Lowndes County Public Schools LESSON PLANS Teacher: Mrs. Rudolph Date: January 6-10, 2014 Subject: Science Block: Alabama COS: standards Describe geological features of earth including bodies of water, beaches, ocean ridges, Continental shelves, plateaus, faults canyons, sand dunes and ice caps. ACTIVATING LEARNING STRATEGY: X X X KWL Survey First Word X Word Splash X Possible Sentence X Concept Map X Word Map X Frayer Model Engagement Strategies: X- Collaborative Group Work X- Questioning Techniques Technology Integration: Clickers ACCESS COGNITIVE TEACHING STRATEGIES: Anticipation Guide X Think-Pair-Share X Vocabulary Overview Daily Language Practice (DLP)___________________ - Writing to Learn - Scaffolding Text X Lecture X Reading Model Hands-on X- Literacy Groups X -Classroom Talk Graphic Organizer/VLT Pictograph Diagram Mind Map/Visual Guide Other:_____________________ Smart board Document Camera X IPADS Mac Books X Computers Kindles Interactive Tablets Computer Program:________________________________ Other:______________________________________ This Week’s Vocabulary: Poem, Rhymes, etc. Acronyms/Word Other: ____________ Digital/ Video Camera PROCEDURAL CONTENT (application) Essential Question Objective(s) Preview (Before) Monday What are beaches? What are canyons? To identify beaches and canyons. To identify ocean ridges and sand dooms. Wednesday What are continental shelves? What are ice caps ? To compare and contrast how continental shelves and ice caps effects earth. Friday Can you name and describe atleast three geological features of the earth ? Identify and compare plateaus and faults. Name and describe geological features of earth. Assess prior knowledge of ocean ridges and sand dooms Assess prior knowledge of continental shelves and ice caps. Assess prior knowledge of plateaus and faults. Name and describe geological features of the earth. Define beaches and canyons. Describe ocean ridges and sand dooms. Read about ocean ridges and sand dooms. Describe continental shelves. Describe ice caps. Compare plateaus and faults. label earth’s features. Describe how ocean ridges and sand dooms are formed. Explain how ice caps are formed. Tell how they are formed. Observe beaches and canyons and their how they are formed. Complete sentence to identify meaning of each feature. Research Read and answer questions. Discuss continental shelves. Read and answer questions about earth’s features. Compare and contrast earth’s features. Extension/ Refining Homework Thursday What are plateaus? What are faults? Assess prior knowledge of beaches and cannons. Instruction (During) (After) Tuesday What are ocean ridges? What are sand dooms? Name the four main oceans. Assessment (formal or informal): X class work X notebook X homework quizzes X test X computer activities X collaborative work Summarizing: Cue Cards X Teacher Questions 3-2-1 X Ticket out the Door X The Important Thing Student Summary project based Other:___ Other:_______________________