Form 1 (Page 1) Application Form for Admission Arid Land Resources Science Course for Doctoral Program (Global30) - Year 2016 1. 氏名(Full Name) (1)自国語 In the language of your country , 氏 Last Name , , 名 First Name 写真 Photo 4cm × 5cm Middle Name (2)ローマ字 In Roman letters (パスポートに記載の英字氏名) Must be identical to your name in Roman letters on your passport , 氏 Last Name 2. 国籍等 Nationality , , 名 First Name Middle Name 3. 生年月日 Date of Birth 性別 未既婚の別 母語 Sex Marital Status Native language □男 Male □未婚 Single 年 Year 月 Month 日 Day 年齢 Age □女 Female □既婚 Married 4. 現職 Present Status (在学大学または勤務先の名称および住所 Name and Address of current university or employer) □ 在学 Student □ 在職 Employed Tel: □ 無職 Unemployed Fax: □ その他 Other E-mail: 5. 現住所 Present Address (include zip-code, if any) Tel: Fax: E-mail: 6. 緊急時の連絡先(現住所以外の本国のものを記入) Contact address in case of emergency (Please use the address in your home country but other than present address indicated above) Tel: Fax: E-mail: 7. 選考結果送付先氏名・住所・電話番号 Name and address to whom results should be sent (上記 5 と同じ場合は記入不要 Not required if it is the same as one indicated above in 5) Tel: Fax: E-mail: 8. 志望専攻名 Name of prospective academic advisor’s division 9. 志望指導教員名 Name of prospective academic advisor 10. 研究課題 Research Topic 1 Form 1 (Page 2) 11. 学歴 Educational Background 学校教育 Education 学校名・所在地・専攻・取得学位(資格)名 Name and address of school, major and title of diploma or degree awarded 初等教育 Elementary Educ. [小学校] Elementary School 中等教育 Secondary Educ. [中学校] Lower Secondary School 入学 From Yr., Mon. 卒業 To Yr., Mon. [ 年 Years] 学校名 Name of school 所在地 Location 入学 From Yr., Mon. 卒業 To Yr., Mon. [ 年 Years] 学校名 Name of school 所在地 Location [高 校] Upper Secondary School 学校名 Name of school 高等教育 Higher Education [大 学] Undergraduate School 学校名 Name of school [大学院] Graduate School 学校名 Name of school 入学・卒業年月日 [自己の修学年数] Dates of entrance and graduation [Number of years attended] 入学 From Yr., Mon. 卒業 To Yr., Mon. [ 年 Years] 所在地 Location 住所 Address 取得学位(資格)名 Diploma or degree awarded 住所 Address 取得学位(資格)名 Diploma or degree awarded 以上を通算した全学校教育修学年数 Total number of years of schooling as given above 入学 From Yr., Mon. 卒業 To Yr., Mon. [ 年 Years] 入学 From Yr., Mon. 卒業 To Yr., Mon. [ 年 Years] 年 Years 正規の修学 年数 Required number of years of schooling 年 Years 年 Years 年 Years 年 Years 年 Years 年 Years 休学等,在籍中に修学を中断した期間(理由) Periods of interruption of studies, if any. Please indicate the reason in ( ). From ( From ( 年 Yr., 月 Mon. ~ 年 Yr., 月 Mon. ~ 年 Yr., ) 年 Yr., ) 月 Mon. 月 Mon. 2 Form 1 (Page 3) 12. 職歴 Employment record, beginning with the most recent position, if applicable. 勤務先および所在地 勤務期間 役職名 Name and address of employer Period of employment Position From To ~ 職務内容 Type of work ~ ~ ~ 13. 他大学への応募状況 Application to other universities □応募している。 Yes 応募している大学名 Name(s) of other university you are applying: □応募していない。No 私は、貴学に入学を希望し、出願書類等を提出します。なお、私が貴学に提出した出願書類等の全てに関 して、記載事項等に虚偽があった場合は、入学許可を取り消されても意義を申し立てません。 I hereby submit my application for admission to the University of Tsukuba. I fully understand that my application becomes invalid if it is found that I have declared any false information or misrepresented myself within this application. 出願者氏名 Applicant Name ________________________________________ 署 名 Signature ________________________________________ 日 Date ________________________________________ 付 3 Form 2 Research Plan Arid Land Resources Science Course for Doctoral Program (Global30)- Year 2016 Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba Name of Applicant Prospective Academic Advisor (Please circle the contact history/method with the academic advisor to prepare the plan of study) (Email-Internet/Conference/Education Fair/In-person Meeting) Describe your motive for the application and research plan in English within 1,000 words. If necessary, you may describe additional information on a separate A4 size sheet and attach it to this form. 4 Form 3 Payment Receipt of Examination Fees Arid Land Resources Science Course for Doctoral Program (Global30)- Year 2016 Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba Name of Applicant Please paste or attach the payment receipt here. 5 Checklist Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences University of Tsukuba Checklist for Application to English Course “Arid Land Resources Science Course for Doctoral Program (Global 30)” Necessary Documents Description Check 1 Application Form for Admission Form 1 ☐ 2 Research Plan Form 2 ☐ 3 Examination Fee Receipt, Form 3 ☐ 4 Recommendation Letter Dean/Academic Advisor/ Head of the Institute ☐ 5 Supervisor’s Agreement ☐ 6 (Expected) Graduation Certificate Prospective supervisor’s Agreement Letter Expected Graduation Letter of Master’s Degree 7 Degree Certificate Graduation Certificate of Master’s Degree ☐ 8 Transcript ☐ 9 Research Achievements Official Transcripts of Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees Publication List 10 Certificate of Sponsorship Supported by the Funding Agency (If any) ☐ 11 TOEFL/TOEIC/ IELTS Test Results. Official English Test Records ☐ ☐ ☐ I hereby submit my application along with all the necessary documents listed above for admission to the Doctoral Program at the University of Tsukuba. I fully understand that my application becomes invalid if it is found incomplete or there is any misrepresentation of myself within this application. Applicant Name ______________________________ Signature __________________________________ Date __________________________________ 6