Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan
Annual Review 2011/2012
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
The Telstra Regional and Rural Presence Plan (RRPP) summarises Telstra’s continued
commitment to regional, rural and remote customers in line with meeting the Licence
Condition, Carrier Licence Conditions (Telstra Corporation Limited) Declaration 1997
(Amendment No. 2 of 2005).
This review reports on how Telstra met the broad commitments included in the RRPP for the
2011/12 financial year and highlights the achievements Telstra has made in serving regional
and rural customers. In January 2012, Telstra reaffirmed its commitments to regional and
rural Australia and in June 2012, the Minister accepted Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence
Plan 2012-2015. As this annual report is retrospective, Telstra will report on compliance with
the new plan from next financial year.
The Regional Telecommunications (Estens) Inquiry 2002 recommendation, upon which the
Licence Condition is based, recognised the need for a plan that is “broadly compatible with
Telstra’s commercial interests” and that is not “unduly prescriptive or burdensome”.
The RRPP suggested a number of measures and subsequent evidence to demonstrate
Telstra’s compliance with the RRPP. This review is consistent with that approach and largely
uses information already in the public domain as evidence.
Telstra has the largest and strongest presence in regional and rural Australia of any
telecommunications company. The local presence of Telstra management is central to its
ability to deliver the services that its customers value. Telstra employees are an integral part of
Australian communities and make a significant contribution to their economic and social wellbeing. Telstra has made a clear business commitment to serving regional, rural and remote
Australia now and in the future. Telstra’s local presence helps the company to improve
customer service and its business performance.
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Approach
During 2011/12, Telstra maintained a local management presence through Telstra Country
Wide and field service areas of the company.
Telstra Country Wide (TCW) is the management group that focuses on sales and service
activities across Australia in metro, outer metro, regional, rural and remote Australia. TCW sits
within the expanded remit of Telstra Consumer and Country Wide (TCCW), which has
overarching accountability.
Telstra’s strategy recognises that regional, rural and remote customers are best served by
integrated technologies and services, bringing together the many elements of Telstra’s
organisational capabilities. Telstra continues to maintain a local presence in regional, rural and
remote Australia to add to the value of our products and provide a better experience for
The principal measure of the success of this strategy is business growth, reflecting customer
choice in the highly competitive and dynamic Australian telecommunications market. Telstra
has continued to undertake projects and activities that benefit customers in regional, rural and
remote Australia. Regional, rural and remote customers continue to see improvements in
world-class telecommunications products and services. Information about projects that Telstra
is undertaking will continue to be reported in Telstra’s annual report and through other public
In 2011, Telstra signed Definitive Agreements with NBN Co and the Commonwealth
Government, outlining Telstra’s participation in the roll out of the NBN. As part of this
agreement, Telstra has agreed to disconnect, progressively, copper-based Customer Access
Network services and broadband services on its HFC cable network (but not Pay TV services
on the HFC) that are provided to premises in the NBN fibre footprint, and will migrate services
onto NBN-based services, over the expected 10 year build period of the NBN. Telstra intends
to participate in the NBN and in February 2012, Telstra announced its first NBN based plans.
Telstra continues to maintain an ongoing local management presence in regional, rural and
remote Australia. This local management presence is intended to assist Telstra to better meet
the needs of its regional, rural and remote customers, and to maximise business performance
in these areas. Telstra has continued to maintain senior level accountability for regional, rural
and remote customer operations during 2011/12. Telstra’s regional, rural and remote
customers also continue to benefit from having decisions made at the highest level
appropriately informed by the knowledge of local conditions.
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
Measure 1.1: Telstra will continue to maintain a local presence in regional, rural and
remote Australia that is broadly compatible with commercial interests and is not unduly
prescriptive and does not impose undue financial and administrative burdens on the
Telstra continues to maintain a strong local presence in regional, rural and remote Australia
with local sales and service employees from a range of Telstra business units. Many of these
employees live and work in the communities they serve. Telstra continues to have a strong
retail presence in Australia with customers able to visit over 5000 Telstra owned shops, Telstra
licensed stores, Telstra partner stores and dealers across metropolitan, regional, rural and
remote Australia. Telstra Country Wide Area General Managers are the most senior Telstra
representatives in the local market. This approach means a local manager is responsible for all
matters affecting customers in their area.
1.1.1 Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan outlines Telstra’s regional and rural
presence at
1.1.2 Media Release, Telstra provides Regional and Rural Presence for consultation,, 16 January 2012
1.1.3 Local management model of Telstra Country Wide at Appendix 1 and Area General
Manager role description at Appendix 2
1.1.4 Information on locations at Appendix 3 and
Measure 1.2: Telstra will continue to undertake a range of projects that will benefit its
customers in regional, rural and remote Australia.
Telstra has undertaken a number of initiatives in 2011/12 that benefit regional and rural
customers. These include continued investment in infrastructure for regional and rural areas,
continued product innovation and simplified pricing packages across the range of product
suites. Simultaneously, Telstra continued to make it easier for its customers to access a range
of communications services across various channels, including online, by phone or by access
to Telstra retail, be it a Telstra owned store, Telstra licensed store, Telstra partner or dealer.
1.2.1 Information in the form of media releases showing examples of how Telstra’s range of
Control and left click to open
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
projects assisted customers during 2011/12 can be found at Appendix 4.
1.2.2 Examples of Telstra’s community projects across regional and rural Australia
1.2.3 Information on the provision of fibre deployment to new estates
1.2.4 Also see evidence for Measure 2.6
Measure 1.3: Telstra will continue to maintain a local management presence in regional,
rural and remote Australia.
Telstra has continued to maintain senior level accountability for regional, rural and remote
customer operations during 2011/12. Telstra’s regional, rural and remote customers continued
to benefit from having decisions made at the highest levels appropriately informed by
knowledge of local conditions.
Telstra operates over 5000 points of presence across Australia, with a significant proportion in
regional, rural and remote Australia, as well as Telstra’s field services divisions.
1.3.1 Details of Telstra County Wide regions, Senior Managers, Area General Managers and
locations are included at Appendix 3 and
1.3.2 References to a wide range of Telstra activities in regional and rural Australia during
2011/12 are included in Appendix 4
Measure 1.4: Telstra will continue to maintain a structure of local managers responsible
for overall sales and service performance in their regions.
Telstra has in place Area General Managers (AGMs) who are the most senior Telstra
Executive for Telstra in their local area.
They report to a Regional Sales and Service Director who in turn reports to the Telstra Country
Wide Executive Director. Telstra conducts regular meetings in regional offices with local staff
from all departments from sales and customer service to network construction and design.
These internal reviews provide valuable local insight into key areas of the business. The
objective is to strengthen the local Telstra community, improve local customer service and
Telstra’s local performance.
1.4.1 Telstra Country Wide organisational structure at Appendix 1
1.4.2 Telstra Country Wide Area General Manager and Regional Sales and Service Director
roles at Appendix 2
Measure 1.5: Telstra will continue to maintain senior level accountability for regional,
rural and remote customer operations.
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
During 2011/2012, Telstra AGMs have continued to report to senior Telstra managers
responsible for the sales and service performance across particular regions. The head of
Telstra Country Wide, to whom these managers report, represents regional, rural and remote
customers’ interests to the Group Managing Director of Telstra Consumer and Country Wide,
who in turn represents these at the highest levels within the company.
1.5.1 Biography of Group Managing Director (TCCW)
1.5.2 Vision statement from the head of Telstra Country Wide
1.5.3 Telstra Country Wide organisational structure at Appendix 1
1.5.4 Telstra Country Wide role descriptions at Appendix 2
1.5.5 Telstra Country Wide Directors and Area General Managers details at Appendix 3 and
1.5.6 Telstra senior management team and executives at
Measure 1.6: Telstra will continue to seek the views of its regional, rural and remote
customers for the purpose of addressing the telecommunications service interests of
its customers.
The principal way in which the interests of regional, rural and remote customers are identified
continues to be through feedback from customers during the normal course of sales and
service activities. Staff and managers in shops, call centres and on service calls provide
information on customer issues and needs.
Telstra also undertakes extensive regular surveys and research into the needs and views of its
customers throughout Australia, particularly in relation to the development of new products and
services, and service performance.
Telstra AGMs regularly speak to customers, customer representative groups and community
organisations in the course of their day to day duties. Telstra also regularly consults with
customers via regional visits from Senior Telstra executives.
Telstra also maintained close links with key organisations and stakeholders, including:
 Farming organisations;
 The Isolated Children’s Parents’ Association (ICPA) and state chapters;
 Local Government;
 Regional Development Boards;
 Local MPs, Federal and State;
 Disability advocacy groups via our Telstra Disability Forum and Disability Equipment
Program Consumer Advisory Group;
 Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (which has a range of rural and
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
regional organisational members); and
 A wide range of rural and regional community welfare organisations that provide assistance
to low income customers through Telstra’s Access for Everyone programs.
Telstra's National Indigenous Directorate
The Telstra National Indigenous Directorate was established in 2005 to coordinate
improvements to telecommunications services for remote Indigenous communities across
Australia and has the following accountabilities:
Champions the availability of culturally appropriate products and services for Indigenous
people living in remote communities;
Supports the rollout of new infrastructure and services to remote Indigenous communities,
with support of government agencies where investment would otherwise be uneconomic;
Represents Telstra to governments and stakeholder groups in the delivery of appropriate
telecommunications infrastructure and services to Indigenous people;
Works across Telstra to support the attraction and development of Indigenous employees;
Supports Telstra's sponsorship and community investment partnerships which benefit
Indigenous people and their endeavours; and
Provides advice to ensure cross company consistency with policy and processes in
Indigenous affairs.
During 2011/12, Telstra’s National Indigenous Directorate was actively involved in many
activities. Some examples are provided below.
Through Telstra’s Reconciliation Action Plan, Telstra is focused on providing access to
communications, employment opportunities, and support for education, the arts, and
culture to help secure a brighter future for Indigenous Australians.
During NAIDOC week this year, Telstra unveiled the first of more than 400 signs to be
displayed acknowledging the Traditional Owners of the land and country where stores are
located. Telstra was proud to introduce this official acknowledgement as a small but
genuine sign of our commitment to recognition and reconciliation.
Last November, Telstra provided pro bono support working with the Artists in the Black
Wills Project where a Telstra lawyer travelled to the Kimberley and assisted with the
drafting of wills for Indigenous artists. This is the first time a corporate lawyer has
accompanied Arts Law on one of their trips to remote communities.
In February 2012, Telstra provided high speed internet access to 4 remote communities in
the Northern Territory. At Lajamanu, the arrival of high speed broadband was celebrated
by leading artists from the Warnayaka Arts Centre with the creation of huge works
depicting their dreaming with a communication theme.
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
In September 2011, Telstra delivered high speed broadband to 15 remote island
communities in the Torres Strait.
In February 2012, Telstra partnered partnered with the WA Government to deliver the
Regional Mobile Communications Project resulting in 113 new mobile sites of which
approximately 20 sites are remote Indigenous communities.
Customer Facing Events
As part of familiarising customers with the ongoing development of networks and services
including Next G, BigPond, HomeLine etc, Telstra conducted customer facing events
throughout regional areas during 2011/12.
Examples include:
 Eyre Peninsula
 AgQuip
 Dowerin Field Days
 Agshow
 Henty Field Days
 Elmore Field Days
 AFND Borenore
 Seymour
 Farmworld
 Agfest
 FarmFest
 Primex
 Mudgee Show
 Royal Adelaide Show
1.6.1 AGMs are accessible and accountable for gathering local intelligence on customer’s
needs and views. See details at Appendix 3
1.6.2 Information on Telstra Indigenous Directorate
1.6.3 Telstra Indigenous hotline
1.6.4 Telstra Reconciliation Action Plan
1.6.5 The Access for Everyone package shows Telstra’s general community engagement in
developing a wider range of programs designed to meet the telecommunications service needs
of customers
1.6.6. Telstra extending broadband access to remote communities, Newspaper article,
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
1.6. 7 Media Release, Telstra and government invest in WA mobile coverage expansion,, 31
January 2012
1.6.8 Media Release,, 26 August 2011
1.6. 9 Media Release, Telstra Bluey roars into agfest,, 5 May 2011
1.6.10 Telstra engages with consumer organisations representing people with a disability to
enhance the accessibility of our products, services and information, and to support disability
community initiatives,
Measure 1.7: Telstra will continue to maintain senior level accountability for
representing the telecommunications service interests of customers at senior levels
within the company.
The Group Managing Director for Telstra Consumer and Country Wide (TCCW) reports directly
to Telstra’s Chief Executive Officer. Telstra’s regional, rural and remote customers benefit from
having decisions made at senior levels appropriately informed by knowledge of local
1.7.1 Telstra Consumer and Country Wide Group Managing Director
1.7.2 Telstra Country Wide Executive Director vision statement
1.7.3 Telstra Country Wide Directors and AGMs at Appendix 3
1.7.4 Telstra Country Wide organisational structure at Appendix 1.
Measure 2.1: Telstra will continue to maintain a formal complaint management process
including publication of complaint handling areas and contact details.
Telstra maintains a formal complaint management process to ensure that each customer
complaint is addressed at an appropriate level. It applies to all Telstra customers no matter
where they live, including those living or working in regional, rural and remote Australia.
Complaints can be lodged online, by phone or by letter.
Building on the work commenced in 2010, Telstra has continued to focus on resolving
customer issues throughout 2011/12 resulting in a 21% decrease in consumer call volumes
throughout the year.
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
Specifically, Telstra Country Wide Area General Managers work with local Telstra stores and
partners to improve the customer experience. During the 2011/2012 period, this was
measured through regular Customer Transaction Surveys (CTS) that rate the level of a
customer’s satisfaction after an interaction with Telstra. From 1 July 2012, this has been
replaced with the Net Promoter System, which will measure customer satisfaction and
Simplification remains a priority for Telstra
Telstra’s business improvement programme remained on track and delivered benefits in fiscal
2012 of $1.1 billion, enabling reinvestment in customer service initiatives. These benefits
included improvements in productivity, reduced customer call volumes and growth in online
customer interactions.
TIO complaints continued to decline
Building on the reductions last year TIO level 1 complaints relating to Telstra were reduced by
26% over the last year. Customer service improvements introduced over the last year include a
new consumer bill format, making it simpler and clearer for customers to understand charges,
the introduction of an application which enables customers to access their account via an
Apple iPad® and Facebook and many other operational improvements.
An improved online presence
In 2011/2012, Telstra continued to improve its online presence. For example, Telstra launched
a dedicated customer service presence on Facebook, including a trial release of an industryfirst application - My Telstra on Facebook - which provides customers with convenient and
secure access to their Telstra products and services. In addition, Telstra customers became
among the first in the world to control their Pre-Paid mobile service directly from Facebook®
with the launch of the My Telstra Pre-Paid application.
Regional stores win exceptional customer service award
In 2011/2012, Telstra’s Colac and Burleigh Heads stores received an award for exceptional
customer service from the Telstra Licence Store Awards.
2.1.1 Telstra’s Customer Service Charter
2.1.2 Telstra’s vision is to know its customers and meet their needs better than anyone else
2.1.3 Complaints policy at
2.1.4 Complaint contact details at
2.1.5 Contact details for complaints about fixed phones see
2.1.6 TIO complaint reduction
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
2.1.7 Media Release, Colac store wins Telstra customer service award,, 25 August 2011
2.1.8 Media Release, Burleigh Heads store wins Telstra customer service award,, 26 August 2011
2.1. 9 Media Release, Telstra expands online service options to better serve customers,, 20 February 2012
2.1.10 Media Release, Facebook app puts Telstra Pre-Paid customers in control,, 11 May 2012
2.1. 11 Telstra Reduction in Call Volumes, Annual Report,
2.1. 12 Media Release, Telstra moves to reduce mobile bill shock,, 25 May 2011
Measure 2.2: Telstra will continue to provide its customers in regional, rural and remote
areas with access to sales and service support.
Telstra provides customers with a range of ways to access sales and service support,
including through its retail outlets, its AGMs and staff, its contact centres, via online channels
and via Local Customer Service Consultant positions in the TCW team.
Telstra has also increased its presence on Social Networking sites, with users able to
communicate with Telstra representatives via Facebook, Twitter, Crowd Support, Live Chat
24x7 and Telstra’s own blog, Telstra Exchange. Telstra also provides support via YouTube
instructing customers on how to undertake specific tasks in relation to their service.
In February 2012, Telstra improved their presence on Facebook with a brand new dedicated
customer presence called Telstra 24×7, which is all about making services accessible when
customers are online. Consultants are on hand to assist with sales or service queries and
we aim to provide a response to posts within one hour or less.
2.2.1 Information about Telstra contact centres and Telstra Country Wide AGM area locations
can be found at Appendix 3
2.2.2 The locations of Telstra shops can be found on the website at
2.2. 3 Customers can shop online at
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
2.2.4 Telstra contact centre numbers for information on fixed, mobile, internet and other
services can be found at
2.2.5 Customers can engage with Telstra via Facebook (Facebook login required- search
2.2.6 Customers can get support and get answers to questions via Twitter!/Telstra
2.2.7 Customers can get sales and service information via Telstra’s blog, Telstra Exchange
2.2.8 Telstra provides support on common problems via You Tube
2.2.9 Management of customers’ accounts available online
2.2.10 Contact details for Moving Home
2.2. 11 Reporting Faults online
2.2.12 Telstra Exchange post, Telstra 24x7 on Facebook,, February 20 2012
2.1.13 Telstra Exchange post, Telstra Opens next chapter of social media customer service, 16 August 2011
Also see Measure 2.3 below
Measure 2.3: Telstra will continue to provide service information to its regional, rural
and remote customers.
My Offer Summaries
Following on from its March 2011 launch, Telstra now also provides a My Offer Summary
which provides the key details of products, plans, devices or service in an easy to understand
and concise way. Note, these will be replaced in 2012/2013 with the Critical Information
Summaries, as required under the newly registered Telecommunications Protection Code.
2.3.1 Information for families/homes on products and services - overview at: with more detail via links to home phone, broadband
and mobiles
2.3.2 Information for small business on products and services at: with more detail via links on specific products via
links to mobiles, office phone, internet
2.3.3 Customer commitments and updates on how Telstra is changing to serve customers
2.3.4 Telstra’s Our Customer Terms available at:
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
2.3.5 Mobile Coverage Information at:
2.3.6 My Offer Summary Example,
Measure 2.4: Telstra will continue to undertake sales and marketing activities to inform
regional, rural and regional customers about products and services.
Telstra routinely conducts sales and marketing campaigns targeted at specific segments and
regional geographic markets as part of its operations. Telstra launched a number of major local
marketing programs into regional Australia across the year to educate customers on the
benefits and value that Telstra products and services provide, in a way that was relevant to
each region and explaining the technology available.
Examples of programs launched included:
Fixed & Wireless broadband campaigns based on the most suitable technology for
regional areas.
Next G® Mobile campaigns promoting the benefits of superior coverage, speed,
network reliability and content features.
Outdoor radio broadcasts focused on price perception, local advantage, sales and
Local marketing events in regional Australia in conjunction with existing, wellattended local regional events. Examples of events included Henty, Elmore Field
The Blue Tick: Telstra rigorously tests its range of Next G® handsets and devices for
coverage performance and assigns the “Blue Tick” to those which it recommends for
handheld use in rural areas. The Blue Tick logo is displayed prominently in store, on
merchandise and on the website.
Coverage Advice: Telstra Country Wide staffs frequently provide customers with
advice on what type of handset and accessories best meet their coverage needs.
2.4. 1 Media Release, Telstra set to expand 4G mobile services in Newcastle,, 24 April 2012
2.4.2 Media Release, Mobile coverage boosted in Kiewa and Tangambalanga,, 22 November 2011
2.4 3 Media Release, Telstra Continues NBN Trials,, 6 November 2011
2.4.4 Media Release, Mobile coverage boosted in Gunnedah,, 15 August 2011
2.4.5 See Measure 1.6 – Customer Facing Events
2.4.6 See Appendix 4 for others
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
Measure 2.5: Telstra will continue to take steps to enable staff to meet the
telecommunications service needs of its regional, rural and remote customers.
Telstra understands that customers living outside the major cities sometimes face different
circumstances, concerns and issues. Its structure and activities recognise the need for
specialist knowledge and appropriate responses. Telstra continues to take steps to enable staff
to meet the telecommunications service needs of its regional, rural and remote customers. This
assists staff in having a greater understanding of these customers’ telecommunications needs
and provides a greater responsiveness to those needs.
Ensuring staff have the right knowledge and tools to meet our customers’ needs is a top
priority at Telstra. All customer facing staff have access to detailed online product and service
information and as part of Telstra’s strategic plan access to this information is being simplified
and streamlined. Regular training is also conducted to ensure staff are kept up to date on new
products and services.
Telstra regularly updates all customer facing channels with information pertinent to meeting the
needs of customers. Information relating to the actual content and structure of the systems is
commercial in confidence.
Telstra also continues to ensure that retail staff across its retail outlets (Telstra owned, licensed
and dealers) have the most up to date information to provide customers on handsets,
accessories and coverage.
2.5.1 Learning and Development at Telstra
2.5.2 Blue Tick Classification Scheme allows customers to choose the best handset for their
2.5 3 Telstra Shows Mobile Phone Coverage Test Process
2.5.4 Retail Accreditation Program (launched in 2008)
Measure 2.6: Telstra will continue to offer products and services designed to meet the
needs of its customers in regional, rural and remote Australia.
Telstra continues to offer a wide range of products and services designed to meet the needs of
its customers and offering benefits for regional, rural and remote Australia. These products and
services will change over time. It is intended that these products and services will continue to
address the telecommunications service needs of Telstra’s regional, rural and remote
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
2.6.1 A summary of all Telstra’s products and services is available online at:
Some examples of the provision of new services and products in 2011/12 are found at the links
Mobiles/Smart Phones
2.6.2 Media Release, Telstra launches HTC Sensation - The ultimate multimedia smartphone,, 12 Jul 2011
2.6.3 Media Release, Telstra to launch Australia’s first commercial 4G/LTE device,, 08 Aug 2011
2.6.4 Media Release, Telstra and HTC to bring 4G smartphone to Australia,, 27 Sep 2011
2.6.5 Media Release, A new era of telecommunications – Telstra lights up 4G mobile services
in Australia,, 27 Sep 2011
2.6.6 Media Release, New seniors' phone launches just in time for Christmas,, 14 Dec 2011
2.6.7 Media Release, Australia’s first 4G smartphone to hit shelves next Tuesday,, 19 Jan 2012
2.6. 8 Media Release, Telstra and HTC launch Australia’s first 4G smartphone,, 24 Jan 2012
2.6.9 Media Release, Telstra boosts international data packs as Aussies roam in record
numbers,, 14 Feb 2012
Tablet Devices
2.6.10 Media Release, Telstra to offer iPad 2 in Australia on November 15,, 10 Nov 2011
2.6.11 Media Release, Telstra launches the Motorola XOOM 2 tablet in Australia,, 21 Feb 2012
Home Phone and Broadband Bundles
2.6.12 Media Release, Telstra releases new bundle pricing,, 27 Feb 2012
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
Mobile Broadband
2.6.13 Media Release, Australia’s first 4G LTE mobile Wi-Fi set to bring devices up to speed,, 21 March 2012
Measure 2.7: Telstra will continue to have mechanisms in place to take on board
customer feedback, including feedback from its regional, rural and remote customers.
See measure 2.1
2.7.1 Coverage feedback on mobile networks at:
2.7.2 Complaints contacts at:
2.7.3 My Telstra Experience
2.7.4 Telstra Exchange
2.7.5 Customers can provide feedback via Facebook
(Facebook log in required - Search Telstra)
2.2.6 Customers can provide feedback via Twitter!/Telstra
2.7. 7. Media Release, Telstra invites customer feedback,, 05 September 2011
2.7.8 See Measure 1.6
Measure 2.8: Telstra will continue to undertake activities designed to address the
telecommunications needs of small business customers in regional, rural and remote
Telstra Business is a business unit dedicated to meeting the unique needs of Australia’s small
to medium enterprises. This includes the operation of contact centres with staff dedicated to
Telstra’s small business customers. There is a dedicated business website that provides
business customers with a range of up to date business news, products and services
information on-line.
2.8.1 Information demonstrating how Telstra products and services assist customers at:
2.8.2 Media Release, Telstra opens new Grafton presence – and welcomes millionth Business
customer,, 29 November 2011
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
2.8.3 Media Release, Cloud Services delivers savings to business big and small,, 08 Nov 2011
Measure 2.9: Telstra will continue to offer tailored products and services for its regional,
rural and remote customers with particular communication needs, including older
customers, those with a disability or on low incomes and people living in remote,
indigenous communities.
Telstra understands that among its regional, rural and remote customers there are groups who
have particular needs. Telstra has in place programs that offer tailored products and services
to meet specific needs and circumstances, for example, Country Calling Card and Community
Phones in remote Indigenous communities, and tailored HomeLine Plans and calling options.
Telstra also has specific contact numbers should customers prefer to speak to a Telstra
Customer Service Representative in a language other than English, and for customers
enquiring about our Disability Equipment Program. The products and services offered may
change over time.
2.9.1 Priority Assistance at:
2.9.2 Disability products and services
2.9.3 Access For Everyone – Affordability Options
2.9.4 Disability initiatives including:
Disability Action Plan:
Consultation and community:
2.9.5 References for Remote Indigenous Communities
2.9.6 Services for Indigenous Communities:
2.9.7 Language Assistance - Telstra’s Multicultural Call Centre speaks your language at:
Measure 2.10: Telstra will continue to provide information on its legal and regulatory
obligations relating to the delivery of services and service levels for customers in
regional, rural and remote areas.
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
Structural Separation Undertaking and Migration Plan
Telstra’s Structural Separation Undertaking (SSU) came into effect on 6 March 2012. This plan
sets out Telstra's commitment to structurally separate by 1 July 2018. The SSU is also
designed to provide certainty for the industry during the migration period to the NBN. The SSU
sets out various binding and enforceable commitments which Telstra will put in place to
provide for transparency and equivalence in the supply of regulated services to its wholesale
customers during the transition to the NBN.
Telstra's Migration Plan is a binding instrument which sets out the steps Telstra will take to
disconnect voice and broadband services on its copper and HFC networks as part of the
migration process.
Details of Telstra's Structural Separation Undertaking and Migration Plan are available at
2.10.1 Universal Service Obligations at:
2.10.2 Priority Assistance obligations at:
2.10.3 CSG obligations at:
2.10.4 Privacy obligations at:
2.10.5 Disability Equipment Program at: and
Telstra provides a report to the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) on
the operation of its Disability Equipment Program annually.
2.10.6 Network Reliability Framework
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
Measure 3.1: Telstra will maintain senior level accountability for the coordination and
management of activities in regional, rural and remote parts of Australia, including:
Targeted application of its resources to meet the telecommunications service
interest of its customers in regional, rural and remote parts of Australia
An integrated approach to telecommunications service connection, maintenance
and repairs in regional, rural and remote parts of Australia
The Telstra Operations business unit has accountability for maintenance and repairs across
the company and is represented at the highest level. The team is headed by Chief Operating
Officer (COO), Brendon Riley. The COO is part of Telstra’s Executive Team and reports into
the CEO.
Evidence (i):
3.1.1 See Telstra Operations
3.1. 2 Biography of Brendon Riley, Chief Operating Officer
Evidence (ii):
3.1. 3 General information on customer service commitments at:
3.1.4 Network Reliability Framework performance at:
3.1.5 Customer Service Guarantee at:
3.1.6 Universal Service Obligation at:
3.1.7 Integrated approach to payphones:
Measure 3.2: Telstra will continue to offer a range of telecommunications services to its
customers in regional, rural and remote Australia.
Telstra provides a range of telecommunications services nationally and at uniform pricing.
Details of these services, including those specifically targeted at customers in rural and remote
locations can be found at the websites below.
3.2.1 Various examples of information on mobile services
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
3.2.2 Various examples of information on home phone services
3.2.3 Various examples of information on internet services
3.2 .4 Various examples of Residential Bundles
3.2.5 Various examples of Business Products
3.2.6 Various examples of NBN Products
Measure 3.3 Natural disasters in 2011/2012.
In 2011/12 victims of the following natural disasters were declared to be eligible for customer
assistance relief packages:
 Bushfires affecting Margaret River, Prevelly, Gnarabup Beach, Witchcliffe
Severe storms affecting Townsville
Flooding affecting Nathalia, Picila, Barmah, Forbes, Goodooga, Weilmoringle, Cowra,
Condobolin,The Rock, GanMain, Lockhart, East Wagga, Ungarie, Uranquinty, Wagga
Wagga, Urana, Yenda, Barellan, Walwa, Jingellic, Beelbangera, BilBul, Widgelli,
Willbriggie, Griffith, Yoogali, Narrandera, Euroley, Grong Grong, Henwood,
Benerembah, Darlington Point, Hay, Maude, Cooma, Jugiong, Mitchell, Roma,
Charleville, Bollon, St George, Dirranbandi & surrounding areas, Moree Plains,
Tamworth, Bellingen, Nambucca, Coffs Harbour, Kyogle, Richmond Valley, Lismore,
Clarence Valley and Tweed Shire
3.3.1: Details of natural disaster relief provided by Telstra:
3.3. 2 Media Release, Telstra assistance package for Gnarabup Beach and Witchcliffe
customers affected by bushfires ,, 28
November 2011
3.3 3 Media Release, Telstra assistance package for Margaret River – Prevelly customers
affected by fires,, 25 November 2011.
3.3.4 Media Release, Telstra assistance package for Townsville customers affected by severe
storms,, 21 Mar 2012
3.3. 5 Media Release, Telstra assistance package for customers affected by flooding in
Darlington Point,, 12 March 2012
3.3. 6 Media Release, Telstra assistance package for customers affected by flooding in
Nathalia, Picola and Barmah,, 08 Mar 2012
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
3.3.7 Media Release, Telstra assistance package for customers affected by flooding in Cowra,
Forbes, Goodooga, Weilmoringle and Condobolin, , 06 Mar 2012
3.3.8 Media Release, Telstra assistance package for customers affected by flooding in The
Rock, Ganmain and Lockhart,, 05 Mar
3.3.9 Media Release, Telstra assistance package for Mitchell, Roma, Charleville, Bollon, St
George and Dirranbandi and surrounding districts customers affected by flooding, , 03 Feb 2012
3.3. 10 Media Release, Telstra assistance package for North Coast NSW customers affected
by floodwaters - Clarence,, 27 Jan 2012
3.3. 11 Media Release ,Telstra assistance package for North Coast NSW customers affected
by floodwaters - Coffs Harbour,,, 27 January 2012
3.3. 12 Media Release, Telstra assistance package for North Coast NSW customers affected
by floodwaters - Richmond,, 27 Jan 2012
3.3. 13 Media Release ,Telstra assistance package for North Coast NSW customers affected
by floodwaters - Tweed Shire, , 27 Jan 2012
3.3. 14 Media Release, New website keeps customers informed during outages and disasters,, 06 Jul 2011
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
Measure 4.1: Telstra will continue to contribute to the community and regional
development through the commercial provision of telecommunications products and
The principal means through which Telstra contributes to community and regional development
is through the commercial provision of telecommunications products and services to its
customers. Telstra’s strong rural presence strategy of having staff living and working in many
of the areas they serve has a strong flow on effect in the local economies. Telstra’s significant
investment in programs that connect people, support communities and contribute to the
wellbeing of all Australians will continue to be a major focus for the company. The company’s
on-going community investment reaffirms Telstra’s commitment to being part of the fabric of
Australian communities and enabling social interaction no matter where people live.
Telstra is also proud of the part it plays in supporting Australia’s rich cultural heritage and
development. Telstra local managers and staff undertake a range of local activities to support
communities, businesses and local government. They support local government and regional
development bodies and provide advice on infrastructure investments or applications for State
and Federal telecommunications funding.
Telstra supports a variety of local organisations and events through commercial sponsorship
activities. These range from in-kind and financial support for sporting and cultural activities, to
involvement in business and regional development forums, field days and expos. Through our
Payroll Giving charity partners and Telstra Foundation-funded community organisations, we
provide volunteering and fundraising opportunities for our Telstra managers and staff.
Providing our employees with opportunities to engage with the community strengthens the
communities in which we operate. Examples of our payroll giving charity partners include:
Australian Red Cross, beyondblue, Cancer Council Australia, Mission Australia, World Vision
Australia, TAD NSW, TAD QLD, TAD VIC, United Way Ballarat, United Way Geelong, RSPCA
Australia, The Salvation Army, Cerebral Palsy League QLD, and Telstra Child Flight just to
name a few.
External website links:
 (Australian Red Cross):
 (Cancer Council):]
 (TAD NSW):
 (Mission Australia):
 (Surf Life Saving Australia):
 (Geelong VIC-centric):
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
Among others, Telstra’s community investment programs include NRL and AFL grassroots
programs, the Telstra Assistance Fund, Telstra’s Kids Fund, Telstra Connected Seniors®, the
Telstra Road to Discovery, Telstra Business Awards and Telstra Business Women’s Awards,
the Telstra Foundation, National community sponsorship of Telstra Child Flight, One Laptop
per Child Australia and Legacy Australia.
Some links to examples of Telstra’s 2011/2012 community sponsorship activities and
contributions are provided below.
4.1.2 General information on Telstra’s Community Sponsorship activities
Telstra Child Flight
Since 2001, Telstra has been the naming rights sponsor of Telstra Child Flight (TCF), an
organisation that operates medical retrieval helicopters in NSW and ACT. These helicopters
ensure quick and safe transportation of sick or injured children needing urgent medical
Telstra provides TCF with significant financial assistance and has actively aligned TCF in other
sponsorship events – such as using the TCF helicopter in the NRL Grand Final.
TCF is one of Telstra’s Matched Payroll Giving organisations to which employees can donate.
One Laptop per Child Australia (OLPCA)
Since 2010, Telstra has been OLPCA’s telecommunication sponsorship partner. OLPCA’s goal
is to provide 300,000 children living in remote communities with an XO laptop by 2014.
To help these communities experience the benefits the online world has to offer, Telstra has
provided financial assistance and has worked with OLPC Australia to connect laptops in these
remote communities to Telstra’s Next G® network and provide cyber-safety advice so that
regardless of age, online interest or skill level, children using the laptops will have the tools to
stay safe online.
Legacy Australia
Since 2009, Telstra has been a national partner of Legacy Australia, an organisation which
provides practical assistance and services to over 100,000 widows and 1,900 dependents of
Australia’s deceased veterans.
Telstra provides both financial assistance and telecommunications services to help Legacy
reach out in more ways to families in need, and connect them with a support network of other
families who understand what they are going through.
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
Telstra’s sponsorship of Legacy Australia has also included Legacy merchandise being sold
through 283 Telstra stores during Legacy Week.
4.1.3 General information on Telstra’s community programs
As Australia's leading telecommunications provider and one of its largest companies, we know
the positive impact our business can have on community life and well-being. We use
information and communications technologies to enrich the lives of all Australians. Telstra in the Community website, which highlights some of our 2011 sponsorship
activities and initiatives at:
4.1.3 .2 General information on Telstra’s community programs Media release: Telstra calls on Australians to recycle old mobile phones for World
Environment Day,, 25 May 2012
Telstra Connected Seniors Program
The Telstra Connected Seniors program supports the development of practical, communitybased education programs using a peer learning model:
 To facilitate the dialogue between Telstra and all older Australians nationally on the
value, personal and mobile and internet technologies among seniors;
 To ensure that all segments benefit from the changes technology is making to
people’s lives, and reduce the risk of social isolation and exclusion of a set of
 To address different training needs, given the differing skill and capability levels of older
Australians. The training includes mobiles, Internet, Tablets and Cyber Safety and;.
 To play a significant lead educator role nationally in sharing all the family, community
and health benefits that technology will facilitate.
Its scope is to address the range of seniors’ educational needs across all of its 33 national
regions, and drive the program as a key local area community engagement initiative.
The program was established in 2007, with Telstra committing to fund $3 M over a three year
period. Telstra has continued funding the program on an annual basis, as part of its Digital
Inclusion strategy.
The Connected Seniors program:
 Over the last financial year (FY 11/12), 60 Supersized’ training events were delivered
nationally, training more than 11,600 seniors. Locations included Port Stevens,
Geelong, Gunnedah, Coffs Harbour, Ballina, Tweed Heads, Port Macquarie, Adelaide,
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
Dubbo, Stawell, West Wyalong, Queenscliff, Wollongong, Kiama, Townsville, Wagga
Both the Connected Seniors Grants program and the Telstra driven training events
delivered face to face training to more than 20,000 seniors over the financial year.
4.1.4 Program detail, Media release, Connecting seniors to the world wide web (24 May 2012) Adelaide Seniors workshops tackle the latest technology trends (28th June 2012)
4.1 .4.3 Casino Seniors workshops tackle the latest technology trends (11th May 2012) Geelong and Bellarine Peninsula seniors tackle the latest technology trends (17th Feb
Note: – were regional media releases and links are not available.
Telstra’s support for Local Sporting Programs
4.1.5 Support of local surf life saving clubs
4.1.6 Telstra Assistance Fund
Telstra Business Awards
4.1.7 Some Media Releases Dare to dream big in 20th year of Australian Business Awards,, 09 Jan 2012 WA pressure tester named Australia’s best business,, 27 Aug 2011
Telstra Business Women’s Awards
4.1.8 Information on the Telstra Business Women’s Awards, including details on winner and
state finalists. Media Release, Top police woman named Australia’s Business Woman of the Year,, 21 November 2011
Telstra Road to Discovery
4.1.9 Details on Telstra Road to Discovery
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012) Release, Telstra celebrates 10 years of supporting emerging music talent with
all-star road show,, 26 June 2012
29th Telstra National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Award
4.1. 10.1 Media Release, South Australian Artist Dickie Minyintiri Wins National Telstra Art
Award,, 12 Aug 2011
Note, 29th Telstra National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Award has not yet been
Telstra Disability Programs
Telstra is committed to making communication accessible and affordable for all our customers,
including customers with a disability. Telstra provides information and special equipment for
customers with Hearing, Speech, Vision, Mobility and Dexterity.
4.1.11 Information on Telstra’s Disability Services, including products and services and
disability equipment program
4.1.12 Telstra-TJA Christopher Newell Prize for Telecommunications and Sponsorship of
national Link Disability magazine
4.1.13 Media release, Telstra prize again highlights the benefits of modern communications for
people with disability,, 23 May
4. 1.14 Media Release, Taking action on disability – Telstra’s Supported Workforce Program,,
29 August 2011
4.1.15 Telstra Exchange, Telstra supports the introduction of a National Disability Insurance
Measure 4.2: Telstra will continue local marketing and community support activities,
e.g., support for emergency services
Telstra Foundation
In 2002 Telstra established a Foundation to administer a philanthropic program. The Telstra
Foundation aims to enrich the lives of Australian children and young people largely through two
granting programs, Telstra Foundation Community Development Fund and Telstra’s Kids
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
Telstra Foundation Community Development Fund supports community organisations across
Australia in the areas of Social Innovation, Indigenous Community Development and cybersafety.
Telstra Kids Fund
Telstra’s Kids Fund supports a broad range of local initiatives and projects by local community
non-profit organisations across education, sports and recreation, arts and culture, environment,
health, disability and cultural diversity.
4.2.1 Telstra Foundation
4.2.2 Telstra Foundation Media Releases Media release, Telstra Foundation celebrates a decade with $1 million grants
program,, 29 May 2012
4.2.3 Disaster relief information at
4.2.4 Telstra Assistance media releases see section 3.3
Measure 4.3: Telstra will continue to provide information on its local marketing and
community support activities.
Telstra supports and encourages hundreds of local business initiatives; from sponsoring
tourism and development opportunities, to providing telecommunications services or
volunteering time for events which bring businesses and people together.
For example in Western Australia, we sponsor the Chamber of Commerce Business Awards in
Northam, Esperance and Kalgoorlie-Boulder to reward successful, small businesses, and
recognise the important role they play in local business development. We also support other
regional chambers of commerce across the country.
In Inverell, New South Wales, we have been supporting the Telstra Country Wide Sapphire
City Festival for the last ten years. The festival is a weeklong event of exhibitions,
performances and sporting events that brings visitors to this remote and rural area. Our
employees who also live and work in the region provide extra support to the festival by
volunteering their time.
4.3.1 See sponsorship information at:
4.3.2 See evidence for Measures 4.1 and 4.2
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
Measure 5.1: Telstra will continue to consult with representatives of consumers at a
national and local level. This will be done using a mix of formal and informal processes.
Telstra has relationships and consults with a large number of national representative groups
across Australia, including the Australian Local Government Association, Farming
organisations, the Telstra Disability Forum and the Isolated Children’s Parents’ Association.
Evidence: See evidence at Measure 1.6
Measure 5.2: Telstra will continue to engage with representatives of consumers from
regional, rural and remote Australia.
Telstra has relationships and consults with a large number of local representative groups
including State farming bodies, Local Government Associations, regional development boards,
local members of Federal and State Governments and local community groups.
5.2.1 AGM job description at Appendix 2
5.2.2 See evidence at Measure 1.6 for more information
Measure 5.3: Telstra local managers will continue to have contact with community
leaders in the regional, rural and remote areas in which they operate.
Telstra Country Wide AGMs have contact with their local community leaders on a regular
basis. It is part of their role to manage these relationships in their region and makes business
sense for them to do so.
5.3.1 AGM job description at Appendix 2
5.3.2 See evidence at Measure 1.6 for more information
Measure 5.4: Consultation with appropriate community leaders on implementation of
any decisions regarding organisational change that may materially affect the interests
of a community.
Telstra consults widely with community leaders on issues that may impact on the provision of
telecommunications service to local communities. This includes for example the
placement/removal of payphones and the location and construction of new mobile base
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
5.4.1 Considerations when sitting a payphone
5.4.2 Payphone Removal Criteria
5.4.3 Finding a location of a public payphone
5.4.4 Payphone provisioning criteria
5.4.5 Considerations for locations of mobile base stations
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
Measure 6.1: Report within 60 days at the end of the financial year on performance to
meet the Local Presence Plan
6.1.1 Report for 2006/07 submitted to Minister and ACMA by 29 August 2007
6.1.2 Report for 2007/08 submitted to Minister and ACMA by 29 August 2008
6.1.3 Report for 2008/09 submitted to Minister and ACMA by 29 August 2009
6.1.4 Report for 2009/10 submitted to Minister and ACMA by 29 August 2010
6.1.5 Report for 2010/11 submitted to Minister and ACMA by 29 August 2011
6.1.6 Report for 2011/12 to be submitted to Minister and ACMA by 29 August 2012
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
Appendix 1
Telstra Organisational Structure with respect to Telstra Country Wide
Executive Director
Telstra Country Wide
Rebekah O’Flaherty
Denise Roberts
Regional Sales & Service
Gary Macleod
Regional Sales & Service
Director Central West
Regional Sales & Service
Director Victoria / Tasmania
Richard Fink
Richard Fink
Regional Sales & Service
Gary Macleod
National Sales & Service
Retails Operations
John Ballenger
Stephen Eyears
Further contacts can be found at the following link:
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
Appendix 2
Telstra Country Wide Area General Manager role description
The Area General Manager (AGM) is accountable for the performance of retail points of
presence within a designated area including Telstra owned stores, licensed and partner
channels. The role is also the face of Telstra within their area managing community and
stakeholder engagement.
Lead the development and management of the store business plan & business
Ensure optimal customer experience
Develop a harmonised team culture, setting clear accountabilities and developing the
capability in store to high performance
Leadership of day to day in store operations to operational excellence
Telstra Regional Sales and Service Director role description
The Regional Service & Sales Director is accountable for maximising Telstra’s presence and
business performance within a designated geographic region. This includes all Retail points of
presence (including Telstra Owned, Licensed and Partner stores) as well as the delivery of all
local services for the region.
The role is accountable for the achievement of the business plans and objectives of the region
including the delivery of:
- optimal customer service,
- defined business objectives
the provision of technical support
commercial activities and
effectively stakeholder relations, including media.
The Director provides leadership and builds capability in the region to ensure current and
future performance.
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
Appendix 3
Contact TCW details found at:
Consumer customers please call us on 13 2200 and say "complaint". Sales and support are
available day and night, so it’s easier to talk to us when it suits you best.
Business customers please call us on 13 2000 and say "complaint". Sales and support are
available day and night, so it’s easier to talk to us when it suits you best. Alternatively you can
contact your Account Executive.
Enterprise and Government customers, contact your Account Executive or Service
Management lead. Alternatively you can call Customer Care on 1800 730 062 between 8am
and 6pm local time Monday to Friday.
Telstra’s contact details can be found at
Small and Medium Business
Sales and General Enquiries:
Accounts & Billing:
Tech & Faults:
Home Phone Services
Home Phone Enquiries:
Home Phone Faults:
Products & Sales
Mobile Phone Enquiries or Faults:
Products & Sales:
Online Billing
Sales and Billing Enquiries:
BigPond® Faults:
1800 334 884
13 2000
13 2999
13 2200
13 2203
1800 331 286
1800 303 302
1800 266 000
13 POND (13 7663)
13 3933
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
To find your nearest Telstra shop
Go to
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
Appendix 4 – Telstra assisting customers (in reverse chronological order)
Products & Services; Infrastructure & Network Upgrades; Information for Customers
Telstra celebrates 10 years of supporting emerging music talent with all-star road show
26 Jun 2012 - Media Release
Telstra Road to Discovery is one of Australia’s most recognised talent development programs,
across a range of genres including blues and roots, folk, country and alternative country.
20 of Australia’s best small businesses show off the sector’s strength
25 Jun 2012 - Media Release
Many of the best Australian small businesses of the past 20 years have gone on to compete
successfully in overseas markets or become part of international organisations.
Telstra connects Department of Human Services to a new communications future
25 Jun 2012 - Media Release
The Department of Human Services and Telstra have announced the signing of a new
agreement worth $474 million over five years for Telstra to build and manage a new unified
communications network.
Telstra and SAP sign alliance to deliver with Accenture, SAP solutions from Telstra’s
21 Jun 2012 - Media Release
Telstra and SAP today announced the expansion of their partnership by formalising an alliance
to deliver with Accenture, a suite of hosted solutions to enterprise and government customers
across Australia.
Telstra hits play on MOG music revolution
21 Jun 2012 - Media Release
Australians can now access 16 million music tracks, discover new music with ease, access a
massive catalogue of Australian music and never listen to an ad, with the launch today of MOG
from Telstra.
Protect yourself online - Ten simple tips
12 Jun 2012 - Media Release
To mark National Cyber Security Awareness Week, Telstra is reminding everybody of the
simple steps they can take to protect themselves and their families online.
Telstra “on a roll” to connect Tasmanians to the NBN
04 Jun 2012 - Media Release
Telstra today launched its commercial services on the National Broadband Network (NBN) in
Tasmania rolling a new “Store on Wheels” into Triabunna and ensuring staff in its new store in
Sorell were geared up for customer demand.
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
Australia Post and Telstra sign strategic partnership on Digital MailBox and IT network
01 Jun 2012 - Media Release
Australia Post and Telstra today announced a new strategic partnership by signing a
memorandum of understanding which will see the country’s largest telecommunications
provider become a participant in the Australia Post Digital MailBox and Australia Post using
Telstra’s Australian based hosting and network services.
Samsung Galaxy S III arrives on the Telstra Mobile Network
31 May 2012 - Media Release
One of the year's most anticipated smartphones is now available on Australia's largest and
most reliable mobile network.
Telstra tops network quality study as customers join 4G fast lane
30 May 2012 - Media Release
Telstra customers have access to Australia's highest quality mobile network for voice calls,
mobile data and text messaging according to a new study released today.
Telstra Foundation celebrates a decade with $1 million grants program
29 May 2012 - Media Release
One hundred Australian non-profit organisations are set to benefit from 1 million in local grants
announced today by the Telstra Foundation marking its 10th anniversary.
HTC One XL smartphone coming exclusively to Telstra
29 May 2012 - Media Release
Telstra customers will soon get their hands on one of the most advanced smartphones to
launch in 2012 - the super-thin and ultra-fast 4G powered HTC One XL.
Telstra calls on Australians to recycle old mobile phones for World Environment Day
25 May 2012 - Media Release
Telstra is calling on Aussies to dig deep into their desk drawers to retrieve old mobile phones
and accessories and drop them off at a MobileMuster recycling unit in their local Telstra Store
for World Environment Day on Tuesday, 5 June.
Connecting seniors to the world wide web
24 May 2012 - Feature Story
The Wendouree West Community House and Learning Centre recently received a Telstra
Connected Seniors grant to deliver free training on mobiles and internet for seniors.
Telstra cloud infrastructure receives security certification
24 May 2012 - Media Release
Australian business, enterprise and government organisations now have a secure cloud
platform ready for them to transition their business applications and data, with Telstra’s
infrastructure-as-a-service platform independently certified as compliant to the highest of
industry standards.
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
Telstra and HTC to launch Australia’s first 4G Windows Phone
24 May 2012 - Media Release
Windows Phone fans will soon be able to surf the mobile web, respond to email and access
work documents faster than before on the HTC Titan 4G – Australia’s first 4G Windows Phone
which launches next Tuesday 29 May on the Telstra Mobile Network.
Telstra prize again highlights the benefits of modern communications for people with
23 May 2012 - Media Release
Telstra and the Telecommunications Journal of Australia today announced the 2012 winners of
the Telstra-TJA Christopher Newell Prize for Telecommunications and Disability.
Telstra scoops HR award pool
18 May 2012 - Media Release
Telstra has won three awards at the inaugural Australian Human Resources Institute Diversity
Awards held in Melbourne yesterday and was the most awarded company of the event.
Facebook app puts Telstra Pre-Paid customers in control
11 May 2012 - Media Release
Telstra customers will be among the first in the world to control their Pre-Paid mobile service
directly from Facebook® with the launch today of the My Telstra Pre-Paid application.
Telstra launches network intelligence giving business the complete picture
10 May 2012 - Media Release
Businesses and large organisations will now have comprehensive visibility of applications
using their data networks with the launch of Australia’s first in-network intelligent reporting
Liz Ellis searches for Netball Mums scoring goals
09 May 2012 - Media Release
Liz Ellis, former Commonwealth Games and World Championship winning Netball player, is
joining Telstra to recognise and reward the unsung heroes of Netball, and award the Telstra
NetMum title to one lucky mum.
Age of the Digmum but a phone call remains number one on Mother's Day
07 May 2012 - Media Release
Social media has become the norm for mums to stay in touch with kids who have moved out of
home, with 80 per cent “friending” them on at least one online site according to new research
from Telstra
Telstra joins with Ginger & Smart to present show at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week
Australia 2012
30 Apr 2012 - Media Release
Telstra is proud to announce it has joined forces with iconic Australian designers Ginger and
Smart to present their 2012 Collection show at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Australia.
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
Innovation by business women critical for Australia’s future
30 Apr 2012 - Media Release
Continued world class innovation by Australian business women is critical to the nation’s social
and economic future, according to Kate McKenzie, Group Managing Director Telstra
Innovation, Products & Marketing.
Telstra set to expand 4G mobile services in Newcastle
24 Apr 2012 - Media Release
Telstra today announced the second phase of its 4G technology roll-out in Newcastle which
will see ultra-fast 4G mobile coverage extending into a number of new suburbs in the coming
Get ready for a whole new experience with Telstra in Townsville
19 Apr 2012 - Media Release
Townsville locals can experience a hands-on journey into the new-age fibre optic fast lane
when the interactive Telstra Fibre Experience Centre opens at Vale Hotel Car Park in
Aitkenvale tomorrow, Wednesday, 18 April until 27 April.
Telstra customers rewarded under new flybuys program
19 Apr 2012 - Media Release
From Monday 23rd April, Telstra customers will be able to earn flybuys points when they
purchase selected Telstra Pre-Paid products, thanks to an alliance announced today with the
new flybuys program.
Telstra Safe Social gives parents control of kids’ online safety
18 Apr 2012 - Media Release
Keeping kids safe when they use Facebook and Twitter to connect with friends became easier
today with the launch of Telstra Safe Social - a new social networking protection tool available
to BigPond Security customers.
Telstra and MOG to bring unlimited music streaming to Australia
17 Apr 2012 - Media Release
Australians will soon have unlimited, on-demand access to a vast catalog of music, streamed
to their mobile, tablet, computer or net-connected TV after Telstra today announced an
exclusive partnership with award-winning subscription music service, MOG.
BigPond Movies hits milestone with Panasonic VIERA TVs
11 Apr 2012 - Media Release
Telstra and Panasonic are partnering to bring BigPond Movies’ extensive movie library to
selected 2012 and 2011 Panasonic VIERA TVs.
Telstra Welcomes ACCC Approval of FOXTEL – AUSTAR Merger
10 Apr 2012 - Media Release
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
Telstra welcomes the ACCC's statement that it will accept undertakings provided by FOXTEL
and clear the merger between FOXTEL and AUSTAR.
Cyber Defence University Challenge goes off with a bang
05 Apr 2012 - Media Release
ICT undergraduates from the University of New South Wales took top honours in the 2012
Cyber Defence University Challenge - an Australian first and will jet off to the Black Hat
Security conference in the US in July 2012 courtesy of Telstra.
Telstra and Samsung to launch nation’s second 4G smartphone – GALAXY S II 4G
26 Mar 2012 - Media Release
Telstra and Samsung Electronics Australia today unveiled the GALAXY S II 4G - Australia's
second ultra-fast 4G smartphone which launches exclusively on the Telstra Mobile Network
Telstra T-Box wins International IPTV award
23 Mar 2012 - Media Release
The Telstra T-Box, currently enjoyed in more than 300,000 Australian homes, has won the
world’s top IPTV award.
Top 5 tips to beat business phone fraud
23 Mar 2012 - Media Release
As part of National Fraud Week, Telstra has issued a list of security steps businesses can take
to reduce the risk of their phone systems being hacked.
Telstra assistance package for Townsville customers affected by severe storms
21 Mar 2012 - Media Release
Telstra today announced an assistance package for its residential and small business
customers in Townsville who have lost services as a result of the recent devastating storm in
the early hours of Tuesday 20th March 2012.
Australia’s first 4G LTE mobile Wi-Fi set to bring devices up to speed
21 Mar 2012 - Media Release
Australians in 4G coverage areas will be able to enjoy ultra-fast mobile internet on their Wi-Fi
enabled laptops, tablets and smartphones with Telstra today announcing the nation's first 4G
LTE mobile Wi-Fi.
Telstra to bring the connected home to life
20 Mar 2012 - Media Release
With Australians embracing a new wave of internet-enabled devices in the home, Telstra has
launched a program that brings together the development and marketing of its home devices,
content and home broadband services and helps households become a connected home.
Telstra urges Aussies to be alert as telephone scams surge
20 Mar 2012 - Media Release
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
Telstra is urging consumers, as part of National Consumer Fraud Awareness Week 2012, to
be wary of the growing number of telephone scams being reported.
Gadget Guy to host Telstra technology workshop in Armidale
20 Mar 2012 - Media Release
Armidale locals are invited to come along and learn how to unlock the mysteries of the internet
when TV’s Gadget Guy, Peter Blasina, hosts free and fun Telstra Connected technology
workshops on Wednesday, 4 April.
Improving productivity a struggle but still a top priority
20 Mar 2012 - Media Release
The number of large Australian organisations that have significantly improved productivity over
the last year has declined by a quarter according to the fourth annual Telstra Productivity
Indicator, released today.
Telstra to offer New iPad in Australia on March 16
15 Mar 2012 - Media Release
Telstra today announced it will offer the new iPad in Australia on Friday, March 16. Telstra will
offer iPad with a range of attractive data plans that allow customers to connect to the superfast
DC-HSPA+ enabled Telstra Mobile Network.
Telstra assistance package for customers affected by flooding in Darlington Point
12 Mar 2012 - Media Release
Telstra today announced an assistance package for its residential and small business
customers in and around Darlington Point who have lost services as a result of the current
Telstra assistance package for customers affected by flooding in Nathalia, Picola and
08 Mar 2012 - Media Release
Telstra today announced an assistance package for its residential and small business
customers in and around Nathalia, Picola and Barmah who have lost services as a result of the
current flooding.
Telstra finalises $11 billion NBN agreements
07 Mar 2012 - Media Release
Telstra today is pleased to announce it has finalised its Definitive Agreements with NBN Co
and the Commonwealth for Telstra’s participation in the rollout of the National Broadband
Telstra assistance package for customers affected by flooding in Cowra, Forbes,
Goodooga, Weilmoringle and Condobolin
06 Mar 2012 - Media Release
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
Telstra today announced an assistance package for its residential and small business
customers in and around Cowra, Forbes, Goodooga, Weilmoringle and Condobolin* who have
lost services as a result of the current flooding.
Telstra provides IPv6 to business customer networks
05 Mar 2012 - Media Release
Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) connectivity is now available to even more Telstra business,
enterprise and government customers.
Telstra assistance package for Jugiong customers affected by flooding
05 Mar 2012 - Media Release
Telstra today announced an assistance package for its residential and small business
customers in and around Jugiong who have lost services as a result of the current flooding.
Telstra assistance package for customers affected by flooding in The Rock, Ganmain
and Lockhart
05 Mar 2012 - Media Release
Telstra today announced an assistance package for its residential and small business
customers in and around The Rock, GanMain, Lockhart, East Wagga, Ungarie, Uranquinty*,
Wagga Wagga**, Barellan, Yenda, Urana***, Walwa, Jingelic, Beelbangera,
BilBul****, Widgelli, Willbriggie, Griffith, Yoogali, Narrandera+, Euroley, Grong Grong,
Hanwood, Benerembah++, Darlington Point+++, Hay and Maude++++ who have lost services
as a result of the current flooding.
Telstra assistance package for Cooma customers affected by flooding
02 Mar 2012 - Media Release
Telstra today announced an assistance package for its residential and small business
customers in and around Cooma who have lost services as a result of the current flooding.
ACCC accepts Telstra’s Structural Separation Undertaking
28 Feb 2012 - Media Release
Telstra today took a significant step towards finalising its agreement to participate in the rollout
of the National Broadband Network (NBN), after the Australian Competition and Consumer
Commission (ACCC) accepted its Structural Separation Undertaking (SSU).
Telstra opens super-fast 4G network to Pre-Paid customers, launches nation’s first 4G
28 Feb 2012 - Media Release
Mobile internet speeds available to Australians using tablets and Pre-Paid mobile broadband
will jump today with Telstra launching the nation’s first super-fast 4G tablet and the first 4G LTE
mobile broadband modem for Pre-Paid customers.
Telstra releases new bundle pricing
27 Feb 2012 - Media Release
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
Telstra today announced new bundle plans with bigger data allowances for some of its most
popular internet bundles.
Telstra launches the Motorola XOOM 2 tablet in Australia
21 Feb 2012 - Media Release
Building on the success of Motorola XOOM, Motorola Mobility and Telstra are bringing the
faster, slimmer and lighter Motorola XOOM 2 tablet to Australia from today.
Telstra expands online service options to better serve customers
20 Feb 2012 - Media Release
Telstra has launched a dedicated customer service presence on Facebook, including a trial
release of an industry-first application - My Telstra on Facebook - which provides customers
with convenient and secure access to their Telstra products and services.
Telstra ballet in the park comes to Canberra
17 Feb 2012 - Media Release
The Australian Ballet 50th anniversary just wouldn’t be complete without a visit to the nation’s
capital. Telstra Ballet in the Park will come to Canberra for one very special birthday party on
Friday 16 March 2012 at 7pm.
Telstra boosts international data packs as Aussies roam in record numbers
14 Feb 2012 - Media Release
With Australians taking smartphones overseas in record numbers, Telstra today boosted its
International Roaming Data Packs and upped the number of countries in which these packs
can be used.
Telstra BigPond email now with Windows Live
10 Feb 2012 - Media Release
BigPond customers are set to experience a faster and improved email service called BigPond
with Windows Live. The new service will have more storage, Microsoft Office apps and the
ability to edit and share photos and movies, all without BigPond customers having to change
their email address.
Vital signs healthy among leading Australian small and medium businesses
06 Feb 2012 - Media Release
Analysis of some of Australia’s top-performing small and medium businesses has shown rising
use of online marketing, high customer satisfaction and major benefits from conducting
supplier reviews.
Telstra assistance package for Mitchell, Roma, Charleville, Bollon, St George and
Dirranbandi and surrounding districts customers affected by flooding
03 Feb 2012 - Media Release
*UPDATE as of 06/02/2012 - Bollon, St George and Dirranbandi have been added.*
Telstra today announced an assistance package for its residential and small business
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
customers in and around Mitchell, Roma, Charleville and surrounding districts who have lost
services as a result of the current flooding.
Telstra assistance package for North West NSW customers in Moree and Tamworth
affected by floodwaters
03 Feb 2012 - Media Release
Telstra today announced an assistance package for its residential and small business
customers in and around the Moree Plains Shire Council and Tamworth Regional Council
areas who have lost services as a result of the current floodwaters.
Parents urged to remember cyber-safety in back-to-school rush
02 Feb 2012 - Media Release
Aussie school kids are more connected than ever with new Telstra research revealing four in
five parents will send their kids to school this year with an internet connected device.
Telstra and government invest in WA mobile coverage expansion
31 Jan 2012 - Media Release
Telstra and the Western Australia State Government today announced a significant expansion
to Western Australia’s regional mobile phone coverage, with Telstra winning the contract to
build the Regional Mobile Communication Project (RMCP).
Telstra services to be restored with temporary cable
30 Jan 2012 - Media Release
Telstra will install a temporary cable with the aim of having full fixed line telephone and internet
services operational for North Bundaberg residents by next Wednesday.
Telstra assistance package for North Coast NSW customers affected by floodwaters Clarence
27 Jan 2012 - Media Release
Telstra today announced an assistance package for its residential and small business
customers in and around the Clarence Valley who have lost services as a result of the current
Telstra assistance package for North Coast NSW customers affected by floodwaters Coffs Harbour
27 Jan 2012 - Media Release
Telstra today announced an assistance package for its residential and small business
customers in and around the Bellingen, Nambucca and Coffs Harbour Shire Council areas who
have lost services as a result of the current floodwaters.
Telstra assistance package for North Coast NSW customers affected by floodwaters Richmond
27 Jan 2012 - Media Release
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
Telstra today announced an assistance package for its residential and small business
customers in and around the Kyogle, Richmond Valley and Lismore City Council areas who
have lost services as a result of the current floodwaters.
Telstra assistance package for North Coast NSW customers affected by floodwaters Tweed Shire
27 Jan 2012 - Media Release
Telstra today announced an assistance package for its residential and small business
customers in and around the Tweed Shire who have lost services as a result of the current
Andrew Redford and Kelly Menhennett are now on the road to Nashville!
25 Jan 2012 - Media Release
Andrew Redford, 19, from the Sunshine Coast in Queensland and Kelly Menhennett, 30, from
Barmera in South Australia were crowned the major category winners of the Telstra Road to
Discovery during a star-studded event at the 40th Tamworth Country Music Festival tonight.
Telstra and HTC launch Australia’s first 4G smartphone
24 Jan 2012 - Media Release
The next generation of mobile phone technology has arrived, with Telstra and HTC launching
the first 4G smartphone in Australia.
Internet more opportunity than threat to small business owners
19 Jan 2012 - Media Release
While large retailers say online shopping is eating into their profits, almost 68 per cent small to
medium businesses say they are not concerned about the impact of the Internet.
Australia’s first 4G smartphone to hit shelves next Tuesday
19 Jan 2012 - Media Release
Australians in 4G coverage areas will soon be able to surf the mobile internet on their phones
up to five times faster, with Telstra and HTC today confirming Australia’s first 4G smartphone –
the HTC Velocity 4G.
Telstra provides Regional and Rural Presence Plan for consultation
16 Jan 2012 - Media Release
Telstra today announced that its Regional and Rural Presence Plan for 2012-15 is open for
consultation as required under Licence Condition 32 of the Carrier Licence Conditions...
Dare to dream big in 20th year of Australian Business Awards
09 Jan 2012 - Media Release
Australians are urged to nominate the nation’s best small and medium businesses for the 2012
Telstra Australian Business Awards.
Ring in the New Year with 'safe and green' technology cheer
28 Dec 2011 - Media Release
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
With a record 78 million SMS and 1.79 million party pictures expected to be sent across
Telstra's network on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, Telstra is encouraging Australians
to keep up the communications, while considering some digital maintenance with its top five
technology resolutions for 2012.
Telstra and Network Ten sign new deal on US drama Homeland
16 Dec 2011 - Media Release
T- Box customers will be the first in Australia to witness the hotly anticipated US drama series,
Homeland, Network Ten and Telstra announced today.
New seniors' phone launches just in time for Christmas
14 Dec 2011 - Media Release
Telstra has unveiled its latest mobile phone designed specifically to suit the needs of older
Australians, the Telstra EasyTouch Discovery 3.
Telstra first with the groundbreaking Samsung Galaxy Nexus
13 Dec 2011 - Media Release
Telstra customers will be the first in Australia to get their hands on the Samsung Galaxy Nexus
smartphone which goes on sale from select Telstra stores and online tomorrow.
Telstra announces 2011 innovation challenge winners
06 Dec 2011 - Media Release
A smart phone app to help hearing impaired Australians, a communications service for use in
bushfire disasters and a networking service for businesses are among the six winning projects
selected for support through the 2011 Telstra Innovation Challenge.
2011 Telstra Ballet Dancer Award.... the winner takes it all!
05 Dec 2011 - Media Release
Chengwu Guo has been crowned the 2011 winner of the Telstra Ballet Dancer Award (TBDA).
Top 10 unsigned music artists one step closer to discovery
03 Dec 2011 - Media Release
Ten of Australia’s most promising music artists have beaten hundreds of hopefuls from across
the nation to become finalists in the Telstra Road to Discovery talent development program,
announced at Sydney Olympic Park today.
Get ready: prepare for summer emergencies
02 Dec 2011 - Media Release
As people gear up for the holiday season, Telstra is urging residents and businesses in North
Queensland to think about their communications needs when preparing for summer
Telstra launches world-first Android store in Melbourne
02 Dec 2011 - Media Release
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
Telstra has today launched Androidland - a world-first store within a store that showcases the
latest Android™ smartphones and tablets.
Telstra unveils video conferencing that’s hosted in the network
29 Nov 2011 - Media Release
Doing business face to face is set to become simpler with the introduction of a new video
conference service that works across multiple devices from high definition screens in board
rooms to desktops and video phones.
Aussie Kiwi rivalry to be batted out on the beach
29 Nov 2011 - Media Release
Telstra is fueling a year of Aussie-Kiwi rivalry by kick-starting the Sydney Telstra 500 with an
all-star game of beach cricket, pitting the Australia and New Zealand V8 Supercars drivers
against each other on the sand.
Telstra opens new Grafton presence – and welcomes millionth Business customer
29 Nov 2011 - Media Release
Telstra has reaffirmed its commitment to the Clarence Valley with the official opening of a new
Telstra Business Centre, backed up by a new business support team helping similar ventures
across NSW.
Telstra assistance package for Gnarabup Beach and Witchcliffe customers affected by
28 Nov 2011 - Media Release
Telstra today announced an assistance package for its residential and small business
customers in and around Gnarabup Beach and Witchcliffe who have lost services as a result of
the current bushfires.
Telstra assistance package for Margaret River – Prevelly customers affected by fires
25 Nov 2011 - Media Release
Telstra today announced an assistance package for its residential and small business
customers in and around the Margaret River and Prevelly areas who have lost services as a
result of the current bushfires.
Regional patients and doctors urged to choose video over travel
23 Nov 2011 - Media Release
Rural and regional Australians needing specialist medical help are being urged to speak to
their GP about video conferencing to avoid unnecessary travel.
Mobile coverage boosted in Griffith
22 Nov 2011 - Media Release
Telstra today announced that residents and businesses in North West would experience
improved mobile phone and broadband service following completion of capacity upgrades to
the mobile base station in Griffith.
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
Mobile coverage boosted in Kiewa and Tangambalanga
22 Nov 2011 - Media Release
Telstra today announced that Kiewa and Tangambalanga residents and businesses would
benefit from new mobile phone and broadband coverage following the installation of new
mobile base station in Kiewa.
Top police woman named Australia’s Business Woman of the Year
21 Nov 2011 - Media Release
Australia’s highest ranked police woman, NSW Deputy Commissioner for Corporate Services
Catherine Burn, has been named the 2011 Telstra Australian Business Woman of the Year.
Telstra launches new usage alerts for Freedom Connect customers
21 Nov 2011 - Media Release
To help customers better manage their mobile spend Telstra is launching free usage alerts that
notify customers on Telstra's popular Freedom Connect mobile plans of their voice call, SMS
and MMS usage against their mobile plan allowance.
Local musician Harry Hookey launches debut single after US trip
17 Nov 2011 - Media Release
Melbourne singer-songwriter Harry Hookey, freshly returned from Nashville, USA, his prize
from the Telstra Road to Discovery, launches his debut single and video clip "Don’t You Ever
Treat Me Like a Fool" at Veludo in St Kilda on Friday, 25 November.
Wild card gives local teen her big break in the Oz music scene
11 Nov 2011 - Media Release
Sunrise Beach schoolgirl, Mia Wray, has won the chance to showcase her music to the nation
and make serious connections in the Australian music scene after being announced as the
inaugural wildcard entrant in the Telstra Road to Discovery talent development program.
Telstra to offer iPad 2 in Australia on November 15
10 Nov 2011 - Media Release
Telstra today announced it will offer iPad 2 with Wi-Fi + 3G in Australia on November 15.
Telstra will offer all models of iPad 2 with Wi-Fi + 3G at an affordable monthly price on twoyear plans or on a range of attractive Pre-Paid data plans.
Cloud Services delivers savings to business big and small
08 Nov 2011 - Media Release
Telstra today announced the next stage of its $800 million investment in cloud computing, a
new Cloud Services portal making virtual servers more easily available and affordable.
Telstra continues NBN trials
04 Nov 2011 - Media Release
More Telstra customers in National Broadband Network trial sites in Minnamurra and Kiama
Downs have the chance to get a taste of the new fibre future as Telstra continues its National
Broadband Network trials.
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
Bedside computers for better patient care
25 Oct 2011 - Media Release
Over 3,500 computers are being installed at bedsides in South Australian public hospitals to
enable doctors and nurses to use clinical applications and access patient information.
Water safety a priority from the beach to the bush
24 Oct 2011 - Media Release
More than 36,000 primary school students across 300 schools throughout Australia are about
to take part in vital water safety lessons ahead of summer, when 60 of the country's finest surf
lifesavers descend into regional areas of the country as part of the Telstra Beach to Bush
program, a joint community initiative between Telstra and Surf Life Saving.
Health care leaders recognised by top Victorian business awards
18 Oct 2011 - Media Release
The achievements of a former nurse who leads the State’s largest public health service were
recognised when Shelly Park was named 2011 Telstra Victorian Business Woman of the Year
Passion for plants leads to success for Territory’s top business woman
14 Oct 2011 - Media Release
A Darwin woman who transformed a run-down property into a nationally recognised nursery
has been named the 2011 Northern Territory Telstra Business Woman of the Year.
Top business honour for Queensland voice of hearing impaired
11 Oct 2011 - Media Release
A Brisbane woman who has helped thousands of deaf children learn to speak and get a
mainstream education has been named the 2011 Telstra Queensland Business Woman of the
Shepparton recruit wins dream V8 Supercar job
07 Oct 2011 - Media Release
Josh Williams from Shepparton will complete his final mechanical apprenticeship year in style,
working under the bonnet of a V8 Supercar, having won the national search to become the
Tradingpost Racing Recruit during the 2012 V8 Supercars Championship.
Telstra switches on new IPTV content and apps
06 Oct 2011 - Media Release
Telstra customers have more ways to connect to their favourite entertainment with today;s
launch of Australia's first iPhone remote control app; the expansion of FOXTEL on T-Box to
ADSL customers in selected areas of NSW and Victoria and BigPond Movies coming soon on
Volunteer holidays win top business award for travel industry trail-blazer
05 Oct 2011 - Media Release
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
A veteran of Tasmania’s travel industry who pioneered volunteer holiday experiences to
developing countries has been named the State’s top business woman for 2011.
Search Announcements - 64 results
Top business award for woman behind healthy troops
27 Sep 2011 - Media Release
The Navy officer responsible for the health of many of the nation's defence personnel has been
named the 2011 Telstra ACT Business Woman of the Year.
Telstra and HTC to bring 4G smartphone to Australia
27 Sep 2011 - Media Release
Australians will soon get their hands on the next generation of mobile phone technology with
Telstra joining with HTC to launch its first 4G LTE smartphone in the first half of 2012.
A new era of telecommunications – Telstra lights up 4G mobile services in Australia
27 Sep 2011 - Media Release
Australians will enter a new era of mobile telecommunications today with Telstra launching the
nation's first superfast 4G LTE mobile network in capital city CBDs and more than 30 regional
and metropolitan centres.
Leading Victorian healthcare providers among Awards finalists
26 Sep 2011 - Media Release
Five leaders of Victoria's healthcare services, including three former nurses who are
transforming their organisations as senior executives, are among 16 finalists for the 2011
Telstra Victorian Business Women's Awards.
Border protection and legal services leaders among Awards finalists
22 Sep 2011 - Media Release
A navy woman who is the youngest and only female Commanding Officer in the Royal
Australian Navy’s patrol boat fleet is among seven finalists for the 2011 Telstra Northern
Territory Business Women’s Awards.
WA’s Chief Nurse wins top Business Women’s Award
20 Sep 2011 - Media Release
Removing the barriers that prevent people entering careers in nursing has helped Western
Australia’s Chief Nurse and Midwifery Officer Catherine Stoddart become the 2011 Telstra
Western Australia Business Woman of the Year.
Sweet taste of success for SA Business Woman of the Year
16 Sep 2011 - Media Release
Kelly Baker-Jamieson ignored sceptics who said her start-up company would never work and
invested her life savings to create an edible bouquet retailer that now operates in four states
and New Zealand.
First official finals iPad App for a major Australian football code
07 Sep 2011 - Media Release
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
The NRL and Telstra have today broken new ground with the launch of the first official finals
iPad App for a major Australian football code.
Telstra invites customer feedback
05 Sep 2011 - Media Release
Telstra is inviting customers to rate their in-store experience, following the launch today of its
new Store Locator website.
Rookie recruits down to the wire for V8 dream job
05 Sep 2011 - Media Release
Working under the bonnet of a V8 Supercar would be a dream come true for any young
mechanic, but for five apprentices from around the country, this dream could soon become a
reality thanks to Trading Post.
It’s business as usual as Telstra Country Wide moves offices
03 Sep 2011 - Media Release
Telstra Country Wide Area General Manager for Far North Queensland, Amanda Albon, today
moved to re-assure customers it is business as usual despite a ‘For Lease’ sign on its McLeod
St office.
It’s time to vote: Telstra reveals shortlist for Innovation Challenge
02 Sep 2011 - Media Release
Social networking tools to communicate warnings, geo-location-based technology to map
people in danger, and better designed housing to withstand floods and fires are among the
shortlisted ideas in the 2011 Telstra Innovation Challenge.
Accenture and Telstra Launch Australian Product Innovation Lab to Accelerate Cloud
30 Aug 2011 - Media Release
Accenture (NYSE: ACN) and Telstra today announced a new Product Innovation Lab in
Melbourne to develop cloud computing solutions for customers in Australia and New Zealand.
Taking action on disability
29 Aug 2011 - Feature Story
With thousands of exchanges and network sites across the country, keeping them all well
maintained and clean is no easy job. So Telstra is teaming up with local not for profit groups
around the country to do the job, creating employment opportunities for people with intellectual
and physical disabilities.
New Legacy Songs Badge to make Legacy Week sing
29 Aug 2011 - Media Release
In support of Legacy Week, Telstra has launched the new Legacy Songs Badge to help raise
much needed funds for the families of our fallen soldiers.
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
WA pressure tester named Australia’s best business
27 Aug 2011 - Media Release
A Western Australian business crucial to the safety of liquefied natural gas platforms, oil rigs
and desalination plants has taken top honours in the 19th Telstra Australian Business Awards
in Melbourne.
Burleigh Heads store wins Telstra customer service award
26 Aug 2011 - Media Release
The Telstra Shop in Burleigh Heads has been honoured for having exceptional customer
service at the Telstra Licence Store Awards presentation night in Port Douglas.
Telstra on show at Henty Machinery Field Days
26 Aug 2011 - Media Release
Visitors to the Henty Machinery Field Days next month will be able to try out the latest
technology and find information on a range of wireless and mobile plans at Telstra’s Marquee.
Colac store wins Telstra customer service award
25 Aug 2011 - Media Release
The Telstra Shop in Colac has been honoured for having exceptional customer service at the
Telstra Licence Store Awards presentation night in Port Douglas
Mobile coverage boosted in Gunnedah
15 Aug 2011 - Media Release
Telstra today announced that local Gunnedah businesses and residents would benefit from
new mobile and wireless broadband coverage following the installation of a new mobile base
station in the town.
New Telstra store in Woy Woy makes it easier to connect
15 Aug 2011 - Media Release
Telstra has continued its bold national retail expansion program with the opening of a new
Telstra Shop at Woy Woy.
South Australian Artist Dickie Minyintiri Wins National Telstra Art Award
12 Aug 2011 - Media Release
South Australian artist Dickie Minyintiri has been awarded Australia's most prestigious
Indigenous art prize for his insightful painting reflective of his rich personal history, at the 28th
Telstra National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Award.
Wills the Quadrant wins national customer service award
10 Aug 2011 - Media Release
Launceston’s Telstra mobile phone dealer, Wills the Quadrant, has been honoured for having
exceptional customer service at the inaugural Telstra Independent Partner Awards
presentation night in Sydney.
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
Telstra to launch Australia’s first commercial 4G/LTE device
08 Aug 2011 - Media Release
Businesses in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane will be the first to experience 4G/LTE mobile
broadband after Telstra announced it would commence selling Australia's first commercial LTE
device later this month.
Legends of league search for Telstra Grand Final junior team
06 Aug 2011 - Media Release
Two iconic voices of Rugby League, Ray Hadley and Ray Warren, have thrown their support
behind the search for a local junior rugby league team to be centre stage at the 2011 Telstra
NRL Grand Final and present the winners of the 2011 Telstra Premiership with their Grand
Final Premiership rings on Sunday 2 October.
Telstra Store to open in Surfers Paradise
05 Aug 2011 - Media Release
Surfers Paradise locals and visitors will have improved access to the latest technology when a
new Telstra Store opens its doors next month.
Telstra sets up shop at AgQuip
03 Aug 2011 - Media Release
Telstra’s latest products and services will take centre stage with more than 100,000 visitors
expected to visit the Telstra stand at AgQuip field day in Gunnedah from 16 to 18 August 2011.
Mobile coverage boosted in Capel
01 Aug 2011 - Media Release
Telstra today announced that local Capel businesses and residents would benefit from new
mobile broadband coverage following the installation of a new Next G® base station in Capel.
Telstra gives Victorian businesses a vision of the future
29 Jul 2011 - Media Release
Victorian businesses can experience first-hand how futuristic technology solutions will help
them better connect with their employees, customers and suppliers at a new purpose-built
facility in Melbourne.
New Next G coverage benefits fur, feathers and scales
29 Jul 2011 - Media Release
Telstra today announced that local Mogo businesses and residents would benefit from new
mobile and mobile broadband coverage following the installation of a new Next G® base
station just outside of Mogo town.
Insurance sector to benefit from mobile phone technology
28 Jul 2011 - Media Release
Choosing, buying and renewing insurance could become a lot simpler, more customised and
even provide pay-as-you-use policies through the adoption of mobile phone technology by
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
Gallery Installation Underway for 28th Telstra Art Award
26 Jul 2011 - Media Release
The Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory (MAGNT) is a hive of activity as
conservators, workshop crew, collection management and public program staff are busy
installing works for the 28th Telstra National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Award
announced on 11 August.
New Next G coverage benefits Springsure businesses and residents
15 Jul 2011 - Media Release
Telstra today announced that Springsure businesses and residents would benefit from new
mobile broadband coverage following the installation of a new Next G® service in the area.
Telstra launches HTC Sensation - The ultimate multimedia smartphone
12 Jul 2011 - Media Release
HTC Corporation and Telstra today unveiled the HTC Sensation smartphone which will be
available exclusively from today on the Telstra Mobile Network powered by Next G.
"The HTC Sensation is the ultimate multimedia smartphone," said Ben Hodgson, Country
Manager, HTC Australia and New Zealand.
Disaster loss assessors named Queensland’s top business
12 Jul 2011 - Media Release
A company responsible for speeding up insurance claims and repairs for cyclone and floodaffected Queenslanders was tonight named the state's 'Business of the Year'.
Telstra hosts technology forum with TV’s Gadget Guy
07 Jul 2011 - Media Release
Bendigo businesses can get the latest technology tips and product insights from TV’s Gadget
Guy, Peter Blasina who is a special guest at Telstra’s Technology Forum at La Trobe Visual
Arts Centre on Tuesday, 12 July at 5.45pm.
Green home strategy wins ACT agency top business award
06 Jul 2011 - Media Release
A Canberra real estate agency helping homeowners to sell by promoting energy efficiency has
been named the 2011 Telstra ACT Business of the Year.
New website keeps customers informed during outages and disasters
06 Jul 2011 - Media Release
A new Telstra website will give its customers up-to-date information on network outages and
restoration activities during major outages and natural disasters.
Telstra structure geared to customers, growth
06 Jul 2011 - Media Release
(Telstra’s Regional and Rural Presence Plan Annual Review 2011/2012)
Telstra Chief Executive Officer David Thodey today announced a series of appointments and
major initiatives that sharpen the company's focus on customers and position Telstra for
industry changes including the National Broadband Network.
New Next G coverage benefits Dalyellup businesses and residents
04 Jul 2011 - Media Release
Telstra today announced that local Dalyellup businesses and residents would benefit from new
mobile broadband coverage following the installation of a new Next G® base station in
Online wedding directory named Victoria’s top business
02 Jul 2011 - Media Release
Australia's growing love affair with online shopping was reflected last night when three netbased businesses offering wedding services, custom-designed wall stickers and bicycles won
Victoria's top business awards.