Annual Progress Report CLEO 2011 Project 3.3 Linking scales and fluxes for national soil and water simulations Project leader Berit Arheimer SMHI, 60176 Norrköping, Sweden e-mail: General Objective: The primary aim of small-scale/large-scale integration is to trace the magnitudes of flux and pathways of the selected elements from the air to waters and coastal areas, through soils and surface waters. Developing these links, we will be able to estimate how changes in climate, deposition and land-use interfere with both biogeochemical and hydrological cycles on the small scale, and the large-scale riverine transport of substances in the future. Short description of activities 2011: The dynamic water quality model, HYPE, was set up for all of Sweden (∼450 000 km2), divided into 38000 sub-basins with an average area of about 10 km2. Readily available national databases were used for physiographic data, emissions and agricultural practices, fixed values for representative years were used. Daily precipitation and temperature were used as the dynamic forcing of the model for the period 1960-2011. Results for the period 1990-2011 are available for free down-loading at The model has been evaluated for water discharge and nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations based on data from several hundred monitoring sites, of which approximately 90% had not been used in calibration on a daily scale (Strömqvist et al., 2012). Results were evaluated using the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE), correlation and relative errors: 92% of the spatial variation was explained for specific water discharge, and 88% and 59% for total nitrogen and total phosphorus concentrations, respectively. Day-today variations were modelled with satisfactory results for water discharge and the seasonal variation of nitrogen concentrations was also generally well captured. In 20 large, unregulated rivers the median NSE for water discharge was 0.84, and the corresponding number for 76 partly-regulated river basins was 0.52 (Fig. 1). In small basins, the NSE was typically above 0.6. Furthermore, internal model variables such as snow depths, groundwater and lake level fluctuations were evaluated (Fig. 2) for a number of independent sites with good correlations to observations (Arheimer et al., 2011), which further increases the crediability of the national model concept. The achievements using the S-HYPE model relative to previous similar experiments were ascribed to the step-wise calibration process using representative gauged basins and the use of a modelling concept, whereby coefficients are linked to physiographic variables rather than to specific sites. Deliverables 2011 D3.3.1 Method for lake typology to be used in the national up-scaling with S-HYPE, i.e. extrapolation of model results to lakes without monitoring. Month: 30, status: on-going D3.3.2 Routines for linkage between SOIL-N, COUP, MAGIC and HYPE (including hydrological variables delivered to MAGIC and concentrations delivered to HYPE). Month: 30, status: on-going Additional staff involved in project: Johan Strömqvist, Göran Lindström, Charlotta Pers, Joel Dahné Co-operation outside CLEO: Water authorities in the Swedish WFD work SMHI water management programme SMED water consortium (Swedish Environmental Emission Data) Reports and publications: Arheimer, B., Dahné, J., Lindström, G. Marklund, L. and Strömqvist, J. 2011. Multivariable evaluation of an integrated model system covering Sweden (S-HYPE). IAHS Publ. 345:145-150. Strömqvist, J., Arheimer, B., Dahné, J., Donnelly, C. and Lindström, G. 2012. Water and nutrient predictions in ungauged basins – Set-up and evaluation of a model at the national scale. Hydrological Sciences Journal 57(2):229-247. Oral presentations: IUGG General Assembly in Melbourne, 28 June - 7 July 2011 Oral presentation at the IAHS session H01: Conceptual and modelling studies of integrated groundwater, surface water, and ecological systems Arheimer, B.: Multi-variable evaluation of an integrated model system covering Sweden (S-HYPE) Appendix: Mean RE (%) 15 <200 km2 Small: Intermediate: 200-2000 km2 >2000 km2 Large: Large (20) Large (76) 5 Regulated (148) Unregulated (168) Small (71) Mean RE=0 Intermediate (77) Intermediate (61) -5 -15 Small (11) -25 0.5 0.6 0.7 Median NSE 0.8 0.9 Figure 1. Typical agreement (median NSE and mean relative error RE, number of monitoring stations in brackets) between simulated and observed daily discharge, for different spatial scales, and for unregulated versus regulated basins all over Sweden. (from: Strömqvist et al., 2012) 1000 100 Discharge (m3/s) 100 10 1000 Tot-N (mg/L) 10 100 1 10 0.1 1 Tot-P (µg/L) 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0010.01 0.1 Frequency 0.5 1 0.3 Snow depth Correlations 0.4 0.1 10 1001000 0.3 0.2 1 10 100 1 0.6 Groundwater level Correlations 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.2 0 0 10 100 1000 Lake water level Correlations 0.1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Figure. 2 Comparison of modelled and observed values for several variables in the national S-HYPE model. Above: Spatial evaluations of average levels of discharge, Tot-N and Tot-P (simulated values on y-axes and observed values on x-axes). Below: Histograms of correlations (daily values) for snow depth, groundwater depth below land surface, and lake water-level fluctuation. (from: Arheimer et al., 2011)