How To Keep Your Pets Safe This Holiday Season

How to Keep Pets Safe This Holiday Season
With the holidays around the corner everyone is busy preparing for the fun and excitement but
it is important to keep our furry friends safe as well so that they can enjoy the season too. The
interesting new foods and decorations can be very tempting to our pets and can get them into
some trouble. Here are some examples of things pet owners should be aware of during this
holiday season:
Tinsel, Gift Ribbon and Ornaments
Even though tinsel and ribbon are not toxic it is very attractive to pets,
especially cats. It can be very fun to play with but once it is consumed it
can quickly become fatal as it twists and turns in your pet’s intestines and
immediate veterinary care is needed.
Ornaments are often made of plastic or glass and when your pet’s
curiosity gets the best of them they can break into small pieces. If
ingested they can be a choking hazard or cut the inside of your pets
mouth, throat or intestines.
Snow Globes
Snow globes can contain ethylene glycol (antifreeze) and if broken can cause a lot of harm.
The sweet taste of antifreeze is tempting for pets to lick up but if they do you will need to go to
the veterinarian immediately. Toxic symptoms include difficulty walking, vomiting, panting,
lethargy, coma, and acute kidney failure leading to death. The glass or plastic pieces can also
cause lacerations to the mouth, throat or digestive tract.
Holiday Lighting and Candles
Hanging up lights makes the holiday season come alive but for pets that like to chew it can be
a serious health hazard. For these pets chewing on
electrical cords can lead to tongue lacerations, electrical
burns and possibly even death. Make sure to check
lighting for signs of fraying, chewing and always use a
grounded three-pronged cord as a safety precaution.
Pocket pets need to be watched extra carefully as they
tend to explore with their mouths!
If you have candles on display make sure they are in an
area where your pets cannot reach them and they are
stable enough not to knock over. The hot wax of the
candle can burn the pads of their paws and also create
a fire hazard!
Holiday Plants
Christmas Tree Pine Needles – If ingested these can cause oral irritation, vomiting, diarrhea,
lethargy, trembling and posterior weakness. Pine needles can also get imbedded in your pet’s
paws if playing around the tree. Tree water can cause an upset stomach due to the bacteria in
the stagnant water. It can also be toxic to your pet if any chemicals are added to keep it fresh
for longer, so make sure the label says it is safe for pets!
Mistletoe – If ingested can cause significant vomiting and diarrhea, difficulty breathing,
collapse, erratic behaviour, hallucinations and possibly death.
Holly – If ingested can cause intense vomiting, diarrhea and depression.
Poinsettias – If ingested can cause irritation to the mouth and stomach and sometimes
Lilies & Daffodils – If ingested can cause vomiting, diarrhea, cardiac arrhythmias, convulsions,
kidney failure and death. Lilies are toxic to cats while daffodils are toxic to both cats and dogs,
especially the bulbs.
Amaryllis – If ingested can cause vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, increased drooling,
respiratory depression, anorexia and tremors.
- Cats like to explore their surroundings by brushing up against things in their home. This
could cause pollen to fall off of the plant onto their fur to be ingested later when they
groom themselves.
Holiday Food
Fat Trimmings – Fat trimmed from meat (both cooked and uncooked) as well as gravy fed in
excess can cause an upset stomach, pancreatitis and can be potentially fatal.
Bones – Even though it seems natural to give your dog a bone, they can often choke on it.
Bones can also splinter and cause an obstruction or laceration in the digestive tract. Be careful
of animals digging through the garbage bin to find them! The string from the meat bones can
also cause an obstruction if eaten.
Onions & Garlic – Onions contain a substance that destroys red blood cells and causes
anemia. Garlic contains a similar substance but in a lower amount.
Nuts – Almonds, walnuts (non-moldy) and pistachios can cause stomach upset or an
obstruction in your dog’s throat or stomach. Macadamia nuts and moldy walnuts can be toxic
causing seizures or neurological signs, lethargy, vomiting and loss of muscle control.
Chocolate – Chocolate contains a substance called theobromine and its levels can vary
depending on what type it is. The
darker the chocolate the more
dangerous and toxic it is! If ingested it
can cause vomiting, diarrhea, tremors,
seizures and in severe cases, death.
Fruitcake, Grapes & Raisins – All parts
of the grape are toxic to dogs even in
small quantities and should be taken
seriously. Fruitcake often contains
raisins and if ingested it can cause
vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, increased
thirst and acute renal failure.
Candies – The artificial sweetener xylitol is being used in a lot of candies and sweets so be
careful what is left within your pets reach! Xylitol stimulates the release of insulin which creates
a drop in blood sugar resulting in severe hypoglycemia and liver failure. Symptoms include
vomiting, weakness, lethargy, tremors, difficulty walking, seizures and coma.
Alcohol – Alcoholic drinks can be very sweet tasting to our pets and if left unattended and
ingested they could become weak, ill and even go into a coma which could result in death from
respiratory failure.
Party Guests
Parties and having friends over can create lasting memories but it can also be very stressful for
our pets too. The unfamiliar faces and loud noises can be overwhelming for them. You can
exercise your dog beforehand and give them a special chew toy to keep them distracted. If
they seem stressed, put them in a quiet room away from all of the noise and people. Cats will
probably choose to hide all on their own.
If any toxicity is suspected don’t hesitate to contact your veterinarian. The quicker any toxicity
is treated, the better the outcome, so please don’t wait until your pet becomes very ill. The
holidays can be a fun and festive time for all and if the proper steps are taken everyone can
enjoy them together!