English Literature – Study Guide

English Literature – Study Guide
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
 What is the importance of the first part of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight?
 What part of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight suggest that there is a
supernatural element?
 What parts of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is characteristic of a medieval/
Arthurian romance?
 In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, why does Sir Gawain volunteer to fight
the Green Knight?
 How do the events in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight represent the ideals of
 In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Sir Gawain feigned courage because he
did not want to appear fearful. The word feigned means__________.
The Canterbury Tales
 What is Chaucer’s purpose in using the pilgrimage in the prologue?
 Whom do the pilgrims agree to set up as judge over themselves?
 Be able to identify an example of a direct characterization from a list of
 What theme does Chaucer convey in “The Prologue” to The Canterbury Tales?
 In “The Nun’s Priest’s Tale,” which character trait almost leads to
Chanticleer’s downfall?
 Why does Chanticleer tell Pertilote stories in “The Nun’s Priest’s Tale”?
 What is the moral of “The Nun’s Priest’s Tale”?
 In “The Pardoner’s Tale” the three rioters are sure that they can destroy
Death, and yet they fail to see that they are falling into his trap. This is an
example of what literary device?
 What is the meaning of the following passage from “The Pardoner’s Tale”?…if
it be your design/To find out Death, turn up the crooked way/Towards
that grove.
If left him there today/Under a tree, and there you’ll find him waiting.
 What is the moral of “The Pardoner’s Tale”?
 How do two of the rioters decide to increase their share of gold?
The Tragedy of Macbeth
1. What is the central theme of Act I of The Tragedy of Macbeth?
2. Based on the information in Act I, what seems to be Macbeth’s character
3. What important role do the witches play in Act I?
4. Based on information in Act I, what can the reader infer about King Duncan?
5. Which of the following best describes Macbeth’s feelings about the possible
assassination of King Duncan?
6. Why does Lady Macbeth think Macbeth has a poor chance of achieving
What do stage directions inform the reader of?
Throughout Act I, what motivates Macbeth’s plans and actions?
In what way is Lady Macbeth stronger than her husband?
Fill in the blank: Macbeth showed great __________ in battle.
In Act II, why does Lady Macbeth drug the servants of King Duncan?
Why does Macbeth declare he will “sleep no more”?
What does Macbeth really mean when he indicates that the blood on his
hands will redden all the seas?
What reason does Lady Macbeth give for not killing King Duncan herself?
What is the purpose of Act III?
What is the cause of Macbeth’s irrational behavior at the banquet?
What does Macbeth means when he says to Lady Macbeth, “We are yet but
young in deed”?
By the end of Act III, how has Macbeth changed since the beginning of the
What does Lady Macbeth mean when she says, “Nought’s had, all’s spent, /
Where our desire is got without content…”?
In Act III, why is Macbeth glad that Banquo will not arrive to the banquet on
Why does the witch say, in Act IV, “Something wicked this way comes”?
After visiting the witches, why does Macbeth initially change his mind and
decide not to have Macduff killed?
Which of the following best describes how Shakespeare portrays Macduff’s
son in Act IV?
In Act IV, scene iii, what finally convinces Malcolm that Macduff is loyal?
In Act IV, which lines best express how Malcolm feels about Scottland?
The end of Act IV foreshadows an important conflict between which
Why does Macbeth visit the witches in Act IV?
What sense does the following quotation appeal to? This tyrant, whose sole
name blisters our tongues./Was once thought honest.
What is the main message of The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act V, Scene i, which
includes Lady Macbeth’s sleepwalking scene?
In Act V, Scene iii, what does Macbeth’s behavior toward the servant who
comes to deliver a message ultimately show about Macbeth’s character?
In Act V, in what way does Macbeth revert to his former self?
Why does Shakespeare have Macbeth display certain admirable traits at the
end of the play?