The Following Scholarships have Approaching Deadlines February Update Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Suntrust Scholarship Sweepstakes A winner is chosen every two weeks from October 28, 2011 to May 11, 2012. $1,000 May 11, 2012. Enter online at Spartanburg Methodist College Scholar Program Full tuition package for students who graduate with a 3.0 GPA. Full Tuition Spartanburg Methodist College Early Decision Scholarship Award based on when the reservation deposit is made for the upcoming year. $500-$1500 ? Light Up A Life Scholarship Program For children of current employees or volunteers of Greenville Hospital System or active teen volunteers. Varies March 15, 2012. Apply at Alpha Delta Kappa Scholarship For female seniors planning to pursue a career in education. $500.00 February 27, 2012. See Guidance for an application. Charleston Women in International Trade Scholarship For males and females pursuing a degree specific to international trade or related course of study. $1,500 (2) February 29, 2012. See Guidance for an application. Kohl’s Cares Scholarship Program For young volunteers ages 6-18 who have made a positive impact on their communities. Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline varies March 15, 2012. Apply at Bi-Lo Urban Scholarship Must excel academically, be involved in extracurricular activities, be accepted by an accredited college or university and demonstrate need for financial assistance. $2500 March 15, 2012. See Guidance for an application. SCC Scholarships Scholarships available in all fields of study. Varies July 2, 2012. See Guidance for applications. 2012 Nina Neely Scholarship Essay Contest Reformed Universal Masonic Brotherhood and Order of the Eastern Star, Inc. will award a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place scholarship to winners of the annual essay contest. The topic is, “Has technology helped or harmed the world?”. 1st - $1,000; 2nd - $600; 3rd - $400 March 13, 2012. See Guidance for an application. Alpha Phi Alpha Chapter Scholarship Fund High School graduate of Spartanburg County Schools; pursuing a 4 year degree at an accredited college or university in USA. $1,000 ?- Contact Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, PO Box 5951, Spartanburg, SC 29304. Call Me Mister For African-American males interested in the teaching profession. Varies Check online at http://www.clemsonedu/hehd/departments/education/researchservice/callmemister/. The Hub City Writers Project For creative writers in Spartanburg County who will attend a 4 year college in fall 2012 and has a 3.0 GPA. $1,000 (2) March 31, 2012. See Guidance for more information. The Ben Burfete and Workman Cantrell Memorial Scholarship Fund Spartanburg County High School Graduate; member of the Tippers Club. Varies ?- See Guidance for an application. Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description The Laura M. Fleming Scholarship Fund Must be a child of Founders Federal Credit Union members to attend an accredited college, vocational or technical school. Scholarships are awarded based on academic merit, financial need and involvement in activities. $1,000-$2,500 March 1, 2012. Apply online at or Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Epsilon Beta Omega Chapter Scholarship Must have 3.0 GPA or above and must be accepted by a 4 year college. $1,000 March 22, 2012. See Guidance for application. Southern Wesleyan University Fellow Scholarship Covers tuition, room, board and most academically related fees for students designated as SC Palmetto Fellows. Up to $29,600 Go to Spartanburg County Livestock Producers’ Association Scholarship Must be accepted to Clemson University with a major in one of the fields offered by the College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Life Sciences. $500 per semester March 15, 2012. See Guidance for an application. CAWS Scholarships For females majoring in the medical field or education. $500-$1,000 March 1, 2012. Go to for applications. The Christian Connector Scholarship Search The Christian Connector, Inc. is offering the online Christian College Scholarship Resource Program free of charge. Request information and you will be entered in a $2,500 scholarship drawing. varies Go to Robert M. Carlisle Memorial Scholarship Fund Must attend Wofford College and have a financial need. $1,000 ?- Contact the Wofford College Financial Aid Office for more information. The Helen V. Cole/Butler Scholarship Fund Attend Claflin College; Member of United Methodist Church in Spartanburg County. Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Dependent on need ?- Application Source: Helen V. Cole/Butler Scholarship Fund; PO Box 655, Roebuck, SC 29376 Bobby Chapman Junior Golf Foundation Fund May or may not be a golfer, must be seeking bachelor’s degree, have a 2.5 GPA or better. $2,500 and $5,000 March 30, 2012- Contact Guidance or Golf coach for application. Civitan Club of Spartanburg Scholarship Fund Physically/mentally impaired, but able to enter and matriculate through institute of higher learning; 2.0 GPA or better. $500-$1,000 Information and Application Source: Guidance, Financial Aid Offices of Spartanburg County Colleges, SC School for Deaf and Blind. Cammie Fludd Clagett Scholarship Fund African American graduates of Spartanburg County High Schools and must exhibit financial need. $500-$3,000 Information and Application Source: Cammie Clagett Scholarship Fund, c/o Mr. Charles Ragin, PO Box 970, Sptbg., SC 29304. Covenant Presbyterian Church Scholarship Fund Spartanburg County Student; Active member of Covenant Presbyterian Church; Financial Need. $1,000 ?- Application Source: Covenant Presbyterian Church, 880 WO Ezell Blvd., Spartanburg, SC 29301. Janet Ellis Scholarship Fund Award is determined by the SC Federation of Business & Professional Women’s Clubs Inc. Educational Foundation. Varies Application Source: SC Federation of Business & Professional Women’s Clubs Inc.; Cathy McCabe ( Faris Scholarship Fund Dependents of employees of Oilmen’s Equipment Corp., Oilmen’s Truck Tanks, Inc., OEC Fluid Handling, OEC Petroleum Systems, Corrugated Containers. Varies Application Source: Oilmen’s Equipment Cop Human Resource Department. J. Howard & Blanche Chapman Foster/Bethel United Methodist Church Scholarship Fund Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Interested in Full-Time Ministry; Preference given to members of Bethel United Methodist Church. Up to $2,000. Application Source: Bethel United Methodist Church, 245 S. Church Street, Spartanburg, SC 29306. Marche Gault Scholarship Program Fund Resident of Spartanburg City Public Housing $1,000 Application Source: Housing Authority of Spartanburg. Paul High American Legion Post 45 Baseball Scholarship Fund Inman area High School Graduate $500 Application Source: Mr. Haskell Penland, 48 Bridges Street, Inman, SC 29349. Eva S. Hoffman Scholarship Fund Priority given to members of the Central UMC Spartanburg, SC. Varies Application Source: Central UMC Scholarship Committee Kiwanis Educational Fund Must be a Spartanburg County High School Graduate planning to attend Wofford, Converse, USC Upstate, or SMC. Up to $3,500 March I, 2012. See Guidance for an application. H. Gene Lee Memorial Scholarship Fund Graduating female athlete of a Spartanburg County High School. Varies Application Source: Spartanburg County Parks and Recreation, PO Box 5666, Spartanburg, SC 29304. Daniel Morgan ROTC Fund Must be a Piedmont Section of SC ROTC Cadet. $1,000 Application Source: Daniel Morgan ROTC, c/o LTC Robert Moran, USAF (Ret), 109 Pinepoint Drive, Sptbg., SC 29302. Jon H. Poteat Scholarship Fund Must be a National Vocation Technical Honor Society member. Up to $1,000 Application Source: NVTHS, PO Box 1336, Flat Rock, NC 28731. Emil Rusch Memorial Scholarship Fund Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Graduate of the Machine Tool Technology Program at Swofford Career Center. $1,000 Contact Swofford Career Center for more information. SCCF John Alden Squires Memorial Alumni Scholarship Fund Must be a Spartanburg County High School Graduate and enroll at SCC as a full time student. Varies Contact SCC Financial Aid Office. SCCF Todd Reynolds Memorial Scholarship Fund Must be seeking an Associate’s Degree in Industrial Electronics at Spartanburg Community College. $1,000 Contact SCC Financial Aid Office. SCCF Wil Myers Scholarship Fund Must enroll in Spartanburg Community College in one of the following programs: Civil Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Basic Electronics, Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning, Welding and Continuing Education in Building Construction. Varies Contact Spartanburg Community College. Scholastic Sportsmanship Foundation Scholarship Fund Young athletes who meet certain criteria promoted by the Sponsor. These athletes will be identified both regionally and nationally. Varies Contact Scholastic Sportsmanship Foundation; PO Box 579, Flat Rock, NC 28731. SC School Plant Management Association Scholarship Fund South Carolina High School Graduate Up to $1,000 SC School Plant Management Association website: http// or contact Mr. Mike Johnson, 3999 Bridge View Driver, Charleston, SC 29405. Dr. and Mrs. B.T. Sears, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund Member of Cornerstone Baptist Church Varies Contact Cornerstone Baptist Church Ellen Hines Smith Girls’ Home Scholarship Fund Resident or former resident of Ellen Hines Smith Girl’s Home Up to $1,000 Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Award Deadline Scholarship Description Contact Ellen Hines Smith Girl’s Home, PO Box 1731, Spartanburg, SC 29304. The Jennifer Leigh Smith Memorial Swimming Scholarship Fund Must be a graduate from a SC high school and planning to attend a 4 year college with a bonafide swimming program. Varies Contact Mike Smith, 101 Lindmont Drive, Greenville, SC 29607 The Coach Snipes Memorial Scholarship Fund Graduating from any SC High School Varies Contact the Guidance Office. Spartanburg County Livestock Producers’ Association General Fund Spartanburg County Student; Must be planning to attend the College of Agriculture at Clemson University. $1,000 per year March 15, 2012. Contact the Guidance Office for application. ST. Paul United Methodist Church Youth Scholarship Fund Must be an active member of St. Paul United Methodist Church $500 Contact St. Paul United Methodist Church Susan Y. West Memorial Art Scholarship Fund Graduating senior from a Spartanburg County public high school or the SC School for the Deaf and Blind; enrolled in an arts program in a college or university in SC. $2,000 Contact the Guidance Office. Ruby Hawkins West Memorial Scholarship Fund Spartanburg County High School Graduate, pursuing higher education in the US Varies Contact the Guidance Office. J.P. Coates/SCACT Scholarship Must be graduating from a public high school in SC and planning to attend a 4-year college or university and pursue a career in education. $1,000 May 15, 2012 Buick Achievers Scholarship Program For students who plan to enroll full time in a 4 year college or university in fall 2012 and plan to major in a field of study that focuses on engineering, Award Deadline technology, design or business, with an interest in the automotive industry. Up to $25,000 per year February 29, 2012. Apply at