Personal Data Name: ……………………………………………… Department : ……………………………………… Mobile Number:………………………… E-mail Address: …………………………………… Master Degree: Date of registration: ………/………/………… MD Degree: Date of registration: ………/………/………… Signature: Head of the Department Vice Dean for research and postgraduate study -1- Contents Section I: Clinical rotation . Section II: Scientific lectures . Section III: Seminars . Section IV: Practical skills . Section V: Field training . Section VI: Student teaching sections . Section VII: Scientific activities. Appendix I.Timetable of lectures and practical skills. II. Program courses. -2- -32درجة الماجستير في الجراحة القسم المانح للدرجة :الجراحة Surgery المقررات الدراسية وتوزيع الساعات المتعمدة المقرر الفصل الدراسي األول التشريح الجراحى الهستولوجيا الفسيولوجيا الكيمياء الحيوية الميكروبيولوجيا الباثولوجيا الجراحية العامة الفارماكولوجيا االكلينيكية الفصل الدراسى الثانى والثالث والرابع الجراحة العامة مقرر اختيارى (يختار مقرر واحد) يختار الباحث مقرر واحد من courseالماجستير مختلف عن courseالدكتوراه Course Surgical Anatomy Histology Physiology Biochemistry Microbiology General Surgery Pathology Clinical Pharmacology General Surgery Elective course الكود SUR 501 SUR 502 SUR 503 SUR 504 SUR 507 SUR 505 الساعات المعتمدة االجمالى المقرر 5 1 1 1 1 SUR 506 1 SUR 520 17 1- Micro vascular surgery. 2-ATLS. 3- Bariatric surgery. 5- Head & Neck reconstruction. 5- Stem Cell Therapy. 6- Statistics & Researsh Methodology . 18 1 7- Cardio thoracic Surgery. 8- Neuro Surgery. كراسة االنشطة *برنامج التدريب االكلينيكى و العملى الجراحة العامة و فروعها : SUR 520C SUR 520P جراحة جهاز هضمى جراحة االطفال جراحة االورام جراحة أوعية دموية جراحة غدد صماء جراحة القولون و المستقيم جراحة الطوارىء جراحة التحميل*أنشطة علمية مختلفة 10 2 الرسالة 10 اجمالى الساعات المعتمدة ملحوظة :يجب على الطالب اجتياز االمتحان بنجاح في كالً من : ب -المناهج االختيارية التي اختارها الطالب أ-المناهج اإلجبارية -3- 45 Section I: Clinical Rotation -4- Clinical Rotation Rotation Date From To Department/ Trainee`s signature hospital -5- Trainer`s signature Clinical Rotation Rotation Date From Department/ Trainee`s To hospital -6- signature Trainer`s signature Rotation: Summary of case Level of performance Observation assessment Assistance Independence oor -7- P air ood Trainer's signature F G Rotation: Summary of case Level of performance Observation Trainee's assessment Assistance Independence -8- Poor fair Good Trainer's signature Rotation: Summary of case Level of performance Observation Trainee's assessment Assistance Independence -9- Poor Fair Good Trainer's signature Rotation: Summary of case Level of performance Trainee's assessment Trainer's signature Observation Assistance Independence - 10 - Poor Fair Good Rotation Summary of case Level of performance Observation Trainee's assessment Assistance Independence - 11 - Poor Fair Good Trainer's signature Rotation Summary of case Level of performance Observation Trainee's assessment Assistance Independence - 12 - Poor Fair Good Trainer's signature Rotation Summary of case Level of performance Trainee's assessment Trainer's signature Observation Assistance Independence - 13 - Poor Fair Good Rotation Summary of case Level of performance Trainee's assessment Trainer's signature Observation Assistance Independence - 14 - Poor Fair Good Rotation Summary of case Level of performance Trainee's assessment Trainer's signature Observation Assistance Independence - 15 - Poor Fair Good Rotation Summary of case Level of performance Trainee's assessment Trainer's signature Observation Assistance Independence - 16 - Poor Fair Good Section II: Scientific Lectures ( Apply timetable of scientific lecture ) - 17 - Scientific Lectures Anatomy (1st Part) : Date Title Supervisor's signature 1)Head & Neck * scalp and face . * Anterical fascia and spaces of the neck . * Median region of neck . * Muscles of front of the neck. * Cervical fascia and spaces of the neck. * Carotid sheath and its contents . * salivary glands (parotid & Submandibular) * Subclavian artery . * Cervical lymph nodes . * Thyroid gland. * Carotid arteries. * Jagularvein (2) - Thorax : * Thoracic duct. *Intercostals spaces * Thoracic duct. (3)- Abdomen & pelvis * Rectus sheath ,inguinal canal and triangle spermatic cord. * Peritoneum and peritoneal recesses. * Spleen, Stomach, and Duodenum . * Small and Large Intestine . * Liver, Gall Bladder ,Bile Duct, and Pancreas. * Coeliac trunk, superior and Inferior Mesenteric arteries ,portal vein and prosystemic anastomosis . * Pelvic viscera ( Urinary bladder, rectum, and canal) - Posterior abdominal wall a) Muscles & fascia b) Abdominal aorta c) lvc d) Cisterna chili & Thoracic dud (4)- Lower Limb : * arteries and Veins of lower limb. * Sciatic ,Femoral ,Tibial, and common Personal nerves . - 18 - Scientific Lectures Anatomy (1st Part) : Date Title Supervisor's signature (4)- Lower Limb : * arteries and Veins of lower limb. * Sciatic ,Femoral ,Tibial, and common Peroneal nerves . (5)-Upper Limb : * * * * * Brachial plexus. Vessels of the upper limb. Axilla and axillary lymph nodes . Mamm ary gland & its lymphatic drainage . Fascia of the Hand . - 19 - Scientific Lectures General Pathology(1st Part) : Date Title Supervisor's signature -inflammation : acute, chronic (including granulomas ). -Infections (bacterial - viral - fungal & parasitic). -Repair. -Cellular response to injury. -Circulatory disturbances. -Tumors - 20 - Scientific Lectures Medical Microbiology & Immunology (1st Part) : Date Title Supervisor's signature General Microbiology 1. Antimicrobial agents & drug resistance. 2. Molecular techniques used in diagnoses of microbial infection. Immunology 3-Cells of the immune system & their functions. 4-Immunomodulation. 5-Hypersensitivity. 6-Transplantation immunology. 7. Autoimmune diseases. 8. Tumor immunology. Clinical microbiology 9-Wound infection & surgical site infection. 10-Bum infection. 11-Anaerobic infections. 12-PUO. 13-Mycobacterial and atypical mycobacterial infection. 14-Opportunistic infection. Virology 15- Hepatitis. 16- HIV Nosocomial Infection & Infection Control 17- Types of hospital acquired infections. 18- Infection control measures used to prevent nosocomial infection. 19- Health care workers protection and vaccination. 20- Health care acquired infections. 21- Sterilization & disinfection. - 21 - Scientific Lectures SYLLABUS OF PHARMACOLOGY AND THERAPEUTIC Date Title (1st Part) : Supervisor's signature 1-General pharmacology: A- Introduction and scope to general pharmacology. B- Pharmacokinetics: -Drug absorption, bioavailabillity, distribution, and volume of distribution. -Metabolism, and enzyme induction. -Elimination and half-life of elimination. C- Factors modifying the dosage and action of drugs. D-Drugs interactions. -Mechanism. -Potentially serious and beneficial drug interaction. E- Adverse reactions of drugs on different systems: 2- Central nervous system. - Opiate analgesics. - Sedative and hypnotics. - Local anaesthetics - Pre-anaesthetic medication. 3-Autonomic Pharmacology a- Introduction and autonomic receptors. a- Adrenergic receptor stimulants. b- Cholinergic receptor stimulants. c- Pharmacology of atropine. d- Skeletal muscle relaxants. f - Autacoids. -Pharmacology of antihistamines. (H, and H2 blockers). 4-Cardio vascular system. a- Drug therapy of shock. -Hypovolaemic shock. -Neurogenic shock. -Anaphylactic! shock. b- Drug therapy of peripheral vascular diseases. - 22 - Scientific Lectures SYLLABUS OF PHARMACOLOGY AND THERAPEUTIC Date Title (1st Part) : Supervisor's signature 5- Blood: -Heparin and oral anticoagulants. -Intravenous fluid therapy. -Blood derivatives and plasma expanders. -Antiplatelets, fibrinolytics, antifibrionlytics hemostatics. 6- Renal pharmacology -Introductions. -Thiazide diuretics & loop diuretics. -K-sparing diuretics. -Adverse reaction of diuretics. -Urinary tract infection. 7- Chemotherapy; -Beta-lactam antibiotics. Pencillins Cephalosporin Monoboclams. -Aminoglycosides. -Tetracycline. -Chloramphenicol -Quinolones. -Sulphonamindes & sulphonamide conmbinations. -Anti fungal drugs. -Metronidazole and antiamaebic drugs. -Antituberculus drugs. -Cancer chemotherapy. -Chemoprophylxis. -Causes of failure of Antimicrobial drugs. -Biologic response modifiers “ Immunotherapy” - 23 - and Scientific Lectures SYLLABUS OF PHARMACOLOGY AND THERAPEUTIC Date Title (1st Part) : Supervisor's signature 8-Endocrine pharmacology -Drug therapy in diabetes mellitus. -Treatment of comas in diabetes, -Management of diabetic patient during surgery. -Thyroid hormones and antithyroid drugs. -Parathyroid modifying drugs. -Adrenal corticosteroids and its analogues, -Mineralocorides. -Pheochromocytoma. 9 - Gastrointestinal pharmacology -Drug therapy of peptic ulcer. - Drug affecting biliary system. -Drugs modulating G.I. motility. -Drugs used for treatment of esophageal varices. -Drugs used for treatment of piles, -Drugs used for treatment of ulcerative colitis and inflammatory bowel diseases. -Carcinoid tumor. -Acute pancreatitis - 24 - Scientific Lectures Histology Date (1st Part) : Title Supervisor's signature 1-Introduction ( the cell) :*The Cell membrane *Cytoplasm *Nucleus. 2-Integumentary:*Types of skin *Epidermis types of cells & Turnover *Dermis *Hair *Glands 3-Vascular Tissues :*Arteries *Veins *Capillaries &Lymphatic vessels 4) Gastro intestinal tract:*Lip, tongue, oesphagus, stomach *Large intestine *Salivary glands, parotid, submandibular sublingual , *Small intestine *liver, gall bladder, pancreas. 5- Endocrine system :*Pituitary gland. *Thyroid &Parathyroid gland . * Islet of langerhans * Supra renal gland 6- Lymphatic system: *Tonsil * Thymus *Lymph node * Spleen - 25 - Scientific Lectures Physiology Date (1st Part) : Title Supervisor's signature 1-Endocrine: *Pancreas. * Thyroid gland * Parathyroid gland 2- Circulation: *Heart rate. *Splanchnic circulation *Hemorrhage *Arterial blood pressure. *Shock 3-Kidneys: *Regulation of renal blood flow an d GFR. *Function of renal tubules. *Acid base balance. 4- G.I.T: *Gastric secretion and motility *Small intestinal and its control & disorders. 5- Blood: *Homeostasis 6- C.N.S.: *Pain sensation and pain control system 7- Metabolism : *Regulation of body temperature. 8- Respiration: *Respiratory centers and its regulation *Hypoxia. - 26 - Scientific Lectures Biochemistry Date (1st Part) : Title Supervisor's signature General course: 1-clinical enzymology 2-mechanism of hormonal action 3-molecular biology Special course: 1-cell growth regulators & tumor markers 2-minerals & trace elements metabolism 3-physiology & disorder of water , electrolytes , acid base metabolism 4-fluid & mineral therapy 5-carbohydrate metabolism and blood glucose homeostasis and DM. 6-lipoprotein metabolism & fatty liver & lipotropic factors 7-catabolism of porphyrins and jaundice - 27 - Scientific Lectures General Surgery (2st Part) : Module -1 Date Title Supervisor's signature 1-General Topics: - - Surgical infections and antibiotics. Specific infections of surgical importance: Tetanus – gas gangrene Systemic Response t0o Injury and Metabolic Support. Management of acutely and seriously ill patient. Fluid and Electrolyte Management of the Surgical Patient. Hemostasis & Surgical Bleeding. Blood transfusion & blood substitutes. Shock. Trauma. Burns. Wound Healing. General Principles of oncology. Surgical immunology & Transplantation. The Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue: Basal cell carcinoma – squamous cell carcinoma – Malignant melanoma – Ulcers – abscesses – sinuses – fistulae – skin swellings –Pre-malignant skin lesion- benign & skin lesion . Soft Tissue Sarcomas. Perioperative surgical management. LASER in surgery. Surgical nutrition. Patient safety, errors and complication in surgery. Physiologic monitoring of the surgical patients. Minimally invasive surgery. Adjuvant and adjunctive therapy in malignant diseases. Brach therapy and Radiofrequency ablation. - 28 - Scientific Lectures (2st Part) : Module -1 Date Title Supervisor's signature 2-Urology: - Urologic trauma. - Urologic Malignancies. - Urinary stones. 3-Orthopedic surgery: - Orthopedic trauma. Fracture spine. Fracture pelvis. Orthopedic tumors 4-Plastic Surgery: - Flaps. Grafts. Reconstructive surgery. Jaw swellings. Maxillofacial injuries. 5-Neurosurgery: - Peripheral nerve injuries. Head trauma. Brain tumors. Cerebro-vascular disorders. 6-Scrotum & Hernias: - Testicular tumors. Varicocele. Hydrocele. scrotal swellings. - Testicular emergencies. - 29 - Scientific Lectures (2st Part) : Module -1 Date Title Supervisor's signature 7-Hernia: - Internal hernias. - External Hernias: Inguinal – femoral – ventral herniasIncisional . - Other rare types. 8-cardiothoracic surgery: - chest trauma. CABAG. Empyma. Lung tumours. - 30 - Scientific Lectures (2st Part) : Module -2 Date Title Supervisor's signature 1- Breast Surgery: Benign conditions – Breast cancer – Nipple discharge. 2-Head & neck Surgery - Tracheostomy. Neck fistulae. Neck swellings Salivary gland tumours (benign and malignant). Neck dissection. Tongue ulcers & cancer tongue. - Cancer lip & floor of the mouth. 3-Vascular Surgery - Arterial Disease: Acute and chronic ischaemia – peripheral aneurysms - & Pseudoaneurysm – Abdominal aortic aneurysm - Vasculities - Venous diseases: varicose veins – DVT – Chronic venous insufficiency. - Vascular malformations & Haemangioma. - Lymphatic Disease: lymphoedema – Lymph node disorders. - Differential diagnosis of swollen limbs. - Gangrene and amputations. - Thoracic outlet syndrome and other compression syndromes. - Vascular trauma. - 31 - Scientific Lectures (2st Part) : Module -2 Date Title Supervisor's signature 4-Pediatric Surgery: - Pediatric Malignancy. Epispadius & Hypospadius. Neck Masses. Pediatric GIT disordes. Cleft lip & Cleft palate. Pediatric jaundice. Childhood tumors. Neonatal intestinal obstruction. Anomalis of vitellointestinal duct. - 32 - Scientific Lectures (2st Part) : Module -3 Date Title Supervisor's signature 1-GIT & abdominal Surgery: - Esophagus: GERD & diaphragmatic hernia – motility disorders – cancer oesophagus and dysphagia. - Stomach: Peptic ulcer – tumors – gastric outlet obstruction. - Small Intestine: benign tumors – malignant tumors – intestinal obstruction – inflammatory diseasesdiverticulae. - Colon, Rectum, and Anus: inflammatory diseases – polyps – tumors – obstruction- anal (fissure- fistula – haemorrhoids - perianal abscess) – rectal prolapse. - Carcinoid tumor of GIT. - The Appendix. - Liver: abscess- tumors - Hydated diseas –Hepatomegaly – Liver resections- Portal vein thrombosis. -Gallbladder and the Extrahepatic - Biliary System. - Pancreas: Pancreatitis – exocrine pancreatic tumors. - Spleen: splenomegaly & Hypersplenism – Hydated diseas. - Ileostomy – colostomy – GIT fistulae. - Abdominal Wall, Omentum, Mesentery, and Retroperitoneum: Hernias –burst abdomen- MVOPeritoneal and retroperitoneal tumors. - Portal hypertension. - Upper GIT bleeding. - Lower GIT bleeding. - Abdominal trauma. - 33 - Scientific Lectures (2st Part) : Module -3 Date Title Supervisor's signature 2-Endocrine Surgery: - Thyroid gland. - Parathyroid glands. - Adrenal glands. - MEN syndromes - Endocrinal disorders of pancrease. 3-Bariatric Surgery: - Surgical management of morbid obesity. - 34 - Scientific Lectures (2nd Part) : Elective Course Date Title Supervisor's signature [A] Stem Cell Therapy 1- Current treatments 2- Potential treatments a. Brain damage b. Stem Cell Technologies c. Cancer d. Spinal-cord injury e. Heart damage f. Hematopoiesis (blood-cell formation) g. Baldness h. Missing teeth i. Deafness j. Blindness and vision impairment l. Graft vs. host disease and Crohn's disease k. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis m. Neural and behavioral birth defects n. Diabetes o. Transplantation p. Stem cell educator therapy q. Orthopaedics r. Wound healing s. Infertility 3- Clinical trials 4- Stem cell use in animals - 35 - Scientific Lectures (2nd Part) : Elective Course Date Title Supervisor's signature B] Micro vascular Surgery a. Free tissue transfere b. Replantation c. Transplantation C- ATLS - 36 - Scientific Lectures (2nd Part) : Elective Course Date Title Supervisor's signature [D] Bariatric Surgery 1- Indications 2- Classification of surgical procedures Predominantly malabsorptive procedures Biliopancreatic diversion Jejunoileal bypass Endoluminal sleeve Predominantly restrictive procedures Vertical banded gastroplasty Adjustable gastric band Sleeve gastrectomy Intragastric balloon (gastric balloon) Gastric Plication Mixed procedures Gastric bypass surgery Sleeve gastrectomy with duodenal switch Implantable gastric stimulation 3- Eating after bariatric surgery Fluid recommendations 4- Effectiveness of surgery Weight loss Reduced mortality and morbidity 5- Adverse effects - 37 - Scientific Lectures (2nd Part) : Elective Course Date Title Supervisor's signature [E} Head and Neck Reconstruction a. How do we plan for your head & neck reconstruction? b. Local Flaps c. Types of free flaps d. Radial free flap e. Fibula free flap f. Paramedian Forehead Flap [F] Statistics and Research methodology 1 Scope 2 History 3 Overview 4 Statistical methods 4.1 Experimental and observational studies 4.2 Levels of measurement 4.3 Key terms used in statistics 4.4 Examples 5 Specialized disciplines 6 Statistical computing 7 Misuse 8 Statistics applied to mathematics or the arts (G) Cardio Thoracic Surgery (H)Neuro Surgery - 38 - Section III: Seminars - 39 - Seminar attendance: Date Title Supervisor's signature - 40 - Seminar attendance: Date Title Supervisor's signature - 41 - Seminar performance: Date Title Supervisor's signature - 42 - Seminar performance: Date Title Supervisor's signature - 43 - Section IV: Practical skills ( Apply timetable of practical sessions or training courses ) - 44 - Clinical training: Skill Level of performance Observation Assistance Independence - 45 - Trainee's assessment Poor Fair Good Trainer's signature Clinical training: Skill Level of performance Observation Assistance Independence - 46 - Trainee's assessment Poor Fair Good Trainer's signature Clinical training: Skill Level of performance Observation Assistance Independence - 47 - Trainee's assessment Poor Fair Good Trainer's signature Clinical training: Skill Level of performance Observation Assistance Independence - 48 - Trainee's assessment Poor Fair Good Trainer's signature Section V: Student teaching - 49 - Student teaching sections: Date Section subject - 50 - Supervisor's signature Student teaching sections: Date Section subject - 51 - Supervisor's signature Student teaching sections: Date Section subject - 52 - Supervisor's signature Student teaching sections: Date Section subject - 53 - Supervisor's signature Student teaching sections: Date Section subject - 54 - Supervisor's signature Student teaching sections: Date Section subject - 55 - Supervisor's signature Student teaching sections: Date Section subject - 56 - Supervisor's signature Section VI: Scientific activities - 57 - Scientific activities: Date (thesis discussion, conference and workshop) Activity - 58 - Supervisor Scientific activities: Date (thesis discussion, conference and workshop) Activity - 59 - Supervisor Scientific activities: Date (thesis discussion, conference and workshop) Activity - 60 - Supervisor Scientific activities: Date (thesis discussion, conference and workshop) Activity - 61 - Supervisor Scientific activities: Date (thesis discussion, conference and workshop) Activity - 62 - Supervisor Appendix I: Timetable of lectures and practical skills - 63 - Appendix I I: Program Courses - 64 - First part a- Compulsory courses: Course Title NO. of hours per week Theoretical Laboratory Field /practical Lectures seminars - 65 - Total Total Method of teaching assessment hours (throughout the program) a- Elective courses: Course Title NO. of hours per week Theoretical Laboratory Field /practical Lectures seminars - 66 - Total Total Method of teaching assessment hours (throughout the program) Second part a.Compulsory courses Course Title NO. of hours per week Theoretical Laboratory Field /practical Lectures seminars - 67 - Total Total Method of teaching assessment hours (throughout the program) a- Elective courses: Course Title NO. of hours per week Theoretical Laboratory Field /practical Lectures seminars - 68 - Total Total Method of teaching assessment hours (throughout the program)