1 THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF THE EUROPEAN UNION 2014 FALL SEMESTER Instructor: Prof. László CSABA, Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and of Academia Europaea/London Course description This is an MA course, open to interested PhD students for additional assignments along CEU standards and practices. It addresses the history, institutional evolution as well as the core policies of the enlarged European Union, focusing on those relating to money and decision making on areas involving national and community spending. It analyzes the evolution of the major policy areas and institutions, with special emphasis on how the Lisbon Treaty on reforming the EU, and the Pluriannual Financial Framework for 2014-2020 will change the face and functioning of the EU and its policies against available theories to date. Aims and Scope This is a course for motivated MA students, introducing major issues of European political economy. First: we provide a broad overview of those EU policies which matter for economic actors, and this in a dynamic perspective. Second: we aim to supply the relevant knowledge in a condensed manner. Thus we conduct an intensive and interactive learning procedure, combining lectures, individual processing of written materials, oral presentations and classroom debates. Written output is required for the same reason. Those finishing the class successfully should be able to have an idea about the major issues and be able to catch up in the future, if and when new problems/issues emerge. In turn, many insights can and should be deepened/and contradicted/ by recourse to the recommended literature. Course Structure The course describes and interprets the monetary model of integration, the role of fiscal coordination, the unlimited liquidity provision by the ECB since 2012 and ESM, implications of the Irish, Portuguese and Greek crises.. It also covers the past present and future of the major expenditure areas. The latter include agriculture and rural development, regional 2 development, but also the policy areas where common policies exist without common funds. These apply to such expensive areas as environmental protection and labor markets. The debates on new, sometimes supra-national methods of coordination, the new Europe 2020 strategy, and the solutions to problems of decision-making are discussed.. Enlargement is though a major undercurrent, but this is not an enlargement class. Background in macroeconomics, international finance and trade is though a positive advantage, however, this is not a prerequisite for taking the class. This course is composed of a mixture of lectures and seminars. The two do not necessarily overlap, neither with the details discussed in the required readings. Independent processing of the latter is presumed, i.e it does not take place in the classroom. Regular and active participation is required/you may miss any occasion on prior notice only/. Interactive participation on the seminars, where typically recommended readings are processed is a precondition for obtaining a grade. Seminar presentations should be made by choosing one item from the list of recommended readings, maximum 3 presentations per seminar. Points of clarification of details are ideally performed by attending the office hours/prior registration is required. Use of mobile phones, laptops and tablets in class is not allowed. Methods of Assessment Regular and active participation in each of the classes and successful processing of the written materials are the preconditions for the grade. Besides regular attendance each participant – also those for audit - must make an oral presentation/cf above/. For grade you also need to write up a 10 pages/1.5 space, 12 size/ long book review in a format, ideally publishable in an academic journal. The printout or electronic version must be submitted by 14 November,2014, Friday, 18.hrs at latest. Those wishing a grade must also write two closed book quizzes, to be written at 20 October 2014,Monday and81 December 2014, Monday, checking facts and figures. Exam dates and deadlines are prefixed and nontransferable. Grading Attendance and activity: 10 p.c., midterm quiz: 25 p.c.; seminar presentation: 20 p.c.; book review:20 pc,. final quiz: 25 p.c. Books for review may be selected by yourselves within the course subject/not only recommended readings/, and approved by the instructor. Good reviews may 3 get published. For a grade improvement additional book reviews might be taken up on a voluntary base. Reference volumes/statistical and documentary resources For those of you not having any background in economics/finance/EU studies it may make sense to consult regularly one or more of the reference volumes clarifying the underlying concepts, categories and elementary facts/vocabulary, since at graduate level no introductory course can be made. On the various subject matters: 1. European Union/concepts of EU political economy/ de HAAN,J.- OOSTERLOO,S.- SCHOENMAKER,D./2009/: European Financial Markets and Institutions. Cambridge-N.Y: Cambridge University Press. 2. Politics, Institutions, Competences: JONES,E. – MENON,A. – WEATHERIL, S,.eds/2012/: The Oxford Handbook of the European Union. Oxford-New York: Oxford University Press. 3.Crisis and Crisis Management. a/TANZI,V./2013/: Dollars Euros and Debt. How We Got into the Financial Crisis, and How We Get Our of It .New York: Palgrave. b/ BEREND,T.I./2013/: Europe in Crisis: Biolt Out of the Blue? London, Routledge. 4. Current and Comparative Data: please use the official website of the Commission: www.europa.eu as well as the independent website: www.euractiv.org , for statistics, especially current the website of the European Central bank: www.ecb.europa.eu/statistics DETAILED SCHEDULE 4 24 Sept, 2014, Wednesday/ACTUAL TEACHING STARTS/ The Monetary Model of European Integration Required: BELLAMY,R.,/2013/: ‘An ever closer union across the peoples of Europe’: republican inter-governmentalism and demoicratic representation within the EU. Journal of European Integration,vol.35. no.5., pp499-516. CSABA,L./2012/: Re-visitng the crisis of the euro-zone: challenges and options. Zeitschrift für Staats- und Europawissenschaften, vol.10.no.1,pp 53-77. Recommended: SPENDZHAROVA,A./2012/: Is more ‘Brussels’ the solution? New EU Mmeber-states’ preferences about the European financial architecture. Journal of Common Market Studies, vol.50.no.2.pp314-334.. BLANKENBURG,S.et al/2013/: Prospects for the eurozone. Cambridge Journal of Economics, vol.37.no.3.,pp463-477. DARVAS,Zs./2013/: The euro crisis: ten roots but fewer solutions. In: FARKAS, B.ed: The Aftermath of the Global Crisis in the EU. Cambridge Scholars Publishing,,pp83-104. Week of 29 September Revising Rules-Based Fiscal Policy for Europe: a Solution or a Trap? Required: KOPITS,G./2012/: Can fiscal sovereignty be reconciled with fiscal discipline? Acta Oeconomica, vol.62.no.2.,pp141-161. 5 BOLTHO,A. – CARLIN,W./2013/: EMUs problems: asymmetric shocks or asymmetric behavior? Comparative Economic Studies, vol.55.no.3.pp387-403. Recommended: de HAAN,J. – GILBERT,N. – HESSEL,J. – VERKAART,S./2012/: Beyond the Fiscal Compact: How Well-Designed Eurobonds May Discipline Governments. Zeitschrift für Staats- und Europawissenschaften, vol.10.no.3.,pp323-337. MATTHES,J./2014/: Ten misconceptions about current account imbalances in the Euro area. Intereconomics,vol.49.no.3.pp160-170. GYŐRFFY,D./2013/: Institutional trust and policy-making in the EMU. In: GYŐRFFY,D: Institutional Trust and Economic Policy. Budapest-New York: CEU Press, pp35-57. Week of 6 October Labor Markets in the EU: Implications for Integration and Enlargement Required: Labor Mobility in the EU: Dynamics, Patterns and Policies/Forum discussion/. Intereconomics, vol.49.no.3./2014/, pp116 -158. Recommended: GWIAZDA,A./2011/: The Europeanization of flexicurity: the Lisbon Strategy’s impact on employment policies in Italy and Poland. Journal of European Public Policy, vol.18.no.4.,pp 546-565. KNOGLER,M. – LANKES,F./2012/: Social models in the enlarged EU: policy dimensions and country classification. Comparative Economic Studies, vol.54.no.1.,pp149-172. COPELAND,P. – ter HAAR,B./2013/: A toothless bite? The effectiveness of the European Employment Strategy as a governance tool. Journal of European Social Policy,vol.23.no.1.,pp21-36. 6 Week of 13 October Common Agricultural Policy: Foot Dragging, Change and Globalization Required: DAUBJERG,C./2009/: Sequencing public policy: the evolution of the CAP over a decade. Journal of European Public Policy, vol.16.no.3.pp395-411. Forum Discussion: The CAP after 2013. Intereconomics, vol.47.no.6. pp. 316 343./available online/. . Recommended: CUNHA,A.-SWINBANK,A./2009/: Explaining the determinants of CAP reform: a Delphi analysis. Journal of Common Market Studies, vol.47.no.2.,pp235-261. ANDERSON,K. – RAUSSER,G. – SWINNEN,J./2013/: Political economy of public policies: insights from distortions to agricultural and food markets. Journal of Economic Literature, vol.51.no.2.pp423-477. CSÁKI,Cs. – JÁMBOR,A./2013/: The impact of EU accession on the agriculture of the Visegrád countries. Society and Economy, vol35.no.3.pp343-364. 20 October, Monday: Midterm Quiz 22 October/lecture and seminar/ Cohesion Policies in the EU : Poetry and Reality Required: TOSUN, J./2014/: Absorption of regional funds: a comparative analysis. Journal of Common market Studies, vol.52.no.2.pp371-387. FERRY,M. –McMASTER, I./2013/: Cohesion policy and the evolution of regional policy in central and eastern Europe. Europe-Asia Studies, vol.65.no.8.pp1502-1528. Recommended: BLOOM,S. - PETROVA,V./2013/: National subversion of supranational goals: ‘pork-barrel’ politics and EU regional aid. Europe-Asia Studies, vol.65.no.8.,pp.1599-1620.. 7 COSTA-I –FONT,J./2014/: Furthering subcentral autonomy in Europe? The roles of identity and re-distribution. Intereconomics, vol.49.no.1.pp36-45. COLOMBO, A.ed/2012/: Subsidiarity Governance.New York etc: Palgrave/select one chapter for review!/. Week of 27 October The EU in the Transatlantic Trade Conflict Required: de BIEVRE,D. and POLETTI,A./2014/: The EU in trade policy: from regime sharper to status quo power. In: FALKNER, G. and MÜLLER, P.eds,: EU Policies in Global Perspective. London: Routledge, pp20-37. Da CONCEICAO-HELDT,E./2014/: When speaking with a single voice is not enough: bargaining power asymmetry and EU external effectiveness in global trade governance. Journal of European Public Policy, vol.21.no.4.pp980-995. Recommended: da CONCEICAO-HELDT,E./2011/: Variation in EU member-states’ preferences and the Commission’s discretion in the Doha Round. Journal of European Public Policy, vol.18.no.3.,pp 403-419. KEUKELIERE,S. – HOOLMAYERS,B./2014/: The BRICs and other emerging alliances and MOs in the Asia-pacific: challenges for the EU and its view on multilateralism. Journal of Common market Studies, vol.52.no.3.pp 582-599. ALONS,G./2014/: Farmers vs ideas: explaining the continuity in French agricultural trade policy during the GATT Uruguay Round. Journal of European Public Policy, vol.21.no.2.pp 286 – 302. 8 Week of 3 November Environmental Policy in the EU: Sandwiched Between Enlargement and the Single Market? Required: HOLZINGER, K. – SOMMERER, Th./2014/: EU environmental policy: greening the world? In: FALKNER, G. and MÜLLER,P., eds: EU Policies in a Global Perspective. London: Routledge, pp111 – 129. KAUTTO,P./2009/: Nokia as an environmental policy actor: evolution of collaborative corporate policy activity in a multinational company. Journal of Common Market Studies, vol.47.no.1.pp103-125. Recommended: BAUN ,M. – MAREK,D./2013/: The implementation of EU environmental policy in the Czech Republic: problems with postaccession compliance? Europe-Asia Studies, vol.65.no.10.pp1877-1898. ANDONOVA,L. – TUTA,I./2014/: Transsnational networks and path to EU environmental compliance: evidence from NMS. Journal of Common market Studies, vol.52.no.4.pp775 – 793. Week of 4 November Europe 2020 and Financial Crisis Management: an Odd Couple Required: CSABA,L./2013/: On the new economic philosophy of crisis management in the EU. Society and Economy, vol.35.no.2.pp121-139. MÜGGE,D./2014/: Europe’s regulatory role in post-crisis global finance. Journal of European Public Policy, vol.21.no.3. pp316-326. WEBER, Ch. – FORSCNER,B./2014/: ECB: independence at risk? Intereconomics, vol.49,.no.1., pp45-50. 9 Recommended: CSABA,L./2009/: Unintended consequences of crisis management. Zeitschrift für Staats- und Europawissenschaften, vol.7.nos/34/,pp450-470. GYŐRFFY,D./2013/: Financial crisis in the EU-25. In: GYŐRFFY,D: Institutional Trust and Economic Policy .Bp-NY: CEU Press, pp147-176. DAIANU,D./2012/: The euro-zone crisis and EU governance: tackling a flawed design and inadequate policy arrangements. Acta Oeconomica, vol62.nos/2-3/. TOSUN, J.et al./2014/: The EU in crisis: advancing the debate. Journal of European Integration, vol.36.no.3.pp 195-211. Week of 17 November The State of the Union Required: CSABA, L./2OO9/: The state of the Union: revival or all problems swept under the carpet? In: CSABA, L.: Crisis in Economics? chapter 6. Budapest: Akadémiai, pp138-156. GOCAJ, L. – MEUNIER,S./2013/: Time will tell: the ESF, the ESM and the euro-crisis. Journal of European Integration, vol.35. no.3,, pp239-253. Recommended: COPELAND,P./2014/: Central and eastern Europe: negotiating influence in an enlarged Union. Europe-Asia Studies, vol.66.no.3.pp467-487. CHANG,M./2013/: Fiscal policy coordination and the future of the community method. Journal of European Integration, vol.35.no.3.pp 255-269. AALTO,P. – TEMEL,D.K./2014/: European energy security: natural gas and the integration process. Journal of Common market Studies, vol.52.no.4.pp 758 -774. 10 Week of 24 November Enlargement and Its Consequences Required: EPSTEIN,R. A./2014/: Overcoming ‘economic backwardness ‘ in the EU. Journal of Common Market Studies, vol.52.no.1.pp 17-32. CSABA,L./2OO9/: A premature enlargement? In: CSABA,L.: Studies in European Political Economy, chapter 5. Recommended: GANEV,V./2013/: ‘Post-accession hooligansim’: democratic governance in Bulgaria and Romania after 2007. East European Politics and Societies, vol.27.no.1.pp26-44. BALÁZS,P./2014/: EU-36: the impact of EU enlargement on institutions. In: BALÁZS,P.ed: A European Union with 36 Members? Perspectives and Riskis. New York etc: CEU Press, pp.227- 256. NENOVSKY,N.et al/2013/: Monetary regimes, economic stability and EU accession: comparing Bulgaria and Romania. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, vol.46.no.1.pp13-23. Week of 1 December The Future of the European Union in the Global Political Economy Required: FALKNER,G. – MÜLLER,P./2014/: Comparative analysis: EU as a policy exporter? In: FALKNER,G. and MÜLLER, P.,eds,: EU Policies in Global Perspective. London: Routledge, pp205-229. CSABA,L./2014/: Developmental perspectives on Europe. Society and Economy, vol.36.no.1.pp21 – 36. 11 Recommended: VISVIZI,A./2012/: The crisis in Greece and the EU-IMF Rescue Package determinants and pitfalls. Acta Oeconomica, vol.62, .no.1.pp15-40. SMITH,M./2013/: Beyond the comfort zone: internal crisis and external challenge in the European Union’s response to rising powers. International Affairs /Chatam House, vol.89.,no.3.pp653-671. HOLLIS,R./2012/: No friend of democratization: Europe’s role in the genesis of the ‘Arab Spring’. International Affairs, vol.89.no.1.pp81-94. JOVANOVIC,M./2013/: Was European integration nice while it lasted? Journal of European Integration, vol.28.no.1.,pp1-36. 8 December,2014, Monday: Final Quiz Notes: All sources are available in the original at CEU Library, most of them also online. Assignments cannot be saved, transferred or negotiated. Deadlines are fixed. Thus any delay triggers automatically a five per cent minus of the final grade per day. In case of exceptional circumstances, such as illness testified by a medical doctor, prior agreement of the instructor is to be obtained/there is a round the clock answering machine at the department, 327-30-17, or via e-mail: csabal@ceu.hu /. The book review and quizzes are to be written in conformity with CEU regulations including ethical standards and academic writing requirements. Double submission and plagiarism/including inadequate referencing/ will be severely penalized. The book reviews are meant to test your independent analytical ability on a freely chosen topic within the course subject, however in identifying the book to be reviewed prior approval of the instructor is needed. Qiuzzes check facts and figures/two analytical and five factual, short questions, closed book format/, in writing. All participants/also for audit/ must make one oral presentation in the seminar. To obtain an A these must be selected from among the recommended reading. All assignments, petitions, second readings etc must be definitively concluded by 17 December, 2014, Wednesday, 18 hrs. 12 Consultations: preferably before and after class and also during office hours, Mondays and Wednesdays 17-19 hrs, room FT 304/sign up sheet available and needed/. In case of exceptional circumstances you may want to use the e-mail and/or ask for a special appointment. In case of doubt please do not hesitate to raise the issues before exam/deadline etc. The departmental phone is 327-30-17, fax 327-32-43, my email: csabal@ceu.hu , my personal website for further downloadable materials: www.csabal.com Budapest, 14 July, 2014. Prof. László CSABA/IRES