EPSc 484/584 Final Problem Set! (50 points) Name: Due 4/29 5 pm Corals. You have been provided with two coral data sets (on separate worksheets within the same Excel file) from the places indicated on the map below. Both records have seasonal or better resolution, and cover ~1960 to ~1980. You may wish to use the Southern Oscillation Index graph below for comparison with your data sets; a negative (red) SOI indicates El Nino conditions, positive (blue) equals La Nina; peaks or troughs indicate significant “Events” (3) Based on the Punta Pitt data, is coral d18O a reliable indicator of SST? Why/why not? Give the transfer function that relates the two. (2) Could you use this same transfer function to calculate SST from Tarawa Atoll d18O data? Why/why not? (2) Based on what you know about El Nino, what relationship would you expect between SST at Punta Pitt and Tarawa Atoll? (4) Does that data you have (you only have d18O for Tarawa Atoll) suggest such a relationship? Suggest an interpretation (or interpretations) for the similarities/differences between the two records. (2) Which (if either) the Punta Pitt or Tarawa d18O/SST records appears to be the best match to the SOI as graphed above? (8) Do d13C, Ba/Ca, Cd/Ca, and Mn/Ca of Punta Pitt corals seem to be reliable indicators of El Nino conditions? (Ba is thought to be influenced by upwelling and/or temperature, while Mn is thought to reflect incorporation of lagoonal mud into corals, triggered by strong winds remixing the ocean bottom). For those which are, explain the basic mechanism suggested by the nature of the correlation (e.g., Ba/Ca is higher/lower when SST is higher/lower because…) (2) What about Mn/Ca at Tarawa? Reliable or not, and if reliable, what is the nature of its relationship to ENSO? (4) Even though you’ve examined only 2 coral datasets, compare coral geochemistry as a paleoclimate indicator to other indicators we’ve discussed over the semester- what are its particular advantages or disadvantages, where would you rank it on the reliability scale, and how would you feel extending coral analyses back into the pre-Quaternary geologic record? Lake balance. These next few questions will be about the (closed; i.e. no outflow) Lahontan Basin, Nevada. During the last glacial, Lake Lahontan filled a large portion of the basin, with a lakeshore at 1335 m above sea level, a surface area of 22,800 km2 and a volume of 2130 km3. Currently there are two small perennial lakes occupying the basin (Pyramid and Walker), with surface areas of 563 and 326 sq. km respectively and volumes of 36 and 14 km3. For the purposes of this exercise, we’re going to ignore the modern existence of Walker Lake. An abrupt decrease from highstand (fullest) conditions to those similar to today seems to have occurred around 13,000 bp. Modern Data: Groundwater input to Pyramid lake: negligible Outflow: none River input: Pyramid Lake: Truckee River, 0.725 km3/yr On lake precipitation: Pyramid= 0.2 m/yr Lake balance equation: S = Is + Iu + Pl – Qs – Qu - El S = change in water storage, Is = Surface inflow, Iu = Underground inflow, Pl = Lake precipitation, Qs = Surface outflow, Qu = Underground outflow and El = Lake evaporation. Bathymetry of Lahontan basin indicates: Lake surface area = 5449.8 ln (lake volume) - 18966 St = Si + S (storage at any given time = initial plus change) El (total evaporative flux) = Evaporation rate X lake surface area Pl (total precipitation input to lake) = On-lake precipitation X lake surface area Understanding even something as relatively simple as a change in lake level in terms of climate can actually be quite difficult…. (3) First, presuming that Pyramid Lake is currently in balance (that is, not changing its amount of storage), calculate, from the information given, the annual volume loss of water from the lake due to evaporation. Given the current surface area of Pyramid Lake, what evaporation rate does this correspond to (in m/yr)? (5) The problem with examining change over time is that the volume of water lost or input to the system from on-lake precipitation and evaporation changes with surface area, so even if rates (ppt/evaporation) stay the same, the volume of the lake may change. Build a simple mathematical model of Lake Lahontan (use Excel!) in which you evaluate the water balance of the lake system at yearly increments (be careful with units!!). Start with an initial storage (volume) and surface area equal to that of modern day Pyramid Lake. Keep evaporation rate constant at what you just calculated above, but increase river input to 1 km3/yr. (You will need to calculate a new lake volume (and therefore surface area) each year.) Let the total flux of water due to evaporation and on-lake precipitation vary with changing lake surface area. Run your model out for ~25 yrs. Describe what happens to lake volume and why. (provide a graph of lake volume with time) (2) What happens to lake volume if evaporation increased to 2 m/yr, but all else was the same as initial conditions (river input = .725 km3/yr). (provide a graph of lake volume with time) (3) If evaporation rates stayed constant at what you calculated for today, approximately how many years would it take to fill Lahontan Basin up to its highest recorded level if we increased on-lake precipitation by .1 m/yr every year, and river input correspondingly by .3625 km3/yr Explain your process/show work (provide a graph of lake volume with time). (3) It is unlikely that evaporation rates would stay constant with rainfall increasing so dramatically; if evaporation decreased by .01 m/ yr in addition to the changes described above, how long would it take to fill the basin to highstand levels? Graph lake volume with time for this scenario and the last one you calculated on the same graph to compare. (1) How sensitive are lake balance models, then, to the particular assumptions you make regarding values of hydrologically important rates (and/or changes in those values)? (2) What potentially important data/sources of change in lake level has our model ignored? (2) Where/what kind of evidence might you look for to help you determine what piece of the lake system (river input, rainfall, evaporation) was controlling lake level change? (2) Finally, then, what would you consider “reasonable” use of lake level data and basic water balance modelling- despite all the assumptions, unknowns, etc., what does lake level model reliably tell you (if anything)?