Grade 7 Science Chapter 1 Review_Questions

Grade 7 Science Chapter 1 Review
Name: _______________________
Modified True/False
Indicate whether the statement is true or false. If false, change the identified word or phrase to make the statement true.
1. People are not plants or animals, so people are not part of any ecosystem.
2. A species is a group of organisms that can successfully mate with each other and reproduce.
3. Humans are not animals, so humans do not have the same basic needs as other animals in an
4. The soil under a rock could be described as an earthworm’s niche.
5. One hundred species are identified in a small pond. The loss of one of those species will have very
little effect upon the pond ecosystem.
6. Frogs, snails, geese, and sticklebacks could be found in an ocean ecosystem in Newfoundland and
7. The following organisms can be found in the Newfoundland and Labrador region: green frogs,
mushrooms, polar bears, ospreys, and seals.
8. When we study and ecosystem, we study only the biotic parts of the ecosystem.
9. Many individuals of the same species living together are called a community.
____ 10. An ecological niche is the set of jobs or roles that an individual fills in an environment.
____ 11. Most humans are comfortable between 20°C and 25°C because it is within their niche.
____ 12. Mushrooms and micro-organisms are neither plants nor animals; they can be described as abiotic
____ 13. Air, water, and rocks are essential to life, and can be described as biotic factors.
____ 14. The webbed feet of a duck are biotic factors to help the duck survive and live in its environment.
Complete each statement.
15. All of the interacting organisms that live in an environment, as well as the abiotic parts of the
environment that affect these organisms, is called a(n) ____________________.
16. A(n) ________________ of organisms is a group of interacting populations.
17. A group of organisms that can successfully mate with each other and reproduce is called a(n)
18. Food, water, and shelter make up an organism’s ____________________.
19. The water in a pond ecosystem is a(n) __________ factor while the insects represent a(n)
__________ factor.
20. The ways in which a mosquito obtains its food and affects its environment are called its
21. A single caribou is considered a(n) _____________. Many caribou living together in an area are
considered a(n) ______________.
22. Many insects die in the winter because of the cold temperatures. For such insects, a temperature of –
15°C is outside of their ____________________.
23. From smallest to largest, the four levels of ecological organization are _____________,
_____________, _____________, and _____________.
24. Every species inherits specific ____________ to help it survive in its environment.
25. Water, sunlight, and air are __________ parts of an environment.
26. “The deep roots of shore grasses provide stability and access to water in sandy soils.” These
characteristics are known as _____________.
27. Living things that animals eat, such as worms and bugs, are examples of __________ factors.
28. Many individuals of one species together in one area at the same time form a(n) _______________.
Match the correct term to each of the following definitions. Each term may only be used once.
a. abiotic
g. range of tolerance
b. biotic
h. community
c. ecosystem
i. individual
d. organism
j. niche
e. habitat
k. population
f. adaptation
l. species
____ 29. the abiotic conditions within which an organism can survive
____ 30. the non-living parts of an environment
____ 31. the interacting biotic and abiotic parts of an environment
____ 32. the characteristics that help an organisms survive in its environment
____ 33. the particular place where an organisms lives
____ 34. a single organism
____ 35. a group of organisms of the same species living together in one ecosystem
____ 36. a living thing
____ 37. the role played by an organism in an ecosystem
____ 38. a group of organisms that can successfully mate with one another
____ 39. a group of all the interacting populations that live in an area
____ 40. the living parts of an environment
Identify each part of the environment as abiotic or biotic. Each term may be used more than once.
a. abiotic
b. biotic
____ 41. air
____ 42. trees
____ 43. water
____ 44. worms
____ 45. grasses
____ 46. minerals
____ 47. nutrients
____ 48. light
Short Answer
49. Identify three biotic parts of the environment shown in the picture below.
50. Organisms and their interactions with the abiotic parts of their environment can be organized into
four different levels, as shown in the diagram. What are the four levels?
51. While watching a video of the tundra in the Arctic, a student says “There is no habitat in this
ecosystem.” Is this statement true? Illustrate your explanation with some examples.
52. The residents of a community are tired of the hares eating plants from their gardens. You would like
to convince residents not to remove all of the hares that live in the area. What four points might you
53. Explain why plants do not grow at the bottom parts of deep ocean areas.
54. Explain why the trees of Labrador are smaller than trees of the same species found in
55. Explain what would happen to an Atlantic cod if it was placed into a freshwater pond.
56. Describe the biotic and abiotic parts of soil.
57. Explain why a rotting tree on the forest floor is an example of a small ecosystem.