August 27th, 2007

HaWfieLdS MiDdLe ScHoOl ChOrUs
August 27th, 2012
Dear CHORUS Students and Parents,
Welcome back! I hope that you summer was fun-filled and relaxing. I am SO excited about the
year to come. Here are a few things to get us started:
Attached to this letter are the following documents:
Chorus Events Calendar (back of this letter)
* Please mark these dates on your calendar*
Hawfields Chorus Handbook
HMS Student/ Parent or Guardian Information Form
Parents: Please include your e-mail address if you would like to receive weekly
updates on chorus activities. TURN BACK INTO MRS. WESTBROOK
“One Stop Shopping”- items that may need to be purchased or collected
Please read through this packet and the Chorus Handbook with your son or daughter so that
everyone is aware of the class requirements. Please sign and return all of the forms in this
packet by Friday, August 28th. Returning this paperwork is your first assignment worth 100
points toward your first written assignment.
Thank you,
Mrs. Aria Westbrook
THIS PAGE FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* As the year progresses, any changes and additions will be given with as much notice as possible. *
TBA- information about field trip to see Shrek, the Musical! in November
9/7- Chorus shirt/ Hoodie payment DUE (made out to HMS Band Boosters)
9/10- Music Support and Information Parent Meeting (5:30-6:30)
9/28- Carowinds Music Festival fieldtrip information sent home
All State Middle School Chorus participants selected and notified by this month (8th grade only)
11/1- Talent Show auditions (3:30 to 5:00)
11/7- (if in Talent show) Talent Show Rehearsal (3:30- 4:30)
11/9- Fruit fundraiser order forms distributed
11/14- PAYMENT #1 for Carowinds field trip DUE!
11/15- (if in Talent show) Talent Show Dress Rehearsal (3:30- 5:00)
11/16- TALENT SHOW @ 7PM! (all chorus students are encouraged to attend)
11/26 through 11/29- collecting fruit money during this time. After 11/29, no money will be collected.
11/30- after school field trip to Raleigh to see Shrek, the Musical! 
TBA- after school Winter concert rehearsal with band students
12/-12 Winter Concert for Band and Chorus- 7pm in HMS Gymnasium (ALL chorus students to Mrs.
Westbrook’s room PROMPTLY at 6:30PM)
12/17- estimated fruit delivery date
TBA- public holiday performance
Afterschool intensives (rehearsals) for Woodlawn and HMS All-State Chorus participants. TBA
Auditions for Solo and Ensemble performances/ VHE. TBA
3/12- All County soloist auditions after school @ Cummings HS
3/13- All County Chorus Clinic
3/14- All County Chorus Clinic (CONCERT @ 7PM in Cummings HS auditorium)
3/15- Discount Card Fundraiser Kick Off! (information sent home)
4/18- Mandatory rehearsal for all students going on Carowinds field trip (3:30-5:00)…. BYE for all sports
4/26 and 4/27- NC Middle School All State Chorus Clinic and Concert (for auditioned 8th grade students)
5/8- Mandatory Final Carowinds rehearsal for all attending field trip (3:30-5:00)
5/8- Required meeting for all Carowinds Chaperones (5:10- 5:45)…. Location either in band or chorus room
5/16- Band Concert @7PM in HMS Cafetiera (attendance = extra credit)
5/23- Chorus concert @7pm in HMS Cafeteria (all chorus students meet Mrs. Westbrook in her room
PROMPTLY at 6:30pm).
(336) 563-5303
Aria Westbrook, Director of Chorus and General Music
Amy Walker, Principal
Welcome to Hawfields Middle School Chorus! This is a chorus with a tradition of excellence and many
musical accomplishments. I hope that you will find learning and performing with us to be a rewarding
experience. However, it is your responsibility to conduct yourselves in such a manner to uphold the traditions
of our chorus, and create an environment where everyone can learn and be successful. You will determine the
type of organization that you would like this chorus to be for yourselves.
Our goal is to become the best musicians that we can be. This goal will require teamwork, dedication and
individual hard work. Every student must make an effort so we can be the best we can be. Excellence in chorus
results from a combination of the hard work of many individuals, which means everyone counts toward our
success and achieving our goals.
Participation (daily grade, performances, vocal warm-up and sectional conduct, part checks)
Music Theory Packets/ Quizzes
Theory Packets:
An important part of musicianship- whether singing or playing an instrument- is learning how to read music.
Students will complete a variety of paper work and activities (dictation on staff paper, notes from online
sources, interval/ ear training, reading notes and their corresponding values, written reflections and responses to
the expressive nature of selected repertoire, etc.) to address this aspect of choral learning. Packets and
smartboard activiteis will be individually graded on a bi-weekly basis. Students will be given periodic written
quizzes covering material that was taught/ reviewed in these packets.
Written and singing quizzes will be given periodically to assess the knowledge and performance level of each
student. Both written and singing tests will normally be given on the same day, in order to maximize class time.
Performance and Concert Attire:
All students are required to purchase a Hawfields Middle School Chorus t-shirt to be worn for the Spring
Choral Showcase, All County Chorus field trip, Carowinds field trip, and any other off-campus performing
opportunity. For our WINTER concert at school, the attire will be white dress top (blouse for ladies/
collared shirt for men), black dress bottoms (skirt or pants for ladies/ dress pants for men), black socks
(men only), and black dress shoes. If you have any problems acquiring any of the items, please see Mrs.
Westbrook and assistance will be given to help you acquire these materials.
After-School Responsibilities:
Part of being in a performing ensemble is performing. Performances are essential to the development of the
students as musicians and in order to make each performance a high caliber experience, after school
commitments are sometimes necessitated.
With that said, students are required to attend all performances and indicated MANDATORY rehearsals
(excluding individually paid field trips). Concert dates will be given with as much notice as possible, so that
you can plan ahead. I understand that occasionally there will be unavoidable conflicts. Please let me know in
advance if there is a conflict. Let’s work together to provide as MANY opportunities as possible for your child
to SHINE with music!
If there is a conflict:
1. Submit a written or emailed note to Mrs. Westbrook before the day of the performance.
(Signed by a parent or guardian)
Acceptable Excuses: -Sickness or death in the family
-Emergencies that cannot be helped (please bring a note from parent the next day)
-If a student is sick from school
Unacceptable Excuses: Anything not listed above.
Please speak with the director directly and do not rely on a friend to give Mrs. Westbrook your
Students who have unexcused absences from performances will be given the opportunity to complete a written
assignment to help replace the missed performance grade. Assignments will be given as needed by Mrs,
Classroom Conduct:
In addition to all Hawfields Middle School Rules and policies, the following rules apply in the band room.
1. Respect Mrs. Westbrook, your peers, all presented choreography, and all music being rehearsed.
2. Encourage those around you to do your best by being on YOUR best behavior and putting forth YOUR
best efforts.
3. Maintain an appropriate volume level and transition between activities QUICKLY
4. Keep the chorus room, octavos (sheet music) and chairs NEAT, ORGANIZED, and better than you
found them.
5. Have a positive attitude, approach each day with enthusiasm, and HAVE FUN!
1st offense = Warning (verbal)
2nd offense = Signature on PBIS infraction log
3rd offense = Choices and/or ASD, Parent Contact, 2nd signature
* Repeated offenses will result in loss of field trip privileges and/or the removal from chorus class.
2012-2013 HMS CHORUS Student Information Form
FULL NAME________________________________________________
PARENTS’/ GUARDIANS’ NAMES_________________________________________________________
Please put e-mail address if you are interested in receiving updates on choral activities. This will ensure you
receive everything sent home because it will also be emailed. In addition to becoming a part of the email list,
please request membership to Mrs. Westbrook’s webpage- documents and notifications will also be posted
STUDENT CELL PHONE # (optional):(________)_________________________________
PARENT/ GUARDIAN PHONE #: (________)________________________________
By signing below, I am indicating that I have reviewed the Chorus Handbook and fully understand the
commitments I and my child are making to the integrity of the HMS choral program. I will do my best to stay
current on all choral activities and attend performances.
Student Signature
Parent Signature
CHORUS Order Form
Student Name: ______________________________
Grade/ Class: _________
Circle requested items and please make checks out to HMS Band Booster (yes- HMS “Band Booster”).
Write your child’s name on the check, or put cash in an envelope (with student’s name) with money in it.
Supplies will be delivered to the school and distributed in class upon arrival.
Chorus T SHIRT (REQUIRED for all HMS Music Students)…………………….$7
Circle size (adult sizes) S M L XL XXL
If you would like to purchase additional shirts, indicate size and quantity below.
Size: ____________________ Quantity: _________________ ($7 additional)
Size: ____________________ Quantity: _________________( $7 additional)
Chorus Hoodie (NOT REQUIRED)………………………………………………$23
Circle size (adult sizes) S M
If you would like to purchase additional hoodies, indicate size and quantity below.
Size: ____________________ Quantity: _________________ ($23 additional)
Size: ____________________ Quantity: _________________( $23 additional)
Total: ____________
Daily Supplies for CHORUS Class:
Theory Packet (kept in chorus cubby)
Pocket Folder
ONE TIME SUBMISSION: 2 blank CD-Rs (one for Winter concert
music/ one for All County and Spring concert music)