EPC Exhibit 136-19.2.1 April 22, 2013 THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Dewey Section To: Caroline Kent, Chair Decimal Classification Editorial Policy Committee Cc: Members of the Decimal Classification Editorial Policy Committee Karl E. Debus-López, Chief, U.S. General Division From: Rebecca Green, Assistant Editor Giles Martin, Consulting Assistant Editor Dewey Decimal Classification OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. Via: Michael Panzer, Editor in Chief Dewey Decimal Classification OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc Re: 583–584 Angiosperms: Proposal-related data EPC Exhibit 136-19.2 presented a proposal to revise 583–584 to make the classes there compatible with the APG (Angiosperm Phylogeny Group) III classification. Given the sizable number of changes included there, we promised to extract and then distribute to EPC the following data: Counts of the number of WorldCat records affected by the proposed relocations, expansions, and discontinuations (considering both 583–584 and numbers in 633–635 built using 583–584) Counts of the number of WorldCat records not affected by the proposed relocations, expansions, and discontinuations (considering both 583–584 and numbers in 633–635 built using 583–584) The percentage of recent (2012–2013) WorldCat literature classed in 583–584 and numbers in 633–635 built using 583–584 that employ APG III taxonomic groupings The percentage of recent (2012–2013) WorldCat literature classed in 583–584 and numbers in 633–635 built using 583–584 using pre-APG III taxonomic groupings Analysis of LC subject headings assigned to recent (2012–2013) WorldCat literature classed in 583–584 and numbers in 633–635 built using 583–584 with regard to the taxonomic organization they reflect These statistics will also be used to analyze whether any of the proposed classes (e.g., 583.975 Ericales) should be subject to further development/expansion. 1 Numbers of records affected / not affected by proposed revisions Addressing the first two questions required a series of searches to be done, the results of which are documented in the tables that follow. All searches considered classes in the 630s that are built using 583 and 584 in addition to classes in 583 and 584 themselves. All searches were limited to the date range 2000–2013 to restrict the data to works classed since the DDC 21 revision of the life sciences. Works classed in 583 or 584 (numbers more likely to be used in academic libraries) account for 64.4% of the works retrieved; works classed in 633.883–.884, 634.973, 635.933–.934, or 635.9773–.9774 (numbers more likely to be used in public libraries) account for 36% of the works retrieved. (Yes, .4% of the works had both 58X and 63X numbers assigned.) Typically when specific topics are relocated, the number of works affected is small (mean: 9.6; median: 1.5; mode: 0). When all topics are relocated out of a class / when a class is vacated, the number of works affected is often, but not always, of a more substantial nature (mean: 41.4; median: 33.5; mode: 4). Implementing the proposed revisions in their entirety would affect 16% (1604 of 10,085) of the works classed in 583 or 584 or 63X numbers based on 583 or 584; conversely, 84% (8,481 of 10,085) of those same works would remain in their current numbers. Relocations 58X Class 583.2 583.22 583.23 Topic Cytinaceae; Rafflesiaceae Canellaceae, Winteraceae (winter's bark family), wild cinnamon Amborellaceae; Austrobaileyaceae; Chloranthaceae + [EO: Lactoridaceae; Trimeniaceae] TopicLimited Count1 7 Total Count2 37 0 22 2 26 1 This count equals the number of WorldCat records retrieved by a search on the 58x number or 63x numbers built from the 58x number, or standard subdivisions thereof, for the topics being relocated and for the years 2000–2013. For example, the count for 583.2 is the number of records retrieved by this search: :dd=(583.2 or 583.20* or 633.8832 or 633.88320* or 634.9732 or 634.97320* or 635.9332 or 635.93320* or 635.97732 or 635.977320*) and (Cytina* or Rafflesia*) and :yr=2000–2013; the count for 583.26, a number from which all topics are relocated, is the number of records retrieved by this search: :dd=(583.26 or 583.260* or 633.88326 or 633.883260* or 634.97326 or 634.973260* or 635.93326 or 635.933260* or 635.977326 or 635.9773260*) and :yr=2000–2013. 2 This count equals the number of WorldCat records retrieved by a search on the 58x number or 63x numbers built from the 58x number, or standard subdivisions thereof, for the years 2000–2013. For example, the count for 583.2 is the number of records retrieved by this search: :dd=(583.2 or 583.20* or 633.8832 or 633.88320* or 634.9732 or 634.97320* or 635.9332 or 635.93320* or 635.97732 or 635.977320*) and :yr=2000–2013. When the number is completely vacated by relocations, the Total Count is the same as the Topic-Limited Count. 2 58X Class [583.26] 583.29 583.3 [583.36] 583.43 583.44 [583.45] [583.48] [583.49] 583.5 [583.62] [583.624] [583.625] [583.626] [583.627] [583.628] [583.65] Topic Aristolochiaceae (birthwort family) Ceratophyllaceae (hornworts) Illiciaceae, Schisandraceae, magnolia vine, star anise Sarraceniaceae (New World pitcher plant family) Eupteleaceae; Trochodendrales; Didymelaceae; Cercidiphyllaceae (katsura trees); Casuarinaceae (beefwoods), Myricaceae (wax myrtles), bayberries, candleberry, sweet gale (bog myrtle); Barbeyaceae; Leitneria; Balanopaceae; Eucommiaceae + [EO: Tetracentraceae] Platanaceae (sycamore family), plane trees; Myrothamnaceae Urticaceae (nettle family), Cannabaceae (hemp family), Moraceae (mulberry family), Ulmaceae (elm family) Betulaceae (birch family), alders, filberts (hazelnuts), hornbeams; comprehensive works on ironwoods Juglandaceae (walnut family), butternuts, hickories, pecans Theligonum (Cynocrambe) Dilleniaceae; Paeoniaceae (peony family); Crossosomataceae Asteropeiaceae; Ancistrocladaceae, Dioncophyllaceae; Diegodendraceae, Dipterocarpaceae; Strasburgeriaceae; Bonnetiaceae, Caryocaraceae, Clusiaceae (Guttiferae), Elatinaceae, Hypericaceae, Lophiraceae, Medusagynaceae, Ochnaceae, Quiinaceae, garcinias, mammee apple, mangosteen; Oncothecaceae; Marcgraviaceae, Pellicieraceae, Pentaphylacaceae, Tetrameristaceae, Theaceae (Ternstroemiaceae, tea family), camellias, Stewartia Peridiscaceae; Bixaceae (annatto tree), Cistaceae (rockrose family), Cochlospermaceae; Stachyuraceae; Flacourtiaceae, Lacistemataceae, Scyphostegiaceae, Violaceae (violet family), pansies Caricaceae (papaya family), papaws; Achariaceae, Malesherbiaceae, Passifloraceae (passionflower family), Turneraceae, granadillas, maypop Begoniaceae, Datiscaceae, begonias Frankeniaceae, Tamaricaceae (tamarisk family), alkali heath; Fouquieriaceae (candlewood family), ocotillo Salicaceae (willow family), cottonwoods, Populus (poplars and aspens), Salix 3 TopicLimited Count1 3 0 3 3 Total Count2 3 3 51 3 6 6 0 8 60 60 28 28 4 0 4 53 65 65 86 86 10 10 7 7 21 21 2 2 63 63 58X Class Topic Ericales, Clethraceae (pepperbush family), Epacridaceae, Ericaceae (heath family), Monotropaceae (Indian pipe family), Pyrolaceae, Saurauiaceae, azaleas, blueberries, [583.66] cranberries, crowberries, heather, huckleberries, kalmias, kiwi (Chinese gooseberry), mountain laurel, rhododendrons, sourwood, wintergreens Thymelaeaceae (mezereum family), daphnes, spurge laurel; [583.67] Diapensiaceae, galax Ebenaceae (ebony family), Sapotaceae, Styracaceae (storax [583.674] family), Symplocaceae (sweetleaf family), persimmons, sapodilla, star apples Primulaceae (primrose family), Myrsinaceae, [583.675] Theophrastaceae, auriculas, coralberry, cyclamens, loosestrife, primulas, shooting stars Buxaceae (boxwood family); Dichapetalaceae, Euphorbiaceae (spurge family), cassavas (maniocs), castor[583.69] oil plant, copperleaves, crotons, crown of thorns, heveas, manchineels, mercuries, poinsettias, rubber tree, snow-onthe-mountain, tallow tree, tung tree Saxifragales, Saxifragaceae (saxifrage family), Crassulaceae, Grossulariaceae (gooseberry family), currants, houseleeks (live-forevers), pickaback plants, Ribes, stonecrops (orpines, sedums), Virginia willow; [583.72] Francoaceae; Brunelliaceae, Cephalotaceae, Cunoniaceae; Parnassiaceae and brexias; Vahliaceae; Byblidaceae; Hydrangeaceae (hydrangea family), deutzias, mock oranges (syringas); Escalloniaceae and escallonias; Bruniaceae; Paracryphiaceae; Pittosporaceae (hedge laurel family) Nepenthaceae (Old World pitcher plant family), Droseraceae (sundew family); Venus's flytrap; [583.75] comprehensive works on pitcher plants, comprehensive works on carnivorous plants Anisophylleaceae; Brazilian spiderflowers; Lecythidaceae 583.76 (Brazil nut family) 583.763 Rhizophoraceae Coriariaceae; Stylobasium; Rutaceae (orange family), Anacardiaceae (mango family), Burseraceae (incense tree family), Meliaceae (mahogany family), Simaroubaceae (ailanthus family), cashew, chinaberry tree, citrus fruits, [583.77] cork trees, hog plums (Spanish plums), hop tree, orange jessamine, pistachio, poison ivies, rue, smoke trees, sumacs, tree of heaven, varnish trees; comprehensive works on balms 4 TopicLimited Count1 Total Count2 125 125 4 4 5 5 39 39 88 88 105 105 141 141 0 72 1 47 91 91 58X Class Topic Sabiaceae; Greyiaceae, Melianthaceae+ [EO: Akaniaceae, Bretschneideraceae] Tropaeolaceae (nasturtium family); Zygophyllaceae (lignum vitae family), creosote bush; Oxalidaceae (wood sorrel family), shamrock; Erythroxylaceae (coca family), 583.79 Hugoniaceae, Humiriaceae, Ixonanthaceae, Linaceae (flax family), Malpighiaceae, wild mango (dika); Balsaminaceae (balsam family), impatiens, jewelweeds (touch-me-nots) Gunneraceae, gunneras; Elaeagnaceae (oleaster family); 583.82 Polygalalceae (milkwort family); Vochysiaceae; Podostemaceae (riverweed family); Hippuris (mare's tail) Garryaceae, Garrya; Cornales, Cornaceae (dogwood family), tupelos (sour gums); Araliaceae (ginseng family, [583.84] ivy family), Torricelliaceae (Toricelliaceae), wild sarsaparilla, comprehensive works on ivies [583.849] Apiaceae Aextoxicaceae; Icacinaceae; Aquifoliaceae (holly family), 583.85 maté 583.86 Rhamnaceae (buckthorn family), ironwoods, jujubes Medusandraceae; Santalales, Santalaceae (sandalwood family), Balanophoraceae, Loranthaceae (mistletoe family), [583.88] Olacaceae, Opiliaceae, Viscaceae; Dipentodontaceae; Cardiopteridaceae (Peripterygiaceae) [583.89] Proteales 583.93 Menyanthaceae, bog myrtle (buckbean) Convolvulaceae (morning glory family), Cuscutaceae 583.94 (dodder family), dichondras, sweet potatoes (yams); Loasaceae; Polemoniaceae (phlox family), Jacob's ladders Acanthaceae (acanthus family), Bignoniaceae (catalpa family), Buddlejaceae, Gesneriaceae, Globulariaceae, Lentibulariaceae (bladderwort family), Martyniaceae, Myoporaceae, Orobanchaceae (broomrape family), Pedaliaceae (sesame family), Plantaginaceae (plantago 583.95 family), Retziaceae, Scrophulariaceae (figwort family, snapdragon family), Trapellaceae, African violets, butterfly bushes, calabash tree, foxglove, mulleins, Penstemon, plantains, trumpet creepers, unicorn plants; Hydrostachyaceae; Columelliaceae Sphenocleaceae; Brunoniaceae, Campanulaceae (bellflower 583.98 family), Donatiaceae, Goodeniaceae, Lobeliaceae, Stylidiaceae; bluebells, Campanula, Indian tobacco Aloes, day lilies; Hostas (plantain lilies); Bluebells, 584.32 hyacinths, lily of the valley 583.78 5 TopicLimited Count1 Total Count2 0 58 47 145 8 20 45 45 53 53 3 16 4 19 48 48 94 0 94 97 19 41 72 107 15 17 67 195 58X Class Topic 584.34 Peruvian lily Petermanniaceae, Philesiaceae; Stemonaceae; Taccaceae; 584.35 Philydraceae, Pontederiaceae [584.353] Alstroemeriaceae Velloziaceae (tree lily family); Haemodoraceae (bloodwort 584.354 family) [584.356] Smilacaceae [584.357] Dioscoreaceae (yam family) [584.37] Triuridaceae 584.38 Burmanniaceae [584.64] Araceae (arum family) Typhaceae (Sparganiaceae), Sparganium (bur reeds), [584.68] Typha (cattails and bulrushes) 584.72 Water hyacinths 584.74 Najas (naiads) 584.8 Centrolepidaceae, Flagellariaceae, Restionaceae Mayacaceae, Rapateaceae, Xyridaceae (yellow-eyed grass 584.86 family) TopicLimited Count1 0 Total Count2 64 0 2 5 5 0 2 0 4 0 0 43 0 4 0 83 43 1 1 6 1 6 18 41 30 1 11 Expansions3 New location 583 583.38 583.68 583.685 583.822 583.99 583.952 584.32 Topic Angiosperms (flowering plants) Nelumbonaceae (lotuses) Sphaerosepalaceae Bombacaceae (silk cotton tree family), balsa, baobabs, basswood, cacao, jute, kapok, kola nuts, Sterculia, Tilia (lindens, lime trees) Krameriaceae Calyceraceae Nolanaceae Liliales 3 TopicLimited Count 119 14 0 41 0 0 0 4 Total Count 6561 51 105 50 20 189 107 92 Expansion counts were computed the same as if they were relocations from the superordinate class number to the subordinate class number. 6 Discontinuation4 From To 584.66 584.6 Topic Pandanales TopicLimited Count 5 Total Count 5 Analysis of recent angiosperm literature We now address the last three questions. Investigation here began with a search against WorldCat bibliographic data for records for 2012–2013 to which have been assigned DDC numbers in 583 or 584 or 63X numbers built on the basis of 583 or 584 numbers. An examination of scientific names among the LCSH assigned to these works reveals that, with very few exceptions, the taxonomic groups being written about currently are taxa recognized both by APG III and by earlier classifications. That is, the recent literature argues neither for nor against the proposed revisions. The exceptions are few enough in number that giving exact numbers and percentages would be misleading. The exceptions include both taxa newly recognized by and taxa no longer recognized by the APG. In that sense, the data argue (quite mildly) both for and against the proposed revisions. The LCSHs assigned to this body of literature are more likely to be common names than scientific names; the common names and the scientific names both occur frequently at the family and genus levels. The APG III classification differs from earlier classifications mostly in terms of how families and higher-level taxonomic units are organized into the taxonomic units above them. Given that the DDC mentions mostly orders and families, revising the DDC to accommodate APG III would require many changes, especially relocations. The proposed changes can be seen as mostly an issue of collocation, with the added issue of recognizing some number of completely new taxonomic groups. The issue of collocation is whether families classed in the same number relate to one another as established by modern/phylogenetic techniques or as established by other techniques. As to the issue of which taxonomic groups are recognized, we call to mind the findings reported in Tables 1 and 2 of EPC Exhibit 136-19.1, from which we drew the following conclusions: “Modification of 583–584 to accommodate APG III is supported by the general trend of decreasing use of rank-based terminology and increasing use of phylogenetic terminology over these time periods”; and “Sixty percent of [orders newly recognized in the APG system] now appear in bibliographic records; of these, several have achieved semi-robust literary warrant levels.” 4 The discontinuation count was computed the same as if it were a relocation from the subordinate class number to the superordinate class number. 7 Analysis of need for additional expansions Investigation here began with a search against WorldCat bibliographic data for records for 2000– 2013 to which have been assigned DDC numbers in 583 or 584 or 63X numbers built on the basis of 583 or 584 numbers: :dd=(583* or 584* or 633.883* or 633.884* or 634.973* or 635.933* or 635.934* or 635.9773* or 635.9774*) and :yr=2000–2013 From the output of this search were identified the main heading of associated LCSH and the base 58X number. For example, given the following 082 and 650 fields from one of the retrieved records: 082 00 $a 635.9/77378 $2 21 650 #0 $a Japanese maple. 650 #0 $a Fullmoon maple. 650 #0 $a Maple $z Japan. 650 #6 $a Érable du Japon. 650 #6 $a Acer japonicum. 650 #6 $a Érable $z Japon. the following three data pairs were extracted: 583.78 Japanese maple 583.78 Fullmoon maple 583.78 Maple Worth noting: The class number 635.9/77378 has been converted to 583.78, because that is the 58X number used in building 635.977378. The 650 fields for Erable du Japon, Acer japonicum, and Erable—Japon are ignored because they are not LCSH. $a Maple $z Japan moves forward as just the main heading Maple. We developed three views on these data: 1. Cumulative counts for class numbers, sorted in decreasing order. For example, Appendix A displays those with counts > ca. 50. 2. Cumulative counts for LCSH main headings, sorted in decreasing order. Appendix B displays those with counts ≥ 15. 3. Cumulative counts for class number / LCSH main heading, sorted by count in decreasing order. For example, there were 29 occurrences of the data pair 583.78 Maple. Appendix C displays those with counts ≥ 10. In considering possible expansions, we are looking for taxonomic units/groups with sufficient literary warrant, but that do not already account for the majority of their DDC class, and where the number of works classed in the DDC number are sufficiently large to warrant subdivision. On the basis of this investigation the following classes have been identified as possibly benefitting from expansion as part of the proposed revision: 583.46 Fagales, 583.96 Lamiales, and 583.975 Ericales. 8 Appendix A Cumulative Counts for Class Numbers 1126 546 540 336 291 195 186 169 164 161 156 142 584.4 583.734 584.9 583.99 583.766 583.56 583.9 584.32 584.5 583.74 583.7 583 141 121 119 113 106 103 101 97 96 90 89 83 583.96 583.75 583.79 583.46 583.6 584 583.66 583.748 583.89 583.34 583.95 583.64 82 82 79 78 73 71 71 70 70 66 65 57 583.73 584.3 583.77 583.53 583.93 583.69 584.84 583.624 583.72 583.76 584.38 583.8 57 56 54 52 51 50 50 50 50 49 584.34 584.352 583.65 583.62 583.78 583.5 583.765 583.952 584.39 583.45 Appendix B Cumulative Counts for LCSH Main Headings 867 467 239 219 170 118 111 99 94 93 92 63 62 61 60 59 59 55 52 51 48 47 46 46 44 44 Orchids Roses Grasses Eucalyptus Cactus Endangered plants Palms Sunflowers Plants Carnivorous plants Bamboo Seagrasses Oak Ornamental grasses Succulent plants Legumes Clematis Tulips Rhododendrons Old roses Trees Medicinal plants Lavenders Fuchsia Proteaceae Acacia 43 40 39 38 37 37 36 35 35 34 34 34 32 31 29 27 26 25 25 25 24 24 22 22 21 21 Cyperaceae Bromeliaceae Compositae Peonies Plants, Ornamental Camellias Lilies Rare plants Irises (Plants) Wild flowers Flowers Aloe Hosta Maple Carex Monocotyledons Pelargoniums Myrtaceae Euphorbiaceae Dicotyledons Umbelliferae Apples Protea English roses Polyradicion lindenii Mangrove plants 9 21 19 19 19 19 19 18 18 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 16 16 16 16 15 15 15 15 15 Hydrangeas Willows Liliaceae Geraniums Eucalyptus grandis Banksia Dahlias Azaleas Weeds Pitcher plants Heather Ginseng Endemic plants Chrysanthemums Beans Baobab Corn Araceae Apocynaceae Acanthaceae Seeds Mangrove forests Grain Daffodils Cannabis Appendix C Cumulative Counts for Class Number / LCSH Main Headings Pairs 758 383 203 201 138 99 86 86 83 56 52 49 48 44 44 43 42 42 40 39 37 36 35 33 31 30 29 29 29 29 28 24 24 22 22 21 20 20 20 20 19 19 18 18 18 18 584.4 583.734 584.9 583.766 583.56 584.5 583.99 584.9 583.75 584.9 583.46 583.34 584.32 583.734 583.74 583.66 583.76 583.96 583.748 583.56 583.89 584.85 584.84 583.62 584.38 583.99 583.624 583.78 584.15 584.32 584.84 583.79 584.3 583 584.74 583.73 583.72 583.734 583.849 584.742 583.69 583.89 583.763 583.89 584 584.352 Orchids Roses Grasses Eucalyptus Cactus Palms Sunflowers Bamboo Carnivorous plants Ornamental grasses Oak Clematis Tulips Old roses Legumes Rhododendrons Fuchsia Lavenders Acacia Succulent plants Proteaceae Bromeliaceae Cyperaceae Peonies Irises (Plants) Compositae Camellias Maple Orchids Hosta Carex Pelargoniums Lilies Dicotyledons Seagrasses Apples Hydrangeas English roses Umbelliferae Seagrasses Euphorbiaceae Banksia Mangrove plants Protea Monocotyledons Aloe 17 17 16 16 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 583.65 583.66 583.99 584.4 584.64 583.372 583.74 583.763 583.766 583.79 584.4 583.45 583.66 583.765 583.87 584.92 583.748 583.766 583.95 583.96 583.99 583.64 583.675 583.68 583.766 583.84 583.89 583.99 584.32 584.4 584.9 583.47 583.627 583.75 583.75 583.765 583.93 583.93 583.96 584.34 583 583 583.69 583.74 583.78 583.79 Willows Heather Dahlias Polyradicion lindenii Araceae Roses Beans Mangrove forests Eucalyptus grandis Geraniums Endangered plants Cannabis Azaleas Myrtaceae Emerald ash borer Corn Wattles (Plants) Eucalyptus globulus Acanthaceae Lamiaceae Hawkweeds Arabidopsis Primroses Baobab Eucalyptus camaldulensis Ginseng Grevillea Chrysanthemums Aloe Dendrobium Grain Cactus Begonias Pitcher plants Nepenthes Melaleuca Gentianaceae Apocynaceae Salvia Daffodils Plant diseases Agronomy Euphorbia Sweet peas Japanese maple Geraniaceae 10 10 10 10 583.87 583.88 583.89 584 Ash (Plants) Sandalwood Wild flowers Orchids 10 10 10 11 584.4 584.5 584.92 Slipper orchids Plants, Ornamental Sugarcane