Dr. Luca Manzoni, University of Milan-Bicocca LECTURE 1: Tuesday 19 May, 14:00-17:00, P01, "Introduction to Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming" This lecture, targeted towards computer scientists with no genetic algorithms background, will introduce two families of algorithms inspired by the Darwin's theory of evolution: Genetic Algorithms (GA) and Genetic Programming (GP). GA and GP have been applied successfully to numerous domains. In both GA and GP the main idea is to have a collection of feasible solutions to a problem (called population) that are improved by mimicking natural selection, reproduction (called crossover), and mutation. The lecture will introduce both the standard algorithms and some of the most known variations. I will provide an introduction to GA and an overview of the basic terminology. Then, I will talk about crossover and selection methods, and real-coded GA. We will then dive into genetic programming (GP), see how to represent programs as trees and how to adapt the crossover and mutation operators, initialise GP populations with different generation methods. We will then talk about the problem of bloat and some possible solutions to it. Finally, I will provide an overview of linear GP, grammar-based GP, cartesian GP. LECTURE 2: Wednesday 20 May, 8:00-11:00, P18, ”Semantic operators in Genetic Programming” Genetic Programming (GP) is a bio-inspired method to find solutions to optimisation problem by evolving a pool of candidate solutions with operators inspired by Darwin's evolutionary theory. Semantic operators are a key to increase the performance of GP. While in the years some new operators were presented, none of them was satisfactory due to the trial-and-error approach used to generate new solutions. Recently, Moraglio and coworkers introduced semantic operators based on the idea of geometric operator (i.e., operators that are specifiable as "operations" on a metric space). These new operators were well received for their nice theoretical properties and, more recently, Vanneschi and coworkers had shown that they can also be efficiently implemented. The lecture will introduce the geometric operators, the semantic space and the semantic operators, and, finally, the geometric semantic GP. Dr. Luca Manzoni’s short CV Luca Manzoni obtained its Ph.D. in computer science in 2013 under the supervision of Prof. Leonardo Vanneschi at the Università degli Studi di MilanoBicocca, Milan, Italy. After obtaining its Ph.D. he spent a year as a postdoc at the Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France before returning in Milan where he currently has a postdoctoral position. During its Ph.D. he was a visiting student at the Istituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, at the School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham, UK, and he obtained a JSPS Postoctoral Fellowship For Foreign Researchers to spend the last part of its Ph.D. at the Osaka Electro-Communication University in Japan. In 2013 he won the best paper award at European Conference on Genetic Programming (EuroGP 2013).