Islamic university Subject: Drunk Souls Author: Written by Sheikh

Islamic university
Drunk Souls
Written by Sheikh Abul El-Ezz- Lecturer at the Faculty of Sharia
Page number:
Year of publishing: Raby` al-Thani 1390 H-June 1970 G
Drunk Souls
Once upon a time there was a nation called Aro, who used to hallow its ruler.
The Arus were shepherds who lived in the era of potteries.
One day, a thirsty calf drank from a pottery but it could not get its head out of the pottery. Some
people went to the ruler and asked him how to solve the problem. The ruler advised them to
slaughter the calf immediately, such advice which was welcomed and received by loud praise from
the people wishing him long life. However, after slaughtering the calf, it was harder to get the head
off the pottery. People returned again to the ruler seeking for a solution again, so the ruler advised
them to break the pottery. Praises were loud again wishing the ruler eternity.
If it were a little child, he would have known that the decision of the ruler was the worst at all. Such
advice made them lose the calf and the pottery at the same time, while it would have been better to
break the pottery to retain the calf. However, instead of criticizing the ruler they praised him more
and more. Such people and the like exists everywhere, they got used to be under the effect of the
spiritual drunkenness, therefore, they are not aware of anything other than hallowing the ruler; and
the more he fails, the more they praise him and hallow his opinions.
That is because souls can get drunk like bodies, however, the drunkenness of the soul is more
dangerous than drunkenness of bodies.