Journal of Biogeography SUPPORTING INFORMATION Thresholds and the species–area relationship: a synthetic analysis of habitat island datasets Thomas J. Matthews, Manuel J. Steinbauer, Elli Tzirkalli, Kostas A. Triantis and Robert J. Whittaker Appendix S1 Data source paper summaries and reference list. Description of the source papers, including taxa, habitat island type, species richness, island area range, number of islands, and the corresponding best island species–area models across each data transformation. The full references follow the table. Study Taxon Habitat Richness island range type ArroyoRodríguez & Mandujano (2006) Plants Forest Báldi & Kisbenedek (1999) Invertebrates Nonforest Area range (km2) Number of islands Untransformed Semi-log transformation Log–log transformation 53-83 0.010.756 15 None significant None significant None significant 1-15 0.000180.4 27 None significant Piecewise continuous (shallow–steep) Piecewise noslope Bauer (1989) Invertebrates Nonforest 46-58 0.0020.14 8 None significant None significant None significant Baz et al. (1995) Invertebrates Forest 26-43 0.03621.15 13 None significant None significant None significant Bell & Donelly (2006) Reptiles Forest 10-24 0.01430.0688 9 Linear regression (positive) Piecewise noslope Piecewise noslope Bennet (1997) Plants Nonforest 1741353 0.03246568 18 Piecewise continuous (steep–shallow) Piecewise continuous (shallow–steep) Piecewise discontinuous Blake (1986) Birds Forest 39-84 0.018-6 14 None significant None significant None significant Blake & Karr (1984) Birds Forest 4-24 0.018-6 12 Piecewise continuous (steep–shallow) Linear regression (positive) Piecewise discontinuous Bowers & McLaughlin (1982) Plants Nonforest 1951574 1.26-4930 20 None significant Linear regression (positive) Linear regression (positive) Brown & Hutchings (1997) Invertebrates Forest 120-242 0.01-1 12 Piecewise continuous (steep–shallow) Linear regression (positive) Linear regression (positive) Carter-Lovejoy (1982) Mammals 3-7 0.00160.036 14 Linear regression (Positive) Piecewise noslope Piecewise noslope Nonforest Carter-Lovejoy (1982) Plants Nonforest 25-49 0.00160.036 14 None significant None significant None significant Castelletta et al. (2005) Birds Nonforest 49-98 0.07-9.35 10 Piecewise continuous (steep–shallow) Piecewise continuous (steep–shallow) Piecewise continuous (steep–shallow) Cayuela et al. (2006) Plants Forest 12-79 0.7156.64 16 None significant None significant None significant Crooks (2002) Mammals Nonforest 2-7 0.02-1.02 29 None significant None significant None significant Crooks et al. (2001) Birds Nonforest 0-7 0.02-1.02 30 Linear regression (positive) Linear regression (positive) Piecewise continuous (steep–shallow) Crowe (1979) Plants Nonforest 9-69 0.0001110.007371 26 Piecewise continuous (steep–shallow) Piecewise discontinuous Piecewise discontinuous Darlington et al. (2001) Invertebrates Forest 0-11 0.0000040.0042 25 Piecewise discontinuous Linear regression (positive) Linear regression (positive) Dickman (1987) Mammals Nonforest 2-17 0.00160.2 50 None significant Piecewise continuous (steep–shallow) Piecewise continuous (steep–shallow) dos Anjos & Boçon (1999) Birds Forest 45-139 0.005-8.4 12 None significant Linear regression (positive) None significant dos Santos et al. (2007) Plants Forest 47-110 0.1240.634 10 None significant None significant None significant Dunn & Loehle (1988) Plants Forest 20-61 0.04-0.3 15 None significant None significant None significant Ferraz et al. (2003) Birds Forest 73-115 0.0111.012 11 Linear regression (positive) Linear regression (positive) Linear regression (positive) Flaspohler et al. (2010) Birds Forest 2-10 0.00070.557 18 Piecewise continuous (steep–shallow) Piecewise continuous (shallow–steep) Linear regression (positive) Ford (1987) Birds Forest 13-35 0.00140.18 20 Piecewise noslope Linear regression (positive) Piecewise discontinuous Ford (1987) Plants Nonforest 7-17 0.00140.18 20 None significant Piecewise noslope Linear regression (positive) Forman et al. (1976) Birds Forest 0-18 0.00010.24 10 None significant Piecewise noslope: FS Linear regression (positive) Frank & Battisti Birds (2005) Forest 2-25 0.00125.2564 16 Linear regression (positive) Linear regression (positive) Piecewise continuous (steep–shallow) 21-56 0.0530.431 9 None significant None significant None Significant Gaublomme et al. (2008) Invertebrates Nonforest Godefroid & Koedam (2003) Plants Forest 25-56 0.02-1.23 11 Piecewise continuous (steep–shallow) None significant Piecewise continuous (steep–shallow) Granados et al. (2001) Plants Nonforest 160-592 0.20214.164 10 Linear regression (positive) Linear regression (positive) Linear regression (positive) Hamel et al. (1993) Birds Forest 11-23 0.17-3.04 32 None significant None significant None significant Hattori & Ishida (2000) Plants Forest 19-110 0.000030.0784 38 Piecewise discontinuous Piecewise discontinuous Piecewise continuous (steep–shallow) Ishida et al. (1998) Plants Forest 18-84 0.000250.164 29 None significant Piecewise noslope Linear regression (positive) Kelt (2000) Mammals Forest 3-6 0.01891.249 14 None significant None significant None significant Kitchener et al. (1980) Mammals Nonforest 2-13 0.3451.19 23 Linear regression (positive) Linear regression (positive) Piecewise continuous (steep–shallow) Kitchener et al. (1982) Birds Nonforest 29-107 0.3451.19 22 None significant Piecewise continuous (steep–shallow) Piecewise continuous (steep–shallow) Kitchener et al. (1982) Plants Nonforest 37-288 0.3451.19 22 Linear regression Piecewise continuous Linear regression (positive) (shallow–steep) (positive) Lawesson et al. (1998) Plants Forest 28-102 0.0114.457 62 Linear regression (positive) Linear regression (positive) Linear regression (positive) Lawesson et al. (1998) Plants Forest 35-192 0.0114.457 62 Piecewise continuous (steep–shallow) Linear regression (positive) Linear regression (positive) Lehvävirta et al. (2006) Invertebrates Nonforest 2-23 0.009-3.4 15 Linear regression (negative) Piecewise noslope None significant Levenson (1981) Plants Forest 2-18 0.00030.3996 43 Piecewise discontinuous Piecewise discontinuous None significant Levenson (1981) Plants Forest 17-42 0.00030.3996 43 Piecewise discontinuous Piecewise discontinuous Piecewise discontinuous Levenson (1981) Plants Forest 8-35 0.00030.3996 43 None significant Piecewise discontinuous Piecewise discontinuous Lomolino & Perault (2001) Mammals Forest 1-8 0.00930.5891 20 None significant None significant None significant Lövei et al. (2006) Invertebrates Forest 10-29 0.4139.95 15 None significant None significant None significant Lovenzetti & Battisti (2007) Plants 9-22 0.00263.0248 20 None significant Linear regression (positive) Linear regression (positive) Forest Lovenzetti & Battisti (2007) Birds Forest 4-11 0.00263.0248 20 Piecewise continuous (steep–shallow) Linear regression (positive) Piecewise continuous (steep–shallow) Loyn (1997) Birds Forest 8-67 0.00197.33 56 None significant Piecewise continuous (steep–shallow) Piecewise continuous (steep–shallow) Lyman (1997) Mammals Forest 1-10 0.0071.094 12 None significant Piecewise noslope Linear regression (positive) Magura et al. (2001) Invertebrates Forest 10-29 0.411939.9546 15 None significant None significant None significant Matthiae & Strearns (1981) Mammals 4-13 0.004-0.4 22 Piecewise continuous (steep–shallow) Piecewise noslope Piecewise noslope McFrederick & LeBuhn (2006) Invertebrates Forest 1-3 0.00321.5864 18 None significant None significant None significant Metzger et al. (1997) Plants Forest 14-111 0.00630.7353 15 None significant Linear regression (positive) Linear regression (positive) Miller & Harris (1977) Mammals Nonforest 29-55 11421358 13 None significant None significant None significant Miyashita et al. (1998) Invertebrates Forest 7-39 0.002-50 17 None significant Piecewise continuous (steep–shallow) Piecewise continuous (steep–shallow) Forest Natuhara & Imai (1999) Birds Forest 3-44 0.0006647 31 None significant Piecewise continuous (shallow–steep) Piecewise discontinuous Newmark (1991) Birds Forest 2-18 0.0010.3002 9 Piecewise continuous (steep–shallow) Piecewise noslope Linear regression (positive) Onderdonk & Chapman (2000) Mammals Forest 1-4 0.008-1.3 20 None significant None significant None significant Pahl et al. (1988) Mammals Forest 1-5 0.02360.7449 11 Piecewise continuous (steep–shallow) Linear regression (positive) Linear regression (positive) Pearce et al. (2005) Invertebrates Forest 10-31 0.0050.112 10 Piecewise continuous (steep–shallow) None significant None significant Ramanamanjato Reptiles (2000) Forest 6-51 0.1-4.57 11 Linear regression (positive) Linear regression (positive) None significant Recher et al. (1987) Plants Forest 2-7 0.01680.1273 22 Linear regression (positive) Linear regression (positive) Linear regression (positive) Rosenblatt et al. (1999) Mammals Forest 8-14 0.018-6 10 None significant Linear regression (positive) Linear regression (positive) Shreeve & Mason (1980) Invertebrates Forest 1-22 0.02-1.75 22 Piecewise continuous (steep–shallow) Linear regression (positive) Linear regression (positive) Soulé et al. (1979) Mammals Nonforest 11-70 0.2-20808 19 None significant Linear regression (positive) Piecewise continuous (steep–shallow) Soulé et al. (1988) Birds Nonforest 0-7 0.0041.0277 37 Piecewise continuous (steep–shallow) Linear regression (positive) Linear regression (positive) Summerville et al. (2002) Invertebrates Nonforest 1-18 0.0000450.000225 25 Linear regression (positive) Linear regression (positive) Linear regression (positive) Tellería & Santos (1995) Birds Forest 1-9 0.001-3.5 27 Piecewise continuous (steep–shallow) Linear regression (positive) Linear regression (positive) Viveiros de Castro (2004) Mammals Forest 4-11 0.0120.133 8 None significant None significant None significant Watson (2003) Birds Forest 0-78 0.021592.46 17 Piecewise continuous (steep–shallow) Piecewise noslope None significant Watson et al. (2000) Birds Forest 8-23 0.0254.57 27 None significant None significant None significant Weaver & Kellman (1981) Plants Forest 8-16 0.00820.0811 10 None significant None significant None significant Western & Ssemakula (1981) Mammals Nonforest 15-31 54-20808 19 None significant None significant None significant Whitcomb et al. (1981) Birds Forest 17-28 0.0112.83 25 Linear regression (positive) Linear regression (positive) Linear regression (positive) Woolhouse (1983) Birds Forest 14-37 0.0360.401 30 Linear regression (positive) Piecewise noslope Piecewise noslope Source papers Arroyo-Rodríguez, V. & Mandujano, S. (2006) The importance of tropical rain forest fragments to the conservation of plant species diversity in Los Tuxtlas, Mexico. Biodiversity & Conservation, 15, 4159-4179. Báldi, A. & Kisbenedek, T. (1999) Orthopterans in small steppe patches: an investigation for the best-fit model of the species–area curve and evidences for their non-random distribution in the patches. Acta Oecologica–International Journal of Ecology, 20, 125-132. Bauer, L.J. (1989) Moorland beetle communities on limestone ‘habitat islands’. I. Isolation, invasion and local species diversity in carabids and staphylinids. Journal of Animal Ecology, 58, 1077-1098. Baz, A. & Garcia-Boyero, A. 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Table S1 Comparison of the number of selected best island species–area relationship models before (BC) and after (AC) applying the Cook’s distance criterion for each of the different versions of the dataset (untransformed, semi-log and log–log). Note that it is the ‘after’ set of models which are the focus of the paper (n = 76). Note also that six of the best models changed between the BC and AC analyses for log–log versions of the datasets, and four for the semi-log versions, but the overall number of best models in each category remains unchanged. Untransformed Semi-Log Log–Log BC AC BC AC BC AC Simple, linear (positive) 14 14 24 24 24 24 Simple, linear (negative) 1 1 0 0 0 0 Piecewise – continuous (steep–shallow) 17 17 5 5 12 12 Piecewise – continuous (shallow–steep) 1 0 6 6 0 0 Piecewise – zero slope 0 1 11 11 5 5 Piecewise – discontinuous 4 4 6 6 7 7 Non-significant 39 39 24 24 28 28 Table S2 The results of the sensitivity analysis: the best fit ISAR model for 76 habitat island datasets, tallying the best fit models separately for each data transformation. The results presented relate to the model selection after accounting for the initial optimization of the breakpoints and increase in model complexity by increasing the number of model parameters to k = 4 for the piecewise continuous model with zero slope, k = 5 for the piecewise continuous model, and k = 6 for the piecewise discontinuous model, when calculating AICc. The best model for each version of the dataset (i.e. untransformed, semi-log and log–log) was chosen based on AICc (ΔAICc>2) calculating using the aforementioned number of parameters. These results were tallied following the application of Cook’s distance criterion and are thus comparable with Table 1. Number of datasets (percentages in parentheses) Model type Untransformed Semi-log Log–log Linear (positive relationship) 16 (21%) 36 (47%) 32 (42%) Linear (negative relationship) 1 (1%) 0 0 Piecewise continuous (steep– shallow) 9 (12%) 2 (3%) 9 (12%) Piecewise continuous (shallow– steep) 0 1 (1%) 0 Piecewise zero slope (i.e. flat– steep) 0 5 (7%) 1 (1%) Piecewise discontinuous 3 (4%) 4 (5%) 3 (4%) Non-significant 47 (62%) 28 (37%) 31 (41%) Table S3 The best fit ISAR model for habitat island datasets according to the three taxonomic groups, tallying the best fit models separately for each data transformation. Studies were grouped into three taxonomic groups: (a) vertebrates, (b) plants, and (c) invertebrates. The best model within a transformation was chosen based on AICc (ΔAICc > 2). These results were tallied following the application of Cook’s distance criterion (see ‘Materials and Methods’). (a) Vertebrates (n = 39) Number of datasets (percentages in parentheses) Model type Untransformed Semi-log Log–log Linear (positive relationship) 9 (23%) 14 (36%) 10 (26%) Linear (negative relationship) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Piecewise continuous (steep– shallow) 10 (26%) 4 (10%) 9 (23%) 0 (0%) 2 (5%) 0 (0%) Piecewise zero slope (i.e. flat– steep) 1 (3%) 8 (21%) 4 (10%) Piecewise discontinuous 0 (0%) 1 (3%) 3 (8%) Non-significant 19 (49%) 10 (26%) 13 (33%) Piecewise continuous (shallow– steep) (b) Plants (n = 23) Number of datasets (percentages in parentheses) Model type Untransformed Semi-log Log–log Linear (positive relationship) 4 (17%) 7 (30%) 10 (43%) Linear (negative relationship) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Piecewise continuous (steep– shallow) 4 (17%) 0 (0%) 2 (8%) Piecewise continuous (shallow– steep) 0 (0%) 2 (8%) 0 (0%) Piecewise zero slope (i.e. flat– steep) 0 (0%) 2 (8%) 0 (0%) Piecewise discontinuous 3 (13%) 5 (22%) 4 (17%) Non-significant 12 (52%) 7 (30%) 7 (30%) (c) Invertebrates (n = 14) Number of datasets (percentages in parentheses) Model type Untransformed Semi-log Log–log Linear (positive relationship) 1 (7%) 3 (21%) 4 (29%) Linear (negative relationship) 1 (7%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Piecewise continuous (steep– shallow) 3 (21%) 2 (14%) 1 (7%) Piecewise continuous (shallow– steep) 0 (0%) 1 (7%) 0 (0%) Piecewise zero slope (i.e. flat– steep) 0 (0%) 1 (7%) 1 (7%) Piecewise discontinuous 1 (7%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Non-significant 8 (57%) 7 (50%) 8 (57%) Figure S1 A selection of plots depicting discontinuous piecewise models selected as the best for particular datasets. Plot source data (clockwise from top left): Crowe (1979), Levenson (1981; shrub species), Darlington et al. (2001), Hattori & Ishida (2000).