agree to be paid, for the hours worked after your timesheet is received, on the next regular payroll day (Friday). 5) WORK RULES – You are expected to RULES AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT 1) TIMESHEETS – You must keep track of actual hours worked on the time sheet and it must be signed by both you and the worksite supervisor. Times should be rounded to the nearest ¼ hour. Paychecks will not be issued without your signature and the signature of the Worksite Supervisor. Timesheets must be turned in by Monday at 8:00 a.m. A locked Drop Box located right of the main door entrance of JobFinders Columbia location is provided for your convenience. LATE TIMESHEETS MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYCHECK BEING DELAYED BY 1 WEEK. 2) FAX – Timesheets may be faxed to (573) 446-4257. If you choose to turn in your timesheets by fax, please call to confirm your fax was received. Transmission errors may occur which would prevent our receipt of your time sheet or make your fax unreadable. It is your responsibility to verify our office receives your fax. 3) OVERTIME – All authorized work you perform in excess of 40 hours per week (Sun – Sat) will be paid at time and a half the regular rate. You are permitted to work overtime only if the Client requests and approves such work. 4) PAYCHECKS – Paychecks are issued Friday following the previous workweek. Paychecks are never issued earlier than scheduled and no advances are given. To have anyone other than yourself pick up your check there must be a written permission on file from you, the employee. Any person picking up a check must present a picture ID and sign the sign out sheet to receive the paycheck. Paychecks will be ready for pick-up on Friday after 12:00 noon and before 5:00 p.m. Paychecks not picked up by 5:00 p.m. will be mailed the next business day. If terminated you arrive at the work site on time and be dressed in the appropriate attire for the assignment. If you are unable to make it to work on time, you must call JobFinders and your worksite supervisor immediately. Failure to arrive at the job, on time or not at all, is ground for dismissal from employment. If you leave the work site without prior notice to JobFinders and worksite supervisor, you will be considered to have abandoned your job/ voluntarily quit and may not be considered for future assignments. If you quit your assignment without giving 48 hours (2 working days) notice this will be considered a job abandonment/voluntary quit. Unexcused absences, job abandonment, and voluntary quits without notice and/or tardiness will result in your unpaid wages to be REDUCED TO THE MINIMUM WAGE RATE. Additionally, this policy will be enforced if employee is dismissed from an assignment due to misconduct. 6) SAFETY – JobFinders considers safety a major concern. Employees will be expected to wear proper safety equipment including safety shoes, gloves, safety glasses, or other safety equipment as required by the client company. I understand that I have access to all safety policies via or in company conference area. 7) JOBFINDERS POLICIES Employees on assignment are strictly forbidden from doing the following: being under the influence or possessing alcohol, illegal drugs, using offensive language or overtures, disregarding or destroying a client’s property, stealing or carrying concealed weapons of any kind. Employees on assignment who test positive for alcohol or illegal drugs will be immediately terminated. Employee understands that he/she may be required to submit to drug/alcohol testing at any time. Failure to submit to testing or failure of test may result in immediate termination (misconduct). I have agreed to the Drug and Alcohol waiver and release of medical information. Any misuse of computers, such as accessing sites not related to work, is misconduct and may result in immediate termination 8) COMPLETING AN ASSIGNMENT – When you finish an assignment, you will need to call JobFinders and report the assignment is finished. You will need to turn in your final timesheet no later than Monday at 8 a.m. It is important you return all property that was issued to you before you will receive your final paycheck. It is your responsibility to call in every Monday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. to report your availability for the current workweek. 9) AS AN EMPLOYEE OF JOBFINDERS I WILL NOT SEEK NOR ACCEPT EMPLOYMENT WITH A CLIENT WHERE I HAVE BEEN REFERRED OR ASSIGNED UNLESS AN AGREEMENT IS REACHED BETWEEN THE CLIENT AND JOBFINDERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS ON THE BACK OF THE TIMESHEET. *JobFinders, as a temporary service, does not guarantee any number of hours a week, or length of assignments to employee. *I have read all documents concerning my employment status with JobFinders and agree not to hold JobFinders liable for any claims. *I understand it is my responsibility to call JobFinders at the end of each assignment and every Monday to be considered for assignments. Failure to do so will render me ineligible for work and may interfere with unemployment benefits. #10) on back of brochure I have read, understand and have access to Rules and Conditions of Employment and Company employee handbook at or at any JobFinders office. Upon request I will be given a copy. My signature confirms that I agree to follow all JobFinders’s rules, conditions, policies, and procedures. ___________________________________ Employee Signature and Date ACCIDENT/INCIDENT PROCEDURES All actions below must begin immediately after accident or incident occurs and completed within 24 hours NOTIFY YOUR WORKSITE SUPERVISOR immediately following ANY accident/incident. You must ALSO Contact JobFinders @ 573-446-4250 or 573-581-1230 within 24 hours. If an injury occurs after normal business hours, leave detailed message at both contacts. Contact Information for care: If immediate care is needed please note that JobFinders is partnered with Dr Runde and uses ROEP for all Worker’s Compensation injuries. He may be contacted 24/7 at (573)256-7637 or (573)581-9292. If immediate attention is needed contact Urgent Care or Hospital Emergency. An Incident Report, all Medical Paperwork, and a Workers Compensation Packet must be completed on all work related incidents/accidents. All paperwork must be returned to worksite supervisor or to JobFinders within 24 hours of incident/accident. Mandatory Drug Tests and Proof of Documentation are required immediately following ALL work related Incidents/Accidents ** Return to work assignment is possible with a release from the doctor showing any work related restrictions. ** 10) PROHIBITION OF HARASSMENT – It is JobFinders policy that all employment relationships shall be conducted in an environment that is not hostile or offensive. Harassment based on an individual’s age, race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability or marital status, or any other bases prohibited by applicable local, state or federal law will not be tolerated. Harassment includes, but is not limited to: Verbal harassment such as making jokes, comments, epithets, derogatory comments, vulgar or profane words and expressions or slurs that refers to a certain ethnic group, sex, nationality, age, disability, sexual preference, religion or belief; Visual forms of harassment such as derogatory posters, cartoons or drawings; Sexual harassment such as unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors, verbal, visual or physical conduct of a sexual nature, such as name calling, obscene jokes, sexually suggestive comments or insulting sounds, graphic or verbal comments of a sexual nature about a person’s anatomy; or drawing at work sexually suggestive objects, posters, drawings or pictures. If you believe you have been subject to harassment by a supervisor, management official, fellow employee, customer, client, vendor or any other person in connection with your employment you should immediately bring the matter to the attention of your supervisor or placement consultant. If the complaint involves your immediate supervisor or placement consultant; or if you feel uncomfortable discussing the matter with them, report the matter to the president of JobFinders. 11) RETALIATION - JOBFINDERS prohibits retaliation against any individual who reports discrimination or harassment or who participates in an investigation of such reports. See employee handbook for details. RULES AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT I have read, understand and have access to Rules and Conditions of Employment and Company employee handbook at or at any JobFinders office. Upon request I will be given a copy. My signature confirms that I agree to follow all JobFinders’s rules, conditions, policies, and procedures. Employee Signature and Date