6th Grade—Week of 11/18/2013 Date 11/18/13 Standards CA 6.2 CC 11/19/13 CA 6.2 CC Tasks EQ: Research the kings and queens of Ancient Egypt. Assess their leadership qualities. Warm-Up—Computer Lab Students will: 1. Review what they have and have not completed on their Egyptian kings/queens research guide. 2. Travel to the computer lab to complete any needed research. EQ: Describe your Ancient Egyptian leader based on their accomplishments, failures, and other qualities. Warm-Up—Group together. Boys on the left side of the room, girls on the right. Bring your research guides and something to write with. Materials Computer Lab Research Guide Assessment Summative 1. Research Guide Research Guides Charts Posters Summative 1. Charts/Poste r Research Guides Charts Posters Summative 1. Charts/Poste r Formative 1. Observation 2. Discussion Formative 1. Observ. 2. Discuss. Students will: 1. Summarize their research to the group for their leader. 2. Create a chart highlighting the leaders’ qualities, accomplishments, failures, etc. 3. Use those charts to create a large poster size chart for the class to view. 11/20/13 CA 6.2 EQ: Categorize your leaders’ qualities, accomplishments and failures. CC Warm-Up—Group together again to finish creating your posters for the kings and queens of Egypt. Formative 6th Grade—Week of 11/18/2013 11/21/13 CA 6.2 CC Students will: 1. Finish posters of kings and queens of Egypt. 2. Begin studying those posters in relation to their Egyptian History notes to assess whether or not they were good leaders. EQ: Assess the effectiveness of the kings and queens of Egypt. Decide whether the kings or the queens were the better leaders, prove your decision. Warm-Up—Study the posters of the kings and queens of Egypt quietly. 1. Observation 2. Discussion Summative 1. Essay Formative 1. Observation 2. Discussion Students will: 1. Study the posters of the kings and queens of Egypt, along with their Egyptian History Notes. 2. Discuss the effectiveness of the kings and queens with their peers. 3. Decide which group of leaders (Kings or Queens) were the most effective. Write an argumentative essay stating why you believe what you believe. Must include 2 quotes. (Finish for HW if necessary) 11/22/13 CA 6.2 EQ: Assess the effectiveness of the kings and queens of Egypt. CC EQ: Take out your essays from yesterday. This is your entrance ticket to the debate. Summative 1. Essay 2. Debate Formative 6th Grade—Week of 11/18/2013 Students will: 1. Participate in the debate of the effectiveness of the kings and queens of Egypt. (Queens on one side and kings on the other) 1. Observation 2. Discussion