Being Human: A festival of the humanities Application for inclusion

Being Human: A festival of the humanities
Application for inclusion in the festival programme
Please remember that events and activities submitted for inclusion in the programme should meet the
festival’s key aims:
Promote the value of humanities research to society and culture in the UK and globally;
Demonstrate the vitality of research in the humanities across the UK;
Encourage, support and create the opportunity for humanities researchers to engage with
non-academic and non-traditional audiences;
Promote the humanities as maximally accessible and relevant to people’s lives;
Explore and highlight connections between the humanities and other disciplines.
Activities which do not meet these criteria may not be included in the programme.
Please answer each question.
Please use 11pt font size. Increase the boxes where necessary.
Your details
Name, title, role
Your organisation
Your contact details
Event title
This should be short and capable of capturing the public imagination
Event summary
Max 300 words. Please make sure you explain clearly what format your activity will take
(discussion/debate, seminar/conference, exhibition, virtual/online activity, hands on/outdoors,
arts/theatre, other or multi-format).
Event location, venue
Event date, time
Project partners
Please list the organisations with which you are collaborating to stage this event
Aim of your event
Please explain briefly (500 words)
How you hope your event will promote debate about, and celebrate and enhance the visibility
of, humanities research to those outside the sector?
How you see its public engagement reach, especially your plans for engaging non-traditional
audiences. Who do you expect your audience to be?
How will your event increase awareness of the impact and relevance of the humanities on our
everyday lives as we live them today?
How does your event make connections (via interdisciplinarity or in other ways)?
Will it promote public engagement with the humanities beyond the duration of the Festival?
Terms and conditions
I accept the terms and conditions (PDF) for including an event in the Being Human festival programme.
When complete, please submit this form to