Smith College School for Social Work Field Evaluation

Smith College School for Social Work Field Evaluation
Note: This evaluation format has been developed in close collaboration with the elected
field representatives from student org. and the field department. It is meant to give
students one comprehensive evaluation tool in which they can assess the totality of the field
experience. Students should complete this entire evaluation, discuss and share the
supervisory portion with their primary supervisor who should sign it to indicate that it has
been read and discussed, and then submit the entire evaluation to the field department
according to the instructions on the Master Calendar. Any questions or concerns should be
directed to the field department. Thank you!
Quantitative Question Key: 1 (lowest) to 4 (highest), choose N/A where “not applicable”
Field Work Department and Placement Process
1) The field assignment process was presented in an organized and clear manner and was
followed in accordance with those guidelines. _____
2) The field work department made an effort to address special circumstances I identified
(family obligations, medical considerations, etc), within the parameters of the program.
3) Please share any additional feedback on the field placement process:
Internship setting
Please comment on the nature and quality of the social work training at this agency
The agency has a clearly articulated conceptual and/or theoretical framework that guides
the work. _____
I was welcomed and oriented to the agency when I first arrived. _____
My agency provided orientation to and support of clear safety protocols in the work
setting. _____
My educational needs, the School’s learning objectives, and my role as a learner were
supported in my agency. _____
The work assignments I was given were linked to my stage of learning and to my role as
a social work intern. _____
Please share any additional feedback on your experience in the field agency. _____
Field Assignments (monthly reports, weekly readings, process recordings, issue-oriented report,
agency assessment, anti-racism assignment and the major case study)
The field assignments were consistent with Smith SSW’s published learning objectives in
the Field Guidelines. _____
Field assignments were relevant to material presented in summer coursework. _____
The field placement assignments were presented in an organized and understandable
manner. _____
I was able to use the assignments as a forum to reflect on my work in the agency. _____
Which assignments were most useful for your learning and why?
Which assignments were least useful for your learning and why?
Please share any additional feedback on the field assignments:
Faculty Field Advisor
Please describe your experience with your FFA and the nature of the advising process
The FFA helped to clarify roles and responsibilities of the FFA, Supervisor and interns.
The FFA provided perspective on the process of my learning and identified learning
opportunities available in the agency. _____
The FFA advised me about educational goals for second year placement (for first year
students) or future professional goals (for second year students). _____
The FFA was helpful in addressing issues of difference, racism and anti-racism work.
Educational Support
The FFA clarified and supported resolution of field challenges (ex. working within
hierarchical settings, addressing conflict, collaborating with the supervisor, etc.) _____
The FFA followed up with me around any issues or concerns raised in my monthly
narrative. _____
The FFA provided adequate and timely feedback on written field assignments. _____
The FFA was available for questions and concerns regarding assignments and the
internship _____
The FFA was actively engaged in my educational experience. _____
The timing and structure of the FFA field visit was on keeping with what is described in
the Guidelines for the Field Internship. _____
The quality of the student-FFA dialogue during the FFA visit enhanced my learning.
The quality of the student-supervisor-FFA conversation during the FFA field visit served
to promote my learning. _____
Additional feedback
Please share any additional feedback about your experience with the field advising
Field Supervisor
The School has long endorsed the principal that an open dialogue creates the best atmosphere for
learning and has encouraged students and supervisors to mutually evaluate the student’s learning
experience. In keeping with this belief, students are asked to share their evaluation with the
supervisor, to discuss it openly and for both supervisor and student to sign the evaluation,
indicating that it has been shared and discussed. Any questions or concerns about this should be
directed to the field department.
Development of Professional Identity
My supervisor acted as a professional role model, demonstrating a commitment to
continued social work learning. _____
My supervisor demonstrated an alliance with and willingness to serve client(s) from
differing backgrounds. _____
My supervisor demonstrated clear and professional boundaries. _____
My supervisor modeled professional social work ethics and values and helped me address
ethical dilemmas in the work. _____
Development of an Understanding of the Agency’s Role and Functions
My supervisor was able to convey the agency’s philosophy, orientation, strengths, and
limitations. _____
My supervisor was open to discussing my questions about the agency. _____
My supervisor helped me understand the agency context and any disagreements that
arose in the agency. _____
My supervisor helped me understand how issues of oppression impact the client
population and the community in which the agency is based. _____
My supervisor taught effective collaboration with, and utilization of, additional
community resources. _____
Development of a Knowledge Base for Practice
The supervisor helped me learn to integrate clinical theory and practice techniques
relevant to biopsychosocial assessment of and intervention with clients. _____
The supervisor was able to engage me in the learning process by attending to my learning
goals and current objectives. _____
The supervisor consistently provided written and verbal feedback on the required two
process recordings each week. _____
The agency supports learning via conferences, seminars, team meetings and readings,
providing an atmosphere that promotes inquiry. _____
Development of the Supervisory Relationship
The supervisor offered both support and constructive criticism designed to help me
develop my clinical social work skills. _____
The supervisor encouraged me to think in depth about the therapeutic relationship,
attending, for example, to issues related to the working alliance, the differential use of
self, as well as transference and countertransference themes. _____
The supervisor and I were to establish a positive and respectful learning alliance. _____
The supervisor provided the required two hours/week of supervisory time. _____
Additional feedback
Please share any additional feedback you might like to share on the supervisory
Student’s name _____________________
Supervisor’s name ____________________
Signature _________________________
Signature ____________________________
Date ____________
Date ___________
Student Self-Evaluation – (Signed by student)
I invested myself in my field internship. _____
I increased my capacity for self-reflection and to both give and receive feedback. _____
I developed my understanding of how to integrate clinical theory & practice. _____
I engaged as an active learner in reading relevant articles and texts. _____
I communicated with my supervisor about questions, learning concerns or clinical issues
I experienced. _____
I communicated with my FFA about questions, learning concerns or clinical issues I
experienced. _____
I submitted field assignments by the deadline. _____
I came to my supervision time with specific questions for discussion. _____
I consistently submitted and made use of the required two process recordings a week.
I was able to share ideas and learn from my peers, staff and other professionals. _____
I was an active participant in identifying and pursuing my learning objectives. _____
I took advantage of the learning opportunities available to me in the agency. _____
Student Name: ________________________________
Signature: _____________________________
Date: ______________