Essentials of Dental Science

Essentials of Dental Science
Course Number: 25.48800
Georgia Standard
Georgia HOSA Competitive
How It Relates
HS-EDS-1 Demonstrate employability skills required by business & industry.
1.1 Communicate effectively through
*Interviewing Skills (*IS)
*IS – Writing, speaking, listening, reading, & interpersonal skills.
writing, speaking, listening, reading &
*Speaking Skills (*SS)
*SS – Writing, speaking, & interpersonal skills.
interpersonal abilities.
Biomedical Debate (BD)
BD – Speaking, listening, reading, & interpersonal skills.
Extemporaneous Health
EHP – Reading & interpersonal skills.
Poster (EHP)
EW – Writing & reading.
Extemporaneous Writing
JSS – Writing, speaking, listening, reading & interpersonal skills.
MR – Writing, reading.
Job Seeking Skills (JSS)
MRC – Communication & interpersonal skills.
Medical Reading (MR)
MS – Writing, speaking, listening, & reading.
Medical Spelling (MS)
PS – Writing, speaking, & interpersonal skills.
MRC Partnership (MRC)
RPS – Writing, speaking, & interpersonal skills.
Prepared Speaking (PS)
Research Persuasive
Speaking (RPS)
1.2 Demonstrate creativity with
Biomedical Debate (BD)
BD – Use multiple approaches to ask questions; debate.
multiple approaches to ask challenging Community Awareness (CA) CA – Creative procedures, methods, & products to raise awareness.
questions resulting in innovative
Extemporaneous Health
EHP – Creativity in drawing to raise awareness.
procedures, methods, & products.
Poster (EHP)
HE – Creative procedures, methods & products to raise awareness.
Health Education (HE)
PH – Creative procedures, methods, & products to present to public.
Public Health (PH)
1.3 Exhibit critical thinking & problem
*Interviewing Skills (*IS)
*IS – Critical thinking, problem solving skills & career planning.
solving skills to locate, analyze, & apply Creative Problem Solving
CPS – Critical thinking, problem solving skills, analyze, & apply
information in career planning &
employment situations.
Health Career Display (HCD) HCD – Apply information in career planning.
Job Seeking Skills (JSS)
JSS – Critical thinking, problem solving skills, & career planning.
MRC Partnership (MRC)
1.4 Model work readiness traits
required for success in the workplace
including integrity, honesty,
accountability, punctuality, time
management, & respect for diversity.
1.5 Apply the appropriate skill sets to
be productive in a changing,
technological, & diverse workplace to
be able to work independently,
interpret data, & apply teamwork skills.
*Interviewing Skills (*IS)
*Speaking Skills (*SS)
Conference Dress Code
Job Seeking Skills (JSS)
Prepared Speaking (PS)
Researched Persuasive
Speaking (RPS)
Biomedical Debate (BD)
Community Awareness (CA)
Creative Problem Solving
Forensic Medicine (FM)
Health Career Display (HCD)
Health Education (HE)
HOSA Bowl (HB)
Knowledge Test:
Transcultural Health Care
Medical Innovation (MI)
Parliamentary Procedures
Public Service
Announcement (PSA)
All Competitive Events
Conference Dress Code
MRC – Critical thinking, problem solving skills, apply information for
career planning, & employment situations.
*IS – Model work readiness traits.
*SS – Model work readiness traits.
Conference dress code models work readiness traits.
JSS – Model work readiness traits.
PS – Model work readiness traits.
RPS – Model work readiness traits.
BD – Diversity, interpret data, & apply teamwork.
CA – Diversity, interpret data, & apply teamwork.
CPS – Interpret data & apply teamwork.
FM – Interpret data & apply teamwork.
HCD – Interpret data & apply teamwork.
HE – Diversity, apply teamwork.
HB – Interpret data & apply teamwork.
KT-THC – Diversity within workplace.
MI – Technological environment, interpret data, & apply teamwork.
PP – Interpret data & apply teamwork.
PSA – Technological environment & apply teamwork.
1.6 Present a professional image
Dress code requires students to be in a navy blue or black suit at all
through appearance, behavior, &
HS-EDS-2 Research careers and opportunities in the dental field and how dentistry has evolved over the years.
2.1 Identify a variety of careers in the
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
area of dentistry and explain the
Health Career Display (HCD) HCD – Career exploration
education and credentialing
HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
requirements for each area.
2.2 Explore the various employment
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
opportunities and career growth
Health Career Display (HCD) HCD – Career exploration
potential in dentistry.
HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
2.3 Differentiate the credentialing,
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
licensing, roles, functions, and
Health Career Display (HCD) HCD – Career exploration
responsibilities of the team members
within the field of dentistry.
2.4 Research the functions of the
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
professional organizations in the field
Health Career Display (HCD) HCD – Career exploration
of dentistry.
2.5 Research the history of dental
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
science and how the dental field has
HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
HS-EDS-3 Investigate the laws, regulations, and ethical considerations in the dental fields.
3.1 Describe ethical considerations and Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
obligations in the dental team-patient
Knowledge Test: Medical
L&E – Testing
Law & Ethics (L&E)
3.2 Explain standard of care as it relates Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
to the field of dentistry.
Dental Terminology (DT)
DT – Testing
Knowledge Test: Medical
L&E – Testing
Law & Ethics (L&E)
3.3 Investigate the role of professional Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
dental field organizations in the area of Dental Terminology (DT)
DT – Testing
ethics and jurisprudence.
3.4 Research the significant laws that
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
relate to the field of dentistry including Dental Terminology (DT)
DT – Testing
dental laboratories
3.5 Apply ethical and legal standards to Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
the occupational area.
Dental Terminology (DT)
DT – Testing
3.6 Adhere to patient confidentiality
and the HIPAA guidelines.
3.7 Discuss state laws governing the
practice of dentistry.
3.8 Demonstrate compliance with
federal, state, and local regulations
regarding safety practices.
3.9 Explain patient’s rights and
Knowledge Test: Medical
Law & Ethics (L&E)
Dental Science (DS)
Dental Terminology (DT)
Knowledge Test: Medical
Law & Ethics (L&E)
Dental Science (DS)
Dental Terminology (DT)
Knowledge Test: Medical
Law & Ethics (L&E)
Dental Science (DS)
Dental Terminology (DT)
L&E – Testing
DS – Testing
DT – Testing
L&E – Testing
DS – Testing
DT – Testing
L&E – Testing
DS – Testing
DT – Testing
Dental Terminology (DT)
DT – Testing
Knowledge Test: Medical
L&E – Testing
Law & Ethics (L&E)
HS-EDS-4 Classify pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms, the various modes of transmission, and procedures to prevent
transmission in the dental setting.
4.1 Differentiate between pathogenic
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing & Procedure VII
and non-pathogenic microorganisms
Epidemiology (Epi)
Epi – Testing
and describe the different classification HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
of microorganisms.
Knowledge Test:
Patho – Testing
Pathophysiology (Patho)
4.2 Research blood and airborne
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
pathogens and the various modes of
Epidemiology (Epi)
Epi – Testing
HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
Knowledge Test:
Patho – Testing
Pathophysiology (Patho)
4.3 Describe and identify the structure Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
of each classification of
Epidemiology (Epi)
Epi – Testing
HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
Knowledge Test:
Pathophysiology (Patho)
Dental Science (DS)
HOSA Bowl (HB)
Patho – Testing
4.4 Identify procedures utilized to
DS – Procedures I, V, VI & VII
prevent and or minimize the
HB – Round 2 questions
transmission of disease in the dental
4.5 Explain procedures utilized to
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Procedures I, V, VI & VII
prevent cross contamination
HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
HS-EDS-5 Adhere to appropriate infection control guidelines and regulations and demonstrate infection control procedures including the use
of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).
5.1 Differentiate between antiseptics,
Biomedical Laboratory
BLS – Testing & Procedure II
disinfectants, and sterilization.
Science (BLS)
DS – Testing & Procedures I & VII
Dental Science (DS)
HB – Round 2 questions
HOSA Bowl (HB)
MA – Testing
Medical Assisting (MA)
NA - Testing
Nursing Assisting (NA)
5.2 Apply methods of sanitizing,
*Personal Care (*PC)
*PC – Procedure I
disinfecting, and sterilization.
Biomedical Laboratory
BLS – Testing & Procedure II
Science (BLS)
DS – Testing & Procedure I & VII
Dental Science (DS)
HHA – Procedure VI
Home Health Aide (HHA)
MA – Testing & Procedures VII & VIII
Medical Assisting (MA)
NA – Procedure I
Nursing Assisting (NA)
5.3 Review safety data sheets prior to
Biomedical Laboratory
BLS – Testing
preparing antiseptic, disinfectant, and
Science (BLS)
DS – Testing & Procedures I & VII
germicidal agents.
Dental Science (DS)
HB – Round 2 questions
HOSA Bowl (HB)
MA - Testing
Medical Assisting (MA)
5.4 Clean, disinfect, and sterilize in
Biomedical Laboratory
BLS – Testing & Procedures II, III, V, VI & VII
accordance with standard precautions. Science (BLS)
DS – Testing & Procedures I, V & VII
Dental Science (DS)
HHA – Procedure VI
Home Health Aide (HHA)
Medical Assisting (MA)
Dental Science (DS)
Epidemiology (Epi)
HOSA Bowl (HB)
5.5 Research the CDC (Communicable
Disease Center), NADL (National
Association of Dental Laboratories),
USPH (United States Public Health), and
OSHA guidelines for infection control in
the dental setting.
5.6 Investigate the role of OSHA in
Biomedical Laboratory
enforcing the infection control
Science (BLS)
Dental Science (DS)
Epidemiology (Epi)
HOSA Bowl (HB)
Medical Assisting (MA)
Nursing Assisting (NA)
5.7 Demonstrate infection control
*Personal Care (*PC)
procedures established by OSHA and
Biomedical Laboratory
the CDC for patient management:
Science (BLS)
• universal and standard precautions
Clinical Nursing (CN)
• hand washing
Dental Science (DS)
• proper use of PPE
Home Health Aide (HHA)
• proper disposal using a sharps
Medical Assisting (MA)
Nursing Assisting (NA)
5.8 Describe employee training
Biomedical Laboratory
required to meet the OSHA standard
Science (BLS)
for hazardous chemicals.
Dental Science (DS)
Epidemiology (Epi)
HOSA Bowl (HB)
5.9 Identify bio-hazardous waste, how
Biomedical Laboratory
to dispose of such waste, and OSHA
Science (BLS)
Dental Science (DS)
MA – Procedures V, VII & VIII
DS – Testing
Epi – Testing
HB – Round 2 questions
BLS – Testing
DS – Testing
Epi – Testing
HB – Round 2 questions
MA – Testing
NA – Testing
*PC – Procedure I
BLS – Testing & Procedures II, III, V, VI & VII
CN – Procedures I & II
DS – Testing & Procedures I, V & VII
HHA – Procedure VI
MA – Testing & V, VII & VIII
NA – Procedure I
BLS – Testing & Procedure VII
DS – Testing
Epi – Testing
HB – Round 2 questions
BLS – Testing
DS – Testing
MA – Testing & Procedure VII
guidelines for labeling and disposing
bio-hazardous wastes.
5.10 Utilize the HMIS (Hazardous
Materials Identification System) and
safety data sheets.
5.11 Adhere to procedures utilized in
the management of bio-hazardous
5.12 Process and sterilize instruments
to specifications of the dental setting
and in accordance to OSHA and ADA
5.13 Demonstrate utilization of the
ultrasonic cleaner and identify those
items that may be processed in the
ultrasonic cleaner.
5.14 Label and package instruments for
sterilization using paper, cloth, plastic,
and nylon tubing and maintain
equipment asepsis.
5.15 Prepare barriers in treatment
room to maintain aseptic technique
5.16 Identify physical equipment and
mechanical devices provided to
safeguard employees
Medical Assisting (MA)
Medical Assisting (MA)
MA – Testing
Medical Assisting (MA)
MA – Procedure VII
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
Biomedical Laboratory
Science (BLS)
Dental Science (DS)
Medical Assisting (MA)
*Personal Care (*PC)
Biomedical Laboratory
Science (BLS)
Dental Science (DS)
HOSA Bowl (HB)
Nursing Assisting (NA)
BLS – Testing & Procedure II
DS – Testing & Procedure I
MA – Procedure V
*PC – Procedure I
BLS – Procedure I
DS – Testing & Procedure I
HB – Round 2 questions
NA – Procedure I
HS-EDS-6 Respond to life threatening and non-life threatening medical and dental emergencies and perform appropriate first aid according to
level of training.
6.1 Describe signs, symptoms, and
*Life Support Skills (*LSS)
*LSS – Procedures I, II, III & IV
management of potentially life
CERT – Testing & Procedures I, II & III
threatening and nonlife threatening
CPR/First Aid (CPR)
CPR – Testing & Procedures I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII & IX
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
Emergency Medical
EMT – Testing & Procedures I, II, III, IV, V & VI
Technician (EMT)
6.2 Perform first aid skills in accordance *Life Support Skills (*LSS)
*LSS – Procedures I, II, III & IV
with certification requirements through CERT
CERT – Testing & Procedures I, II, III, IV & V
the appropriate certifying agency.
CPR/First Aid (CPR)
CPR – Testing & Procedures I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII & IX
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
Emergency Medical
EMT – Testing & Procedures I, II, III, IV, V & VI
Technician (EMT)
6.3 Demonstrate the use of personal
*Life Support Skills (*LSS)
*LSS – Procedures I & II
protective devices and the use of
CPR/First Aid (CPR)
CPR – Testing & Procedures VI, VII, VIII & IX
standard precautions for disease
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
prevention during CPR.
Emergency Medical
EMT – Procedures V & VI
Technician (EMT)
6.4 Open obstructed airway of an
*Life Support Skills (*LSS)
*LSS – Procedure I
unconscious infant, child, and adult
CPR/First Aid (CPR)
CPR - Testing & Procedures VI, VII, VIII & IX
Emergency Medical
EMT – Procedure VI
Technician (EMT)
6.5 Perform CPR on infant, child, and
*Life Support Skills (*LSS)
*LSS – Procedure I
adult (simulation) in accordance to
CPR/First Aid (CPR)
CPR – Procedures VI, VII, VIII & IX
certification requirements for
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
Healthcare Providers through the
Emergency Medical
EMT – Procedure VI
American Heart Association (AHA).
Technician (EMT)
6.6 Demonstrate rescue breathing
*Life Support Skills (*LSS)
*LSS – Procedure I
CPR/First Aid (CPR)
CPR – Procedures VI, VII, VIII & IX
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
Emergency Medical
Technician (EMT)
6.7 Identify when CPR may be
*Life Support Skills (*LSS)
discontinued once initiated.
CPR/First Aid (CPR)
Dental Science (DS)
Emergency Medical
Technician (EMT)
6.8 Demonstrate the effective use of an CPR/First Aid (CPR)
automatic external defibrillator (AED)
Emergency Medical
utilizing an AED trainer
Technician (EMT)
6.8 Identify the causes, signs, and
treatments of medical and dental
CPR/First Aid (CPR)
Dental Science (DS)
Emergency Medical
Technician (EMT)
EMT – Procedure VI
*LSS – Procedure I
CPR – Procedures VI, VII, VIII & IX
DS – Testing
EMT – Procedure VI
CPR – Procedures VIII & IX
EMT – Procedure VI
CERT – Procedures I, II & III
CPR – Testing
DS – Testing
EMT – Testing
HS-EDS-7 Demonstrate appropriate procedures for taking vital signs, recording vital signs, and recognizing abnormalities in findings.
7.1 Assist the patient in completing the Dental Science (DS)
DS – Procedure II
patient history.
Medical Assisting (MA)
MA – Procedure III
7.2 Review and obtain the medical and Dental Science (DS)
DS – Procedure II
dental history.
Medical Assisting (MA)
MA – Procedure III
7.3 Explain factors that may affect
*Personal Care (*PC)
*PC – Procedure V
temperature, pulse, respiration, and
Home Health Aide (HHA)
HHA – Procedures I & II
blood pressure.
Nursing Assisting (NA)
NA – Testing & Procedure VI
7.4 Identify anatomical locations used
*Personal Care (*PC)
*PC – Procedure V
to measure temperature, pulse,
Home Health Aide (HHA)
HHA – Procedures I & II
respiration, and blood pressure.
Nursing Assisting (NA)
NA – Testing & Procedure VI
7.5 Demonstrate the ability to
*Personal Care (*PC)
*PC – Procedure V
accurately take a patient’s vital signs
Home Health Aide (HHA)
HHA – Procedures I & II
using aseptic techniques.
Nursing Assisting (NA)
NA – Testing & Procedure VI
7.6 Analyze and identify normal vital
7.7 Record and report vital signs
manually and electronically.
7.8 Identify patients with special needs.
7.9 Demonstrate appropriate
procedures for oral cancer screenings.
*Personal Care (*PC)
Home Health Aide (HHA)
Nursing Assisting (NA)
*Personal Care (*PC)
Home Health Aide (HHA)
Nursing Assisting (NA)
*PC – Procedure V
HHA – Procedures I & II
NA – Testing & Procedure VI
*PC – Procedure V
HHA – Procedures I & II
NA – Testing & Procedure VI
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
Home Health Aide (HHA)
HHA – Testing
Knowledge Test:
Patho – Testing
Pathophysiology (Patho)
HS-EDS-8 Maintain equipment and instruments used in dental procedures.
8.1 Identify various types and functions Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing & Procedures V, VI & VII
of dental operatory and laboratory
Dental Terminology (DT)
DT – Testing
8.2 Identify instruments and describe
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing & Procedures V, VI & VII
their functions for general dental
Dental Terminology (DT)
DT – Testing
8.3 Maintain dental operatory
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing & Procedures V, VI & VII
equipment and instruments and dental Dental Terminology (DT)
DT – Testing
hand pieces.
HS-EDS-9 Utilize medical terminology as it relates to the oral cavity and dental procedures.
9.1 Identify and define prefixes,
Dental Terminology (DT)
DT – Testing
suffixes, and roots of commonly used
Medical Terminology (MT)
MT – Testing
dental terms.
9.2 Identify and define basic
Dental Terminology (DT)
DT – Testing
terminology as it relates to the oral
Medical Terminology (MT)
MT – Testing
9.3 Demonstrate proficient knowledge Dental Terminology (DT)
DT – Testing
of terminology to describe dental
Medical Terminology (MT)
MT – Testing
HS-EDS-10 Research the qualities of a leader and the skills needed to function as a team member and team leader.
10.1 Investigate the qualities of a
All Competitive Events
All Competitive Events are geared towards leadership
leader and how those qualities are
needed in the dental field.
10.2 Describe Career and Technical
All Competitive Events
All Competitive Events are geared towards leadership & are a part of a
Student Organizations, their
importance in leadership development
and identify benefits of belonging to
10.3 Analyze different types of teams
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
including the dental team, identify
team members and discuss their roles
and responsibilities