7th Grade Life Science October 26 – November 11 Objective: Identify the purposes of cell division and describe the key events in each phase of mitosis and meiosis. Monday 10-26 Tuesday 10-27 Wednesday 10-28 Thursday 10-29 Cell Division Mitosis p. 96-100 Cell Division Mitosis Read p. 96-97 Mitosis p. 96-100 Mitosis p. 101-102 NO DQ DQ - Identify two examples of asexual reproduction in many-celled organisms. Mitosis Pretest Introduction Video DQ – Why do cells go through the cell cycle? Explain the process. Mitosis Foldable Cell Cycle Notes Friday 10-30 Onion Cell Lab Mitosis Worksheet Asexual Reproduction Monday 11-2 Tuesday 11-3 Wednesday 11-4 Thursday 11-5 Meiosis p. 104-107 Meiosis p. 104-107 Meiosis p. 104-107 Meiosis p. 104-107 DQ – What is meiosis and how does it differ from mitosis? DQ – What is the difference between haploid and diploid cells? DQ – Why do chromosomes cross over to other chromosomes. Mitosis vs Meiosis Video finish meiosis drawings and glue in order into notebooks DQ – Explain the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction. Read pgs 104-107 Vocabulary Chapter 4 Review p. 120-121 1-19 21, 27, 28 NOT 4, 10-12, 19 Licorice Mitosis Lab Meiosis Worksheet Review steps of Mitosis and Meiosis Start Meiosis drawings Monday 11-9 Friday 11-6 Tuesday 11-10 Wednesday 11-11 Mitosis and Meiosis Review Game Chapter 4 Cell Reproduction Test Thursday 11-12 Friday 11-13 Chapter 24 – Interactions of Life