IB DIPLOMA PROGRAMME Our aim is to support your personal growth to become a good, balanced and civilized adult and a member of society. We in Norssi hope to be able to give you the tools for life-long learning and developing your skills in various areas. In addition to face-to-face communication, in Norssi we use a computer programme called WILMA to communicate with both students and their guardians. Each student and guardian will be given personal codes at the beginning of the school year. Please check your WILMA messages daily! If there are any kinds of inquiries, the best policy is to contact the teachers well in advance. If you wish to learn more about the IBO organization, the curricula, its values and goals please consult the internet www.ibo.org. HOW TO SUCCEED IN YOUR STUDIES Everyone who has managed to enter our IB line has the keys to success. Be on time in classes. Punctuality is a virtue. Make effective use of the lessons: listen, ask, take notes and do revision at home. Try to understand the matters instead of learning by heart. Choose the best study styles and techniques that suit your way to learn. Learn to use your time well and get enough sleep. Time management is vital. Don’t waste away your time too much in social media. Good physical condition and a healthy diet are the bases for your well-being. Respect the school internal deadlines. You are expected to study at home for at least two hours a day. Your form teacher is the most vital contact person in school matters. Consult the diploma coordinator in any matter that bothers you. PRE-DIPLOMA YEAR (Class 1c) The syllabi for the pre-diploma year are in most cases based on the modified syllabus of the 1st year of the Finnish national senior secondary school (lukio). The language of instruction is mostly English. Students must complete 27 - 30 courses in the pre-diploma year. The school year is divided into five seven-week study modules each followed by an exam week held in the auditorium. The students will see their school report in WILMA approximately two weeks after the exam week. All students must study either German or French (2 courses as B2 or 3 courses B3 language). These are compulsory courses and the students cannot drop out of them. In addition, international school students have to take 3 courses of Finnish as a foreign language. Beginners in Finnish have to attend and pass 3 courses in evening classes. Other potential language studies must be approved by the DP coordinator. If a student intends to take some other A language than Finnish, Swedish or English, he/she has to study it with a teacher during the pre-diploma year and be responsible for the costs also during the IB years proper. Mrs Rauni Kaskenviita is in charge of guiding matters concerning A languages. The students’ progress in the pre-diploma year is evaluated five times a year during and at the end of the seven-week periods. Evaluation is versatile and consists of many components, both written and oral. Evaluation aims at encouraging and guiding the students to work hard in their own style. The students’ progress is evaluated on a scale of 10 (excellent) to 4 (fail). Conditions for passing the pre-diploma year in class 1c / 1ckv The student must have taken and passed all the compulsory and voluntary courses of the prediploma year by the end of the school year, i.e. by the end of May. In practice it means that all retake exams and all the other type of schoolwork must be completed before the end of May. Each course exam, whether failed or passed, may be retaken only once. The students cannot have a single failed course (grade 4) or grade 5 in any subject in their pre-diploma school report. The prediploma year cannot be retaken or repeated. The IB subjects are chosen after the Christmas holidays. 1c/1ckv students have to choose 3 higher level subjects (maximum 4) and 3 standard level subjects from IB subject Groups 1 – 5. To choose a HL subject the student should have an average grade of 8,0 in the subject. To choose a SL subject the student should have an average grade of 7,0 in the subject. In mathematics anyone who has an average grade of less than 7,0 in the first three math courses has to take math studies (and this IB course is started in Period 4 and 5 in the pre-diploma year with 3 as the minimum passing grade out of 7). HL mathematics requires minimum grade 8,0 on the average. An average grade of 7,0 or more means the student can take either math studies or SL maths. If a student is going to study physics in the IB, he/she must take all three courses available. To choose ‘HL economics’ the students must have a minimum average grade of 8,0 in the history courses and minimum 7,0 for physics course one. ‘SL economics’ minimum requirements are an average grade of 7,0 in the same subjects. To choose ‘business and management’ as an IB SL subject the students must have an average grade of 7,0 in psychology and 7,0 in maths (courses 1-3). Deadlines and the reasons for having them A deadline means a particular day and time when the work must be returned to the teacher. Deadlines are set both for students and teachers to make it possible for all of us to plan our future events and to be successful in time management. Careful planning of the tasks ahead reduces stress and guarantees sufficient time allocation for each project. The students are encouraged to negotiate with the teachers in advance if they are facing problems with deadlines. EVALUATION DURING THE IB YEARS How are students evaluated during the pre-diploma year? Pre-diploma year students (Class 1c/1ckv) are given grades (4 – 10) and a school report five times a year after each seven-week study period in Wilma. No failing grades (4) or grades 5 are permitted in any subject. An average grade 8,0 is required for HL subjects and 7,0 for SL subjects. The only exception concerns math studies students whose first three courses can average 6,0 – 6,9. How are students evaluated during the diploma years? The best IB grade is 7 and the lowest is 1. The IB Diploma students (Class 2c/3c) are given grades after each seven-week study period when they have been studying the subject (3c/3ckv HL students: 4 times a year and SL students 3 times a year. 2c/2ckv HL students 5 times a year and SL students 4 times a year). The mock exams usually weigh 20 – 25 % of the year’s final grade. The IBO does not apply the system of raising halves to a better grade, for example 5,5 to 6. In the IB 5,5 means grade 5 (out of 7). However, 5,75 may be raised to 6 if the student’s effort is excellent. All subject and level (SL/HL) changes must be approved of by the DP coordinator and registered by the school secretary. Class 2c has no autumn mock exams but their exams are taken during the school year. The spring term mock exam takes place in May 2015. The mock exams take place in the auditorium at 08.25 and last for 3 to 5 hours. Class 3c autumn mock exam week will take place in November 2014 and the final mock exam week is held in mid-March 2015. During mock exam weeks students do not have regular lessons but come to the exams only, following a separate timetable. In addition, the students have to complete the TOK and CAS programmes as well as finish their Extended Essay during the final year. Over the year Class 3c students will be accomplishing their Internal Assessment (IA) work in each subject and this work will be 20 – 50 % of their final diploma grade. The maximum points in the IB diploma are 45 points (6 subjects, 7 in each gives you 42 points and the Extended Essay and TOK presentation/essay will give you up to 3 bonus points). What is meant by effort grades? Effort grades, which are part of our evaluation procedure, indicate the way students are making use of their abilities at home and in class and how they affect the general atmosphere. Effort grades are not used in the final report. A is the best effort grade and F the lowest. CONDITIONS FOR PASSING ON TO THE FINAL YEAR IN THE IB The following regulations apply to IB students as to moving on from Class 2c to the final year in Class 3c. Final decisions are made after 2c mock exams in May. After the first IB year the student must get minimum total 24 points in his/her six diploma subjects get grade 4 in HL subjects, 3 is sufficient if the student has grade 5, 6 or 7 in another HL subject get grade 3 in SL subjects, 2 is sufficient if the student has grade 5, 6 or 7 in another SL subject have done all the necessary work set by teachers throughout the year have given the TOK presentation in class have finished the CAS report for the first year and handed in the Extended Essay draft What happens if a student fails any of the criteria above? All the criteria above must be met. Failing one or more criteria means that the student will not be permitted to continue in the IB Section. The mock exams in May are vital but the final grade in any subject is the average grade in Wilma. These average grades will be added up and the final points must be 24 or better. The students and their parents/guardians have to make sure they understand our regulations and comply with them. Teachers will not give advice or evaluate any assignments from students after the deadline. The IA work, however, must be handed in. If there is a problem, the student presents a doctor’s certificate or the matter has to be settled between the student and the teacher in advance before the deadline. FINAL YEAR PROCEDURES (Class 3c) What happens if I miss a deadline? As stated above teachers are obliged to work on the students’ IA up to the deadline and evaluate them but not after that. Failing to meet the deadline also means no feedback being given for the student’s internal assessment work. Internal assessment is 20 to 50 per cent of the final grade. Returning the IA work is a must. No diploma will be awarded without the IA work no matter how well the student does in the final written examinations. Who will be awarded the IB Diploma in the end? The most important requirements for the IB Diploma run as follows: Minimum grade 3 in any standard (SL) level subject * Minimum grade 4 in any high (HL) level subject. ** TOK and CAS programmes have to be fulfilled (no grade E in TOK!) The Extended Essay must have been completed (no grade E). At least 50% of the final exams and all Internal Assessment must be completed The total score for 6 subjects must be 24 points or more *However, grade 2 is sufficient in SL subjects if it is compensated by grade 5, 6 or 7 in another SL subject. Grade 3 is sufficient in HL subjects if it is compensated by grade 5, 6 or 7 in another HL subject. ** HL grade 2 is enough if the student has 28 points or more. What happens if I fail in getting the Diploma? An IB student can sit in three final exam sessions. In order to be a potential candidate for a retake November exam, students have to send a request for the retake to the Diploma coordinator (raijun@utu.fi) by July 8 after the publication of the May exam results. The coordinator has to be informed via e-mail as follows: Full name, retake subject(s) and levels (SL or HL, present home address and phone number). Some restrictions apply: retakes are arranged only in subjects where another student has failed. The retake exam costs: Registration fee is roughly 120 euros and the subject fee about 80 euros, office and supervision fee 30 euros / subject and it must be paid at the time of registration. ABSENCE CONTROL IN THE IB SECTION General All students are expected to attend school regularly. Students who are absent from school must have a legitimate excuse and inform the teachers in advance if possible. All absences must be cleared by a parent/guardian or a medical professional (doctor, dentist etc.). The student may be absent maximum 3 - 4 lessons per study period for the teacher to consider accepting the course. In class 1c/1ckv 5 absences means the course will be marked unfinished and the student has to study the course independently afterwards. In classes 2c/3c more than 4 absences will automatically result in a lower grade due to lack of class effort. If a student is absent from a mock exam, he/she must present a doctor’s certificate to the form teacher and DP coordinator afterwards. On the whole, retaking mock exams is not permissible. Independent studies / absences with permission Due to some family or medical reasons a student may have to be absent from school and work independently for some time. In that case he/she must have permission from the head and inform the teachers in advance and do the work required independently. DEADLINE SCHEDULE FOR 2014-2015 2C and 3C IB Section Class 3c The HL students are evaluated four times a year, SL students three times a year. Some of the SL lessons are spread over several periods and the teacher will evaluate the course accordingly. AUGUST 2014 1) 2) 3) Extended essays, Draft-version (min 3000 words) must be e-mailed to the supervisor and to raijun@utu.fi in the summer before you come to school English A written assignment, Aug 12 the draft version e-mail to JSA Finnish A, Swedish A and other A Written task assignment, draft version, must be emailed to the supervisor on Monday August 4, 2014 by the latest SEPTEMBER 2014 1) Final exam registration starts on Friday Sep 5, 2014, TOK essay titles published 2) Psychology IA draft part 1 Wed 10 3) UCAS application information session Thu Sep 11, reference writing fee is 50 euros 4) English A1 written task, Sep 15 the final version 5) Final version of Extended Essays Fri 26, 2014. The EEs will be collected and the only thing done later on is filling in the EE cover. 6) History internal assessment essay draft to AWA Wed 24 OCTOBER 2014 1) Final exam fees are due 17th of October, 2014. Approximately 520 euros for six subjects, and 580 euros for 7 subjects. Invoices are given to students in September. 2) TOK essay plan ready at 12.00 Thu 2 3) Fi/Sw/Ru A Written task assignment, final version Fri 10 4) Medicine, Oxford and Cambridge UCAS applications by 15 October, take the pre-tests (CATS or similar) in the net earlier! 5) Autumn holiday Week 42 October 13 – 19, 2014 6) Tue 21, check-up of science practical portfolios 7) Norssi Day Saturday 25 8) TOK essay first draft ready at 12.00 Mon 27 9) Oct 28, CAS check-up, 100 hours must be completed and documented NOVEMBER 2014 1) Autumn term mock exam week (3c only) (5.11. – 14.11.) Nov 5 Language A Nov 6 psychology/chemistry, Nov 7 economics, Nov 10 maths (+ math studies 2c) Nov 11 German/French B/ab in, Nov 12 biology, Nov 13 English B/Finnish B, Nov 14 history/physics 2) Psychology IA draft part 2 by Mon Nov 17 3) English A HL written task final version Nov 28 4) Language A and B oral exams and activities all through November DECEMBER 2014 1) Psychology internal assessment final version Mon 1, 2014 2) 3) 4) Economics IA commentary 3: draft and final version, Fri 5 English B / Finnish B written assignment, week 50 during lessons English A written task draft by Dec 10 JANUARY 2015 1) German B/ab in and French B/ab in written tasks in Week 3 (3 lessons) 2) Finnish A / Swedish A / English A individual orals, recorded Weeks 4 and 5 3) UCAS applications deadline Thursday Jan 15, 2015 4) TOK essay final essay handed in and uploaded in the IBO system Jan 15 5) Jan 16, CAS check-up FEBRUARY 2015 Winter holiday Week 8 16 - 22 February, 2015 1) Individual orals in English B / Finnish B Weeks 6-7 2) Individual orals: German ab/B, French ab/B Week 9 3) Individual orals: Swedish A, Russian A, German A oral exam in Feb/March 4) Group 4 practical notebooks: Chemistry Mon Feb 2, 2015 Physics Mon Feb 9, 2015, Biology Mon Feb 16, 2015 5) Math internal assessment assignments handed in on Fri 20, 2015 6) English A oral commentaries weeks 6 and/or 7 7) CAS portfolios completed by Feb 28 MARCH 2015 1) MOCK exams in mid-March, 04.-14.03.2015 March 4 Language A March 5 history/physics, March 6 economics, March 9 maths (2c math studies too!), March 10 psychology/chemistry March 11 German/French B/ab in, March 12 biology, March 13 English B/Finnish B 2) Internal assessment and predicted grades must be given by the teachers by Thu Mar 26, 2015 3) School breaks up for Class 3c/3ckv on Tue 31 March, 2015 APRIL 2015 The month of April means preparation and studying for the final exams at home. MAY 2015 Class 3c Final examinations start on Monday May 4th, 2015 and finish on Monday May 26 lasting for three weeks. The morning exams start at 8.45 and the afternoon exams at 12.45, usually in the gymnasium. Enter from the dressing rooms corridor on the ground floor. JULY 2015 IB Diploma results are published on 6 July and the students can access their results in the internet using special personal codes that they receive from the diploma coordinator. In order to be a potential candidate for a retake exam, students have to send a request for the retake to the Diploma coordinator (raijun@utu.fi) by noon on Wed July 8, 2015. Some restrictions apply: retakes are arranged only in subjects where someone has failed. DEADLINE SCHEDULE for 2014-2015 2c / 2ckv IB Section Class 2c AUGUST 2014 1) CAS information session, individual interviews start, come prepared with your own ideas and a plan SEPTEMBER 2014 1) Final exam registration starts on Friday Sep 5, 2014 for the math studies group only OCTOBER 2014 Final exam fees in math studies are due 17th of October, 2014. Approximately 200 euros (covering one subject and the registration fee. Invoices are given in September. 1) Saturday 25 October, Norssi Day 2) Autumn holiday Week 42 October 13 – 19, 2014 NOVEMBER 2014 1) Nov 4, CAS check-up, 30 hours must be completed, reflected upon and documented 2) Extended essay information is given, EE subject chosen and contact with supervisor made DECEMBER 2014 1) Extended essay topic chosen and the research question formulated 2) Dec 2 CAS check-up, 50 hours must be completed and documented JANUARY 2015 1) Written task essay in language A started 2) Language A orals start in Week 5 3) TOK presentations given in weeks 3 -5 4) Extended essay introduction written by Wed 28 FEBRUARY 2015 Winter holiday Week 8 16-22 February, 2015 1) History IA started, search of sources 2) Math studies internal assessment work handed in Mon 23 3) G4 planning meeting: Thursday 26 Feb 2015 at 14.30 MARCH 2015 1) Mon 2, CAS check-up, 70 hours must be completed and reflected upon 2) Math studies mock exam at 8.45 – 12.45 on March 9, Math SL/HL exam at the same time 3) G4 plans to be returned by Monday 16 APRIL 2015 1) G4 Action day Saturday 4.4.2015 starting at 9.00 2) Extended essay 1000-word Draft 1 written by Thu 23 3) Economics IA commentary 1: draft and final version MAY 2015 1) Math studies final exams Paper 1 Tue May 12 at 08.45 and P2 Wed May 13 at 12.45 2) Mock exams May Tue 5 - Fri 14, 2015. May 5 Language A1, May 6 psychology/chemistry May 7 English B/Finnish B May 8 economics, May 11 biology May 12 maths May 13 German/French B/ab in May 14 history/physics, 3) Mon 18, CAS check-up, 100 hours must be completed and reflected upon 4) Extended essay draft 2 version handed in on Wed 20 May JULY 2015 IB Diploma results in math studies are published on 6 July and the students can access their results on the internet using special personal codes that they receive from the diploma coordinator.