Progress Monitoring Sheet

Student Progress Monitoring
9th Grade Evolutionary Theory Unit 7
Opportunities for Learning
We will learn how natural selection produces change in populations, not individuals, by understanding… (7C)
A. How allele frequencies change in populations.
B. That changes occur gradually over many generations.
C. Changes must allow the species to continue reproducing.
We will learn how the elements of natural selection by understanding...(7D)
A. How inherited variation can be seen through inherited traits. Ex. beak: types and sizes.
B. How more diversity within a population produces more chances for a population to survive.
C. How limited resources can affect a populations reproductive success.
We will learn how natural selection is related to adaptations and development of a variety of species by
understanding ... (7E)
A. That environmental pressure such as competition, resource availability, and environmental disruption
cause stabilizing, directional, and disruptive selection.
B. That new species (Speciation) can arise through allelic frequency changes.
C. How species are specialized through their individual environment (adaptive radiation).
We will learn how the effects of other evolutionary mechanisms, including genetic drift, gene flow, mutation, and
recombination; and causes a change in species population by understanding… (7F)
Random Environmental Occurrences can change allelic frequency (genetic drift)
Immigration/Emigration can change allelic frequencies (gene flow)
Changes in DNA sequencing can effect allelic frequencies (mutations)
Genetic Material broken and joined to other genetic material (recombination)
Size of Population has effect on genetic diversity
We will analyze and evaluate scientific explanations concerning the complexity of the cell by understanding…
The origin and evolution of cells
Difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
The endosymbiotic theory is an explanation of the progression from prokaryotic to eukaryotic cells
Cells become more specific in function as we move from unicellular to multicellular organisms
What are my strengths?
Where do I need to improve?
What actions do I need to take?