Our May Lake of the Month is Lake Persimmon (set your GPS to 27.3550 -81.4054). The elevation of Lake Persimmon is 68’. To view of bathymetric map of Lake Persimmon please visit: http://lakewatch.ifas.ufl.edu/RevisedMaps05/HighlandsMaps/PersimmonHighlandsMap. pdf Lake Persimmon is located 5 miles north of Lake Placid in Highlands County. The maximum depth for Lake Persimmon is 11’ while the average depth is 4.4’. Lake Persimmon drains into Josephine Creek and eventually Lake Istokpoga. The only inflows are from rainfall, stormwater runoff, and underground seepage. Lake Persimmon is 44 acres in size and is considered a muck lake. Let’s go fishing. If you like fishing, Lake Persimmon is reported to support populations of largemouth bass, bluegill, and crappie. Highlands County’s Parks and Natural Resources Department maintains one boat ramp on Lake Persimmon; located at 150 Hillside Drive. While there is parking for vehicles with trailers, there are no facilities. There is a trash receptacle and a mono-filament recycling bin. Please be sure to put all unwanted fishing line in the bin for recycling. Fishing line left in the lake kills. The water quality of Lake Persimmon is very poor compared to most lakes in the county. A study in 2000 showed that the Highlands County lake experiences continual blooms of blue-green algae and long periods of anoxia at the bottom and middle depths of the lake. Anoxia is the lack of oxygen resulting from dense algae in the lake. The algae blocks light penetration below the surface, inhibiting growth of desirable plants and causing the lake to separate into different temperature layers. The layers include a warm layer on the surface and a cold layer on the bottom, which is dark and depleted of oxygen. In Lake Persimmon, the anoxia is accompanied by a buildup of toxic ammonia and hydrogen sulfide in the water Excess nitrates are brought into the lake by contaminated ground water. The primary source of the nitrates is from years of application of fertilizers within citrus groves and residential lawns surrounding the lake. Sampling results of both shallow test wells and residential drinking wells revealed elevated nitrates, sometimes three times the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) drinking water standard. As the contaminated ground water seeps into Lake Persimmon, it ignites blue-green algae blooms, while excess nitrates are converted to toxic ammonia in the anoxic bottom waters. In an attempt to eliminate the high concentrations of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide in the lake, a lake aeration system was attempted. Eleven air diffusers were placed at various points around the bottom of the lake. The air being pumped into the bottom breaks up the anoxic layer and eliminates the vicious cycle of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide production. Ending the anoxia in the lake also prevents the release of nutrients from the mucky bottom sediments, which also helps reduce algae growth. The aeration system was installed in July 2002. Initially the lake showed huge increases in Secchi disk readings going from 6” visibility to about 4’. Two months later however the water clarity dropped to 1’. In addition to some improvements in water clarity the lake experienced a substantial decrease in ammonia and some sign of water quality improvement, including a reduction in nitrates and blue-green algae. In 2003 continuing equipment failures caused the project to be abandoned. The next step to restoring Lake Persimmon will be working with the citrus growers and a nursery in the watershed to ensure that best management practices are used (regarding fertilizers) to reduce nitrates. Lake Persimmon, Florida.