2014 TaiwanICDF Scholarship Enrollment Websites for Partner Universities Science and Technology/ Engineering University National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) Program International Master Program in Information Systems and Applications Scope of Curriculum Application The focus is on three major research areas: Management of Information Systems, Digital Learning Technology, http://isa.web.nthu.edu.tw/ezfiles/240/1240/img/1254/2014 and Bioinformatics and Medical _IMPISA_ApplicationGuidline_TaiwanICDF(final).pdf Information Processing, which include cutting-edge topics such as multimedia Contact: Ms. Ha Tran applications, natural language E-mail: tttha@mx.nthu.edu.tw processing, intelligent human computer Tel: 886-3-571-5131 ext. 33495 interaction, information security, information management, data mining and machine learning. 1 University Program Scope of Curriculum Application The course covers several specialized, professional fields, including: CAD/CAM/CAE, Design, Plastic Kun Shan University (KSU) International Master Program in Mechanical Engineering Precision Mold Injection Molding Technology, Reverse Engineering, Rapid Prototyping and Rapid Tooling (RE/RP/RT), Renewable Energy, Green Energy, Precision Machining, Automotive Control, Automotive Engineering, Polymer Materials, and Integration of Optics and Mechatronics Systems. 2 http://www.ksu.edu.tw/eng/unit/D/A/IO/pageDetail/11061 Contact: Ms. Vicki Shen E-mail: oiae@mail.ksu.edu.tw Tel: 886-6-272-7175 ext. 258 Fax: 886-205-3271 University National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU) Program Scope of Curriculum International Master's Program in Electric Power This program specializes in electric power engineering, including electric machine drives, power systems and power electronics, networks and controls. Engineeri (IMEPE) Application http://www.ee.nsysu.edu.tw/IMEPE/ http://oia.nsysu.edu.tw/bin/home.php?Lang=en http://oia.nsysu.edu.tw/files/11-1013-3541.php Contact: Ms. Jung-Ting Lee (Celeste) E-mail:mepeaa@mail.nsysu.edu.tw/ celeste@mail.ee.nsysu.edu.tw Tel: 886-7-525-2000 ext. 4175 Fax: 886-7-525-4199 3 University Program International Yuan Ze University (YZU) Master's Program in Industrial Engineering and Management Auto-Manufacturing and Production System: Manufacturing System, Manufacturing Engineering, Production Management, Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing (CAD/CAM). System and Service Management: Applied Statistics, Mathematical Planning, Stochastic Models, System and Service Management. Data Mining, e-Commerce, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), and Supply Chain Management, etc. National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) International Master Program in Civil Engineering and Management (ICEM) Application Scope of Curriculum This program includes 4 core courses (Financial and Cost Management for Construction; Project Planning and Schedule Control; Organization and Performance; and Management Construction Information Systems) and 20+ courses in management and 4 http://www.iem.yzu.edu.tw/english/Interstd/appl.aspx http://oia.yzu.edu.tw/application/ http://www.yzu.edu.tw/admin/oia/index.php/content/view/ 212/556/lang,en/ Contact: Ms. Peggy Wang E-mails: peggy@saturn.yzu.edu.tw and iem_international@saturn.yzu.edu.tw Tel: 886-3-463-8800 ext. 2530 Fax: 886-3-463-8907 http://admissions.oia.ncku.edu.tw/ http://www.civil.ncku.edu.tw/index.php?option=future_stu dent&lang=en Contact: Ms. Phyllis Pei-Ju, Weng E-mail: peiju@mail.ncku.edu.tw Tel: 886-6-2757575 ext. 63166 Fax: 886-6-2358542 University Program Scope of Curriculum Application technical fields. International National Central University (NCU) Master’s Program in Environment Sustainable Development This program aims to nurture expertise in sustainable development among the next generation of professionals working in technology and management as well as to promote the international cooperation. The program is divided into three areas: Energy Technology and Policy; Environmental Technology and Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS). 5 http://www.iesd.ncu.edu.tw/process.php Contact: Ms. Jessie Chieh-Ying Liu, Ms. Daphne Pei-Yu Lee E-mail:iesd@ncu.edu.tw / daphnelee@ncu.edu.tw Tel: 886-3-422-7151 ext. 34000 Fax: 886-3-422-6315 Public Health and Medicine University Program Scope of Curriculum Application The PhD program aims to provide education and training for students to cultivate the capacity to approach National Yang Ming University (NYMU) Ph.D. Program in International Health public health problems through careful analysis and well-planned research. The curriculum is based on courses jointly offered by nine graduate institutes: Public Health; Health & Welfare Policy; Hospital & Health Care Administration; Clinical & Community Health Nursing; Microbiology and Immunology; Biomedical Informatics; Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences; Tropical Medicine, and Traditional Medicine. Course PhD students must at least obtain 18 credits from courses approved by the 6 Contact: Ms. Sandy Chou E-mail: ihp@ym.edu.tw Tel: 886-2-2826-7000 ext. 5333 / 5390 Fax: 886-2-2821-8165 University Program Application Scope of Curriculum Program. I. Required Two credits each in Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Seminar in International respectively. II. Health I and II, Elective. Students may enroll in courses recognized by the Program from both in and out of the university. All open elective courses will be announced by the Office of (OAA). Academic Affairs In addition to the course work, the dissertation has to be an original research with results published in international scientific journals. The program provides education and training for students to cultivate the 7 University Program Scope of Curriculum Application capacity to approach public health problems, and to design and carry out public health programs. The curriculum is based on courses jointly offered by nine graduate institutes, including Public National Yang Ming University (NYMU) Master’s Program in International Health Health, Health & Welfare Policy, Hospital & Health Care Administration, Clinical & Community Health Nursing, Microbiology and Immunology, Biomedical Informatics, Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences, Tropical Medicine, and Traditional Medicine. Students are also required to complete a master’s thesis. Course Students shall complete at least 24 credit hours during enrollment. Six credits for graduate theses shall be counted separately. I. Core 8 Contact: Ms. Sandy Chou E-mail: ihp@ym.edu.tw Tel: 886-2-2826-7000 ext. 5333 / 5390 Fax: 886-2-2821-8165 University Program Application Scope of Curriculum 1. Required courses: Epidemiology Introduction to Biostatistics Seminar on International Health Environmental Health 2. Required fields: At least 2 credits in Health Policies; at least two credits each in two of these three fields: Infection and Immunity, Social and Behavioral Science, International Health II. National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences (NTUNHS) and Electives courses from associated graduate institutes. International Core Courses include Nursing Theory, http://www.ntunhs.edu.tw/bin/home.php?Lang=en Nursing Master of Science Program Research Methodology, Advanced Applied Biostatistics. Nursing Track specialized course: Health Assessment for Advanced Practice Nursing, Contact: Ms. Yu-Chia Lo E-mail: yiukang@ntunhs.edu.tw Tel: 886-2-2822-7101 ext. 3306 or 2730 9 University Program Scope of Curriculum Transcultural Nursing I, Transcultural Nursing II, Transcultural Nursing Field Experience; Nurse-Midwifery Track specialized course: Health Assessment for Midwifery Practice, Nurse Application Fax: 886-2-2820-6729 Midwifery I , Nurse Midwifery II, Nurse Midwifery Practicum; elective courses; and thesis. At master’s level, the program offers interdisciplinary courses in English. Core courses focus primarily on health Taipei Medical University (TMU) International Master's Program in Health Care Administration care administration, and the program also provides courses in the theory and practice of health insurance, medical informatics, total quality management in healthcare, operations research in healthcare organization, health information management, international collaborative effort on injury prevention and control, medical anthropology, and writing scientific papers in English. 10 http://entero5.tmu.edu.tw/Admission/ Contact Person: Prof. Yi-Hsin Elsa Hsu E-mail: elsahsu@tmu.edu.tw Tel: 886-2-2736-1661 ext. 3622 Fax: 886-2- 23789788 University Program Scope of Curriculum Application The curricula are divided into two stages: The first stage focuses on basic medical sciences and the second stage focuses on clinical medicine education. I-Shou University School of Medicine for International Students The Stage 1 will integrate basic medical sciences with clinical medicine. The courses are taught by the block-based organ system assisted by PBL group teaching method. The Stage 2: Besides the clinical rotation in the major departments of hospital, students are also required to participate in ambulatory care education, teaching rounds, medical simulation, journal reading, conferences and trainings from Clinical Center. 11 http://www.isu.edu.tw/medicine Contact 1: Mr. Po-Yang Lin (Ken) E-mail: bonjour1214@isu.edu.tw Contact 2: Miss. Yi-Chien Wang (Scarlett) E-mail: midsummer@isu.edu.tw TEL: +886-7-6155900 FAX: +886-7-6155910 Sustainable Agriculture Development University Program Application Scope of Curriculum The curriculum is grouped into three major categories: Tropical Agricultural Resource Planning; Production and National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (NPUST) Ph.D. Programs in Tropical Agriculture Management of Tropical Agricultural Resources; and Conservation and Utilization of Tropical Agriculture Resources. The scope of research subjects includes “Agronomy”, “Horticulture”, “Plant Protection”, “Rural Planning”, “Veterinary Medicine”, “Animal Science”,” Forestry”, “Wood Industry”, “Aquaculture”, “Food Science”, “Agribusiness Management”, Water and Soil Conservation”, and “Wildlife Conservation”. In addition to required courses, selective courses on a specific research topic can be tailor-made for the student according to the request from 12 English: http://ic.npust.edu.tw/files/14-1015-2757,r144-1.php?Lang =en Contact: Ms. Cor Hu E-mail: oisa@mail.npust.edu.tw Tel: 886-8-770-3202 ext. 6441 Fax: 886-8-774-0254 University Program Scope of Curriculum Application major professor(s). The curriculum is grouped into three major categories: Tropical Agricultural National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (NPUST) Master's Program in Tropical Agriculture Resource Planning; Production and Management of Tropical Agricultural Resources; and Conservation and Utilization of Tropical Agriculture Resources. The scope of research subjects includes “Agronomy”, “Horticulture”, “Plant Protection”, “Rural Planning”, “Veterinary Medicine”, “Animal Science”,” Forestry”, “Wood Industry”, “Aquaculture”, “Food Science”, “Agribusiness Management”, Water and Soil Conservation”, and “Wildlife Conservation”. In addition to required courses, selective courses on a specific research topic can be tailor-made for the student according to the request from 13 English: http://ic.npust.edu.tw/files/14-1015-2757,r144-1.php?Lang =en Contact: Ms. Deborah Lo E-mail:oisa@mail.npust.edu.tw Tel: 886-8-770-3202 ext. 6426 Fax: 886-8-774-0254 University Program Scope of Curriculum Application major professor(s). Six major research areas are: National Taiwan Ocean University (NTOU) National Taiwan University (NTU) International 1) aquaculture and environment, 2) http://aqua-icdf.ntou.edu.tw/master/download_ms.php Master’s Program in Aquaculture Technology and Management aquatic biology, 3) nutrition of aquatic feed and live feed, 4) fish pathology and immunology, 5) management and system analysis, and 6) molecular biotechnology. Contact: Ms. Eileen Chen E-mail:ylchen@mail.ntou.edu.tw / AQ@mail.ntou.edu.tw Tel: 886-2- 2462-2192 ext. 5237 Fax: 886-2- 2463-3150 International Agricultural Economics Master Program The program comprises four major categories: Agricultural Policy, Institutions and Regulations; Agricultural Marketing, Trade and Consumption; Production and Agri-business Management; and Resources and Environmental Economics. The courses include Agribusiness Management, Agricultural Trade, Agricultural Policy Analysis, 14 http://www.oia.ntu.edu.tw/oia/index.php/doc/view/sn/1392/ block/433/lang/en http://www.agec.ntu.edu.tw/admiss/recruit.php?class=105 Contact: Ms. Isalia Chen E-mail: agecimp@agec.ntu.edu.tw Tel: +886-2-3366-2674 Fax: +886-2-2362-8496 University Program Scope of Curriculum Application Agricultural Development, Agricultural Marketing, Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Applied Microeconomics, Advanced Macroeconomics, etc. National Chung Hsing University (NCHU) International Master Program of Agriculture(IMPA) The program offers courses in interdisciplinary agricultural fields, including agricultural production, natural resources, and rural development. We aim to educate our students with integrated ability in agriculture issues, so that they can successfully join global markets in the future. 15 http://www.oia.nchu.edu.tw/english/03_exchange/01_excha nge.php Contact: Ms. Gina Yen E-mail:nchuimpa@nchu.edu.tw Tel: +886-4-22840333 ext. 32 Fax: 886-4-2286-2960 Humanities & Social Science University Program Application Scope of Curriculum IHRD sets its education goal on National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA) Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Development (IHRD) International Master of the Arts Program in Cultural and Creative Industries (IMCCI) cultivating human resource professionals with international perspectives, cross-cultural communication abilities, professional knowledge, and the willingness to serve people. Overall structure of the courses includes basic theories in HRD research and management, professional knowledge of human resources and international affairs, and integrated application of theories and practices. Three areas of courses are offered: Capacity in the Arts and Culture; Cultural and Creative Industries Management; Seminar on Aesthetic 16 http://ap.itc.ntnu.edu.tw/istudent/apply/AP303.jsp Contact: Ms. Tracy Lee, Ms. Kate Chang E-mail: yclee@ntnu.edu.tw Tel:886-2-7734-1622 886-2-7734-1623 Fax: 886-2-2362-2562 http://imcci.tnua.edu.tw/modules/tadnews/page.php?nsn= 24 Contact: Claire Ho E-mail: imcci@imcci.tnua.edu.tw Experience Industries. and Cultural Creative Tel: 886-2-2893-8197 Fax: 886-2-2895-2913 Practical visits, monographic lectures or internships will be arranged to form a strong link between theory and practice. There are 3 parts to the curriculum: National Chengchi University (NCCU) International Master's Program in International Studies in College of International Affairs Core courses, Track required courses, and Elective courses. Core courses include: Int’l Relations Theory, Int’l Political Economy, Quantitative Research Methods, and M.A. Thesis Writing. The two tracks are Int’l Development and Int’l Conflict Management. 17 http://impis.nccu.edu.tw/admiss/pages.php?ID=admiss1 Contact:Ms. Claire Wu E-mail:clairewu@nccu.edu.tw Tel: 886-2-2939-3091 ext.51112 National Chung Cheng University (CCU) Master in Educational Leadership and Management Development This programme offers students the opportunity to explore how issues of leadership and management development can be investigated and understood in terms of education. Through a series of taught courses, seminars, practicum, field work, and case studies, dynamic relationships between theoretic knowledge and hands-on experiences in the realms are made explicit. 18 http://ciae.ccu.edu.tw/ciaeenglish/index.php/admissions http://elmd.ccu.edu.tw/index.html Contact: Ms. Irene Ho E-mail: ho.yahoo@gmail.com Tel: 886-5-272-0411 ext 26256 Fax: 886-5-272-4809 Private Sector Development University Program Scope of Curriculum Application The IMBA program requires a minimum of 42 credits to graduate. Students are required to complete required courses, National Chengchi University (NCCU) International Master of Business Administration (IMBA) which account for 29 credits of the 42 total credits required for graduation. Required courses include Business Quantitative Methods, Financial Management, International Business Management, Leaders Forum, Leadership and Team Building – LTB, Managerial Accounting, Managerial Economics, Management Information Systems, Marketing Management, Strategic Management, Strategic Talent Management. The elective courses fall under four areas of concentration namely, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Management in Asia and Marketing. Students have the option of taking the required number of courses to achieve a 19 http://imba.nccu.edu.tw/ Contact: Ms. Li-chi Ho E-mail:imba@nccu.edu.tw/ lichi@nccu.edu.tw Tel: 886-2-2938-7912 Fax: 886-2-2938-7882 University Program Scope of Curriculum Application concentration or take courses across concentrations to graduate with a General MBA. Required courses include Economics, National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) International MBA in Technology Management Statistics, Management Information System, Financial Management, Marketing Management, Globalization Management, Organizational Behavior, Accounting and Corporate Law. 20 http://imba.nthu.edu.tw/files/15-1081-17068,c3255-1.php Contact: Ms. Catherine Chi-Ying Yu E-mail: chiying@mx.nthu.edu.tw Tel: 886-3-571-5131 ext. 62106