NORTH HANOVER TOWNSHIP SCHOOLS Burlington County, New Jersey ASTHMA QUESTIONNAIRE Student’s Name ____________________________________ School Year ________________ School _____________________________ Grade ______ Teacher _______________________ In reviewing your child’s medical information, there is an indication of an asthma diagnosis. The following information is helpful in determining any special needs your child may have as related to his/her asthma. Please answer the questions to the best of your ability. Thank you for your help as we work together to ensure your child has the healthiest learning environment possible. If you have any questions or concerns, please call your school nurse. 1. How long has your child had asthma? _____________________________ 2. Please rate the severity of his/her asthma. (circle) (not severe) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (severe) 3. Please list any medications your child takes for asthma (everyday and as needed) Name of medication dose frequency In school _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ At home _____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ If your child will need to take asthma medication at school, the enclosed Asthma Action Plan must be completed by your child’s health care provider. The medication (and tubing or spacer if necessary) must be brought to the school nurse by a parent in the pharmacy labeled prescription container. NO MEDICATION MAY BE BROUGHT TO SCHOOL BY A STUDENT! 4. Does your child have any side effects from his/her asthma medication? ________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 5. How many days would you estimate he/she missed school last year due to asthma? ________ 6. How many times has your child been treated in the emergency department for asthma in the past year? ________________________________________________________________ 7. How many times has your child been hospitalized overnight or longer for asthma in the past year? ____________________________________________________________________ 8. How often does your child see his/her doctor for routine asthma evaluations? ____________ 9. What triggers your child’s asthma attacks? (please check all that apply) ___illness ___emotions ___ fresh cut grass ___foods ___weather ___exercise ___ cigarette or ___chemical odors ___fatigue ___ perfumes other smoke ___ pet dander Allergies (please list) _____________________________________________________ Other (please list) _____________________________________________________ 10. What does your child do at home to relieve wheezing during an asthma attack? (please check all that apply) _____breathing exercise Takes medication ____inhaler _____ rest/relaxation ____ nebulizer _____ drinks liquids ____ oral medication Other (please describe) ____________________________________________________ 11. Do you know your child’s baseline peak flow rate? Yes No Rate _______________________________ 12. Does your child need any special considerations related to his/her asthma while at school? (check all that apply and describe briefly) Modify physical education class _____________________________________________ Modify outside recess _____________________________________________________ Special considerations on field trips __________________________________________ Observation for side effects from medication ___________________________________ Other __________________________________________________________________ Parent Signature _____________________________________ Date ___________________