EDA6232 Law and Education – Harassment Activity 05/27/2011 Key Assignment: Harassment Activity Description: Given the district policy manual, the student will prepare a one-page written summary identifying criteria, standards and procedures applicable to Florida State Statutes regarding sexual harassment. Student Learning Outcomes: EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP (CERTIFICATION), M.Ed.: 1.4 Content: Interpret the influence of Personal, political, social economic, legal, and cultural relationships in the classroom, the school, and the community. (Florida Principal Leadership Standard) 1.6 Content: Provide efficient administration through the use of technology, allocation of resources and continuous improvement to meet the mission of the organization. COMPETENCIES AND SKILLS REQUIRED FOR CERTIFICATION IN EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP IN FLORIDA Third Edition, 2008 12. Knowledge of decision-making strategies standard as related to federal and/or State law for education and schooling Competency Rubric Evaluation of the Course Student Learning Outcome (SLO) listed below is determined based on performance on the corresponding Assignment Grading Rubric as follows: 100-90% = Exceeds Expectations, 79-60% = Meets Expectations, 59% & below = Does Not Meet Expectations Conceptual Framework SPA ELCC Florida Principal Exceeds Meets Expectations Does not Meet Outcome Leadership Standards Expectations Expectations Course SLO 1.4 Interpret the influence of personal, political, social, economic, legal, and cultural relationships in the classroom, the school and the local community Lifelong Learner Problem Solver 1.6 Provide efficient administration through the use of technology, allocation of resources and continuous improvement to meet the mission of the organization. Develop and analyze educational, organizational, and public policy. Assignment Grading Rubric 6 1 Performance Descriptors Criteria Knowledge of Decision Making strategies standard as related to federal and/or State law for education and schooling. Exceeds -20 The student has successfully applied the practice associated with the competency. Writing skills including grammar and proofreading are indicative of graduate level coursework with fewer than two errors. Information associated with the assignment is clear, precise, well organized, accurate, complete and extensive. Meets - 10 Student displays an awareness level and has observed the identified practice in a way that he or she could successfully apply the practice associated with the competency. Writing skills, including grammar and proofreading are indicative of graduate level work. Information associated with the assignment is clear, accurate and complete. Does not meet - 5 Student displays an awareness level of content but has not appropriately applied the skills associated with the competency. Writing skills, including grammar and proofreading are not indicative of graduate level work. Information associated with the assignment is vague, inaccurate or incomplete.