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Social Studies 10
EBUS Academy
Bag 8000, 187 East Victoria St.
Vanderhoof, BC Canada V0J 3A2
Phone: 1-800-567-1236
Course Start-Up Assignment
Once you have completed this assignment please submit it via email it to EBUSActivations@sd91.bc.ca.
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Complete the following Start-Up assignment for this course
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Social Studies 10
Social Studies 10
Start-Up Assignment
Please submit your work to ebusactivations@sd91.bc.ca or by fax to 1-250-567-3943.
Once your assignment has been received you will be contacted by a teacher.
Learning Goals: This assignment touches briefly on the following prescribed learning outcomes for
Social Studies 10:
Demonstrate effective research skills, including Accessing information, Assessing
information, Collecting Data, Evaluating Data, Organizing Information, Presenting
Information, Citing Sources.
Interpret and present data in a variety of forms (e.g., oral, written, and graphic)
Demonstrate effective written, oral and graphic communication skills, individually
and collaboratively.
Construct graphs, tables, and maps to communicate ideas and information,
demonstrating appropriate use of grids, scales, legends, and contours
Apply critical thinking skills, including Questioning, Comparing, Summarizing,
Drawing Conclusions, Defending a Position
This assignment consists of 3 parts 1. “Sherwood Forest” – Map Activity – 15 marks
2. “Canada – A Vast and Varied Land” – Using the Internet – 35 marks
3. “The Most Important Canadian Ever” – Biographical Essay – 40 marks.
Approximately 3 - 5 hours
/ 90 marks (5% of course mark)
In order to complete this assignment, you may want to use a variety of print or online resources.
Some helpful sites:
Statistics Canada
Social Studies 10
____/15 marks
Mapwork – Sherwood Forest.
Read the story below. Follow the Clues provided. Prepare a map showing the area
known as Sherwood Forest from directions provided.
Map of Sherwood Forest
One day as you take a stroll through the woods, you come across what appears to be a
sealed roll of parchment lying in the crook of a tree. You look around, but there is not
anyone within in sight. You listen carefully, but all you can hear are the birds singing in
the trees (a good sign that there is no danger afoot!), and the brook babbling away
nearby. Shrugging to yourself, you pick up the parchment roll, and notice that the seal
has actually been broken. You unroll the parchment, and discover that you hold in your
hands a map of Sherwood Forest, home of that famed robber of the rich and
protector of the poor, Robin Hood! You are about to rush home with this treasure,
when it hits you - both Robin Hood's band of Merry Men, and the Sheriff of
Nottingham's minions will want this map, and they may not care what happens to you if
you are holding it! So, you decide the safest thing to do would be to memorize the map,
and destroy the original. You study the map, making careful note of the distances and
directions of the various notable things, and then throw the original into the nearby
brook, to wash away to parts unknown (or at least to parts not shown on the map)!
When you do return home later, you find a scrap of parchment and write down
everything you remember from the map, so you can use these clues to recreate it from
memory later.
Attached is a blank piece of parchment perfect for sketching out the map. Give it a
try - just make sure that none of the Sheriff's men can see what you are doing, else
you might find yourself in hot water with the law for aiding Robin Hood and his Merry
Social Studies 10
These are the things that you remember from the map:
The Clues
(1) Sherwood Forest is due north of the town of Nottingham.
(2) The Dove River runs along the western border of the forest.
(3) The Trent River runs along the eastern border of the forest.
(4) The forest is approximately 55 km wide (east - west) and approximately
65 km long (north - south).
(5) The bubbling brook near where you found the map runs roughly west to
the middle of Sherwood forest, and then north-east to south-west, and it
starts at the Trent River in the northern half of the forest.
(6) In the north-west quarter of the forest is where the main meeting place
of the Merry Men is located.
(7) Friar Tuck's favourite spot to sit and sing is a large rock formation in
the North-East corner, north of the bubbling brook.
(8) The bridge where Robin Hood did battle with Little John crosses the
babbling brook in the northern half of the forest.
(9) The town of Sheffield is due north of Sherwood forest.
(10) There are caves marked in the south-west corner of the forest (due
north-west of the bubbling brook) with the word "gold" - I wonder what that
could mean?
(11) There is a road that runs north - south through the western half of the
forest, which crosses the bubbling brook at the very southern edge of
Sherwood forest.
(12) There is a clearing in the north-west quarter of the forest, just east of
the Dove River, which is marked with a heart and RH + MM. Hmmmm...
Now you must use this information to complete the accompanying blank map -
Social Studies 10
Social Studies 10
SS10 Start-Up Assignment – Sherwood Forest Map - Marking Guide
Student Name
Date Submitted
Title “Map of Sherwood Forest” – All maps must have a Title!
Sheffield – north
Nottingham – south
Sherwood Forest - due north of Nottingham.
Dove River - western border of forest.
Trent River - eastern border of forest.
Scale – 55 km (E-W) X 65 km (N-S).
Bubbling Brook - starts at the Trent River in the northern half of the forest,
runs west to the middle of Sherwood Forest, then NE to SW.
Meeting Place – of the Merry Men - NW quarter of the forest.
Large rock formation – Friar Tuck’s spot - NE corner, N of Bubbling Brook.
Bridge – Robin and Little John battle here - crosses the babbling brook in
the northern half of the forest.
Caves - SW corner of Sherwood Forest (due north-west of the bubbling
brook) –Indicate by the word "gold"
Road - runs north - south through the western half of the forest, crosses the
bubbling brook at the very southern edge of Sherwood forest.
Clearing – Maid Marion’s spot - locate in NW quarter of Sherwood Forest,
just east of Dove River. Indicate by Heart symbol with the letters RH + MM
Legend; Compass – All maps must have a Legend or Key!
Social Studies 10
____/35 marks
Part 2: Using the Internet (Using Search Engines, Using the
Internet for a Purpose, Using Statistics)
Using Search Engines. (/5)
1. Identify two different searches that Google can perform. List these two searches (/2).
2. Use the Google search to find an image of Canada’s flag. If you are able to, please copy and paste
a thumbnail image of the flag into the space below (/3):
Social Studies 10
Using the Internet for a purpose. (/10)
Go to http://hikebiketravel.com/18950/145-weird-fun-interesting-facts-canada/
and use the information found on this site to complete the following chart.
Chart - Interesting Facts about Canada
Canadian Fact
Most northerly permanent settlement in
the World
2 Sunniest place in Canada
3 Highest waterfall in Canada
4 Tallest mountain in Canada
5 Number of territories in Canada
6 Which city has the most rainfall
7 The length of Canada’s coastline
8 What percentage of Canada is covered by
9 Sport invented by Canadian James
10 Canadian inventor of the telephone
Using Statistics. (/20)
There are 2 excellent websites that students may use to find detailed information about British
Columbia (BC Stats) and Canada (StatsCan). To introduce students very briefly to these sites, the
following activity will have you investigate each site.
British Columbia: The BC STATS site offers numerical information on our province.
Go to http://www.bcstats.gov.bc.ca/Home.aspx to answer the following questions.
1. Examine the page carefully, noting the general information that can be found on this
website. List 3 or more subjects that you think may be useful for this course and that are
found in the BC Stats’ subject areas (/3):
Social Studies 10
2. SCROLL down the SUBJECTS list to Business and Industry and click on that button.
Identify 2 major industries found in British Columbia according to this website (/2)?
3. Go to:
What was B.C.’s population in the following years (5)?
A. 1871
B. 1931
C. 1956
D. 1966
E. 2001
Canada: The StatsCan site offers numerical information on our country as a whole. Go
to http://www.statcan.gc.ca/start-debut-eng.html to answer the following questions
(except #1).
1. (In your own words) What are statistics (/2)?
2. Identify several ‘subjects’ that the government of Canada provides statistics for (/2).
3. From the “Latest Indicators” found on the StatsCan homepage, what is the population of
Canada as of October 2012 (/1)?
4. At the top of the home page you can browse to find information. Select Maps and
Geography and then list below at least 3 kinds of maps that are available on the StatsCan
site. (/3)
5. After looking at the StatsCan website to see what information is available, describe one thing
that you find interesting about this website (/2).
Social Studies 10
____/40 marks
Part 3:
The Most Important Canadian Ever! – Biographical Essay.
Instructions: Select one person from Canada’s history that you feel justifies the title,
“The Greatest Canadian of all time!”
Introduce and briefly describe this person’s life.
In your own words, outline the reasons why this individual deserves this recognition.
Your essay should be about 250-300 words in length.
Be sure to list your information sources fully. If you are using an internet site, you must indicate
that in your bibliography, please!
Marking Rubric for this assignment:
Background Argument and analysis Length References Total -
/ 5
/ 5
“The Greatest Canadian of all time!”
You have reached the end of your Start-Up Assignment. Ensure that all is complete and submit to
Ebusactivations@sd91.bc.ca or by fax to 1-250-567-3943. Once your assignment has been received you
will be contacted by a teacher.
Thank you and welcome to Social Studies 10!