Third Grade Reading/Writing Learning Targets

Roselawn Elementary School
3rd Grade Reading Units and Learning Targets
Unit 1 Living and Learning 30 days
Essential Question: Which skills help us make our way in the world?
Learning Targets
1. Students will ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding using the text for the
basis for answers in complete sentences. (CCRL1, CCSL1a,1b,4,6)
2. Students will retell stories i.e. fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures using key
details in the text. (CCRL2, CCSL4)
3. Students will describe characters in a story and explain how their actions contribute to the
sequence of events. (CCRL3, CCSL4)
4. Students will use illustrations to understand the story. (CCRL7)
5. Students will compare and contrast different text. (CCSLR9)
6. Students will and apply grade level phonics and word analysis to aid in fluency. (CCFR3)
7. Students will read and comprehend stories, dramas and poetry. (CCRL10)
Unit 2 Smart Solutions
30 days
Essential Question: What are smart ways that problems are solved?
Learning Targets
1. Students will ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding using the text for the
basis for answers in complete sentences. (CCRL1, CCSL1,4,6, CCRI2, CCL3a CCRL1,
2. Students will retell stories i.e. fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures using key
details in the text. (CCRL2, CCSL4)
3. Students will determine the main idea of the text and recount the key details. (CCRI2)
4. Students will use text features and search tools. (CCRI5)
5. Students will use information from graphic sources along with text to demonstrate
understanding. (CCRI7)
6. Students will compare and contrast important ideas and key details presented in two texts.
Unit 3 People and Nature 30 days
Essential Question: How are people and nature connected?
Learning Targets
1. Students will ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding using the text for the
basis for answers in complete sentences. (CCRI1, CCSL1,6 CCRL1, CCSL1a,1b,)
2. Students will determine the main idea of the text and recount the key details. (CCRI2)
3. Students will describe characters’ actions contributing to the sequence of events. (CCRL3)
4. Students will use text features and search tools. (CCRI5)
5. Students will use information from graphic sources along with text to demonstrate
understanding. (CCRI7)
Unit 4 One of a Kind 30 days
Essential Question: What does it mean to be unique?
Learning Targets
1. Students will determine the main idea of the text and recount the key details. (CCRI2
CCRL1, CCSL1a,1b,)
2. Students will describe a series of events, ideas, cause and effect, or steps in a process using
transitional words with grade-appropriate vocabulary. (CCRI3,CCL3, CCL6)
3. Students will read fluently with accuracy. (CCRF4)
4. Students will use text features and search tools. (CCRI5)
5. Students will distinguish their own point of view from the author’s. (CCRI6)
6. Students will use information from graphic sources along with text to demonstrate
understanding. (CCRI7)
7. Students will describe the logical connection between sentences and paragraphs. (CCRI8)
8. Students will ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding using the text for the
basis for answers in complete sentences. (CCRI1, CCSL1,6)
Unit 5 Cultures 30 days
Essential Question: What happens when two ways of life come together?
Learning Targets
Students will ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding using the text for the
basis for answers in complete sentences. (CCRI1, CCSL1,6 CCRL1, CCSL1a,1b,)
Students will retell stories i.e. fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures using key
details in the text. (CCRL2, CCSL4)
Students will describe characters’ actions contributing to the sequence of events. (CCRL3)
Students will explain how illustrations contribute to the story in terms of mood, character and
setting. (CCRL7)
Students will read and comprehend literature and informational text independently and
proficiently. (CCRL10, CCRI10)
Students will ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding using the text for the
basis for answers using agreed upon rules for discussion. (CCRI1,)
Students will describe a series of events, ideas, cause and effect, or steps in a process using
transitional words with grade-appropriate vocabulary. (CCRI3, CCL3, CCL6)
Unit 6 Freedom 30 days
Essential Question: What does freedom mean?
Learning Targets
1. Students will ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding using the text for the
basis for answers in complete sentences. (CCRI1, CCSL1,6 CCRL1, CCSL1a,1b,)
2. Students will determine the main idea of the text and recount the key details. (CCRI2)
3. Students will describe a series of events, ideas, cause and effect, or steps in a process using
transitional words with grade-appropriate vocabulary. (CCRI3,CCL3, CCL6)
4. Students will determine the meaning of words as they are used in a text distinguishing literal
from nonliteral. (CCRL4)
5. Students will use information from graphic sources along with text to demonstrate
understanding. (CCRI7)
6. Students will use text features and search tools. (CCRI5)
7. Students will ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding using the text for the
basis for answers. (CCRI1, CCSL1)
8. Students will retell stories i.e. fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures using key
details in the text. (CCRL2, CCSL4)
9. Students will retell stories i.e. fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures using key
details in the text. (CCRL2, CCSL4)