Guided Tour of ILP for Students Earning Alternative Diploma

Guided Tour of Career Cruising when
Working with Students Earning Alternative
Completion of an ILP is required by regulation by the Kentucky Department of Education.
Completion data will be collected at the state level through this web-enabled ILP system.
Students must complete the web-enabled ILP (or a paper version) every year unless the ARC
determines it is not appropriate for individual students to complete. The Alternative ILP
Completion option allows teachers and advisors to indicate which students at their school are
fulfilling the ILP requirement through alternative means. It is important to note that even if the
alternative completion option is selected the student can and should still use all of the
resources in the ILP for transition planning.
It is the schools responsibility to ensure Minimum High School Graduation Requirements
(704 KAR 3:305) are met, even if student is marked with an alternative completion status.
This document was developed to provide guidance for teachers of students with exceptionalities
that prohibit them from completing some or all components of the web-enabled ILP. The
student’s ARC made the documented decision what was appropriate for student to complete. The
following steps are provided to guide the student and teacher through the ILP process, using all
the ILP resources of the Career Cruising system.
Step 1: Log on
Open your web browser and go to
Enter Username: _______________ and Password: _____________________
Teachers: You may assist the student with entering his/her username and password. Some
students may be successful in logging on when taught to use a cue card reminding them of
their username and password.
Step 2: Learning Styles Inventory
Click on Career Cruising (blue tab on left).
Click on Learning Styles. If you have completed this you will have results. If you haven’t
completed it, click to start and answer all the questions.
Teachers: You may assist the student with completing the Learning Styles inventory. Some
students will be able to answer orally after being read the questions. You may alter the
wording of the questions and/or simplify the answer choices when administering the
inventory. You may enter the answers for the student is he/she is unable to do so.
Some students may need a totally different type of learning styles inventory. You may use any
assessment you find appropriate and upload the results by scanning and saving the document
to a computer and clicking the “add document” button/link within the ILP.
Here is a list of learning style inventories that other teachers of students earning an alternative
diploma have found helpful:
 C.I.T.E Learning Styles (online)
Reminder: The results of this inventory provide information for the student’s IEP
Present Levels statement for Transition.
Step 3: Careers that Interest Me
Click on Career Cruising (blue tab on left).
Click on Career Matchmaker. Click on New Matchmaker Session. Answer all the questions.
Try to avoid using the “Does not Matter” choice when possible.
Teachers: You may assist the student with completing the Career Matchmaker inventory.
Some students will be able to answer orally after being read the questions. You may alter the
wording of the questions and/or simplify the answer choices when administering the
inventory. You may enter the answers for the student is he/she is unable to do so.
Some students may need a totally different type of career interest inventory. You may use any
assessment you find appropriate and upload the results by scanning and saving the document
to a computer and clicking the “add document” button/link within the ILP.
Here is a list of career interest inventories that other teachers of students earning an alternative
diploma have found helpful:
 Reading-Free Vocational Interest Survey
 PICS (Picture Interest Career Survey –
 Careers for Me & Careers for Me Plus (
Reminder: The results of this inventory provide information for the student’s IEP
Present Levels statement for Transition.
Step 4: Careers that Interest Me
Click on Career Cruising (blue tab on left).
Click on My Skills. Click on “Go to My Skills”. Answer the questions.
Click on “SAVE TO MY ILP”.
Teachers: You may assist the student with completing the My Skills inventory. Some
students will be able to answer orally after being read the questions. You may alter the
wording of the questions and/or simplify the answer choices when administering the
inventory. You may enter the answers for the student is he/she is unable to do so.
Some students may need a totally different type of career aptitude inventory. You may use
any assessment you find appropriate and upload the results by scanning and saving the
document to a computer and clicking the “add document” button/link within the ILP.
Here is a list of career aptitude inventories that other teachers of students earning an
alternative diploma have found helpful:
 Careers for Me & Careers for Me Plus (
 Ability Explorer ( – results pages can be uploaded to ILP
Reminder: The results of this inventory provide information for the studnent’s IEP
Present Levels statement for Transition.
Step 5: Careers that Interest Me
Click on Career Cruising (blue tab on left), then click on Career Matchmaker.
Choose one career from your top 10 list. View job description, working conditions, earnings,
education, related careers, sample career path, etc. If this job interests you, click “SAVE TO
MY ILP”. Continue until you have around 5 career options saved.
Teachers: You may assist the student with view and discussing the job descriptions, working
conditions, earning, education, related careers, sample career path, etc. You may have to
discuss related careers that are not listed currently on Career Cruising. KDE is working with
Career Cruising to continually build upon the listed careers. Your student may develop a
Word document or Power Point slide(s) to document his/her specific career interest. These
types of documents can be saved and uploaded to the student’s ILP by scanning and saving the
document to a computer and clicking the “add document” button/link within the ILP.
Reminder: The results of this inventory provide information for the student’s IEP
Present Levels statement for Transition.
Step 6: Schools that Interest Me
Choose one of the jobs you saved. Click “education”. Read the education requirements then
find the section “Related College and University Programs”.
These programs would qualify or train you to do that job. Click on one that sounds
interesting to you. You can choose a school in KY or search by a state or region. Read
about the school by visiting their website.
If you find a school of interest click “SAVE TO MY ILP”. If you selected several
careers, add a comment telling what degree/career was offered at that school.
Teachers: You may discuss with the student the variety of training options for the type of
career/related job he/she is interested in. Talk with the student’s Vocational Rehabilitation
Counselor to find out more about available training during high school and postschool.
Resources you may find helpful:
 Community-Based Work Transition Program
 Kentucky Supported Employment Training Project
 Kentucky Migrant Farmworkers with Disabilities Employment Partnership
Reminder: The results of this inventory provide information for the student’s IEP
Present Levels statement for Transition.
Step 7: Scholarships and Financial Aid
Click on “Scholarships and Financial Aid”. Click on “Financial Aid Selector”.
Answer all the questions. The more details you give the better your results.
Choose how you want your results sorted.
View and read descriptions of Scholarships.
If you find a something of interest click “SAVE TO MY ILP”. You must follow the
directions and apply for these separately from this program! Saving an item to your
ILP does not mean you applied. SAVE.
Teachers: You may discuss with the student the possibilities of postsecondary enrollment in
higher education institutions. Resources for explaining postsecondary programs for students
with intellectual disabilities are:
 Supported Higher Education in Kentucky (SHEP)
 Kelly Autism Program – Western Kentucky University
Step 8: Goals and Plans
Click on “Career and Life Goals”. You may fill these in. SAVE.
Click on “Career Cluster Interests”. Look at the front of this sheet and find the Kentucky
Career Clusters you wrote. Enter them into this section if they do not appear already. SAVE.
Click on “Secondary Goals”. Enter your 2 favorite Career Clusters then enter your 3 favorite
Career Interests. SAVE.
Click on “Career Planning Activities”. Click the down arrow under “Add a New Activity”.
Enter “ILP Activity”. Enter today’s date. Add any additional activities such as college visits,
job shadowing, etc.) SAVE.
Teachers: You may assist the student with completing the Goals and Plans section. Some
students’ ILP information from Learning Styles and Career Matchmaker will provide the
information needed to complete this section. For some students additional career interest and
aptitude assessments may be needed. See above sections for resources.
Remember that the goals and plans developed on the student’s ILP will directly relate to
the student’s IEP postsecondary goals.
Step 9: Activities and Experiences
Click on “Organizations and Activities”. Use this for school activities. Complete and SAVE.
Click on “Hobbies and Interests”. Use this for activities outside of school. Complete and
Click on “Community Service”. Complete and SAVE.
Click on “Work Experience”. Complete and SAVE.
Teachers: You may assist the student with completing the Activities and Experiences section.
Reminder: The results of this section provide information for the student’s IEP Present
Levels statement for Transition.
Step 10: Awards and Recognitions
Enter honors, awards, and recognitions. SAVE.
Teachers: You may assist the student with completing the Awards and Recognitions section.
Reminder: The results of this section provide information for the student’s IEP Present
Levels statement for Transition.
Step 11: Course of Study
Select your current grade. Update by entering any classes you have taken this year that are
not correct. Select next year’s grade level to make revisions to any classes you plan to take in
the years before you graduate. Continue entering until all courses are selected through you year
of exit. SAVE.
Teachers: You may assist the student with completing the Course of Study section. This may
be done in one of two ways:
1. If your school has entered non-credit bearing classes in which students earing an
Alternative Diploma may enroll, assist the student in selecting his/her course of study
online using Career Cruising. Sample course descriptions are provided at the end of
this document.
2. If your school has not entered non-credit bearing classes, document the student’s
course of study on a hard-copy form.
Reminder: The course of study is a required component for transition planning. A copy
of the course of study (either printed from the online ILP or separate hard copy) must be
maintained in the student’s due process record.
Step 12: Learning Services
Click “Add Service” to enter any services you receive. SAVE.
Teachers: You may assist the student with completing the Learning Services section.
Reminder: The results of this section provide information for the student’s IEP Present
Levels statement for Transition.
Step 13: ILP Homepage
Click on “ILP” at the top of the page to go to your homepage.
Find “Quick Links” under your ILP box. Click on “Annual ILP Review”.
Enter today’s date, your advisor’s name and any comments you have. SAVE.
Your teacher may direct you to take the “Student Survey”.
If you completed every section, your ILP should be 100% complete! If you had to use an
alternative method in any of the sections, you will need to record the student as “Alternate
To identify a student as having Alternative ILP Completion, select "Alternative
Completion" from the View/Action dropdown on the Student List.
Please read through the About Alternative ILP Completion information and click OK to
Select the Status checkbox and the Reason from the dropdown.
Please record any relevant comments regarding the students' status in the Comments
Once you have entered the details for the student click on the Save button.
*When asked to “Review and Revise” check “yes” and
click “save”.
**Anytime you want to return to your ILP main page click
on “ILP” at the top of the page.
Sample Course Codes and Descriptions
for Students in Course of Study for
Alternative Diploma
Course descriptions are modified using those in Kentucky’s Valid Course Code list found on the
KDE website at:
On page 2 of the link for valid course list (without certifications) – page 2 contains some very
important information. Part of that page gives the following guidance:
The courses listed in this document are not meant to replace the course titles and course
numbers already in use at the school level. Schools will link their courses on the Infinite Campus
“Course Master” tab OR in the “Course” tab to courses listed in this document. Schools may
have created courses that are very unique in order to meet students’ needs. If a course
does not meet the definition or content of one contained in this document, please use course
number 909999: School Defined Course, and code the correct content through the LEAD
It is important to note that the certificates listed are the ones that fit ALL of the parameters for a
specific course – there may be other certificates that can teach it with slightly more restrictive
parameters. Not all of the certificates listed under a specific course will meet the Highly
Qualified Teacher standards as defined by The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. Please refer to
the Highly Qualified guidance documents located on the Education Professional Standards
Board (EPSB) website at
The Kentucky Valid Course Code includes the code 909999 to be used to code School Defined
Courses. To add courses that are defined by your school but not included in the following
examples, use the following template:
909999 - School Defined Course (name course)
Grade Level: Credits:
Description: This course number is to be used only for those courses that do not fit any of the
above course descriptions. A specific content must be assigned.
Content: None
Population: General
There are a few courses (with codes) documented in the KY Valid Course Code list – within this
document those are in red text.
High School Courses
The following course and descriptions are meant for students earning an alternative diploma.
600101 - Self Contained FMD
Grade Level: 0 - 12
Description: This is an all inclusive course for FMD Students in the alternate assessment
program ONLY. Students in a diploma track program should be scheduled into courses
identified with the proper content's state course code.
Content: Elementary Education
Population: Other Health Impaired
Population: Functional Mental Disability
Population: Multiple Disabilities
Population: Autistic
Population: Traumatic Brain Injury
600299 - Special Education Collaboration
Grade Level: 0 - 12
Description: This course is to be used when a course is placed in the schedule for record
keeping purposes only. It indicates that the special education teacher is NOT the teacher
delivering the core content instruction.
Content: Varies
Population: Specific Learning Disability
Population: Other Health Impaired
Population: Mild Mental Disability
Population: Multiple Disabilities
Population: Orthopedically Impaired
Population: Developmentally Delayed
Population: Autistic
Population: Traumatic Brain Injury
Population: Emotional Behavior Disability
Language Arts
909999M1 – Life Skills Reading 1
Grade Level: 6-8
Credits: NA
Description: Special Topics: instruction for students with reading difficulties; focuses on skill
acquisition and reading technique; demonstrates functional reading comprehension strategies.
Special focus is given to common core standards addressed in the Kentucky alternate assessment
program. All materials and activities presented are differentiated to meet individual student
Content: Reading
Population: General
909999M2 – Life Skills Reading 2
Grade Level: 9-10
Credits: NA
Description: Special Topics: instruction for students with reading difficulties; focuses on skill
acquisition and reading technique; demonstrates functional reading comprehension strategies.
Special focus is given to common core standards addressed in the Kentucky alternate assessment
program. All materials and activities presented are differentiated to meet individual student
Content: Reading
Population: General
909999M3 – Life Skills Reading 3
Grade Level: 11 - 12
Credits: NA
Description: Special Topics: continued skill building; emphasis on individual deficiencies;
functional literacy. All materials and activities presented are differentiated to meet individual
student needs.
Content: Reading
Population: General
909999M4 – Life Skills Reading 4, 5, 6
Grade Level: 12 - 14
Credits: NA
Description: Special Topics: competency test reading and writing; career reading/writing skills.
All materials and activities presented are differentiated to meet individual student needs.
Content: Reading
Population: General
909999M5 – Life Skills Mathematics 1
Grade Level: 6 - 8
Description: This course is the first high school course for students who need individualized
supports to complete an alternative High School Mathematics Program. It would address some of
the content from the High School Mathematics Common Core Standards, with a strong emphasis
on real world connects and drill/practice. Special focus is given to practical math skills such as
money, measurement (i.e. time/calendar skills), basic computation-number sense, and
measurable goals addressed through Kentucky’s alternate assessment program. All materials and
activities presented are differentiated to meet individual student needs.
Credits: NA
Content: Mathematics
Population: General
909999M6 – Life Skills Mathematics 2
Grade Level: 9 - 10
Credits: NA
Description: This course is the second high school course for students who need individualized
supports to complete an alternative High School Mathematics Program. It would address some of
the content from the High School Mathematics Common Core Standards, with a strong emphasis
on real world connections and connections with other disciplines of study. Special focus is given
to practical math skills such as money, measurement (i.e. time), basic computation-number
sense, and measurable goals addressed through Kentucky’s alternate assessment program. All
materials and activities presented are differentiated to meet individual student needs.
Content: Mathematics
Population: General
909999M7 – Life Skills Mathematics 3
Grade Level: 11-12
Credits: NA
Description: This course is the second high school course for students who need individualized
supports to complete an alternative High School Mathematics Program. It would address some of
the content from the High School Mathematics Common Core Standards, with a strong emphasis
on real world connections and connections with other disciplines of study. Special focus is given
to practical math skills such as money, measurement (i.e. time), displaying/simple interpretation
of sets of data (performance and progress, and measurable goals addressed through Kentucky’s
alternate assessment program. All materials and activities presented are differentiated to meet
individual student needs.
Content: Mathematics
Population: General
909999M8 – Life Skills Mathematics 4
Grade Level: 12-14
Credits: NA
Description: This course is the fourth high school course for students who need additional time
and support to complete a High School Mathematics Program that addresses the individual needs
of students. It would address some of the statements from the High School Mathematics Program
of Studies, with a strong emphasis on real world connections and practice opportunities in
settings both in an out of school. Special focus is given to practical math skills such as money,
measurement (i.e. time/calendar), and personal budgeting. All materials and activities presented
are differentiated to meet individual student needs.
Content: Mathematics
Population: General
909999M9 - Money Skills for Math
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Credits: NA
Description: This course is designed to provide students with math concepts needed in
developing sound money management skills which will help to improve the quality of life for
individuals and their families. All materials and activities presented are differentiated to meet
individual student needs.
Content: Money Skills for the Math Elective
Population: General
909999M10 - Integrated Science I
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Credits: NA
Description: This inquiry based introductory course is designed around the themes of patterns of
change and systems, order, and organization. Students examine the organization of the universe
by beginning with the fundamental laws that give order, continue with the way these laws affect
the Earth and the organization of life, and conclude with how life responds to these laws. All
materials and activities presented are differentiated to meet individual student needs.
Content: Integrated Science 1
Population: General
909999M11 – Practical Life Science/Biology 1
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Credits: NA
Description: Students develop a conceptual understanding of life science through the use of
scientific inquiry. They experience life science concepts such as heredity; biological change;
interdependence of organisms; matter, energy and organization in living systems; and behavior
of organisms. The scientific inquiry approach uses concrete, hands-on experiences that require
students to practice skills. All materials and activities presented are differentiated to meet
individual student needs.
Content: Life Science
Population: General
909999M12 - Earth Space Science
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Credits: NA
Description: Students develop a basic understanding of Earth/space science. They will
participate in hands-on experiences of Earth/space concepts such as energy in the Earth system,
formation and ongoing changes of the Earth system, and formation and ongoing changes of the
universe. All materials and activities presented are differentiated to meet individual student
Content: Earth-Space Science
Population: General
Social Studies
909999M13 - Integrated Social Studies
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Credits: NA
Description: Integrated Social Studies is an introductory survey of the various areas of social
studies. It is designed to give the student exposure to different topics of social studies to prepare
them for participating in future courses. All materials and activities presented are differentiated
to meet individual student needs.
Content: Social Studies
Population: General
909999M14 - World History
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Credits: NA
Description: World History is a survey of the history of the world focusing on cultural and
political aspects: a short study of western and non-western civilizations; and current events. All
materials and activities presented are differentiated to meet individual student needs.
Content: World History
Population: General
909999M15 - U.S. History Survey
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Credits: NA
Description: U.S. History Survey is a basic overview of the history from colonial times to
present; government institutions; applications to daily living. All materials and activities
presented are differentiated to meet individual student needs.
Content: U.S. History
Population: General
Life Skills I & II
600102 - FMD Life Skills
Grade Level: 0 - 12
Credits: NA
Description: This is a course designed to teach basic Life Skills for non-mainstreamed FMD
Content: Life Skills (Special Education)
Population: Other Health Impaired
Population: Functional Mental Disability
Population: Multiple Disabilities
Population: Autistic
Population: Traumatic Brain Injury
Vocational Skills I & II
909999M16 - Money Skills for Independent Living
Grade Level: 12 - 14
Credits: NA
Description: This course is designed to prepare students to understand and use basic financial
management skills and practices contributing to financial stability, improving the quality of life
for individuals and families. Decision-making, problem solving, goal setting and using
technology are integrated throughout the content. All materials and activities presented are
differentiated to meet individual student needs.
Content: Family and Consumer Sciences
Population: General
Community-Based Instruction
909999M17, 18, 19 Community Based Instruction 1, 2, 3
Grade Level: 7 - 14
Credits: NA
Description: This practicum provides supervised work experiences in the community setting
related to the student’s career interest area. Students participating in the CBI do not receive
compensation. Special focus is given to improvement of transferrable job skills and/or
independent living skills targeted for individual students. All materials and activities presented
are differentiated to meet individual student needs.
Content: Career Education
Population: See Instructor
Work Skills I & II
909999M20 - Career Options- Level I
Grade Level: 6-10
Credits: NA
Description: Career Options is a course at the secondary level focusing on orientation to careers.
Course content includes orientation to 14 career cluster, employability skills, self-management
and work ethics. Opportunities are provided for development of problem solving, decision
making and reasoning through school and work-based learning experience. All materials and
activities presented are differentiated to meet individual student needs.
Content: Career Options, High School
Population: General
909999M21 - Career Work Experience- Level III
Grade Level: 11-14
Credits: NA
Description: Career Work Experience is a course at the secondary level focusing on cooperative
work experience for students that qualify. This course includes a related class and cooperative
work experience in the local community. All materials and activities presented are
differentiated to meet individual student needs.
Content: Career Options, High School
Population: General
909999M22 - History and Appreciation of Visual and Performing Arts
Grade Level: 6 - 14
Credits: NA
Description: *This course is a study of the humanities through the arts (dance, drama, music,
and visual art). It addresses the humanities, purposes, creative processes and interrelationships of
the visual and performing arts. All materials and activities presented are differentiated to meet
individual student needs.
Content: Arts and Humanities/History and Appreciation of the Visual and Performing Arts
Population: General
909999M23 - Creative Art - Comprehensive
Grade Level: 6 - 14
Credits: NA
Description: Creative Arts courses provide students with knowledge and opportunities to
explore a variety of art forms and to create individual works of art. Courses address design
elements and principles, language, materials, and processes used to produce various kinds of
visual arts. As students advance they are encouraged to develop their own creative styles.
Although the focus of most of these courses is on production of art, study of the structures,
purposes, humanities, processes, are included. Career opportunities in visual art are also
explored. All materials and activities presented are differentiated to meet individual student
Content: Art
Population: General
909999M24 - General Band
Grade Level: 6 - 14
Credits: NA
Description: General Band courses develop technique for playing brass, woodwind, and
percussion instruments, and cover a variety of non-specified band literature styles (concert,
marching, symphonic, and modern styles). Classes can be large ensemble including all three
instrument families (woodwind, brass, percussion) or in separate homogeneous classes according
to family (woodwind or brass or percussion). Course covers the structures, humanities, purposes,
processes, and interrelationships of the arts as they apply to music. All materials and activities
presented are differentiated to meet individual student needs.
Content: Band
Population: General
909999M25 - Chorus
Grade Level: 6 - 14
Credits: NA
Description: Chorus courses provide the opportunity to sing and perform a variety of music
styles for men's and/or women's voices, and are designed to develop vocal techniques and
abilities. Course covers the structures, humanities, purposes, processes, and interrelationships of
the arts as they apply to music. All materials and activities presented are differentiated to meet
individual student needs.
Content: Choral Music
Population: General
909999M26 - Health Education I
Grade Level: 6 - 14
Credits: NA
Description: Health I addresses the topics of mental health, drugs, alcohol and tobacco, sex
education, sexually transmitted diseases, infectious diseases, safety and first aid,
cardiopulmonary resuscitation, (CPR), nutrition, consumer health and non-infectious diseases.
Improvement of overall good health through healthy choice-making is the primary focus of the
course. All materials and activities presented are differentiated to meet individual student needs.
Content: Health Education
Population: General
909999M27 - Physical Education I
Grade Level: 6 - 14
Credits: NA
Description: Physical Education I involves the teaching of lifetime leisure sports, individual
sports and team sports. Skills learned will be reinforced and advanced skills will be introduced.
All materials and activities presented are differentiated to meet individual student needs.
Content: Physical Education
Population: General