Organelle Structure Plasma Membrane Phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins, cholesterol, and carbohydrates. Function 1. Separates cell from surroundings 2. Regulates movement in and out Nucleus Double membrane Control cellular with chromatin and a functions including nucleolus protein production Nuclear Double layer with 1. Holds nuclear Envelope pores and studded contents with ribosomes 2. Regulate passage of materials in and out Nucleolus rRNA and protein Makes ribosomes Chromatin DNA and histone Controls cell proteins protein production Ribosomes Small and large Makes proteins subunits made of rRNA and protein Rough Membrane bound 1. Makes Endoplasmic canals studded with membranes Reticulum (ER) ribosomes and 2. Makes continuous with the protein nuclear envelope Smooth ER Membrane bound 1. Detoxifies canals poisons and drugs in liver 2. Stores Ca+2 in muscle 3. Carbohydrat e metabolism 4. Make lipids Golgi Apparatus Membrane bound 1. Store Prokaryote, Eukaryote, Both both eukaryotes eukaryotes eukaryotes eukaryotes both eukaryotes eukaryotes eukaryotes stack of flattened sacs Lysosome Membrane bound with hydrolytic enzymes Vacuole Membrane bound sac Tonoplast Phospholipid bilayer Mitochondrion Double membrane, DNA, ribosomes Double membrane, DNA, Ribosomes Membrane bound with specific hydrolytic enzymes Chloroplast Peroxisomes Cytoskeleton Microtubules Made of microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments Hollow tubes made of the protein tubulin 2. Sort 3. Modify 4. Create 5. Ship Products of the ER 1. Food digestion (unicellular) 2. Autolysis (apoptosis) 3. Recycling 1. Storage 2. Support (plant cells) Separates plant vacuole from cytoplasm Cellular respiration Photosynthesis eukaryotes eukaryotes eukaryotes eukaryotes Eukaryotesplants only eukaryotes 1. Breakdown fatty acids 2. Detoxify alcohol and peroxides 1. Mechanical eukaryotes support 2. Shape 3. Motility 4. Regulation 1. Support eukaryotes 2. Organelle movement 3. Separation of chromosome s during cell Centriole Cilia Flagella Basal Bodies Microfilaments 9 triplets of microtubules 9+2 doublets of microtubules covered with membrane eukaryotes 9+2 doublets of microtubules covered with membrane Prokaryotes Smaller, no membrane, made of the protein flagellin 9 triplets of microtubules Solid rods made of the protein actin Plasmodesmata Openings through the cell wall connecting the cytoplasm of neighboring cells division Cell division Movement Eukaryotesanimals ONLY 9 triplets of microtubules Movement Both Anchors cilia and flagella to cell 1. Support 2. Muscle contraction 3. Cyclosis Intercellular communication Eukaryotes Eukaryotes Eukaryotesplants ONLY