media release - Keep Australia Beautiful

Friday, July 26
City of Canada Bay Council wins
2013 Sustainable Cities Sydney Water - Overall Sustainable Council Award
The City of Canada Bay Council has won the Sydney Water Overall Sustainable Council Award for their ‘Sustaining
Our Environment’ project in Keep Australia Beautiful NSW’s 2013 Sustainable Cities Awards Program.
Randwick City Council finished a close second named runner up and received a ‘Highly Commended’ for their
‘Sustaining Randwick City’ project.
The Sustainable Cities program is a Keep Australia Beautiful NSW initiative that recognises outstanding
environmental initiatives implemented by local government authorities, schools, business and community groups
whilst raising public awareness of environmental issues affecting metropolitan NSW.
Sydney Water delivers the Sustainable Cities Awards Program alongside Keep Australia Beautiful NSW, and sponsors
the prestigious Overall Sustainable Council Award.
The awards were presented at the Sustainable Cities Awards dinner, hosted by 2012 Overall Winners, Penrith City
Council and Keep Australia Beautiful NSW at Mamre House, Orchard Hills on Friday, 26 July. The dinner was hosted
by Costa Georgiadis from ABC’s Gardening Australia and ABC 702 Weekend presenter, Simon Marnie. Chair and CEO
of the NSW Environment Protection Authority, Barry Buffier, delivered the Keynote address.
Minister of Finance and Services Greg Pearce said the Sustainable Cities program was a fantastic way of recognising
recognise people who take on the role of caring for their local environment.
“From councils and business, to community groups and individuals; all play an invaluable role in keeping our local
places healthy, creating sustainable environments for future generations”.
Sydney Water Managing Director, Kevin Young said Sydney Water is proud to be involved in such a great initiative.
“As a long term partner with Keep Australia Beautiful, Sydney Water is proud to support the Sustainable Cities
Awards. Our partnership is a step towards improving the sustainability and liveability of the cities we live in”.
“We’re impressed with the effort all of the participants have placed in sustainable initiatives. In particular, we
congratulate Canada Bay Council on winning the Overall Sustainable Cities Award.”
The ‘Sustaining our Environment’ project has achieved much in the past year, as David Imrie, CEO of Keep Australia
Beautiful noted after the awards announcement. Mr. Imrie commended Council’s work including:
Engaging with 16 local schools providing education programs to 3114 students
Maintaining 11 hectares of natural areas by five volunteer Bushcare groups
50 Resourcewise business audits calculating potential savings of more than 620,000L of waste, nine Olympic
sized swimming pools of water and 125 tonnes of CO2 per annum
Energy efficiency programs reducing the Council’s carbon footprint by 818 tonnes of CO2e per annum
2.5 tonnes litter collected and 71 fridges, 2200 mattresses, 40t e-waste and 34t of chemicals diverted from
116 million litres of drinking water saved each year
Water efficiency upgrades to eight Council facilities saving 1.6 mega litres per year
Diverting 8,000 tonnes of concrete, asphalt, sand, soil and rubble from landfill
“We congratulate everyone at the City of Canada Bay Council and their community on winning this well deserved
award,” Mr. Imrie said.
“Their ‘Sustaining our Environment’ project is a comprehensive and engaging approach to long-term sustainability in
their community, it sets an impressive benchmark that other Councils can learn and benefit from.
“The calibre of all submissions this year has made for a very competitive awards program. What these communities
have been able to achieve, often with extremely limited resources is truly inspirational.”
Randwick City Council also impressed with their ‘Sustaining Randwick City’ project. The Council saved 100 million
litres of potable water (now up to 550 million litres saved each year), doubled its renewable energy output to 140
kilowatts, supported the Green Money Recycling Rewards program for residents, continued its 3-Council Ecological
Footprint collaboration and delivered free environmental training, events and programs to a further 10,000
residents, school students and local businesses.
The Keep Australia Beautiful NSW’s Sustainable Cities Program is presented in partnership with Sydney Water.
Keep Australia Beautiful NSW would also like to thank there 2013 Sustainable Cities Event Sponsors SITA
Australia, Leonard Holt Robb, University of Western Sydney, Techno Destructo E3 and Toxfree.
** ENDS **
A full list of winners from the 2013 Sustainable Cities Awards Program is listed below.
For more information about Sustainable Cities and Keep Australia Beautiful NSW programs, please visit
For media information, please contact James Mahon, Media & Communications Manager at Keep Australia Beautiful
NSW on 02 8594 4000 or
Office of Environment & Heritage Environmental Education Award
Manly Council
Transition Newcastle
Sustainable Youth Award
Wilkins Public School
All Hallows Catholic School
Office of Environment & Heritage and
Heritage Council of NSW - Heritage Award
City of Canada Bay Council
Blue Mountains World
Heritage Institute
Sydney Water – Sustainable Water Award
Wyong Shire Council
Campbelltown City Council
Biodiversity Conservation Award
Landcare Australia
Wyong Shire Council
Sustainable Waste Award
The Smith Family
Sustainable Business Award
Living Edge
DOOLEYS Lidcombe
Catholic Club
Sustainable Garden Award
Wentworthville Community
Camden Town Farm
Community Garden
Sydney Water - Overall Sustainable Council
City of Canada Bay Council
Randwick City Council