LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION E-108 TOPIC: Student Documentation for Admission and Registration In order to ensure fair and equitable treatment of all students, no matter how or where they apply for admission in the District, documentation requirements for admission and registration must be applied uniformly to all students. This regulation identifies various types of documentation that may or may not be required of students. 1. Picture Identification. Picture identification is required when a student requests to change his or her name on college records, and for all in-person transactions that would otherwise require a personal identification number (PIN), if conducted on-line or by telephone. In all other cases, picture identification may be requested, but is not required. 2. Electronic Signatures. Student transactions, including application for admission, conducted electronically do not require additional hard copy (“wet ink”) signatures, provided that the student has a unique log-in identifier (e.g., student ID number, or other log-in identifier assigned to, or chosen by, the student) and a unique Personal Identification Number (PIN) or password. 3. Social Security Numbers and Social Security Cards. Under Federal law, the District is required to request Social Security numbers from all students, but the District is not required to collect them. If a student refuses to provide a Social Security number, the student must be allowed to complete the application and registration process. Additionally, a student cannot be required to produce his or her Social Security card. 4. Additional Documentation. If a student (or the student's parent, if the student is under age 19) has either maintained a home outside of California at any time during the last two years, or has 1) maintained voter registration and voted in another state; 2) petitioned for a divorce in another state; 3) attended an out-of-state institution as a resident of that other state; or 4) declared non-residence for state income tax purposes, the student will be required to provide additional evidence and documentation of his or E-108 Page 1 of 2 her intent to reside in California in order to obtain California residency classification. If a student is required to complete the Supplemental Residency Questionnaire because of circumstances listed in section 4 of this regulation, then the student will be required to produce the documentation specified in the questionnaire. A student may also be required to produce residency documentation if there is conflicting residency information on the application. Otherwise, residency determinations will be made on the basis of the information contained on the Application for Admission, and will not require further documentation. 5. Supplemental Residency Questionnaire. The Supplemental Residency Questionnaire will only be used in the following cases: The student, who was previously determined to be a non-resident, is requesting a residency reclassification to resident status. When there are exceptions to the general rules for residency determination, as identified in the residency determination flowchart and as referenced in section 12 of the application. There are inconsistencies in the answers to the residency questions on the application. More information is needed to make a residency determination. The Supplemental Residency Questionnaire specifies the documentation that is required for each section the student is completing. Original Issue Date: May 1, 2006 Initiated by: Educational Support Services Dates of Changes: February 10, 2009; January 4, 2016 References: Title 5, CCR, 54300; 15 U.S.C, 7701 et seq The Los Angeles Community College District does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admissions or access to, or treatment of or employment in, its programs or activities. Requests for alternate formats can be made by contacting the ADA Compliance Administrator, 770 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90017, (213) 891-2213 voice, (213)891-2408 TTY, and (213) 891-2295 fax. E-108 Page 2 of 2