This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. This article may not be reprinted for commercial purposes without the written permission of Mechanical Engineering magazine and ASME. © 2008 Mechanical Engineering magazine To Harness the Seas WEB EXCLUSIVE By Michael E. McCormick and R. Cengiz Ertekin The ocean has been long recognized as an efficient stowage of solar energy. The portion of the solar energy absorbed by the ocean is initially thermal in nature. We find that the surface waters heat during the day and cool during the night. The air adjacent to the water surface is also heated and cooled, and thermal currents occur in both the air and water. Hence, the absorbed radiant solar energy is partially transformed to thermal energy and, then, to hydraulic and pneumatic energies. Winds, the pneumatic energies, create waves on the water surface which further disperse the energy. These energy transformations give rise to the fields of ocean thermal energy conversion, ocean wave energy conversion, ocean current energy conversion, and offshore wind energy conversion. Another partial solar ocean energy form is the tide, which is a predictable phenomenon caused by the gravitational attraction of the moon and the sun. Solar energy also causes water evaporation which can result in saline bodies of water, or brines. When brine is separated from fresh water by a semi-permeable membrane, a pressure called an osmotic pressure occurs, which is a pressure gradient across the membrane. The osmotic pressure can exceed 200 atmospheres if the high-saline brine is at or near saturation. For the case of ocean salt water, the potential energy associated with the osmotic pressure is approximately 23×106 newton-meters per cubic meter of water. The exploitation of this energy is called salinity gradient energy conversion. Compared to the other ocean-solar options, the exploitation of salinity gradient energy conversion is still in its infancy. For a discussion of salinity gradient energy conversion, see Jones and Finley (2003) among others. We can classify any energy source as either concentrated or distributed. This classification is rather important, since it relates to the physical space required for an energy conversion system. At the extremes of these classifications are nuclear energy, which is concentrated, and solar energy, which is distributed. None of the ocean energy sources discussed herein is truly concentrated. The ocean thermal resource, which depends on the temperature difference between the water at a great depth and water near the ocean surface, can be considered somewhat concentrated. Ocean and tidal currents are more on the distributed side. For example, if a water turbine operates in a 2 m/s ocean current, the turbine diameter must be about 25 meters to capture 1 megawatt of hydrodynamic power. Ocean waves and offshore winds are distributed systems. For a deep-water wave having a period of 7.5 seconds and a wave height of 1.5 meters, the power per crest width is about 16.6 kW/m. Hence, to have 1 MW of wave power available for conversion, the energy conversion system would need to span 60 meters of crest. For a wind turbine operating in a 10 m/s uniform wind, the turbine diameter would be about 140 meters to capture 1 MW of wind power, which is impractical. The wind resource is best utilized by having a field of small wind turbines, since the resource is distributed. There are many threshold numbers that are used to determine whether or not an alternative energy resource should be considered for exploitation. In the1970s, Robert Cohen of the U. S. Department of Energy suggested that an alternative energy resource for the contiguous United States was viable if the total amount of that alternative energy within the U. S. territory was equal to a minimum of 0.5 percent of the total energy needs of the population. In the 1970s, an average U. S. citizen required an electrical power of 1 kW, and an average U. S. household required 5 kW. These numbers have varied slightly over the years. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC): OTEC is the conversion of the thermal energy caused by the temperature differences of the solar-heated warm surface waters of the ocean and the cold deep ocean water. In every deep ocean, the temperature of the water at a depth of 1,000 meters is slightly greater than the freezing temperature of water (0oC). If the surface waters are at least 18oC higher in temperature than the deep waters, then we have an ocean-thermal resource. The ideal regions of the world for ocean thermal energy conversion are between 20 degrees north latitude and 20 degrees south latitude. (Note: The center of Washington, D.C., is 38.9 degrees north latitude.) The average surface temperature in tropical oceans can rise above 30oC. The sites where this occurs are most advantageous for OTEC, since the cut-off temperature difference 18oC between the surface waters and the deep waters is well exceeded. The operation of an OTEC system is based on a Rankine thermal cycle. That is, as illustrated in Fig. 1, a working fluid in a closed system evaporates when passed through a warm-water evaporator and becomes a high-pressure gas. The warm surface water passing through the coils of the evaporator cause the change of state of the fluid. When the gas expands, it flows through a gas turbine which drives an electrical generator. The gas then passes through a cold-water condenser, returning to the liquid state. The gas is cooled by the up-welled cold water passing through the condenser coils. An ideal working fluid for the closed cycle is one with a low boiling temperature and a high condensation temperature. A candidate fluid is NH3 (ammonia). A higher temperature difference between the surface and deep waters increases the efficiency of the system. Although the ideal latitude band mentioned above is well away from the contiguous United States, we can take advantage of OTEC by creating a product other than electricity. For example, if we build a floating aluminum plant at the OTEC site, and make the aluminum from imported bauxite, then we have produced an energy-intensive product, relieving the U. S. power grid from that task. We note that a recycled aluminum can requires 5 percent of the energy required to make the same aluminum can from bauxite. Because electricity from an OTEC power plant is rather expensive, the exploitation of this energy form has received only mild interest when compared to the other alternative energy resources (alternative, that is, to the fossil-fuel resource). If the length of the expensive coldwater pipe in Fig. 2 can be kept relatively short, then the economics of OTEC significantly improve. A short cold-water pipe will result in a great savings in the cost of the materialintensive and labor-intensive OTEC structure. An excellent reference for OTEC is the book by Avery and Wu (1994). Fig. 2 Ocean Wave Energy Conversion: Wave energy conversion devices can be classified according to their size and orientation as point absorbers, attenuators, and terminators, which are illustrated in Fig. 3. Point absorbers can be floating or submerged floating bodies or oscillating water columns (OWC). The attenuators are normally floating compliant or articulated bodies. The terminators are aligned to the wave front, and absorb and reflect the incident waves. There is no leeward transmission associated with terminators. The energy flow lines in Fig. 3 represent the focusing of energy on the body due to the diffraction phenomenon. This focusing affect is maximized in monochromatic (single frequency) waves when the body is tuned to the wave. Fig. 3 The conversion of the energy of ocean waves into usable energy forms is normally a multi-phase process. The first phase is capturing the energy and transforming it into mechanical, hydraulic, or pneumatic energy. The most popular wave energy conversion technique is the heaving body, either floating or submerged. There are several methods for the power takeoff from the waveinduced motions. These include the linear electric generator, gear-driven rotational generators, and hydro-turbine electric generators. Many advances in linear electrical generator technology have been made in recent years; however, the synchronous rotational electrical generator is readily available and is considered to be robust for wave energy conversion. There are a number of prototype wave energy conversion systems that are now deployed, including a few point absorber systems. One such point absorber is PowerBuoy of Ocean Power Technology which has been deployed in Hawaiian waters. That PowerBuoy system is rated at 20 kW. Another point absorber, called WaveBob, has been deployed in Galway Bay off the coast of Ireland. According to its manufacturer, WaveBob Ltd., by using a unique control system, the floating system can be continually tuned to the sea. The power takeoff is a result of the out-ofphase heaving motions of the float and a fully submerged inertial body. The system shown in Fig. 4 is actually a scale model. The prototype diameter is to be 20 meters, and is designed to operate in seas having an average power intensity of about 40 kW/m. The design life of the WaveBob is 25 years. The operation of WaveBob is illustrated in Fig. 5. One of the most promising wave-powered electrical generating system is the Pelamis of Ocean Power Delivery Ltd. in Scotland. The Pelamis, shown in Fig. 6, is an attenuator system, an articulated-body system with an internal closed hydraulic system that is part of the power takeoff subsystem. According to Ocean Power Delivery, the length of the Pelamis is 180 meters, comprising four components, each 45 meters long. Three Pelamis units, each rated at 750 kW, have been built for deployment 5 km off the coast of Portugal. The design power intensity (power per crest width) of the sea is 40 kW/m. The projected cost of the delivered energy is about 30 cents per kilowatt-hour. It is expected that the energy costs will be drastically reduced in the future. The cost is already very close to the kilowatt-hour cost of electricity in the State of Hawaii in 2008. The European Union has sponsored two oscillating water column (OWC) projects. The first of these is on the island of Islay, off the coast of Scotland, shown in Fig. 7. The second is on Pico Island in the Azores. These systems are coastal OWCs. The Islay system, called the Limpet, is rated at 500 kW, where the wave intensity varies from 15 kW/m to 25 kW/m. The Pico OWC plant is also rated at 500 kW. The operation of a coastal OWC can be seen in the sketch in Fig. 8, from McCormick and Kraemer (2002). In that sketch, there is free communication between the sea and the internal water column. The incident waves cause the water column to rise and fall, respectively driving and drawing the air above the water column through a bi-directional air turbine. The turbine drives a rotational electrical generator which, in turn, is connected to a transformer and then to the local power grid. The Limpet and the Pico OWCs are terminator systems. For a detailed discussion on the basic wave energy conversion techniques, see McCormick (2007). Tidal Energy Conversion: We can classify the tidal phenomena relating to energy conversion as either quasi-static or dynamic. Tides, being a wave form, can resonate with confined waterways. For wind waves, the phenomenon occurs in harbors, and is referred to as a “harbor resonance.” In North American waters, the Bay of Fundy is one of the best known for the tidal resonance phenomenon. Tidal resonance can be classified as quasi-static phenomenon, since the changes in the tide-induced maximum water depth occurs over several hours. The average tidal range in the Bay of Fundy is approximately 10 meters. The maximum pressure available for energy conversion is slightly greater than one atmosphere. Tide-induced hydrostatic pressure differences induce currents in some waterways. An example of this phenomenon is in the East River at New York City, where the current varies up to approximately 2.3 meters per second, depending on location. The dynamic pressure corresponding to the velocity can be exploited to provide usable energy. An excellent summary of the dynamic tidal energy locations is found in the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Report TP-008-NA, published in June of 2006. See Bedard (2006). The tidal energy resource is site-specific. Although there are numerous low-capacity tidal power plants along the coastal waters of the Chinese mainland, there are few high-capacity plants in existence in the rest of the world. The French built a tidal power plant in the Rance estuary at St. Malo. That power plant delivers an average of 240 MW of power (240,000 kW) at a cost of about 1.8 cents per kilowatt-hour, which is quite inexpensive. The mean tidal range at the San Malo site is 8.55 meters. If we were fortunate to have the power plant on the U. S. shores, we could supply electricity to one-quarter of a million U.S. citizens. In Canada, the Annapolis Royal Generating Station is located on the eastern end of the Bay of Fundy. That tidal conversion facility consists of a dam and an 18 MW power house on the Annapolis River at Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia. At the west end of the Bay of Fundy, President Franklin. D. Roosevelt in the late 1930s funded the construction of a tidal power plant near his retreat at Campobello Island. The island is at the Maine-Canadian border. Because of World War II, the project was never finished. In the 1980s, the native-American Passamaquoddy tribe was given U.S. funds to build a tidal power plant in the estuary of the U.S. mainland, across the straight from Campobello Island. In 2002, turbines were delivered. At the site, the tidal range is 7 meters. The Passamaquoddy tidal power plant is expected to supply approximately 29 MW when in full operation. Based on the 1 kW need per person, this would satisfy a population of approximately 29,000 people. Also in the United States is Cook Inlet in Alaska. That site has the potential of producing up to 18,000 MW of power which, at 1 kW per U.S. citizen, is enough power for 18 million people in the contiguous United States. For static (resonance) tidal energy, some type of barrage is required, which is extremely expensive because of both material and labor. Furthermore, the turbines must be bi-directional and of high capacity. They are a large-cost item. Overall, there are few locations in the world where tidal energy conversion would be cost-effective. As demonstrated by the plant at St. Malo, France, the amortized cost of electricity is relatively small because the static tidal power systems are robust and have a long operational life. For thorough discussions of static tidal energy, the book by Charlier, and Justice (1993) and the paper by Gorlov (2001) are recommended. More recently, attention has been focused on the dynamics of the tides in the form of tidal currents. To convert the hydrostatic tidal energy into electricity, tidal barrages are created. For example, in the East River at New York City, the Verdant Power Company has installed submerged water mills. According to Verdant Power, six turbines in the East River will generate approximately 10 megawatts. On the other side of the Atlantic, Marine Current Turbines Ltd. (MCT) has installed a 300 kW plant in the English Channel off Cornwall. A field of the MCT water mills would resemble that shown in Fig. 9. Again, the tidal energy resource is both reliable and predictable. With the escalating costs of oil and natural gas, this form of ocean energy will become a viable resource in the near future. Ocean Current Energy Conversion: Ocean currents collectively form an energy resource that is partly and indirectly caused by the sun. The ocean currents result from the winds and the Earth’s rotation. A part of the Gulf Stream passes through the Florida Strait, where it is known as the Florida Current. The surface waters of the Florida Current travel at speeds up to 1.3 m/s. The current’s speed diminishes rapidly with depth. If the goal is to supply electricity to coastal Florida by exploiting the Florida Current, then the system should be operating within about 10 meters of the free surface. The turbine system for ocean current energy conversion is quite different from that in the dynamic tidal energy conversion. The turbine housing must be buoyant and tethered to the sea bed. For most of the systems that have been conceptualized, the power cable would be attached to the mooring line. Earlier in the paper, it is stated that a tidal water turbine operating in a 2 m/s ocean current would need a 25-meter diameter to capture 1 MW of hydrodynamic power. For a 1 MW power from a 1.3 m/s ocean current, the ideal turbine diameter would be about 59 meters. Relative Potentials of Ocean Energy Resources: According to Tester et al (2005), the available and practical power values of these are as follows: Resource Available Power (gigawatts) Practical (gigawatts) Waves 2,700 500 Currents 5,000 50 Ocean Thermal 200,000 40 Tides 2,500 20 Salinity Gradients 1,000,000 ? These resources are ranked according to the values in the last column. In the Table, the “available power” is the potential power at any time. The “practical power” is that which can be exploited. Hopefully, one or more of the ocean energy options will achieve this potential. References: Avery, W. H. And C. Wu (1994), Renewable Energy from the Ocean: A Guide to OTEC, Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K. Bedard, R.; M. Previsic; B. Polagye; G. Hagerman; and A. Casavant (2006), “North American Tidal In-Stream Energy Conversion Technology Feasibility Study,” Electric Power Research Institute, Report TP-008-NA, Palo Alto, Calif., June 11. Charlier, R. H., and J. R. Justice (1993), Ocean Energies, Elsevier Science, Oxford, U.K. Gorlov, A. M. (2001), “Tidal Energy,” in Tidal Energy, Academic Press, pp. 2955-2960. Jones, A. T., and W. Finley (2003), “Recent Developments in Salinity Gradient Power,” in the Proceedings, Oceans 2003 (IEEE), pp. 2284-2287. McCormick, M. E. (2007), Ocean Wave Energy Conversion, Dover Publications, Mineola, N.Y. McCormick, M. E., and D. R. B. Kraemer (2002), “Ocean Wave Utilization,” Marine Technology Society Journal, Winter Issue, Vol. 36, No. 4, December, 2002, pp. 52-58. Tester, J.W.; E. M. Drake; M. W. Golay; M. J. Driscoll; and W. A. Peters (2005), Sustainable Energy —Choosing Among Options, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.