The Kings Party 1999

The Kings Party
The wine flowed and the food was plenty. As he looked around the
room the King saw all of his subjects having fun and enjoying his
His party, but he was not enjoying it, he was bored. Once more he
drank wine from his goblet and placed it back on the table. As soon
as he did this, a young serving girl refilled it. He stared at the girl, she
was very beautiful - blonde and slim. Their eyes met and the girl
'What is your name girl?' He asked.
'Annie, Sir.' She replied in a soft voice.
Once more she blushed and hurried away. The King watched her go
and smiled to himself. As Annie hurried away, another young serving
girl approached. She was equally as beautiful, but her hair was
longer than Annie's.
'Is there anything else that I can get for you Sir?' She asked.
The King smiled at her. 'What is your name girl?'
'Tawnii Sir.' She replied.
'And what is your purpose in this castle Tawnii?'
'To serve you in any way that I can Sir.
Once more the King smiled.
He stood up and the room fell silent. 'Who is the best headsman in
the castle?' He demanded.
'I am Sir.' Came a shout from the left of the room
'Nay, I am Sir.' Came a call from the right.
The King laughed out loud.
'Well Tawnii,' he said, 'They both say that they are the best - how do
we find out who is really the best.'
'They should prove themselves Sir.' She suggested.
'Oh,' he replied. 'A competition, now that should liven things up a
She smiled at his approval to her suggestion.
'Men,' he called 'Come forward.'
The men approached the top table and awaited there orders.
'One question Tawnii,' said the King 'We're going to need a couple of
volunteers aren't we?'
'Yes Sir.' She replied. As she spoke, she looked across to Annie and
smiled. Annie returned to the table and they both looked up at the
'It would be our pleasure to volunteer.' They told him.
'Good,' he laughed 'On with the competition.'
The girls turned and walked towards the two headsmen.
One of the men was given an axe, the other a sword.
The girls dropped to their knees and turned back to face the King.
'Well get on with it,' he commanded 'Lets get these two lovely heads
chopped off.'
The headsman with the sword stepped up behind Annie. Taking aim
he gently placed the blade at the back of her neck. As the cold steel
touched her skin, Annie felt herself orgasm. She blushed, hoping that
nobody else had noticed.
The headsman looked to the King, who nodded.
He brought back the sword and with incredible accuracy swung it
back. It sliced through her neck, chopping her beautiful head clean
off, sending it falling to the floor.
The King applauded, 'Next!' He shouted.
A block was brought forward and placed in front of Tawnii.
Obligingly, she bent forward and stretched her neck out onto the
block. The headsman stepped up and moved her long dark hair to
one side, giving him a clear target. Like his colleague, he looked to
the King and awaited the command. The King nodded. The
headsman lifted the axe, he paused then brought it crashing back
The razor sharp blade chopped straight through her neck and her
beautiful head fell to the floor.
Once more, the King stood and applauded.
'I can't decide who is the best from one chop each,' he announced,
'Bring on two more serving girls.'........................................
To Be Continued.