TRC August Workshops 2014 (Please register via email if you are

TRC August Workshops 2014
(Please register via email if you are interested in a workshop. Workshops may
be cancelled due to low enrollment.)
Library Webinar: Databases
Sunday, August 3
8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
1 clock or PD hour
Presenter: Dave Brooks
Webinar description and registration will be on the TRC Webinar webpage.
30 Tips for a More Successful Parent-Teacher Conference
Monday, August 4
9:00 to 12:00
3 clock or PD hours
Presenter: Jon Gatto
Communicating with parents is the second most important thing we do as teachers. When we
can work together with a child's parents toward common goals, we improve the atmosphere
for learning. Of course, while parent conferences can be one of the most helpful techniques in a
teacher's "bag of tricks," we also know that sometimes they can be a discouraging waste of
time, or even turn into ugly confrontations. This course will cover 30 proven tips to improve the
Book Study: Creating a Classroom Culture that Supports the Common Core
Mondays, August 11, 25, and additional date to be added (NOTE DATE CHANGE)
9:00 to 11:00
6 clock or PD hours
NFHS-Room 423
Facilitator: Angela Santiago
The Common Core is here to stay! Regardless of our personal views, we have a duty to provide
ourselves, and our students, with any and all tools to help achieve or exceed these standards.
Join us as we fill our toolbox on such topics as managing student behavior, questioning,
critical thinking, academic conversations and rigor in an effort to build a classroom culture that
supports the CCLS. (Books will be ordered early in July and registrants will be notified when
they can be picked up from the TRC.)
Stress 101 and Ways to Deal with It
Tuesday, August 5
9:00 to 12:00
3 clock or PD hours
Presenter: Jon Gatto
Everyone seals with stress now and then. The real problem is that often times we don’t “DEAL”
with it. We live with it, we ignore it, and we move on, this is so unhealthy. This class will help
you understand where your stress is coming from, and show you 101 different and proven ways
to deal with it.
An Understanding of Problem Behavior in Students
Tuesday and Wednesday, August 5-6
9:00 to 12:00
6 clock or PD hours
NFHS-Room 423
Presenter: Larry Scott
Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of behavior-what creates it, influences,
and maintains problem behavior. This will include brain development/functioning and how
emotional impairment impacts behavior. The use of suspension to change behavior will be
explained, as well as alternative consequences to problem behavior. Participants will gain a
better understanding of problem behavior and how certain responses/approaches impact the
course of the behavior. There will be a focus on how students actually behave, rather than just
how we would like them to behave.
Dealing with Inattention, Attention-Seeking, and Defiance
Thursday, August 7
9:00 to 12:00
3 clock or PD hours
NFHS-Room 423
Presenter: Larry Scott
This workshop will cover problem behaviors commonly encountered in the school setting
including inattention, hyperactivity, attention-seeking, and defiance. Participants will gain an
understanding of what influences typical problem behavior and strategies/approaches for
managing this behavior. Participants will also learn how to prevent/de-escalate conflict with a
defiant student. Participants are encouraged to take “An Understanding of Problem Behavior in
Students” prior to taking this workshop, but it is not required
Common Core Literacy for All Content Areas/Classrooms (Social Studies,
Science, “Technical Area Subjects”)
Thursday, August 7 and Tuesday, August 12
6 clock or PD hours
Presenter: Leah Baldasarre
This course will first focus on gaining an understanding of the shifts in the CCLS in the areas of
Literacy, Social Studies, Science and technical areas and the implications that these shifts have
on classroom instruction.
Additionally, the participants will be introduced to various literacy techniques that can be
utilized in the classroom, in all content areas, to help students access the complex texts and
writing skills necessary to meet increasingly rigorous standards.
The Calm Person is the Strong Person
Monday, August 11
9:00 to 12:00
3 clock or PD hours
Presenter: Jon Gatto
The person that remains in control is respected. This class will demonstrate some techniques
for remaining calm in the face of problems.
Developing Student Motivation
Tuesday, August 12
9:00 to 12:00
3 clock or PD hours
Presenter: Jon Gatto
Students can become overwhelmed by what may seem like overbearing impossible odds and
situations. This course will cover some of the skills and lessons used to build a student’s
motivation, helping them to face and overcome everyday situations, as well as, obstacles in
their lives.
Mummies of the World
Wednesday and Thursday, August 13 and 14
10:00 to 11:30
3 clock or PD hours
NFHS-Room 421 and the Buffalo Museum of Science
Fee: $12 for tickets to the exhibit at the Buffalo Museum of Science (to be paid at the first
Facilitator: Valerie Rotella-Zafuto
The first session of this workshop will be to explore the educator’s materials that are provided
to support the exhibit around the content areas of history, social studies, Spanish, and science
and to discuss alignment with the Common Core standards and to content that could be shared
with students. The second session will be meeting at the museum to tour the exhibit.
Niagara’s Exploration of Technology in Education 6 Conference “Blending
Technology with the Common Core”
Tuesday, August 26
9:00 to 3:30
6 clock or PD hours
Fee: $30 (includes lunch)
Presenters: Varied
Niagara County Community College
To register and to select your preferred workshop sessions, go to:
MTIP Seminar-Planning for a Great Beginning
Wednesday, August 27
9:00 to 11:00
2 clock or PD hours/MTIP hours
Facilitator: Susan Rhodenizer
Open to all Mentors and Intern pairs or individuals from 2013-2014
This seminar will be an opportunity for Interns in the MTIP program to meet and discuss
effective strategies needed for a successful beginning to the school year. We will review some
suggestions from Harry Wong’s First Days of School and Classroom Management books. We will
also discuss additional professional development that could support the MTIP program.
Reading Mastery
Wednesday, August 27
3 clock or PD hours
8:30 to 11:30
Hyde Park Elementary School-Library
Presenter: Ginny Sukmanowski
This workshop will review the Reading Mastery program and is intended for new teachers or
teachers who are changing grade levels to grades that use this program.