Agricultural Value of Decadal Climate Variability Information in the Missouri River Basin Mario A. Fernandeza, Bruce A. McCarlb, Vikram Mehtac a Governance and Policy Team, LandCare Research New Zealand Limited, Auckland, New Zealand b c Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA Center for Research on the Changing Earth System, Catonsville, MD, USA Abstract Decadal climate variability (DCV) refers to ocean-related climate influences of duration from seven to twenty years. This paper aims to investigate the implications of DCV forecasts on welfare and the corresponding value of information in the agricultural sector. Using the Missouri River Basin as a case study, along with a mathematical programming model, we find that the average annual value of a perfect forecast is about $8.91 billion though 84% of this value, $7.52 billion, can be obtained by a less than perfect forecast based on already available data in the form of the prediction of DCV phase under transition probabilities. We also find that crop insurance may counteract or reinforce the value of information of DCV forecasts. Keywords: Decadal Climate Variability, Value of Information, Crop Insurance, Agricultural Sector INTRODUCTION Ocean-related climate variations and their implications for human activities have been a subject of research for years. Numerous studies have addressed the identification and prediction of the influences of seasonal and interannual climate phenomena, such as ENSO (1-7). Still, a climate force that has not received much attention is the decadal climate variability. Decadal climate variability (DCV) refers to regional and seasonal variations in weather patterns and climate on the time scale of seven to twenty years (7). DCV influences the spread of viruses and diseases; land degradation, heat waves, droughts, floods and major storms; food, forestry, and fishery productivity; water availability; transportation; infrastructure and security (8, 9). Then, when considering a study of the economic value of the DCV predictability, the policy focus switches from addressing short-term conditions, as in ENSO phases, towards medium-term and persistent effects with differing implications on the selection of adaptive production technology (10). In an agricultural setting, the awareness of the impacts of DCV on crop yields and water availability may heighten stakeholders’ concerns because it is unclear whether current agricultural production systems, which evolved partly in response to historical climate, may need adjustments if climate evolves to persistent wetter or dryer conditions (11). Plus, for decision-making purposes, the basic information available involves historical relative frequencies of variables and events that affected production, along with expectations about the future. Hence, climate forecasts may help inform the decision makers by providing a better expectation of the (conditional) probability associated with climate events; to prepare to cope with a climate-related hazard and to reduce vulnerability and exposure (12-14). Since it is important to enhance the predictability of DCV phenomena and the understanding of the adaptation responses of agricultural producers, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the economic implications of DCV forecasts on the agricultural sector by taking as a case study the Missouri River Basin (MRB) in the U.S. We analyse the impacts over welfare (in the form of consumers’ and producers’ surplus) and the adaptive responses within the value of information (VoI) framework. Adaptation takes the form of acreage and water use responses when DCV forecasts, in interaction with crop insurance, become available. For this we construct a mathematical programming model of the agricultural sector of the MRB and introduce the effects on water and crop yields from the combined occurrence of the positive (+) and negative (-) phases of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), the Tropical Atlantic Gradient (TAG) and the West Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP). THE ECONOMIC VALUE OF CLIMATE FORECASTS Economic research on the value of information for climate forecasts and the agricultural sector has mostly focused on interannual phenomena (such as ENSO). The economic value of the ability to perfectly forecast ENSO phases, measured through the increase in social welfare to U.S. agriculture sector, is estimated to average U.S. $323 million on an annual basis (5). Also, in (4) an examination of the change in the VoI for the release and adaptation to the Stone and Auliciems ο¬ve phase deο¬nition of ENSO states (Persistently negative, Persistently positive, Rapidly falling, Rapidly rising and Neutral), as opposed to a standard three phase deο¬nition (El Niño, La Niña and Neutral). Results indicate that the more detailed deο¬nition almost doubles the welfare gain from $399 to $754 million dollars. In (5), the value of a perfect forecast of ENSO phases is approximately US$145 million whereas for an imperfect forecast it is US$96 million. One of the few economic studies on DCV (15), the forecasts of the North Atlantic Oscillation imply welfare gains between 600 million and 1.2 billion dollars a year. THE MISSOURI RIVER BASIN The MRB is the largest river basin in the U.S. and encompasses areas of the states of Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Minnesota and Iowa. It produces approximately 46% of U.S. wheat, 22% of its grain corn, and 34% of its cattle. About 117 million acres are in cropland and of that total about 12 million acres are irrigated (16). The main concern of DCV in this region is that any of the phase combinations may persist for several years and even to a decade or longer, having dramatic effects on the MRB agricultural production (17). Figure 1 shows an example of the DCV impacts on corn yields for phase combinations PDO-TAG-WPWP- and PDO-TAGWPWP+. Impacts take the form of 10-year average percentage deviations from long-run average yields and we find that 65 counties are affected and impacts range from -33.33% to 36.04%1. DCV impact estimates exist for corn, sorghum, soybeans, spring wheat, and winter wheat. Regarding water availability, DCV explains 60 to 70% of the total variance of the regional annual-average precipitation in the region, exerting a large influence on temperature and water yields. Figure 2 shows DCV impacts on water yields, also in the form of 10-year average percentage deviations from long-run average yields (16). Impacts range from 58.76% for combination PDO- TAG- WPWP+, in Douglas County, Nebraska; to 41.54% for PDO+ TAG+ WPWP+ in Cheyenne County, Nebraska. DCV phenomena and their phases, whether they occur singly or in combination, are correlated to the occurrence of droughts and floods in the MRB region. Results in (16-18) report that the severe droughts occurring between 1949 and 1956 are predominantly associated to the PDO negative phase; droughts between 1985 and 1989 are predominantly associated with the TAG negative phase; and the floods occurring in 1992, 1997 and 1998, are predominantly associated with the simultaneous occurrence of the positive phases of the TAG and the PDO. 1 Data provided by Katherin Mendoza, Center for Research on the Changing Earth System. PDO-TAG-WPWP- PDO-TAG-WPWP+ PDO-TAG+WPWP- PDO-TAG+WPWP+ PDO+TAG-WPWP- PDO+TAG-WPWP+ PDO+TAG+WPWP - Figure 1. DCV Impacts on Corn in the Missouri River Basin (%). PDO+TAG+WPWP+ TAG+WPWP-P+ PDO-TAG-WPWP- PDO-TAG-WPWP+ PDO-TAG+WPWP- PDO-TAG+WPWP+ PDO+TAG-WPWP- PDO+TAG-WPWP+ PDO+TAG+WPWP - Figure 2. DCV Impacts on Water Yield in the Missouri River Basin (%). PDO+TAG+WPWP+ TAG+WPWP-P+ ADAPTATION RESPONSES IN AGRICULTURE Agricultural responses are analysed through a mathematical programming model which incorporates uncertainty about crop and water yields because of the DCV influence. The objective function represents the net benefit of water users and agricultural producers conditional to the occurrence of DCV scenarios. Demand functions take the constant elasticity of substitution (CES) form and are constructed based on the county-level crop mixes, yields and prices (obtained from USDA Quickstats for the period 1960-2010); and, variable costs and price elasticities, obtained from (19). Crop yields and irrigation water requirements differ following location-specific impacts as in Figures 1 and 2. The base year is 2010 and for calibration purposes we follow the marginal profit calculation as in (20), and to avoid overspecialization we use the historical crop mix approach proposed (21). The model also incorporates crop insurance as an adaptation alternative. It consists in a public scheme that covers 50% of the losses attributed to DCV effects on crop yields in the affected counties (22). The model sets constraints on land available for irrigated and dryland practices, and allows land conversion from irrigated to dryland. It is a two-stage stochastic programming model with recourse. In the first stage the crop mix is decided early in the year when the DCV phase combination is unknown, then, in the second stage harvest and irrigation water use can be adjusted to accommodate the DCV impacts when the amount of water available and the DCV phase combination is known. Implicitly the distribution of future states is contingent on the current phase. The scenarios consist of the 8 DCV-phase combinations and the corresponding years of incidence between 1949 and 2010. In order to capture the differential impacts of DCV phenomena, for their medium-term nature and persistence, and the correspondence between historically recorded extreme events and the occurrence of a particular phase combination, we estimate the transition probabilities. That is, the probabilities that any DCV-phase combination is followed the next year by any of the other combinations or by the same one. These reflect the long-run likelihood of the DCV impacts and account for the persistence of particular phases. The behavioural assumption is that an agricultural producer adopts a planting and harvesting strategy that maximizes expected profits under current beliefs about the DCVphase combination. Then, the VoI is the value of improved agricultural decisions because of the changes in expectations brought about by a climate forecast (22). For this we proceed as follows: (i) when only historical information is available, decisions are made facing the full yield distribution without considering the influence of DCV phases; then, we run the model with the probabilities representing the historical frequency of the scenarios; (ii) under an imperfect forecast, we run the model with knowledge that one is in a particular scenario and there is the possibility that for the next year a transition to another phase combination may occur. The crop mixes are adjusted to accommodate that particular set of transitions; and, (iii) under a perfect forecast, we run the model using knowledge of entering any scenario and set up crop mix customization accordingly. RESULTS Welfare and Value of Information Table 1 reports welfare results for the forecast alternatives and in interaction with crop insurance. Under the historical frequency and without insurance, the consumer surplus (CS) is on average US $0.9238 billion and there is an increase of 0.08% with insurance introduction. With an imperfect forecast, increases occur on consumer surplus regardless insurance availability; however, increases are comparatively lower when a perfect forecast interacts with insurance availability. On the side of the producer, forecast introduction represents positive effects over welfare, for an imperfect forecast there is an increase of 16.54% relative to the historical frequency whereas for the perfect forecast it is of 17.79%. Then, the benefits of implementing and enforcing a perfect forecast system seem minimal. Similar figures appear when insurance is available. Plus, the interaction of insurance and a perfect forecast reports a decrease of 0.06% which would be a signal of the significant role of climate information compared to insurance in decision making. Table 1: Average Welfare Estimates for DCV Scenarios under Different Forecast Systems and Without Insurance (in billions US$) Without Insurance With Insurance Consumer Surplus Producer Surplus Historical Imperfect Perfect Historical Imperfect Perfect Frequency Forecast Forecast Frequency Forecast Forecast 0.9238 0.9719 0.9666 1.9731 2.2996 2.3242 0.9246 0.9698 0.9642 1.9745 2.3003 2.3228 Table 2 reports the VoI and its decomposition by scenarios and insurance availability. The results are interpreted as the improvement of having a perfect or imperfect forecast relative to the historical frequency, or the improvement of a perfect forecast relative to an imperfect one. Without insurance the lowest value of the improvement because of an imperfect forecast relative to the historical frequency corresponds to PDO+TAG-WPWP-, whereas the highest arises for PDO- TAG- WPWP+ and PDO- TAG+ WPWP+. This latter result reflects the importance of having a forecast when it is likely that persistent droughts associated with this DCV phase combination may occur (17). On average, the VoI for the imperfect forecast relative to the historical frequency is U.S. $7.52 billion. When decisions are allowed to be customized to a perfect forecast the VoI relative to a historical frequency is U.S. $8.91 billion on average. However, gains are not significant when a perfect forecast is considered with respect to an imperfect one, the VoI is U.S. $1.39 billion. Here the lowest VOI appears for PDO+ TAG+ WPWP+, whereas the largest corresponds to PDO- TAG- WPWP-. That is, the imperfect forecast captures 84.4% of the variation of the VoI, that is, most of the information gains can be achieved through an imperfect forecast relative to the historical frequency. In turn, if we examine the interaction of insurance and forecast information, for all forecast mechanisms there is an average decrease in the VoI of 0.4% if insurance is introduced. That is, insurance counteracts the benefits of resolving uncertainty on next year’s DCV phase combination. Table 2: Value of Information for DCV-Phase Combination Forecasts without Insurance (in billions of US dollars) Perfect relative to Imperfect Forecast Imperfect relative to Historical Frequency Perfect relative to Historical Frequency NI I NI I NI I PDO+TAG+WPWP+ 0.63 0.63 7.56 7.55 8.20 8.18 PDO+TAG+WPWP- 1.39 1.39 7.41 7.39 8.80 8.78 PDO+TAG-WPWP- 1.55 1.55 7.37 7.36 8.92 8.91 PDO-TAG+WPWP+ 1.33 1.32 7.58 7.57 8.92 8.89 PDO-TAG-WPWP+ 1.61 1.61 7.58 7.56 9.19 9.18 PDO-TAG-WPWP- 2.05 2.04 7.56 7.55 9.62 9.59 PDO-TAG+WPWP- 1.33 1.32 7.56 7.39 8.89 8.86 PDO+TAG-WPWP+ 1.20 1.20 7.53 7.36 8.73 8.72 Average 1.39 1.38 7.52 7.50 8.91 8.89 Note: NI stands for No Insurance, I for insurance. Acreage Given the forecasts, producers may adjust plans to better their economic situation. These plans take the form of crop mix shifts (relative to the plans under the historical frequency) and we will refer to these as adaptation. Table 3 reports total acreage by crop when agricultural actions are predicted on the historical frequency and do not vary by scenario. For space constraints we present only results for sorghum, wheat (winter and spring), soybeans and corn. Table 3: Total Acreage in the MRB under a Historical Frequency Corn 21,486,750 Winter wheat 4,224,893 Sorghum 129,900 Spring wheat 5,163,314 Soybeans 14,769,000 Table 4 presents the adaptation results without insurance. It shows that given the imperfect forecast relative to the historical frequency, all crops but soybeans in scenario PDO+ TAGWPWP- show positive acreage shifts. However, the introduction of a perfect forecast (relative to an imperfect forecast) does not motivate adaptation for all crops in scenarios PDO+ TAG+ WPWP+ and PDO+ TAG+ WPWP-. On the contrary, decreases occur in PDOTAG+ WPWP+ which are mainly motivated by the droughts associated with this scenario. When comparing the perfect forecast relative to the historical frequency, sorghum shows actual decreases for scenarios PDO- TAG+ WPWP+, PDO- TAG- WPWP- and PDO-TAG+ WPWP-, whereas significant increases are reported for the rest of crops and scenarios. Table 4: Acreage Adaptation in the MRB - without Insurance (Percentage Change) Corn Sorghum Soybeans Winter wheat Spring wheat Corn Sorghum Soybeans Winter wheat Spring wheat Corn Sorghum Soybeans Winter wheat Spring wheat PDO+ TAG+ WPWP+ PDO+ TAG+ WPWP- PDO+ TAGWPWP- PDOTAG+ WPWP+ PDOTAGWPWP+ PDOTAGWPWP- PDOTAG+ WPWP- PDO+ TAGWPWP+ 10.75 152.7 6.52 Imperfect relative to Historical Frequency 9.54 8.9 13.95 12.26 12.43 151.7 548.6 73.58 58.73 102.3 11.3 -22.1 11.31 11.75 7.67 9.95 217.24 9.5 9.6 197.27 12.2 37.51 37.02 34.82 44.87 54.37 35.94 36.19 37.6 19.01 15.79 6.99 19.18 18.25 18.66 14.9 22.55 3.09 -83.33 1.59 0.15 -18.24 -0.13 0 0 0 Perfect relative to Imperfect Forecast 0 0.8 -0.52 0.01 0.82 0 -62.53 -69.53 0 -73.86 0 43.84 -0.07 0 3.31 0 0 2.29 -2.67 2.26 5.02 3.49 0.22 0 0 13.31 -0.93 0 -0.49 2.76 -1.08 10.75 152.79 6.52 Perfect relative to Historical Frequency 9.54 9.77 13.35 12.26 13.35 151.7 143.04 -47.12 58.73 -47.12 11.3 12.05 11.24 11.75 11.24 13.35 -47.12 11.24 9.77 143.04 12.05 37.51 37.02 37.9 41 57.87 42.76 40.94 37.9 19.01 15.79 21.23 18.08 18.25 18.08 18.08 21.23 In Table 5 we observe that crop insurance modifies adaptation. Under an imperfect forecast relative to the historical frequency sorghum and winter wheat show large acreage shifts. These variations are lower in magnitude compared to the no-insurance case in Table 4. In turn, for soybeans in scenario PDO+ TAG- WPWP-, insurance motivates acreage decreases. For the rest of crops and scenarios, insurance motivates quantitative differences but not in the direction of the crop mix shift. On the other hand, the availability of a perfect forecast relative to an imperfect does not induce significant acreage adaptation on scenarios PDO+ TAG+ WPWP+, PDO+ TAG+ WPWP- and PDO- TAG- WPWP+. However, for the particular scenario PDO- TAG+ WPWP+ the introduction of insurance helps to mitigate the decreases of all crops and even we find increase on soybeans and winter wheat. Interestingly, if scenario PDO+ TAGWPWP+ is announced with complete certainty, actual decreases occur for all crops except corn, relative to production plans under an imperfect forecast. . The interaction of insurance and perfect information mitigates acreage reduction for sorghum in scenarios PDO- TAG+ WPWP+, PDO- TAG- WPWP- and PDO-TAG+ WPWP-. However, this interaction brings about average decreases of 0.5% and 4.1% for corn and spring wheat acreage, respectively; and average increases of 0.6% and 18.8% for soybeans and winter wheat, respectively. On the other hand, for the case of production plans under perfect information relative to the historical frequency, adaptation is approximately the same in magnitude for all scenarios except PDO- TAG+ WPWP+, PDO- TAG- WPWP- and PDOTAG+ WPWP- where decreases occur for sorghum. No other decreases are reported on acreage for the rest of crops once uncertainty is rule out completely. Table 5: Acreage Adaptation in the MRB - with Insurance (Percentage Change) Corn Sorghum Soybeans Winter wheat Spring wheat Corn Sorghum Soybeans Winter wheat Spring wheat Corn Sorghum Soybeans Winter wheat Spring wheat PDO+ TAG+ WPWP+ PDO+ TAG+ WPWP- PDO+ TAGWPWP- PDOTAG+ WPWP+ PDOTAGWPWP+ PDOTAGWPWP- PDOTAG+ WPWP- PDO+ TAGWPWP+ 10.93 73.99 6.49 Imperfect relative to Historical Frequency 9.55 8.97 14.04 12.01 12.38 79.70 326.23 13.36 7.20 37.23 11.35 -21.91 11.24 11.62 7.73 10.10 113.55 9.46 9.86 107.43 12.21 36.18 34.46 33.97 49.51 62.92 35.48 37.24 37.20 19.43 14.82 4.76 19.22 16.81 17.40 15.37 22.44 0 0 0 Perfect relative to Imperfect Forecast 0 0.86 -0.59 0.05 0.89 0 -59.71 -15.49 0 -30.19 0 43.59 0.15 0 3.42 2.97 -55.14 1.78 0.05 -17.21 -0.07 0 0 2.01 7.97 1.55 20.65 17.63 -0.39 0 0 15.32 -1.90 0.00 -0.39 1.38 -1.33 10.93 73.99 6.49 Perfect relative to Historical Frequency 9.55 9.91 13.37 12.06 13.37 79.70 71.74 -4.21 7.20 -4.21 11.35 12.13 11.41 11.62 11.41 13.37 -4.21 11.41 9.91 71.74 12.13 36.18 34.46 36.67 61.42 65.45 63.46 61.42 36.67 19.43 14.82 20.82 16.95 16.81 16.95 16.95 20.82 Agricultural Water Usage Table 6 reports adaptation on agricultural water usage. Under the historical frequency the agricultural water usage is 373,434 million gallons. When insurance is not available and under an imperfect forecast, there are increases of water usage across all scenarios where the highest variation corresponds to scenario PDO-TAG+ WPWP- because of the droughts associated to this scenario. On average, water usage for agricultural purpose increase by 49.4%. In turn, under a perfect forecast relative to the historical frequency increase is on average 41.1%. That is, on average a perfect forecast implies that water usage decreases by 5.02% relative to an imperfect one. With insurance introduction, adaptation is approximately the same under the imperfect and perfect forecasts relative to the historical frequencies. Qualitatively the results are equivalent though the magnitudes slightly differ. The main implication from the results in Table 66 is that across all scenarios, regardless insurance availability, the amount of water used is significantly larger when any kind of forecast becomes available. For the cases of PDO-TAG+ WPWP-, PDO- TAG- WPWP+ and PDO-TAG- WPWP-, which are drought-related scenarios, when it becomes known that water will be scarce, producers may anticipate and invest in water storage infrastructure to cope with the droughts. For the rest of scenarios, particularly PDO+TAG+WPWP-, PDO+TAGWPWP- and PDO+TAG-WPWP+, water storage facilities serve as an anticipatory measure in the case of a future and likely transition towards drier climate conditions. Table 6: Percentage Changes in Agricultural Irrigation Water Usage in the MRB (millions of gallons) PDO+ TAG+ WPWP+ PDO+ TAG+ WPWP- PDO+ TAGWPWP- PDOTAG+ WPWP+ PDOTAGWPWP+ PDOTAGWPWP- PDOTAG+ WPWP- Agricultural water consumption without insurance: 373,434 Imperfect forecast relative to historical frequency 52.75 52.65 42.04 36.00 52.45 47.81 75.48 Perfect forecast relative to historical frequency 52.75 52.65 40.29 30.71 52.38 29.85 29.58 Perfect forecast relative to imperfect 0.00 0.00 -1.23 -3.89 -0.05 -12.15 -26.16 Agricultural water consumption with insurance: 373,434 Imperfect forecast relative to historical frequency 49.55 51.23 41.53 35.61 49.91 44.74 71.95 Perfect forecast relative to historical frequency 49.55 51.23 37.60 34.61 49.49 34.39 33.38 Perfect forecast relative to imperfect 0.00 0.00 -2.78 -0.74 -0.28 -7.15 -22.43 PDO+ TAGWPWP+ Average 35.90 49.39 40.43 41.08 3.34 -5.02 35.57 47.51 39.57 41.23 2.95 -3.80 DISCUSSION We find that the possible welfare increases achieved by a perfect forecast (without insurance), averages 8.91 billion dollars. However, the vast majority of this, 7.52 billion dollars, can be obtained by simply relying on a forecast based on transition probabilities. Also, we find that crop insurance lowers the returns to DCV forecasts under an imperfect forecast by 0.26% as they in part manage the same risks as do the forecasts. The interaction of insurance and perfect forecasts, relative to the imperfect, causes the VoI to increase by 18.53%. Insurance and the perfect forecast reinforce each other in the formation of the optimal producers’ responses. Because of the long-term and insurable nature of DCV perturbations, the value of information in this case is slightly diminished. In terms of adaptation, the results are a signal on how the use of forecasts may permit valuable adaptive responses. Relative to the historical frequency, under the imperfect forecast and without insurance, there are significant acreage expansion for sorghum and wheat (winter and spring). Once insurance is introduced, expansions are greater and some sign reversals appear for soybeans. Also, when perfect information is available and without insurance, acreage reductions occur for corn, sorghum, soybeans and wheat across all phase combinations. On the other hand, the interaction of insurance with a perfect forecast does not motivate uniform adaptation. On average, acreage responses on winter wheat are larger in magnitude relative to the no insurance case. But average sorghum acreage adaptation doubles when no insurance is available. In terms of agricultural water usage adaptation, the largest deviations in water consumption are for phase combinations PDO- TAG+ WPWP- and PDO- TAG- WPWP+, both associated with persistent droughts. These adaptations are smaller when insurance is present. We also observe that the perfect forecast, relative to the imperfect, implies no adaptation or decreases for almost all scenarios. These decreases are mildly mitigated when insurance becomes available. The limitations of this study are linked to the future research paths. First, one could construct more refined transition probabilities in a Bayesian framework incorporating prior information of phase combinations occurrence. Second, the model is static and the introduction of a dynamic setting would allow examination of adjustments in items like water storage. Third, through maximum entropy models it would be possible to match land use models to inputs and output such that the level of analysis would be at lower spatial basis than at counties. Fourth, institutional arrangements such as water rights and market power should be included for a more detailed analysis. APPENDIX Mathematical Structure of the Model RIVERSIM is an economic and hydrological model incorporating: (a) sectoral water demand; (b) spatial river flow relationship, and (c) uncertainty about crop yields and water availability under the DCV influence. The model projects water usage and agricultural land allocations and will be used to estimate the economic value of forecasting DCV-phase combinations. It is a two-stage stochastic programming model with recourse. In the first stage the crop mix is decided when the phase combination is unknown, then, in the second stage harvest and irrigation use can be adjusted once DCV impacts become known. RIVERSIM maximizes the consumers' and producers’ surpluses, subject to a set of supply and demand balances, water flow, and resource restrictions. The model estimations are carried at county-level. Value of Information of DCV-Phase Combinations Forecast DCV forecasts may help inform the decision maker by providing a better expectation of the (conditional) probability associated with DCV events. The value of information (VoI) is the difference between the expected value when an imperfect forecast (i.e. using a historical frequency distribution) is available, and when forecast information exists (i.e. under a transition probabilities distribution or a perfect information case) (Cerdá and Quiroga 2011; Adams et al. 1995). For the VoI estimation we require simulations of the adjustments of the decision makers conditional on the alternative forecasts. In the case when historical information is available, the decisions are made facing the full yield distribution without considering the influence of DCV phases. In turn, when DCV forecasts become available the decisions are conditional on the altered probabilities of phase combinations. The crop mixes are tailored to the probabilities inherent in the forecast. Additionally, we investigate the role of crop insurance as a risk-spreading mechanism through which the costs of climate-related events are distributed among other sectors and throughout society. Following Chen and Chang (2005), a public yield-based crop insurance program is assumed where farmers can purchase a 50%-coverage fixed-indemnity contract for a given premium. RIVERSIM Structure The MRB contains areas or all of a total of 411 counties. The sectors considered as water users are agriculture, industry, residential, mining, reservoirs, aquaculture and golf courts irrigation. For agriculture, the crops analyzed are barley, corn, alfalfa hay, oats, sorghum, wheat (durum, winter and spring), soybeans, sugarbeets, canola and potatoes. The irrigation practices are categorized as irrigated or dryland. Crop production budgets are adapted from Beach et al. (2010) and Adams (1996). We follow Adams (1996) and Fajardo, McCarl and Thompson (1981) for calibration and, in order, to avoid overspecialization the model solution, crop acreage is restricted to a convex combination of the historically observed crop mixes (Onal and McCarl 1991, McCarl 1982). We use 2010 as base year. Prices are at statelevel whereas yields are at district-level. Data on own-price elasticities are adapted from Beach et al. (2010) and Adams (1996). County-level water usage data comes from the U.S. Geological Survey. Data on residential water usage are transformed to a monthly basis using the monthly fractional shares in Cai (2010). Water rates come from the information on the municipalities web sites in each county and from phone calls when online information was not available. RIVERSIM contains 13,154 nodes, for an equivalent number of rivers or reaches. RIVERSIM relies on simulations of the SWAT model where output provides simulated monthly inflows, outflows and evaporation loss. Since SWAT output does not provide the location of water diversion points, then we rely on 10 mile-influence zones around human settlements and locations where water-usage activities take place. Every river/reach within each zone is attributed an equal probability, according to the number of rivers, of being a water diversion point. Climate data, from 1950 to 2010, were drawn from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. They include temperature (in Celsius degrees) and number of days when precipitation was less than 0.1 inches, which represent the number of days in a month without rainfall. County-level impacts of each DCV-phase combination are 10-year average percentage deviations from long-run average yields of corn for grain, sorghum for grain, soybeans, spring wheat, and winter wheat (Mehta, Rosenberg and Mendoza 2012). Each scenario corresponds to the 8 possible DCV-phase combinations. Considering the 61 years of data, the relative frequency with which each scenario occurred are in Table 7. It shows, for example, that the phase combination PDO- TAG- WPWP- occurred 16.1% of the time. Table 7: Historical Distribution of DCV-Phase Combinations Phase Combinations Probability Phase Combinations Probability PDO- TAG- WPWP- 0.161 PDO+ TAG- WPWP- 0.080 PDO- TAG+ WPWP- 0.064 PDO- TAG- WPWP+ 0.112 PDO+ TAG+ WPWP- 0.161 PDO- TAG+ WPWP+ 0.225 PDO+ TAG+ WPWP+ 0.112 PDO+ TAG- WPWP+ 0.080 There are some caveats relative to the use of a frequency-based probability distribution. First, it may not carry enough information on the differential impacts of DCV phenomena, and the persistence and dominance of particular phases over the regional climate variability (Gan and Wu 2012); and, second, it may not incorporate the information on the literature on the correspondence between persistent anomalous events and the historical occurrence of a particular DCV-phase. Then we estimate the transition probabilities between DCV phase combinations, and rather than relying on the origin of each phase, we focus on the differential impacts (Mehta el al 2012). Under this framework of persistent and dominant phases, Table 8 contains the transition probabilities which reflect the long-run likelihood of each scenario and accounts for the year to year persistence of particular phases. Table 8: Transition Probabilities (Decimals) This year’s DCV Phase Combination Next year’s DCV Phase Combination PDOTAGWPWP- PDOTAG+ WPWP- PDOTAG+ WPWP+ PDO+ TAG+ WPWP+ PDOTAGWPWP+ PDO+ TAG+ WPWP- PDO+ TAGWPWP- PDO+ TAGWPWP+ PDOTAGWPWP- 0.200 0.100 0.200 0.000 0.200 0.200 0.000 0.100 PDOTAG+ WPWP- 0.000 0.250 0.250 0.000 0.250 0.000 0.000 0.250 PDOTAG+ WPWP+ 0.308 0.077 0.462 0.077 0.077 0.000 0.000 0.000 PDO+ TAG+ WPWP+ 0.000 0.000 0.143 0.286 0.286 0.286 0.000 0.000 PDOTAGWPWP+ 0.143 0.143 0.429 0.143 0.143 0.000 0.000 0.000 PDO+ TAG+ WPWP- 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.200 0.000 0.300 0.300 0.100 PDO+ TAGWPWP- 0.200 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.400 0.400 0.000 PDO+ TAGWPWP+ 0.200 0.000 0.000 0.200 0.000 0.200 0.000 0.400 Demand and Factor Supply Curves The required parameters for the construction of the residential water demand curve are the quantity used, water rates, the municipal fractional monthly water usage by county, monthly residential own-price elasticities (from Bell and Griffin 2011), climate elasticities (from Bell and Griffin 2005), and the variable cost of water. A climate-driven shifting factor is introduced to reflect the effect of climate on water demand (Bell and Griffin 2011). For industrial usage, the demand structure is similar but since no data is available, we assume the demand is constant with respect to climate variations. The crops and the water demand functions for the residential, commercial and industrial sectors take a CES form. For computing efficiency, we implement a separable programming approach with 50 steps defined. In turn, for self-supplied industries, mining, golf course irrigation and aquaculture we also assume constant marginal benefit for water usage. Table 9 summarizes the mathematical structure of RIVERSIM. The structure of the demand and factor supply equations is incorporated in the objective function (equation 1) so that it represents the weighted net benefit from water use, where ππππ(π ) is the probability of each DCV phase combination (s); π‘ is the type of water use; ππ ππ‘π and ππ ππ‘π are the monthly water price and quantity, which differ across counties (c) and months (m); ππΆπ ππ‘ππ are the marginal cost functions of water supply; and π·ππ ππ‘ππ are the amounts of water withdrawn from a river place. Crop insurance (equation 2) is embedded in the objective function where the per unit indemnity, πΌπ,πππππ , is assumed to be the market price in the base year; πΜ πππππ is the insured yield which is assumed as the average level of yield in each county during the sample period 1960-2010. The premium per acre (ππππππ’π Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ πππππ ) is based on the average loss per acre from DCV impacts in each affected county. Table 9: RIVERSIM Mathematical Structure π ∑π ππππ(π ) (∑π ∑π‘ ∑π (∫0 π ππ‘π ππ ππ‘π (ππ ππ‘π )πππ ππ‘π − π·ππ ππ‘π ∑π ∫0 ππΆπ ππ‘π (π·ππ ππ‘π )ππ·ππ ππ‘π − (1) π·ππ ππ‘π ∑π ∫0 ππΆπ ππ‘ππ (πΊππ ππ‘ππ )ππΊππ ππ‘ππ ) ) (∑π ∑πππππ ∑ππ πΌπ,πππππ ∗ πππ₯(0, πΜ πππππ − ππ π,πππππ ) ∗ πππ£πππππ − ππππππ’ππππππ ) Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ ∑πππππ πΆπ πππ΄πΆπ πΈπππ ,πΌππππππ‘ππ,πππππ ≤ πΌππππππ‘πππΏππππ − πΌπ π πππ·π πππ ∑πππππ πΆπ πππ΄πΆπ πΈπππ ,π·ππ¦ππππ,πππππ ≤ π·ππ¦πΏππππ + πΌπ π πππ·π πππ πΌπ π πππ·π πππ ≤ πΌππππππ‘πππΏππππ πΆπ πππ΄πΆπ πΈπππ ,ππ,πππππ ≤ ∑π πππ,ππ ∗ πππ₯πππ‘ππ ππ,ππ,πππππ ∑π πππππ ∗ πΜπππππ ∗ π΄πΊπ·πΈππ΄ππ·π π π,ππππ, = ∑π πΆπ πππ΄πΆπ πΈπππ ,ππ,πππππ ∗ ππ π,πππππ ∑π πππππ ∗ πΜπππππ ∗ π΄πΊπ·πΈππ΄ππ·π π π,πππππ = π΄πΊπ·πΈππ΄ππ·π ,πππππ ∑π π΄πΊπ·πΈππ΄ππ·π π π,πππππ = 1 ∑π πππππ ∗ πΜππππ ∗ π·πππ·πΌππΈπ ππΈπ πππΈπ πππ π = ∑π πΆππΏπΏπΈπΆππΆπππππππ π π·πΌππΈπ ππΈπ πππΈπ·πππ π,ππππβππ = ∑ π ∑ππππβππ πΆππΏπΏπΈπΆππΆπππππππ π ∑π πππππ ∗ πΜππππ ∗ πΌππ·π·πΌππΈπ ππΈπ πππΈπ πππ = ∑π ∑π πΆππΏπΏπΈπΆππΌππ·ππππ πππ , πΌππ·π·πΌππΈπ ππΈπ πππΈπ ,ππππβππ = ∑π πΆππΏπΏπΈπΆππΌππ·ππππ πππ ,ππππβππ . ∑πππππ πΆπ πππ΄πΆπ πΈπππ ,ππ,πππππ ∗ πππππππ‘πππ ,πππππ = ∑π ∑ππππβππ π΄πΊππ΄ππΈπ πππΈππ . π·πΌππΈπ ππΌππππ ,π πππ‘ππ ≤ ∑ππππβππ ∑π ∑π πππ‘ππ ππππππ·ππ£πππ ππππ,ππππβππ ,π πππ‘ππ. ∑ππππ‘βπ π·πΌππΈπ ππΈπ πππΈπ·πππ ,π,ππππβππ ≤ ∑π π·πΌππΈπ ππΌππππ·ππππ ,ππππβππ π·πΌππΈπ ππΈπ πππΈπ ,ππππβππ = ∑π ∑π πππ‘ππ π·πΌππΈπ ππΌπππππ ,ππππβππ , ππΌππ·πΌππΈπ ππΈπ πππΈπ ,ππππβππ = ∑π ∑ππππβππ πΆππΏπΏπΈπΆπππΌππΌππΊπ,ππππβππ π΄πππ΄π·πΌππΈπ ππΈπ πππΈπ ,ππππβππ = ∑π ∑ππππβππ πΆππΏπΏπΈπΆππ΄πππ΄π,ππππβππ , πΊππΏπΉπ·πΌππΈπ ππΈπ πππΈπ ,ππππβππ = ∑π ∑ππππβππ πΆππΏπΏπΈπΆππΊππΏπΉπ,ππππβππ , π΄πΊπ·πΌππΈπ ππΈπ πππΈπ ,ππππβππ = ∑π ∑ππππβππ π΄πΊππ΄ππΈπ πππΈππ , πΌππ·ππΈπΏπΉπΆππΏπΏπΈπΆπππ ≤ π ππππΌπππ·ππππππ , ∀π ∑π πππ‘ππ ∑π ∑π π·πΌππΈπ ππΌππππ ,π πππ‘ππ + πΉπππ€ππ’π‘π π + ππππ πΈπππ‘πππ π + πππππ π΅π π ≤ π πΈπππ ππ π + πΉπππ€πΌππ π + ππππ πΈπππππππ π ππππ πΈπππ‘πππ π ≤ π π‘ππππππ , ππππ πΈπππππππ π ≤ π π‘ππππππ . ∑π ππππ(π ) ∗ (∑π(ππππ πΈπππ‘πππ π − ππππ πΈπππππππ π )) = 0 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) Equations (3) and (4) are land constraints for agriculture, where πΌππππππ‘πππΏππππ and π·ππ¦πΏππππ are, respectively, the amounts of irrigated and dry land available at each county; πΌπ π πππ·π πππ is the amount of converted irrigated land to dryland. Land conversion cannot exceed the amount of irrigated land available at each county (equation 5). Crop mix balance is on equation 6, where πππ,ππ denotes the contribution from historical harvests to the formation of the optimal acreage solution. For the price-endogenous nature of RIVERSIM, equation 7 represents the agricultural markets clearing conditions, and equation 8 the contribution of each step of the approximation such that the summation must equal the aggregate agricultural demand. The crop demand value is approximated by a convex combination of the function evaluated at the grid points so that π΄πΊπ·πΈππ΄ππ·π π ,πππππ ,π π‘πππ , in equation 9, gives the contribution of each grid point in the approximation (Adams 1996). Equation 10 indicates that the total water diversion for residential usage equals the demand. Equations 11 to 13 represent the stepwise water usage function and the balancing constraint between all diversions for commercial or industrial purposes (πΌππ·π·πΌππΈπ ππΈπ πππΈπ ,ππππβππ ) and usage (πΆππΏπΏπΈπΆππΌππ·ππππ πππ ,ππππβππ ). We assume that the water for irrigation usage (π΄πΊππ΄ππΈπ πππΈππ ) is linearly proportionate to the πΆπ πππ΄πΆπ πΈπππ ,ππ,πππππ variable, and is determined once the DCV phase combination becomes known. (π·πΌππΈπ ππΌππππ ,π πππ‘ππ ) Equation allowed 15 represents from all the rivers. maximum The upper water diversions diversion limits (ππππππ·ππ£πππ ππππ,ππππβππ ,π πππ‘ππ ) correspond to the 2005 water consumption increased by 10% in order to get an approximate figure for 2010 consumption (Kenny 2009). Equations 16 and 17 link river diversions to the estimated usage for all sectors, whereas equations 18 to 22 are the balancing constraints between all diversions for mining, aquaculture, golf courses irrigation use, agriculture and self-supplied industries and the estimated usage. Equation 23 depicts that for each influence zone, water outflows cannot exceed inflows, where πΉπΏππππ’π‘π π denotes water outflows downstream; ππππ πΈπππ‘πππ π is the amount of water stored at the end of a month in a reservoir; πππππ π΅π π represents the outflows out of the MRB; πΉπΏπππππ π is the inflows from upstream; ππππ πΈπππππππ π denotes the amount of water stored at the beginning of a month in a reservoir; and π πΈπππ ππ π is the amount of water returned to the stream flows after serving a particular economic purpose. Equations 24 and 25 represent that water stored, either at the beginning or end of any month, cannot exceed the storage capacity of a reservoir (π π‘ππππππ ). 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