SER Wave 2 – Changes of Circumstance – Brew/Ritchie – 31/8/2015 Development What the development is What the benefits are Leave of absence An e-Vision task that receives parameters input by the staff user, amends the student’s record to reflect the status of the student, creates a record of the absence, and notifies University staff and the student that the absence has been granted. A minority of instances of Leave of Absence cannot be processed in this way. Re-engagement The automation of re-engagement notifications to students on a leave of absence, and the creation of a task that allows the student user to respond to the notification. Response is communicated to relevant staff (eg Registry (Student Support), Student Services) by automated notifications. •Simplified method of processing records changes after decision on Leave of Absence requests, •reduction in time spent processing leave of absence requests by Registry student records teams, •reduction in risk of data inaccuracy, greater consistency in reporting of granted leave to departments within •the University (eg Accommodation, Finance, UKVI team), •Greater consistency in the experience of students granted a leave of absence •Ensures notifications (including reminders) are sent to students at appropriate times •Ensures students on leave for health reasons are aware of the necessity to provide documentation to support their intention to re-engage •Allows flexibility in the way communication with the student is managed after initial notification Change of location of studies An e-Vision task that students use to request a change of location of studies for 28 days or longer, and provide information on location(s) during the change. The task provides an approval workflow (school, Registry), and automates updates to •Simplified method of update of student record •Increased accuracy in student contact address details stored •Better student experience in simplifying the reporting address changes to the University What the effort estimate is 5.5 days of developer effort, plus effort required to integrate with ESD for greater usability, as well as work by St Andrews to create data referenced by the automations, and the format / content of communications and user interfaces, as well as user training for Registry staff. Contingent upon Prioritisation There is no development prerequisite for the creation of this development Must 2.5 days of developer effort, plus work by St Andrews on the format / content of communications and user interfaces, and user training for a limited number of Registry staff. The existence of absence records with the requisite properties to action Should 5.5 developer days, plus training for schools and PGR Registry staff. There is no development prerequisite for the creation of this development Must Recommendation for inclusion Creation of a consistent process with automation to manage the student record after decision on leave of absence requests is an integral part of the project and the reengagement task would benefit, so this would be committed to. Although the proposed development is limited in functionality, the implementation of automation of the reengagement notifications, and the introduction of a task for students to interact with as part of the re-engagement process is an important step in creating a consistent process, and experience for both the staff managing re-engagement, and the students receiving communications about reengagement. This development provides a meaningful difference to students in the ease of ensuring their contact information is correct on their student record. It provides greater accuracy location details on the student record. Notifications are sent to relevant teams (eg. UKVI team, PGR records team) when location changes. Fieldwork (PGR students only) An e-Vision task that provides a basic workflow / approval process for fieldwork fee reduction applications by PGR students, and the automation of related notifications. Approved applications provide student with the functionality to register their change of location during the fieldwork via the Change of location of studies task. Withdrawals / Termination of Studies / Failure to Register An e-Vision task to automate changes to student records, and provision of notifications after the decision has been reached to withdraw from the University, terminate a student’s studies, or as a result of implementing the failure to register policy. •Enhanced quality of statutory requirement data, including mobility reporting •Timely reporting to relevant teams (eg UKVI, PGR records) when location change necessitates reporting / updates •Greater capacity for compliance with UKVI requirements •Greater consistency in approval process from student application to records change •a consistent process and record of approval for fieldwork / fee reduction applications •consistent storage of risk assessment documentation associated with fieldwork (in instances where fieldwork application involves a fee reduction application), and associated benefit of control of visibility for school / unit staff provided by SITS/e-Vision document manager •associated benefits provided to students and the University staff teams by change of location of studies task •scope to check if change of location details have been provided subsequent to fee reduction decision •Simplified method of processing withdrawal / ToS / FtR •Reduction in time spent processing •Greater accuracy in student record data •Consistent student experience in receipt of information regarding the change of circumstance •Consistency in the issue of of student records, and enhances UKVI compliance through simplified, consistent reporting. The functionality of fieldwork development is contingent on the creation of this development. This development should be a higher priority. 5 developer days, plus training for schools staff, PG Pro Dean, and Registry staff SITS document manager, and the change of location of studies task Could 7.5 days development time, plus work by St Andrews in preparing format / content of notifications and user interfaces, plus training of Registry staff Not strictly contingent on any other development, may share some features with the leave of absence development Could This process is considered as the minimal subset of functionality required for this area. There are benefits to quality of student data and approval records by the introduction of this development, which could form the basis of further enhancements to the management of fieldwork applications. In comparison to other proposed developments, this is considered to provide less value to the enhancement of change of circumstances. However, we would consider it as being worth inclusion. Work on this component could be allocated exclusively to St Andrews’ developers This is a sizeable development to deal with a relatively low number of students within an academic year, however its capacity to deal with various ways of students leaving their studies provides on-going benefit. This development should be considered for Change of mode of attendance An e-Vision task to provide workflow / approval for applications to change mode of attendance from full-time to part-time, and vice versa, and the automation of changes to the student record upon approval. Notifications are issued to relevant staff as a result of the change. Thesis / Dissertation extension An e-Vision task that automates updates to the student record with details provided by staff user, after the approval of request for extension of thesis or dissertation. Provides notification of the change to relevant staff and the student. Re-registration (research programmes only) An e-Vision task that automates the processing of a change of the programme details of a student from M.Phil to PhD, and vice versa by a member of the Registry team, after the approval by academic staff. Notifications are issued to the student and relevant departments. notifications in relation to the change of circumstance •Enhancement to UKVI compliance •Time reduction in Registry administrative staff processing changes of mode of attendance •Greater consistency in student records •Enhanced student experience for a limited number of students •Simplified method of processing approved extensions •Reduction in time spent processing •Greater accuracy in student record data •Consistent student experience in receipt of information regarding their extension request •Consistency in the issue of notifications •Simplified method of processing approved changes (reregistrations) •Reduction in time spent processing •Greater accuracy in student record data •Consistent student experience in receipt of information regarding their re-registration •Consistency in the issue of notifications across University departments inclusion. The original estimate of developer effort for change of mode of attendance is 7.5 days, plus work by St Andrews in format / content of notifications, and training of Registry staff. Not contingent on any other development Won’t 5.5 developer days, plus work by St Andrews on format / content of notifications and user interfaces, and training of PG Registry staff Not contingent upon any other development Should 3.5 developer days, plus work by St Andrews on format / content of notifications / user interfaces, plus training of PGR Registry staff Not contingent on any other development Could Evaluation with support staff in Registry and a review of student data revealed this process is related to a very small number of students per academic year (approximately less than 10). In light of the need to meet the other requirements within the constraints of the project, this should instead be considered for inclusion in a future project. Provides on-going benefit for staff and students in managing a significant number of requests each academic year, so should be considered for inclusion. Provides on-going benefit for staff and students in managing a number of requests each academic year, so should be considered for inclusion.