Assessment Report Standard Format July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012 PROGRAM(S) ASSESSED ______Nursing – Doctor of Nursing Practice________________ ASSESSMENT COORDINATOR _____Donna Miles Curry, Associate Dean for Graduate Programs YEAR __________ of a __________YEAR CYCLE 1. ASSESSMENT MEASURES EMPLOYED The CONH has an Education Quality Improvement Plan (EQUIP) that is implemented by the Program Assessment Committee. Outcome measures used specific to the Graduate Program include: graduate end-of-program evaluation AACN EBI reports (American Association of Colleges of Nursing Education Benchmarking) AACN Essentials of Doctoral Education in Nursing ANA Standards for Professional Practice Specialty organization standards CCNE and NLNAC standards Graduate outcomes 2. ASSESSMENT FINDINGS List the objectives and outcomes assessed during the year, and briefly describe the findings for each. See attached DNP assessment plan 3. RESPONSE TO ASSESSMENT FINDINGS List planned or actual changes (if any) to curriculum, teaching methods, facilities, or services that are in response to the assessment findings. CONH graduate curricula are developed, implemented, and revised by faculty as appropriate. In general the CONH curricula are congruent with the program’s mission, goals, and expected student outcomes and reflect relevant professional nursing standards and guidelines. Some minor revisions: Admission process has been revised. Clinical expectations for final practicum have been revised.. 4. ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES FOR COMING YEAR Briefly describe the learning outcomes to be assessed during the upcoming year and the measures that will be used to assess them. Learning outcomes will be based on: 5. UNIVERSITY LEARNING OUTCOME ASSESSMENT As part of the HLC Academy project, each program of study will eventually assess two University Learning Outcomes in required courses in the major. One outcome will be assessed in 2014-15, and the second will be added in 2015-16. Identify the two ULOs that will be assessed and, if possible, the likely course(s) to be used. Learning outcomes to focus on will include #3 and 7 below. University Learning Outcomes: Wright State graduates from the Master’s in Nursing program will be able to: 1. communicate effectively 2. demonstrate mathematical literacy 3. evaluate arguments and evidence critically NUR 7005 Research and Evidence-based Practice 4. apply the methods of inquiry of the natural sciences, social sciences, and the arts and humanities 5. demonstrate global and multicultural competence 6. demonstrate understanding of contemporary social and ethical issues 7. participate in democratic society as informed and civically engaged citizens – NUR 7003 Policy DNP CONSORTIUM PROGRAM ASSESSMENT PLAN Data Collection Criterion Courses Program Objectives/Expected Student/Learning Outcome Eval. Instrument/ Source of Data Data Review Process Responsible Person(s) Frequency of Data Collection Who analyzes How often How Results are Used / Documented Data Collection Criterion Courses 1. Scientific Basis of Nsg. Research (701/820) 2. Evidence Based Nsg. Practice in Direct Care (clinical experience) (708/840) 3. Evidence Based Adm. in Complex Health Systems (indirect care) (clinical experience) (718/841) 4. IT in Nursing and Health Care (705/834) Program Objectives/Expected Student/Learning Outcome 1. Synthesize knowledge derived from a strong scientific foundation in order to demonstrate expertise in advanced clinical nursing practice to improve delivery of care. (Ess. 1, & 7 & 8) Data Review Process Eval. Instrument/ Source of Data Responsible Person(s) Frequency of Data Collection Who analyzes How often How Results are Used / Documented Formative Evaluation of Program 1. Faculty evaluations 2. Course evaluations 3. Clinical evaluations (if app.) Program Director Each Term WSU & UT Program Assessment Committee (PMC) Yearly Data from selected, applicable sources are reviewed by Program Assessment Committees, Graduate Curriculum Committees and the Program Management Council (PMC) per College’s Committee Bylaws. Summary data sent to University Assessment Committee for review (UT). Recommendati ons for revision with rationale can be made to the specific course faculty, general nursing faculty (if applicable) or the respective curriculum committees and reviewed and approved, if indicated, by the respective Summative Evaluation of Program 1.End of Program Survey 2. Alumni Survey 3. Employer Survey Course Faculty WSU & UT Graduate Curriculum Committee University of Toledo Assessment Committee Data Collection Criterion Courses 1. Organ. and Systems Leadership (clinical exp.) (702/830) 2. Quality Mgt. and P.I. in Health Care (clinical exp.) (703/832) 3. Capstone Practicum (clinical exp.) (797/850) 4. Capstone Practicum (clinical exp.)(798/851) 5. Evidence Based Nursing Practice in Direct Care (clinical exp.) (708/840) 6. Evidence Based Adm. in Complex Health Sys(indirect)(clinical experience) (718/841) 7. IT in Nursing & HSC (705/834) Program Objectives/Expected Student/Learning Outcome 2. Demonstrate continuous quality improvement in patient care situations while providing leadership in clinical decision making through use of information systems and technology for the improvement and transformation of health care. (Ess. 2 & 4) Eval. Instrument/ Source of Data Formative Evaluation of Program 1. Faculty evaluations 2. Course evaluations 3. Clinical evaluations (if app.) Summative Evaluation of Program 1.End of Program Survey 2. Alumni Survey 3. Employer Survey Data Review Process Responsible Person(s) Program Directors Course Faculty Frequency of Data Collection Who analyzes How often How Results are Used / Documented Each Term WSU & UT Program Assessment Committee Yearly Data from selected applicable sources are reviewed by the Program Assessment Committees, Graduate Curriculum Committee and the Program Management Council (PMC) per the Committee Bylaws. Summary data sent to University Assessment Committee for review UT). Recommendatio ns for revision with rationale can be made to the specific course faculty, general nursing faculty or the respective curriculum committees and reviewed and approved, if indicated, by the respective Faculty Assemblies. Results of committee action PMC WSU & UT Graduate Curriculum Committee University of Toledo Assessment Committee Data Collection Criterion Courses 1. Applied Nursing Research (704/825) 2. Project Seminar (709/895) 3. Evidence Based Practice Project (710/899) 4. Evidence Based Nursing Practice in Direct Care (clinical experience) (708/840) 5. Evidence Based Administration in Complex Health Systems (indirect)(clinical experience) (718/841) Program Objectives/Expected Student/Learning Outcome 3. Use clinical scholarship and analytical methods to implement safe, quality improvement in administration of patient care. (Ess. 3) Data Review Process Eval. Instrument/ Source of Data Responsible Person(s) Frequency of Data Collection Who analyzes How often How Results are Used / Documented Formative Evaluation of Program 1. Faculty evaluations 2. Course evaluations 3. Clinical evaluations (if app.) Program Directors Each Term WSU & UT Program Assessment Committee Yearly Data from selected applicable sources are reviewed by the Program Assessment Committees, Graduate Curriculum Committee and the Program Management Council (PMC) per the Committee Bylaws. Summary data sent to University Assessment Committee for review (UT). Recommendati ons for revision with rationale can be made to the specific course faculty, general nursing faculty or the respective curriculum committees and reviewed and approved, if indicated, by the respective Faculty Summative Evaluation of Program 1.End of Program Survey 2. Alumni Survey 3. Employer Survey Course Faculty PMC WSU & UT Graduate Curriculum Committee University of Toledo Assessment Committee Data Collection Criterion Courses 1. Population Health (706/827) 2. Capstone Practicum: Direct Care (clinical experience) (797/850) 3. Capstone Practicum: Indirect Care (clinical experience) ( 798/851) 4. Evidence Based Nursing Practice in Direct Care (clinical experience) (708/840) 5. Evidence Based Administration in Complex Health Systems (indirect)(clinical experience) (718/841) Program Objectives/Expected Student/Learning Outcome 4. Encourage interprofessional collaboration and teamwork to enhance and improve population health outcomes. (Ess. 6 & 7) Data Review Process Eval. Instrument/ Source of Data Responsible Person(s) Frequency of Data Collection Who analyzes How often How Results are Used / Documented Formative Evaluation of Program 1. Faculty evaluations 2. Course evaluations 3. Clinical evaluations (if app.) Program Directors Each Term WSU & UT Program Assessment Committees Yearly Data from selected applicable sources are reviewed by the Program Assessment Committees, Graduate Curriculum Committee and the Program Management Council (PMC) per the Committee Bylaws. Summary data sent to University Assessment Committee for review (UT). Recommendati ons for revision with rationale can be made to the specific course faculty, general nursing faculty or the respective curriculum committees and reviewed and approved, if indicated, by the respective Faculty Summative Evaluation of Program 1.End of Program Survey 2. Alumni Survey 3. Employer Survey Course Faculty PMC WSU & UT Graduate Curriculum Committee University of Toledo Assessment Committee Data Collection Criterion Courses 1.Capstone Practicum: Direct Care (797/850) 2. Capstone Practicum: Indirect Care (798/851) 3. Applied Nursing Research (704/825) 4. Scientific Basis of Nursing Practice (701/820) Program Objectives/Expected Student/Learning Outcome 5. Engage in influencing the development and implementation of health policy that provides an interface between practice, research, and policy development. (Ess. 5) Data Review Process Eval. Instrument/ Source of Data Responsible Person(s) Frequency of Data Collection Who analyzes How often How Results are Used / Documented Formative Evaluation of Program 1. Faculty evaluations 2. Course evaluations 3. Clinical evaluations (if app.) Program Directors Each Term WSU & UT Program Assessment Committee Yearly Data from selected applicable sources are reviewed by the Program Assessment Committees, Graduate Curriculum Committee and the Program Management Council (PMC) per the Committee Bylaws. Summary data sent to University Assessment Committee for review (UT).Recomm endations for revision with rationale can be made to the specific course faculty, general nursing faculty or the respective curriculum committees and reviewed and approved, if indicated, by the respective Faculty Summative Evaluation of Program 1.End of Program Survey 2. Alumni Survey 3. Employer Survey Course Faculty PMC WSU & UT Graduate Curriculum Committee University of Toledo Assessment Committee Process Guidelines: 1. Describe the process by which FINDINGS will be derived from the measures. Faculty who teach in final practicum courses report their analysis of any trends in student performance in these final courses in the Course Report/Clinical Mentor Evaluation/Course Evaluation filed with the Associate Dean’s office (WSU & UT). Program Assessment committees (standing College faculty committees at WSU and UT) and the Program Management Council (PMC) review data from course reports (end of program, alumni and employer surveys one year and three years after the first cohort graduates) on an annual basis. They analyze trends in data and make recommendations for quality improvement to faculty, administrators, and the college curriculum committees as deemed appropriate. 2. Process by which findings are analyzed to determine what IMPROVEMENTS should be made to better meet objectives and learning outcomes. Program Assessment committees and the PMC can make specific recommendations for improvements to the general nursing faculty, specific course faculty, curriculum committees. They can also make recommendations that curriculum committees form task forces to examine and recommend improvements (per the Bylaws of the WSU/UT Committees). 3. Briefly explain how the program’s assessment plan supports and interacts with ` ACCREDITATION requirements. The W.S. U. College of Nursing and Health is currently accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education. The U.T. College of Nursing also is currently accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education. Requirements of this organization include regular assessment and self study for quality improvements. Both Universities meet criteria for accreditation as specified in the Standards for Accreditation published by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education. 4. Describe how the objectives and learning outcomes of the program are communicated to students and others. Students receive information on program objectives and learning outcomes in their College DNP Student Handbooks. These handbooks are emailed to students with their admission acceptance letter and made available at scheduled graduate student orientation sessions and on college web pages. Other Possible Outcome Measures: Students are evaluated based on the learning outcomes in the designated courses and the final practicum courses specified for each track. They are expected to maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 or above, complete an Evidence Based Practice Project and graduate. Clinical mentors and students provide input to faculty who evaluate the students as either passing or failing the course. Alumni will be surveyed at 1 and 3 years after graduation. Employers will be surveyed via the alumni that they employ at 1 and 3 years after graduation.