Department of Pediatrics with Pediatric Surgery 1

Department of Pediatrics with Pediatric Surgery №1
Address: Acad. Sakharova Street, 2, Ternopil, 46023
Tel: (0352) 269061
Department Staff: 2 Professors, 11 Associate Professors, 12 assistants, 2 clinical
interns, 1 postgraduate student, 2 laboratory assistants.
Head of the Department – MD, Professor O.Y. Fedortsiv
Teaching Process at the Department
The 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th year students of Medical Faculty, 4th year students of
Faculty of Pharmacy, 3rd and 4th year students of Faculty of Dentistry, students of
Nursing school receive theoretical and practical knowledge. Students study such
subjects: Propaedeutic Pediatrics, Pediatrics, Courses of Medical Genetics,
Pediatric Infections and Pediatric Surgery, selective course Nutrition. The
Department staff constantly develops progressive methods of teaching. 12 teaching
manuals and textbooks were published, including “Practical pediatrics”,” Faculty
pediatrics”, “Hospital pediatrics”, “Pediatrics” (series of lectures), “Features and
Semiotics diseases of children age”, “Medical Genetics”,” Child Infectology”,
“Pediatrics in the situational problems”, “Algorithms and practical skills in
pediatrics”, 'Manual of propaedeutic pediatrics”; 40 methodical recommendations.
A CD of rational nutrition of children of early age “Neonatology”, educational CD
“Practical Skills in pediatrics” were created.
Research work of the department “Impact of eco pathological factors on the health
of children” is aimed at:
-installation of modern trends in the health of children of different age groups and
peculiarities of factors that form it;
-determination of interconnection between the components of health, level of basic
marker homeostasis of child organism, indicators of immunological reactivity,
mineral exchange, intestine biocenosis and lipids peroxidation socio environmental and living conditions;
-development of comprehensive criteria for evaluating and monitoring the health
of children in areas with different socio - environmental conditions;
-creation of regional anthropometrical standards;
-evaluation of features of actual nutrition of children of critical groups (first year of
life, primary school, adolescence), his relationship with the formation of common
childhood diseases;
-proceeding of food and drug correction methods of food worsening;
-development of new prevention technologies that provide improvement of
adaptive capacities of children to adverse factors of natural and social
-establishing clinical - diagnostic criteria of children disadaptation, creation of a
program of forecasting health disorders, taking into account the impact of
environment pathological and health - social factors;
-formation of differentiated preventive – rehabilitation measures for children with
different risk groups;
-organization of health - social and psychological assistance;
-study of mechanisms basic systems of organism adaptation to environmental
conditions, which constantly change, influencу of food on children's health in the
postnatal period of ontogenesis, risk factors, which determine the development of
level of social integration in critical age periods;
-improving methods of diagnosis, treatment and preventive osteoporosis in
children with various somatic pathology, development of methods of correction of
detected changes.
The Department annually performs scientific conferences on environment
pathological factors in childhood.
Major scientific achievements of the department
A new concept of etiopathogenesis of chronic nutrition disorders in children is
developed, a new approach for prevention and treatment was proposed; efficiency
of enterosorbents separately and in combination with bacterial preparations,
immunostimulants and antioxidants in chronic nutrition disorders, infectious
diarrhea in children of early age was studied. Monograph by Fedortsiv O. Y.
'Chronic nutrition disorders in children of early age' was published.
Diagnosis criteria of malabsorbtion syndrome were proposed to practical
medicine. Developed concept: the bases of dyspeptic syndrome in children of early
age are violations of abdominal and pre-wall digestion and absorption. A
fundamentally new scheme of hypotrophy etiopathogenesis was developed and
new methods of prevention and treatment were proposed.
Diagnostic criteria of endogenous intoxication syndrome in children with different
pathology and methods of its correction were developed and implemented in health
practice. Research shows the mechanisms of actions and efficiency in
enterosorbents in complex treatment of somatic diseases in children.
Mechanisms of osteoporosis in different somatic pathology were studied.
Over the last 5 years, scholars of the department published in journals and digest
more than 300 works, 14 methodic instructions, 8 newsletters were issued, 6
patents on inventions were received.
Clinical work
Employees of the department provide people with consultative medical help on the
basis of Regional Children’s Hospital and Municipal Clinic, a specialized regional
orphanage, boarding school in Koropets village, conduct clinical and clinicpathanatomy conferences, organize seminars of advanced doctor studies, introduce
new methods of treatment, prophylaxis, diagnostics of children's diseases.
Department of Pediatrics with Pediatric Surgery №1 is located at Ternopil
Regional Children's Hospital. The department staff performs clinical work in I and
II children’s departments with cardiac, rheumatologic, nephrology,
gastroenterological, endocrinology beds and in pulmonology, infectious diagnostic
and surgical departments. The department has 19 teachers, including 2 professors,
14 associate professors and 3 assistant professors. All employees of the
Department in 2011 were re-certified in medical categories and 16 of them have
the highest category in the field "Pediatrics" and "Children's Surgery."