more permanent. This has been very positive.
f. Schools – about 50 per year – vast majority are primary.
g. Volunteers working at a site may develop a different impression of the character of their personality
than that generally understood because they feel an affinity with the site and therefore want the
personality to be ‘attractive’ (e.g. volunteer guide regarded Newton as ‘modest’ and ‘humble’).
2. Updates from our sites
a. Burnby Hall Gardens
 Did not get the White Rose award
 Successful display at Beverley Treasure House ‘café case’ led to discovery of a trunk full of
photos at National Media Museum in Bradford of family photos of the Romanovs taken by Major
Stewart. Led to huge publicity, coverage on ITV and publication of a booklet.
 Tulip festival has just started
b. Wilderspin National School
 Following successful ‘All our stories’ HLF grant, have achieved another HLF grant of £95K for 2
year project. Includes staffing plus oral history project of living memories of those who
remember the school. Will include an introductory film.
 Schools – 200 school sessions last year. Repeat visits are good. But Victorians are no longer in
primary history curriculum. At recent Group for Education in Museums meeting, Ian heard from
others in the same position. Have looked at different approach e.g. marketing archaeology as a
science activity. Teachers are saying they do not want to change what they currently do. Local
influential figures of history are still regarded by schools as important to study.
 Also had display at the Treasure House
 Have applied for Sandford award for education which lasts for 5 years and is a recognition of
 Accreditation application due in June (1st application)
 Currently have free admission. Make funds through donations, coffee shop and shop. Trying out
c. Better Barrow
 This is a community group set up in 2012 to improve Barrow market place. Ideas have grown.
Wide consultation led to realisation that people in Barrow want to celebrate John Harrison. Aim
to raise profile of Harrison and bring the community together.
 There is a small display in the church. The primary school is named after him and they do some
activities relating to him.
 There are discussions about building a memorial to Harrison into the pavement design of the
marketplace plus a statue.
 The group are in liaison with N.Lincs Council, the Parish Council, Greenwich and the Harrison
group in Grimsby
 N.Lincs Tourism are keen to see something growing that will bring in visitors. The idea is to have
something small to reflect Harrison’s life and work with some interactivity.
 There is an unused building next to the pub which they are negotiating use of for nominal rent,
with the idea of using the pub for refreshments, toilets and function room.
 This year is 300th anniversary of the Longitude Act. HLF grant of £8000 means can work with
primary school on project for children to research notions of time, travel, navigation. Have
employed a dramatist to create presentation with the children which will be performed in the
school and market place – all to raise profile.
 Wheelbarrow festival in Barrow takes place June 7th and 8th.
 David pointed out that Withernsea are on the meridian and the Withernsea Lighthouse are
trying to make something of this.
 Trevor was advised to contact Liz Denton to be added to mailing list for museums bulletin.
d. Captain Cook Memorial Museum
 New winter opening at premium price for semi-conducted tour of £7.50 per person works well.
General admission fee is £4.80 per person.
 Souvenir guide made this year – produced by Jigsaw. Were able to get low print run of 2000 so
can see how it sells. Cost £3 each. Sells at £4.95 each. Going well so far.
 Fundraising event in London was not successful in terms of raising funds but did create interest,
and particularly identified one strong supporter. Was a lot of work but was worth doing.
 Administrator is leaving within a month and there will be a gap between employees which will
be difficult. Now recruiting for an ‘operations manager’ 5 days a week.
 HLF grant to acquire shop space next door £180K. HLF had approved a fast track bid but then
insisted on a two stage bid. Stage 1 was successful and stage 2 is due in June. Luckily the vendor
is well disposed. This will be used as a learning centre, which will free up existing education
room for research and library. There is also a post attached for outreach and community links.
 Project being developed to work in partnership with the National Maritime Museum to show
Stubbs kangaroo painting. This will bring significant publicity.
e. Epworth Old Rectory
 Phase 1 of the four phase development project is now complete. The final part of it was the
hearth project. After changed designs and difficulties with a builder, the fireplace restoration
was completed at the end of March 2014. A launch event is being held on May 24th (Wesley
Day). Peter Brears (historic kitchens’ consultant) was very helpful.
 Phase 2 – is half completed with ramping of paths at the front of the house and the completion
of the interpretation plan. Fundraising for the remaining 2 parts : lift and temporary toilets is
continuing with the intention to do this work November 2014-February 2015.
 The remaining two phases : restoration of the rest of the house, and building of a visitor centre
will be tackled once funding permits.
 The breaking down of the project into phases has made them more manageable and has
involved volunteers who are therefore ‘owning’ the project much more.
 New guidebook has been produced this year. All design work was in-house and the printer was
very helpful in making it look professional. They cost under £1 each and sell at £3 each.
 Accreditation application was completed for the February 2014 deadline and are awaiting
 It has been a quiet start since opening March 1st. Slightly better since Easter.
Social Media
a. Blog – Thanks expressed to Elinor for setting this up. She has emailed all of us with the details. All were
encouraged to use it to share ideas, connections between our personalities, links and to discuss where
the group is going. The address is :
b. Notes of past meetings to be put on the blog
Joint Project
a. Cannot take this forward at the moment due to capacity. It will involve one organisation managing the
funds. It would be good if Museum Development Yorkshire might take this on – but we know they also
have a great deal of work.
b. Joint publication may emerge from the blog.
c. One suggestion is to get stories of our personalities in the Yorkshire Post (would not include
d. Sophie is giving a paper to the Museums and Galleries History group in September on personality
museums. Could this be shared with the group?
New members
a. St. John Moore Foundation have not replied to invitation to join but Jannette reported that they are very
b. Shibden Hall also have not replied
c. Joseph Banks – no museum but there is an exhibition to him in ‘The Collection’ in Lincoln.
d. Wilberforce – Hull Museums have said they do not want his birthplace regarded as a personality
museum. However since he connects historically with several of our other personalities, it would be
good to have them involved. All to see if can build on any connections we have there.
a. Jannette found the process fine for Woolsthorpe because the NT have policies already in place. However
it was also a useful process to go through for a smaller museum in Spalding for whom she is the museum
mentor. It helped them to shape their plans.
b. David has made strong representation to his MP about the time it takes people away from their normal
work. Should be done every 5 years instead of every 3.
c. Sophie agreed to draft a letter to be considered at the next meeting – to be sent to the Arts Council from
the network members.
d. Claire reported that it had been time consuming, but that the forward plan creation had been very
useful. The other policies were not all that easy to produce and make useable for the organisation. Some
template policies would be useful.
7. Future for the Network
a. Feel it is easier to discuss things on the blog now that have met – but still need to meet on occasions.
Agreed twice yearly meetings are right. There are difficulties due to geography and Jannette may not be
able to travel out to meetings.
b. Leadership. Claire is leaving the role at Epworth at the end of June 2014. Agreed that whoever is hosting
each meeting will be the one to send out reminders, make arrangements, create an agenda, take the
notes and circulate them.
8. Next meeting – Thursday 18th September 2014 11am-3pm at Captain Cook Memorial Museum, Whitby. There is
a car park on Church Street but better to use Park and Ride off the Pickering Road. Sophie will send further
information in due course. The agenda will include a discussion about what a house says about the personality
and how volunteers/staff present the character of the personality.