NEWTON COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT HANDBOOK GRADES 6-12 2014-2015 1 NEWTON COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL/MIDDLE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION Shane Phillips, High School Principal Dawn Hollingsworth, Assistant Principal High School Tabitha Chaney, Assistant Principal Middle School Ken Stringer, Director Newton County Career Technical Center Board of Trustees Glenda Barrett, President Johnnie Thorne, Secretary Jason Cain, Member Brenda Chaney, Member Marcus Savell, Member School Board Attorney James B. Everett Superintendent J.O. Amis District Support Team Melissa Flint, Federal Programs & Testing Director Cay Clark, Financial Director Brooke Sibley, Special Ed., Section 504 & Accountability Director Tonnette Cochran, Child Nutrition Director Brian Foster, Curriculum & RTI Director Mike Tingle, Transportation Director Justin Chaney, Athletic Coordinator Randy White, Maintenance Coordinator Justin Mills, Technology Consultant Janice Knight, Business Manager Valorie Westbrook, Psychometrist Sarah Jones, Speech Language Therapist Natalie May, Speech Language Therapist Tracy Gipson, Administrative Assistant Tammy Jones, MSIS Coordinator The Student Handbook is provided as a convenience to the students of Newton County High School and Newton County Middle School. Policies contained within this handbook are constantly being reviewed and if necessary are subject to modification by the Newton County School Board of Education. 2 DISTRICT MISSION STATEMENT It is the mission of the Newton County School District to PURSUE PERFECTION in providing a challenging, world class education as well as developmental guidance for all students. IT IS THE POLICY OF THE NEWTON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT THAT IF AN INDIVIDUAL IS OTHERWISE QUALIFIED, HE/SHE SHALL NOT BE DENIED THE OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE IN, DENIED THE BENEFITS OF OR BE SUBJECTED TO DISCRIMATION UNDER ANY FEDERAL PROGRAM OR ACTIVITY RECEIVING FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE SOLELY BY REASON OF HIS/HER DISABILITY, SEX, RACE, COLOR, CREED OR NATIONAL ORIGIN. Consent Upon Registration By registration of your child (children) or any student in the Newton County School District, all parents, legal guardians, and students do hereby consent to and agree to obey and follow rules and regulations contained in this handbook and such other oral directions of school administrators or teachers as may be necessary or desirable to carry out the orderly educational process of the school. Further, such parents, legal guardians, and students agree to abide by and follow all rules or school board policies as are obtained in the official policy handbook located at the administrative offices of the Newton County School District at 15305 Hwy 15, Decatur, Mississippi, (office of the county superintendent). Further all parents, legal guardians, and students agree and are hereby informed that all students of the Newton County School District are subject to questioning or being taken into official custody while at school by any appropriately appointed law enforcement official or department of human services agent investigating an official case upon oral or written court order of the Newton County Youth Court, County Court, Circuit Court, or Chancery Court of the State of Mississippi 3 MESSAGE FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT I would like to take this opportunity to welcome your student and your family to Newton County School District. This handbook is designed to supply our parents and guardians with useful information about our school district. Newton County School District is fortunate to have teachers, administrators, and staff who are passionate about the success of our students and the success of our district as a whole. It is our hope that this handbook will provide a valuable means of communication with parents and guardians. Our district is committed to making sure you are aware of your child’s accomplishments and of the activities that are taking place in our classrooms and on each campus. Our school district is committed to parental and community involvement. I would invite you to visit any of our campuses at any time. It is our hope that the experiences that your student has at Newton County Schools will prepare him or her to be a future leader in our society. Thank you for your support of Newton County Schools. Sincerely, J.O. Amis Superintendent of Education Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students: I would like to welcome everyone to the 2014-2015 school year. I am looking forward to meeting every one, and becoming a part of the Cougar community and family. Student academic success is the main goal of every staff member at NCHS! We believe that every student will learn to his or her potential and we are prepared to offer more time and support to every student. I ask for your support and participation in our efforts by sending your child to school every day, encouraging your child every day, monitoring your child’s homework, and asking your child to share what they learned at school each day. The parent-student handbook provides important information about our school’s philosophy, procedures, policies, curriculum, and schedules. It is a guide to the day by day operations of the school. There has been some changes since last year, so please read the handbook carefully, especially the discipline section, and use it as a reference throughout the year. I feel that consistent and clear communication with parents is essential to student success at NCHS. Know that the staff at NCHS will work very hard, every day, to create a positive and welcoming school climate for parents, guardians, and students. Not a day will go by when we are not reflecting on how we can improve as a school and family. Student success is our priority! Sincerely, Shane Phillips, Principal 4 I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the Newton County Career and Technical Center. We look forward to working with you and your students during the 2014-2015 school year. Our goal is to provide students with numerous opportunities to find their place at NCCTC. Our excellent faculty and facilities offer students a challenging curriculum that provides hands on experience to prepare them for their future endeavors. Students may choose from a variety of programs that will provide them with the necessary training for a competitive job market. If I can ever be of assistance, please feel free to call or come by. Sincerely, Ken Stringer Director, NCCTC If you need help or information concerning…………...You’ll find it here Address/Phone/Other Computer Information Changes Mrs. Vickie Nelson/Mrs. Rachelle Graham Admission or Withdrawal from school Mrs. Vickie Nelson Athletics Head Coaches Attendance/Check In/Check Out Mrs. Rachelle Graham Bus Routes/Transportation Mr. Mike Tingle Checking in/out of school Mrs. Vickie Nelson Class Ranking Mrs. Rachel Westbrook Fees/Financial Information Mrs. Marcie Pinson Mrs. Teresa May MS-1st period teachers HS-Homeroom Teachers Mrs. Teresa May Mrs. Marcie Pinson Lockers Parking Information School Yearbook Student Council Mr. Ben Wall Mrs. Jessica Thomas Mrs. Rachel Westbrook Assistant Principals Mrs. Teresa May Mrs. Vickie Nelson Mr. Ken Stringer Mrs. Linda Giles Tardies Textbook Information/Fees Transcripts Vocational (NCCTC) Information 5 NEWTON COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL/MIDDLE SCHOOL Telephone Numbers of School Offices/Departments Administration Shane Phillips Head Principal, NCMS/HS Dawn Hollingsworth Asst. Principal, NCHS Tabitha Chaney Asst. Principal, NCMS Ken Stringer, Director NCCTC 601-635-2718 601-635-2718 601-635-2718 601-635-4138 Athletics Justin Chaney, Softball Gene Mitchell, Football Steve Harber, Boys’ Basketball Cory Cleveland, Girls’ Basketball, Cory Cleveland, Boys Track (TBA), Girls Track Ryan Smith, Power Lifting Wyatt Tullos, Baseball Chad Bond, Tennis Sam Wilson, Boys/Girls Soccer Michael Franklin, Cross Country Ken Stringer, Golf Tonya Nowell, MS Cheerleading Cassie White, HS Cheerleading Nichol Hillman, Dance Team Ben Kitchings, Archery 601-635-2373 601-635-3495 601-635-3104 Band Stacy Sanders, Director Sabina Ivy, Asst. Director 601-635-3208 Cafeteria Rhonda Harris 601-635-3593 Choral Music Suzanne Cain, NCHS Emily Massey, NCMS 601-635-2718 601-635-2718 Guidance Rachel Westbrook, NCHS Jessica Thomas, NCMS Linda Giles, NCCTC 601-635-4261 601-635-4261 601-635-4138 Library Sue Geter, NCHS Wanda Chaney, NCMS 601-635-4550 601-635-4361 Nurse Wanda Chaney, NCHS 601-635-3347 Office Marcie Pinson, NCHS Rachelle Graham, NCHS Paula Massey, NCHS 601-635-2718 601-635-2718 601-635-2718 6 601-635-3104 601-635-2718 601-635-3495 601-635-2373 601-635-2718 601-635-2718 601-635-2718 601-635-2683 601-635-4261 601-635-2718 601-635-2718 601-635-2718 Teresa May, NCHS Kay Jones, NCCTC 601-635-2718 601-635-4138 School Resource Officer Mark Spence 601-635-2718 Transportation Mike Tingle 601-635-2148 SECTION 1: ATTENDANCE AND ABSENCES ATTENDANCE The Board recognizes that regular attendance is important if students are to attain maximum benefits from the educational process and develop good work habits that carry over into their adult life. Parents and students are expected to abide by the Compulsory School Attendance Law. When absences do occur, school personnel will classify the absence as excused or unexcused. A student will be counted absent if he/she misses 40% (20 minutes) or more of the class. EXCUSED ABSENCES Each of the following will constitute a valid excuse for temporary non-attendance of a compulsory school age student enrolled in school, provided satisfactory evidence of the excuse is provided to the principal of the school: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Authorized school activities Illness or injury of the student Isolation of the student by health officials Death or serious illness of a member of the immediate family of the student Medical or dental appointments Proceedings of a court when the student is a party to the action or is under subpoena Observance of religious events Other emergency or unusual conditions subject to the approval of the principal Excused absences are granted once validated by the principal. Written notes from parents/guardians or medical/dental excuses must be received within 3 days of return to school if the absence is to be excused. After three (3) excused absences per semester based on parental notes, a doctor’s excuse will be required for excusing an absence. Exceptions can be made by the principal when extreme circumstances arise. ISS is an excused absence. Students may make-up work with full credit, but will not be exempted from 9 weeks test 2nd or 4th nine weeks. THE WRITTEN EXCUSE The student must present a signed written excuse from a parent, guardian, or doctor on the day the student returns to school unless permission to be absent was granted by school officials before the absence occurred. 7 The written excuse should contain: 1. Full name of the student 2. The date(s) the student was absent 3. The signature of the parent, guardian, custodian, or doctor EXCESSIVE UNEXCUSED ABSENCES Students who accumulate over ten un-excused absences in a semester class or twenty unexcused absences in a yearlong class will not receive credit for that class. The students’ grade for that class will not be calculated into their academic average or GPA. Students will be afforded due process as part of this policy. CHECK-OUTS 1ST Choice – No early checkouts will be permitted in grades 6-11. An immediate family member (parent, brother or sister) or either of the two designated persons, who are on file in the office, must personally come to the office and check the student out. 2ND Choice –- Seniors who meet all graduation requirements will be allowed to check out at the end of 4th period. STUDENTS MAY BE CHECKED OUT OVER THE PHONE FOR EMERGENCY PURPOSES ONLY. PARENTS MUST SIGN A FORM RELEASING THE SCHOOL OF LIABILITY CONCERNING CHECKOUTS. PERFECT ATTENDANCE Perfect attendance is defined as being present 100% of the time that school is in session while the student is enrolled in the district. Any late arrival, absence, or early dismissal makes the student ineligible for the recognition. School related absences for official school sponsored activities will not count as an absence. MAKE-UP WORK All work missed as a result of an absence must be made up within three (3) school days following the student’s return to school. Makeup work must be completed at a time arranged in cooperation with the teacher. Students who have had extended absences must begin their make-up work within a three (3) day period following the last day of absence. A student will receive a failing grade on classroom work not made up. Any make-up work completed due to an un-excused absence may not be rewarded a grade to exceed “50”. SKIPPING SCHOOL/CLASS Students caught skipping school (never coming to school or coming on campus in the morning and leaving before school starts) will receive an unexcused absence and an automatic in school or out of school suspension. 8 Being absent from class without permission of the teacher or an administrator constitutes an automatic Saturday school or in school suspension for the first offense. Any further offenses could result in out of school suspension from school. TARDIES - SCHOOL/CLASS All tardies are cumulative by nine-week periods not by class. Teachers will send all students who are tardy to the office and the office, along with teachers, will keep a record of tardies. The office will determine the consequences for the tardies as listed below: Three (3) tardies in one class – Student will receive an unexcused absence in the class Four (4) tardies – Constitutes Saturday School/In-School Suspension Five (5) tardies – Constitutes Saturday School/2 days In-School Suspension and Parent Conference Six (6) tardies and all subsequent tardies – Will result in a supension/3 days In-School suspension and Parent Conference. WITHDRAWAL FROM SCHOOL If it becomes necessary for a student to withdraw from school, he/she should follow the following procedure in order to obtain a clearance so that student records may be transferred. 1. Complete and return a “Withdrawal Form” obtained from the counselor’s office. 2. Return all textbooks. 3. Pay outstanding fines, if any. SECTION 2: ACADEMICS ACADEMIC DISHONESTY The administration and staff encourage group participation and sharing of ideas among individual students. However, in certain situations students will be required to complete tasks on an individual basis for diagnostic and grading purposes. Thus, it will be the policy of the Newton County School District for teachers to take immediate action when it is determined that students are giving or receiving help on any examination, homework or other class assignment. When it is determined that students have been cheating, all cases will be reported to the principal, followed by a zero, and the following actions will be taken. 1. For the first offense, parents will be notified and a zero will be issued for assignment. 9 2. For the second offense, the student will be given a zero for the assignment, suspended from school for a period deemed appropriate by the principal, and must be accompanied by a parent upon his/her return to school. 3. For the third offense, the student may receive a long-term suspension and a school board review before being allowed to return to school. If a student is caught using a cell phone or other electronic device to cheat on a test or take pictures of a test, it will be an automatic zero for the test and up to ten (10) days suspension along with the loss of the cell phone or other device for 30 days. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE Each spring the students in the Newton County School District are given an opportunity to select courses they wish to enroll in for the upcoming year. No student will be allowed to make schedule changes after the beginning of classes on the first day of school unless the principal makes an exception. If a student and his/her parent(s) feel that an exception should be made, within the first week of school the parent(s) should submit a written request followed up by a visit with the counselor or principal to discuss a schedule change. This policy also applies to courses offered 2nd semester. CLASS RANKING POLICY The class rank of each student in grades 9-12 is calculated using the students’ yearly average from each course. The class rank will be calculated using the student information package. All courses will be listed as a Level 1 course and will not be weighted. The following courses will be listed as Level 2 courses and will be weighted at 1.05. This will automatically be calculated within the student package. Courses at Newton County High School are classified as follows: Level 1: All non-weighted courses Level 2: Courses listed below SCIENCE Advanced Biology Anatomy and Physiology Physics MATH College Algebra College Trigonometry Pre-Cal/Trig SOCIAL STUDIES Acc. World History ADVANCED ELECTIVES Spanish I 10 ENGLISH Acc. English I Acc. English II Acc. English III AP English IV English Comp. I (College) English Comp. II (College) US History I (College) Spanish II US History II (College) Advanced World Geography Each level is assigned a grade factor which is multiplied by the student’s grade at the end of each nine weeks to determine the final grade. The grade factor for each course level is listed below. Level 1: 1.00 Grading scale: 0-100 Level 2: 1.05 Grading scale: 0-105 or above The final average of Level 2 courses reflect the degree of difficulty of the course requirement and the amount of time and work by the student to successfully complete the course. The following are examples of calculation: Level 2-AP English: final grade 92.3 Factor 1.05 Multiply 92.3 x 1.05=96.7 or 97 GPA is calculated using the student information package based on quality points. A=4 points B=3 points C=2 points D=1 point F= 0 points HONORS Students eligible for a diploma must have a full 90 average not rounded for the combined four (4) years of high school. (The average for each year is added together then divided by four (4). Example: 9TH Grade 91 10TH Grade 89 TH 11 Grade 92 12TH Grade 88 TOTAL 360/4=90 HIGHEST HONORS Students eligible for a diploma must have a full 90 not rounded for each year of high school. Example: 9TH Grade 90 or above 10TH Grade 90 or above 11 11TH Grade 12TH Grade 90 or above 90 or above DUAL ENROLLMENT/DUAL CREDIT What is Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit? A dual enrolled student is a student who is enrolled in a community or junior college (CJC) or state institution of higher learning (IHL) while enrolled in high school. A dual credit student is a student who is enrolled in a CJC or IHL while enrolled in high school and who is receiving high school credit and college credit for postsecondary coursework. Dual enrollment/dual credit is a program that allows high school students to simultaneously earn college or vocational credit toward a postsecondary diploma at a Mississippi public institution that will also count as a credit toward a high school diploma. Who is eligible? Students must meet all eligible requirements below (1-3) as agreed upon by the IHL’s: 1. Minimum overall GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale on all high school courses 2. Successful completion of at least 14 core high school units and/or junior status OR 30 ACT composite score or equivalent SAT score; and 3. Written recommendation from their high school principal and/or counselor *Completed a minimum of 14 core high school units and/or junior status (exception: any student who has earned a minimum of 30 on the ACT and has the required GPA and recommendation as described below can participate even if 14 core credits have not been earned) *Earned a 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale, or better, on all high school courses, as documented on an official high school transcript *Obtained an unconditional written recommendation from their high school principal and/or guidance counselor EXTENDED SCHOOL POLICY It shall be the policy of the Newton County School District to allow students in grades 68 to participate in an accredited extended school year program that is approved by the State Department of Education. Students who have passed one semester of English, Math, Reading, Science or Social Studies but failed the other semester that resulted in failure for the year may participate in an acceptable extended school year program. Students who have failed both semesters of a said course may participate in an extended school year program for remediation purposes, but will not receive credit. Students who 12 fall into this category will be retained. Students who are eligible to participate must have a minimum average of 50, meet the guidelines and pass the necessary requirements of the extended school year program of which they are attending. Extended school year participation will be limited. For a student entering the 6th grade, he/she may attend an extended school year program only twice (2) through the 8th grade and receive a maximum of 2 units over the four years. Students in grades 9-12, where Carnegie units are earned and given in the areas of Algebra I, Biology I, English II, and U. S. History may not attend an extended school year program and expect to receive a Carnegie Unit. Carnegie units shall be earned during the regular school term on the campus of Newton County High School. Students who wish to attend an extended school year program in the areas mentioned above may do so for remediation only. If a student in grades 9-12 wishes to participate in an extended school year program in other courses of study, he/she may do so at the discretion of the principal, he/she has passed one semester of a two-semester course and has a minimum course average of 50. The final word for participation will come from the principal only after careful discussions with the teacher and counselor. Extended school year program participation will be limited. For a student entering the 9th grade, he/she may attend an extended school year program only twice (2) through the 12th grade and receive a maximum of two units over the four years. It shall be the parents’ responsibility to enroll, pay tuition and transport their child to the designated school providing the extended school year program. Parents should ensure that their child is responsible for their assignments. Credit will be given only if the child has successfully completed the requirements. Failure to complete the requirements will result in retention and the student will have to repeat the grade/subject failed. GRADE REPORTS Reports to Parents A report of the progress of each student will be sent home during the fifth week of the nine-week grading period. A report of the final nine weeks’ grades will be sent to the parents the week following the nine weeks’ tests. Honor Roll Students demonstrating academic achievement during the nine-week grading period with a culmination of all A’s in each subject will have their names listed on the Principal’s List to be published in the local paper. Students demonstrating academic achievement during the nine week grading period with a culmination of all A’s and/or B’s in each subject will have their names listed on the Honor Roll to be published in the local paper. Permanent Records A permanent record of the educational progress of every student is on file at the school. This record gives a complete history of each student’s progress at each grade level. 13 Parents have the right to inspect the educational records of their child within a reasonable period of time after a request is made. GRADE CLASSIFICATION AND GRADE REQUIREMENTS Promotion Policies Ninth (9th) grade classification shall be based on school records verifying successful completion of eighth grade. To be promoted to the 10th grade, a student earn six (6) Carnegie units. Tenth (10th) grade students in order to be classified as a junior (11th Grader) must accumulate twelve (12) Carnegie units. Eleventh (11th) grade students must accumulate seventeen (17) Carnegie units. Twelfth (12th) grade students must accumulate twenty-four (24) Carnegie units. Carnegie units must correlate with courses required to advance to the next grade level, accelerated programs and for graduation. Athletic eligibility requirements are the same. Each student athlete will only be eligible to participate if they have met the rules and regulations set forth by the MHSAA. Credits required for promotion eligibility are as follows: 9th to 10th 10th to 11th 11th to 12th 6 credits 12 credits 17 credits The class of 2012 and after will be required to have 24 credits for graduation. STAR STUDENT The Star Student will be selected by the guidelines handed down from the Mississippi Economic Council using the ACT scores that are received by Newton County High School. Scores will be reviewed when the school receives notification from the Mississippi Economic Council. VALEDICTORIAN AND SALUTATORIAN The Valedictorian and Salutatorian will be determined after 1st semester grades are completed using the numeric average from our student information package. 14 Procedures for Promotion or Retention It shall be the policy of the Newton County School District to require students to become responsible for his/her success in the classroom. Students shall not pass a class/grade when that student does not satisfactorily complete 60% of the course skills. Students in grades 6, 7, and 8 must pass Math, Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies for promotion to the next grade level. 1. Credit is awarded to the student who receives a grade of A, B, C or D (60100). 2. Failure to receive credit is determined by a numerical grade of 0-59 earned. 3. Courses failed may be repeated in summer school if offered. 4. Failure of elective courses in grades nine through twelve does not require repetition unless it is a prerequisite for the next course, but appropriate gradelevel for elective courses must be maintained. The total number of credits required for graduation must be earned before a diploma is awarded. GRADING SCALE A B C D F 90--100 80--89 70--79 60--69 0—59 GRADING PERCENTAGES FOR GRADES 6-12 Major Grades/Tests-50% Minor Grades/Daily-30% 9 Weeks Exams-20% Advanced Placement English Entrance requirements for accelerated and advanced placement English Classes: 1. Teacher Recommendation (checklist) 2. MCT 2 scores in Writing and Reading Once a student is approved for Accelerated English they can remain in Accelerated English unless a teacher recommends removal due to grades and performance. Graduation Requirements 4 English credits – English I(9th),English II(10th),English III(11th) and English IV(12th) 15 4 Social Studies credits – MS Studies/Intro. to World Geography(9th), World History(10th), US History(11th) and Government/Economics(12th) 4 Math credits – Algebra I (required) and 2 math courses higher than Algebra I 4 Science credits – Biology I and 1-lab based physical science (required) 1 Art credit – May choose from the following; Band, Chorus, General Music, and Visual Arts 1 Computer credit – Technology Foundations ½ Health credit – Family and Individual Health ½ Physical Education 5 Elective credits The following subject area test must be passed for a student to graduate: Algebra I, Biology I, English II, and U. S. History. MAKE-UP WORK OPPORTUNITIES Make-up work is the sole responsibility of the student. A student has three (3) days in which to make up any missed assignments due to an excused or unexcused absence from school. Any test assigned prior to the absence must be taken on the day the student returns to school. Extended absences will have a completion date as set by the Administration of Newton County High School. Any make-up work completed due to an un-excused absence may not be rewarded a grade to exceed “50”. A zero will be given to the student for missed work not made up. SPECIAL EDUCATION Testing IQ testing for both special education and gifted education is conducted by a licensed psychometrist to establish need for academic or behavorial services. Grading and Graduation The district will use the familiar A, B, C, D and F grading pattern with special education students. Grades will be for the grade level on which the student is assigned or functioning. Students must successfully complete 60% of the objectives written in the IEP Special education students must also pass, with a grade of at least 60, a teacher-made test relating to the objectives for the specific grading period. Any disabled student who does not meet the above requirements may receive a failing grade. Newton County School District Graduation Procedures/Special Education Students with disabilities will be given the option of working toward a special education certificate, occupational diploma, or regular diploma upon entering a special education program. The special education certificate and occupational diploma will be presented 16 without special mention during the regular graduation exercises. The certificate and occupational diploma is not equivalent to a regular high school diploma. Graduation options will be fully explained to parents and students, when appropriate, in each Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) meeting. The determination of receiving a certificate, occupational diploma, or regular high school diploma is made by the IEP Committee prior to the student entering the ninth grade. This determination may be revised at any time prior to graduation. Students who choose to work toward a regular diploma must complete all Carnegie unit requirements of the regular program as described in the policy of the Newton County Board of Education. Those who choose the special education certificate option must complete the same number of units as required by the regular diploma, but these units will be taken from the special education curriculum and/or the regular education curriculum as determined by the Individualized Educational Plan (IEP). In order to receive an occupational diploma, 70% of all the objectives as outlined by the Mississippi Department of Education Office of Special Education must be met. Special Curriculum This policy applies only to students with disabilities who are eligible for special education services according to the Mississippi Department of Education guidelines. Any student ineligible for special education services must fulfill requirements of the regular Carnegie unit program in order to graduate. BOARD POLICY ON GIFTED EDUCATION 1. The District approves use of state minimal scale score criteria on all referral measures. These will be distrusted to all administration, counselors, teachers, and shall be made available to parents at each school site. 2. The minimal acceptable criteria for each measure used during the assessment process (Individual IQ tests) shall be at or above the 91% percentile to meet “Superior Range” as suggested by the MDE 2013 Gifted Regulations. 3. Referral process for Gifted Education Program accepted from multiple sources. A student may be tested no more than 2 times with an individual intelligence test in grades 2-6. 4. The process that parents shall adhere to when requesting access to gifted files is noted under Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). FERPA will be discussed with each parent at referral and permission to place. FERPA is approved by the board. 5. Blanket screening shall be conducted in grade 1 for gifted education. 6. Testing will be accepted from outside sources if it meets the Mississippi Department of Education guidelines. 7. Students transferring from out-of-state gifted programs must be referred and assessed according to Newton County Schools and Mississippi Department of Education 17 guidelines and regulations. 8. Students transferring from another Mississippi school district with a valid gifted eligibility ruling will be placed in the program upon entering Newton County School District. 9. Steps for hearing, should the parent not agree to the removal of a student from the gifted program. A. The hearing will be conducted by an impartial gifted coordinator from out of district within 14 school days of request by parents. B. The hearing will be conducted at a mutually agreed time and place. Each party will be given the opportunity to present their case at that time. C. After each party had presented their case a decision will be rendered in writing to all parties involved within a 7 day calendar week. D. The hearing officer’s written decision will be the final step in how this disagreement will be resolved. 10. District Pamphlet revised and approved. 11. State approved “Matrix” approved for Intellectually Gifted Referrals to be used with the Emerging Potential for Intellectually Gifted Assessment. 12. IMP/Scope and Sequence Approved on June 10, 2013 Compulsory Attendance Age and Attendance Considerations Students must attend school until he/she is at least seventeen (17) years of age, but not more than twenty-one (21) years of age prior to the date of graduation. SECTION 3: ACTIVITIES All high school activities governed by the MHSAA will be subject to the rules and regulations deemed necessary for participation by the governing body. A copy of the handbook is on file in the principal’s office or in the office of the respective coaches or directors. 18 ATHLETICS If an athlete quits one sport and wishes to play another, he/she must wait until the completion of the sport that was quit before he/she can go to practice with the other sport. BEAUTY AND BEAU PAGEANTS Beauty and Beau pageants will be held in each school to select Most Beautiful/Most Handsome and Beauties/Beaus. Pageants will be open to all girls/boys in grades 6-12. A $15.00 entry fee will be charged and will be used to defray expenses incurred in producing the pageant. Pageants will be conducted according to district guidelines, which are on file in the principal’s office in each of the schools. The student – 1. Must have been in school the previous semester. 2. Must have an escort and escort only one person in High School. Middle school Escorts are not required. 3. Must be at practice to participate. 4. Most Beautiful/Most Handsome may not compete the following year. 5. Must meet deadlines in order to participate. 6. Must follow pageant attire guidelines. 7. Must be in school 60% of the day prior to the pageant. 8. Registration fees are non-refundable. CHEERLEADING 1. Eligibility rules for cheerleader candidates will be the same as band and sports (those guidelines set forth by the Mississippi High School Activities Association). Evidence that this requirement has been met by the end of the 3rd nine weeks grading period must be submitted to the principal by the sponsor. A copy of the MSHAA Handbook is on file in the office. 2. Approval to try-out will be given by the principal after behavior records have been reviewed. 3. Judges will be provided by the Universal Cheerleading Association. Selections will be based on actual cheerleading skills as assessed by the judges. 4. The Cheerleader Constitution outlines the duties, academic and behavioral responsibilities and requirements of each member of the squad. 5. The Newton County School District actively encourages all students who are eligible to participate in try-outs. CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS Clubs and organizations which are not governed by grade-point average or state/national guidelines will be provided the opportunity and/or guidance to draw up district by-laws. These district by-laws will be on file in the principal’s office. 19 STUDENT COUNCIL Section 1. Section 2. Article I Name and Purpose The name of the organization shall be the Newton County High School Student Council. The purpose of the organization shall be as follows: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. To promote student activity and participation. To serve as a link between the student body and the administration. To develop closer relations between students and faculty. To develop attitudes of good citizenship, spirit and ideals To promote the general welfare of Newton County High School, it’s good name and reputation, and its possibilities for achievement of its purpose. To give students a voice in school activities. To encourage, develop, and extend opportunities for student responsibilities. To provide an opportunity for student leadership training. Article II Membership Section 1. Membership in the council shall consist of Representatives from grades 712. Officers will be selected by the student council representatives. The qualifications for Student Council Officers are as follows: A student must serve as student council representative for at least one year to be able to run for a student council officer position. A. The President must: 1. Be a senior for the year of service. 2. Have at least an 80 average for EACH of the first three 9 weeks of the election year. (Sports, P. E., Band and Chorus are excluded from the average. A nine weeks grade of an F in any class automatically disqualifies an individual from eligibility.) 3. Have been a citizen of Newton County High School for the preceding year. 4. Have the right attitude toward schoolwork and teachers. 5. Cooperate and be loyal to his/her school. B. The Vice-President must: 1. Be a junior for the year of service. 2. Have at least an 80 average for EACH of the first three 9 weeks of the election year. (Sports, P. E., Band and Chorus are 20 excluded in from the average. A nine weeks grade of an F in any class automatically disqualifies an individual from eligibility.) 3. Have been a citizen of Newton County High School for the preceding year. 4. Have the right attitude toward school work and teachers. 5. Cooperate and be loyal to his/her school. C. The Secretary must: 1. Be classified as a sophomore, junior or senior for the year of service. 2. Have at least an 80 average for EACH of the first three 9 weeks of the election year. (Sports, P. E., Band and Chorus are excluded from the average. A nine weeks grade of an F in any class automatically disqualifies an individual from eligibility.) 3. Have been a student of Newton County High School for the 4. preceding year. Have the right attitude toward schoolwork and teachers. 5. Cooperate and be loyal to his/her school. Section 2. If necessary, a review of any discipline problems will be discussed by the administrators and/or advisors, and an eligibility decision will be made. Grades will be checked, and a candidate may then campaign. The Student Council Representatives for the upcoming year shall be elected by the members of a candidate’s grade. Section 3. To be a candidate for Student Council Representative, a student must have been a student of Newton County High School the previous year. Any representative of the Student Council must have at least a 75 average for EACH of the first three 9 weeks of the election year. (Sports, P.E., Band and Chorus are excluded from the average. A nine weeks grade of an F in any class will automatically disqualify an officer or representative.) Section 4. All Officers and Representatives shall hold office from the time of their election or appointment until one of the following occurs: 1. 2. 3. 4. Their successors have been elected. Disqualification by withdrawing from school or by exhibiting behavior that is detrimental to the organization and/or school as deemed by the advisors and/or administration. Disqualification after accumulating three (3) demerits as listed in the Requirements of Student Council Members Disqualification after accumulating five (5) unexcused absences from meetings. 21 Section 6. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Student Council Officers and the Faculty Advisors. This committee shall plan the work of the Student Council. Section 7. If a student accumulates too many absences, demerits, or does not fulfill their fundraising agreement, they will be removed from the student council. They will not be allowed to run for 1 school year term. After 1 School year, they will be allowed to run for student council. Article III The Officers and Student Council Representative Duties Section 1. The President shall: A. Preside at all meetings of the Student Council and all general assembly meetings of the Student Body. B. Call meetings of the Student Body or of the Student Council. C. Appoint all committees of the Council and serve as ex officio member of all committees. D. Represent the Student Body at all public occasions. Section 2. The Vice-President shall: A. Perform the duties of the President in his/her absence. B. Be responsible for the activities of all committees. C. Be responsible for all council projects. Section 3. The Secretary shall: A. Prepare and keep minutes of all meetings of the Council. B. Keep a record of all committee activities. Section 4. The Faculty Advisors and/or Administration shall: A. Supervise all activities of the Student Council. B. Advise the council on suggested projects. C. Approve expenditure of funds. D. Expel any member from council membership when necessary. Section 5. The above Officers shall also perform all other duties usually discharged by such officers. Section 6. The Student Council shall: A. Be in charge of administering and fulfilling responsibilities established in this constitution. B. Be in charge of all student elections. C. Serve as a resource for the various clubs and organizations and the personnel of the school system. 22 D. Participate/administer projects. Article IV Meetings Section 1. A. B. Meetings will be held every Thursday at 7:30 a.m. throughout the school year unless otherwise specified. Meetings (no more than 4) will be held during the summer vacation to work on projects, if deemed necessary. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITY INJURY POLICY The following policy applies to: Band, Basketball, Baseball, Cheerleading, Chorus, Cross Country, Football, Golf, Soccer, Softball, Tennis, Track and any other activity sanctioned by the Mississippi High School Athletic Association. Parent(s) or Guardian(s) must: Provide proof of insurance for the student that would cover accidental injuries received during a practice or event. (Neither The Newton County School District or Newton County School Board will be financially liable in any way for any accident which results in injury.) Sign a waiver of release for the student to participate in extracurricular activities. (Failure to sign this waiver will disqualify the student from participating.) SECTION 4 GUIDANCE PROCEDURES A guidance program shall be implemented and maintained in all secondary areas and is to be administered by fully certified individuals in accordance with The State Department of Education certification requirements. The basic program includes standardized-test administration, co-ordination and interpretation, individual and group counseling and career and educational information counseling. Parents are encouraged to contact school counselors for assistance in the following areas: 1. Subject selection 2. Parent/teacher conferences 3. Progress reports 4. Test interpretation 5. Social/Emotional Issues 23 Students may contact the counselor for assistance in the following areas: 1. Selecting an appropriate program of study and developing a four-year high school plan. 2. Dealing effectively with personal problems. 3. Interpreting test scores and relating them to interest and abilities. 4. Identifying abilities and relating them to occupational or job choices. 5. Gathering information about college entrance requirements. 6. Contacting specialists in out-of-school agencies such as Mental Health Clinics, Employment Services, Social Welfare, etc. 7. Gathering information about college scholarship opportunities. SECTION 5 PUBLIC INFORMATION ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL – MS CODE – SECTION 37-13-92 Students can or shall be placed into an alternative school, but not limited to the following categories: 1. Any compulsory school-age child who has been suspended or expelled from school, except for any student expelled for possession of a weapon or other felonious conduct. 2. Documented need for placement in the alternative school program by the parent, legal guardian or custodian of such child due to disciplinary problem. 3. Referred to by a disposition order or a chancellor or youth court judge with the consent of the principal of the child’s school. 4. Students attending the East Central Alternative School will not be allowed to attend any extracurricular activities at Newton County High School. Any compulsory school-age child who becomes involved in any criminal or violent behavior shall be removed from such alternative school program and, if probable cause exists, a case shall be referred to the youth court. ASBESTOS NOTIFICATION On October 30, 2002, the Environmental Protection Agency published the AsbestosContaining Materials in Schools Rule (40 CRF Part 763 Subpart E). This new rule requires all public and private schools to inspect for friable and non-friable asbestos, develop asbestos management plans that address asbestos hazards in school buildings, implement response actions in a timely fashion and report results of the assessment studies to school employees and parent/teacher organizations. A copy of the inspection and management plan is available for your examination in the administrative office of your school. 24 *Subject to change as needed* Newton County HS/MS Bell Schedule Regular Period Time: 1st 7:55-8:47 2nd 8:51-9:41 3rd 9:45-10:35 4th 10:39- 12:13 5th 12:17-1:07 6th 1:11-2:01 BREAK 2:06-2:16 7th 2:20- 3:10 Activity Period Time: 1st 7:55-8:44 2nd 8:48-9:35 3rd 9:39-10:26 4th 10:30- 12:04 * ALL Lunches will start 9 minutes earlier 5th 12:08-12:55 6th 12:59-1:46 7th 1:50- 2:37 Assembly 2:37- 3:10 25 NINE WEEKS EXAMS SUBJECT AREA TESTS ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· 1st 9 Weeks: October 6, 7, 8 2nd 9 Weeks: December 17, 18, 19 3rd 9 Weeks: March 4, 5, 6 4th 9 Weeks: May 19, 20, 21 Retest 1: September 22-26—English II and Algebra I September 29-Oct. 3—US History and Biology I Retest 2: December 1-12—English II, Algebra I, US History and Biology Retest & Senior Online: March 30-April 10—English II and Algebra I—April 13-17—US History and Biology MCT3/SATP3—PBA Grades 3-10--March 2-April 3 MCT3/SATP3—EOY Grades 3-10: April 27-May 22 US History and Biology I: May 11-15 NOTE: NO Activities are to be scheduled on the night before exams or state tests. SCHOOL CALENDAR NEWTON COUNTY SCHOOLS 2014-2015 July 22-24 August 1, 4, 5 August 6 September 1 October 8 October 9-10 November 24-28 December 17-19 December 19 December 22- Jan 5 January 5 January 6 January 19 February 16 March 6 March 4-6 March 9-13 April 3-6 All Teachers Professional Development All Teachers Professional Development Regular Classes Begin Labor Day Holiday End of First Nine Weeks Fall Break Thanksgiving Holidays First Semester Exams First Semester Ends (60% Day/Lunch Served) Christmas Holidays Professional Development Students Return – 2nd Semester Begins Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday President’s Day (Weather Make-up Day) End of 3rd Nine Weeks 3rd Nine Weeks Exams Spring Break Good Friday/Easter Holidays (Weather Make-up Days) 26 May 15 May 22 Graduation Last Day for Students (60% Day/Lunch Served) CAFETERIA The principal will assign staff members to supervise students and correct or report any type of misconduct in the cafeteria. Students are expected to exhibit good table manners at all times and to respect others by not crowding or trying to get ahead in line. Student prices for breakfast and lunch for 2014/2015 are as follows: Breakfast Lunch $1.25 $2.50 CHECKS Any check presented to Newton County Schools must contain the following information: 1. 2. 3. Student’s Name Physical Address Telephone Number GRADE REPORTING DATES Progress Reports September 4, 2014 November 6, 2014 February 5, 2015 April 16, 2015 Report Cards October 16, 2014 January 8, 2015 March 19, 2015 Mailed GRIEVANCE POLICY Grievances must be presented to the principal by the parents and the principal will decide if a conference is necessary. All parties must be present for the conference including the principal, teacher, and parent. Any unresolved grievance will be presented to the Superintendent and the School Board. 27 POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SCHOOL-WIDE EXPECTATIONS Respect Responsibility Self-Control We Will Respect Others and Ourselves, Be Responsible for Our Actions and Have Self-Control in Everything We Do. During break we will… Respect others and self Maintain Self Control Throw away trash Leave break only at bell time **Break is a privilege While in the hallway we will… Respect others and self Stay on the right side Talk softly Keep our hands and feet to ourselves Keep hallway clean When in the restroom we will… Respect others and self Throw away trash Keep restroom “graffiti” free Return to class promptly Use good manners When in the cafeteria we will… Respect others and self Stay in a single line Talk softly Keep our area clean Use good manners When we are on the bus we will… Respect others and self Sit and stay in assigned seat Talk Softly Keep bus clean 28 PREVENTION OF SCHOOL VIOLENCE LAW AND WEAPONS The Newton County School District will be subject to the Prevention of School Violence Law passed by the Mississippi State Legislature. Copies of the law as well as a Crisis Management Plan are available in the offices of the Superintendent and Principals. Each teacher in the Newton County School District has also been provided with a copy. The law includes, but is not limited to the following: 1. Section 97-37-17 It shall be a felony for any person to posses or carry whether openly or concealed, any gun, rifle, pistol or other firearm of any kind, or any dynamite, cartridge, bomb, grenade, mine or powerful explosive on educational property. 2. Any person violating this subsection shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), or committed to the custody of the State Department of Corrections for not more than three (3) years or both. 3. It shall be a felony for any person to cause, encourage, or aid a minor who is less than 18 years old in any of the above (#2), and the same fine shall apply. 4. It shall be a misdemeanor for any person to possess or carry, whether openly or concealed, any BB gun, air rifle, air pistol, bowie knife, dirk, dagger, slingshot, leaded cane, switchblade knife, blackjack, metallic knuckles, razors and razor blades, and any sharp-pointed or edged instrument except instructional supplies, unaltered nail files and clips and tools used solely for preparation of food, instruction and maintenance on educational property. Any person violating this subsection shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), or be imprisoned not exceeding six (6) months, or both. 5. It shall be a misdemeanor for any person to cause, encourage, or aid a minor who is less than 18 years old in any of the above (#4) and the same fine shall apply. Section 37-11-29 When the principal has a reasonable belief that an act has occurred on educational property or during a school related activity involving assault resulting in serious physical injury, sexual assault resulting in serious physical injury, sexual assault, sexual offense, rape, kidnapping, indecent liberties with a minor, assault involving the use of a weapon, possession of a firearm in violation of the law, possession of a controlled substance in violation of the law, the principal shall immediately report the act to the appropriate local law enforcement agency. The law enforcement authority shall immediately dispatch an officer to the educational institution and with probable cause the officer is authorized to make an arrest if necessary as provided in Section 99-3-7. 29 Section 43-21-605 In delinquency cases, the disposition order may include any of the following alternatives or combination of the following alternatives, giving precedence in the following sequence: Release the child without further action. Place the child in the custody of the parents, a relative or other persons subject to any conditions and limitations, including restitution, as the youth court may describe. Place the child on probation subject to any reasonable and appropriate conditions and limitations, including restitution, as the youth court may prescribe. Order terms of treatment calculated to assist the child and the child’s parents or guardian, which are within the ability of the parent s or guardian to perform. Order terms of supervision which may include participation in a constructive program of service or education, or civil fines not in excess of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), or restitution not in excess of actual damages caused by the child to be paid out of his own assets or by performance of services acceptable to the victims and approved by the youth court and reasonably capable of performance within one (1) year. Suspend the child’s driver’s license by taking and keeping it in custody of the court for not more than one (1) year. Give legal custody of the child to any of the following: 1)The Department of Human Services for appropriate placement. 2)Any public or private organization, preferably community-based, able to assume the education, care and maintenance of the child, which has been found suitable. 3)The Department of Human Services for placement in a wilderness training program or state-supported training school, except that no child under the age of ten (10) years shall be committed to a state training school. The training school may retain custody of the child until the child’s twentieth (20) birthday but for no longer. The youth court shall not place a child in another school district that has been expelled from a school district for the commission of a violent act. For the purpose of this subsection, “violent act” means any action which results in death or physical harm to another or an attempt to cause death or physical harm to another. SCHOOL NURSE A school nurse is provided for the well being of all students at NCHS. A student must have permission from a teacher or administrator in order to see the nurse. The nurse will give written permission for students to use medication such as cough drops, throat lozenges, etc., but all other medication will be administered by the school nurse. 30 VISITORS Parents who wish to visit the school are always welcome. We ask that you report to the office upon your arrival at the school and that your visit does not interrupt regular class work. SCHOOL VOLUNTEER POLICY The Newton County School District, as part of our strategic plan, is continuously striving to include all areas of the community in the educational development of our students. One such area is volunteerism. It is the District’s belief that volunteers add to the instructional area of educating our students through remediation, enrichment and encouragement; therefore, volunteerism is supported by the Administration. All volunteers who participate in the Newton County School District must follow the criteria listed below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. All volunteers must be approved/interviewed by the Principal and Teacher. (Final participation approval will be given by the Principal.) All volunteers must follow the same dress code as teachers. (A copy of the dress code will be provided.) All volunteers who agree to participate in a regular activity (I.E. Reading) must be consistent with attendance. A volunteer must be a parent, a grandparent or a friend of education. Volunteers must treat all students the same. No authority is given to volunteers. All discipline shall be done by the teacher. However, all students and staff shall treat volunteers with respect and assist them whenever possible. All volunteers must strictly follow the curriculum guidelines set forth by the Mississippi State Department of Education and the Newton County School District. All volunteers must attend a training session that covers a specific area of functions and methods of classroom activities. This training will be under the advisement of the building level principal. SECTION 6 STUDENTS ASSEMBLY Each school will conduct assemblies as deemed necessary by the principal. 31 CELLULAR PHONES The use of cell phones on the campus and in the building during regular school hours will not be permitted. All phones confiscated under this policy must have the SIM card included and no SIM cards will be returned before the required fees or time periods are satisfied. First Offense – Cell phone will be confiscated and will be subject to a $25 Administrative /Handling fee or 30 days of confiscation. A parent, guardian or approved checkout person will be required to pick up the device Second Offence – Cell phone will be confiscated and will be subject to a $25 Administrative /Handling fee or 30 days of confiscation. A parent, guardian or approved checkout person will be required to pick up the device Third and Subsequent Offences- The School will take possession of the Cell phone for 60 days or will be required to pay a $50 Administrative / Handling fee and a parent, guardian or approved checkout person will be required pick up the device. If a cellular device is used to video, upload or transmit acts of violence, etc. the device will be taken for 30 days and the student will receive suspension. The District is not responsible for the devices lost or misplaced while in their possession when confiscated from a student. CODE OF CONDUCT Self-discipline is the desired outcome of any discipline system. However, certain rules and regulations are necessary in school, as in other social institutions, to provide order and an atmosphere that is conducive to the teaching and learning processes. The primary responsibility for the conduct of a student rests with the individual student and the parent. Students have a responsibility for becoming familiar with and for following the established rules and School Board Policies relevant to conduct at school. Students who repeatedly violate the rules as set forth in this handbook will be placed in the custody of their parents/guardians. Parents/guardians have a responsibility to make certain that students adhere to the established rules and policies. Teachers and administrators have a responsibility to enforce the established rules and policies relevant to student conduct. DISORDERLY CONDUCT The teachers and administrators of the Newton County School District will hold students to strict account for disorderly conduct: (1) while at school, (2) on the way to and from 32 school, (3) on school grounds before and after school, (4) at school meetings, programs, athletic events or on buses going to, or returning from, such events, or (5) on any school sponsored activity. The principal of the school may suspend any student for good cause for a period of up to ten (10) days without a formal hearing. Students subject to suspension of more than ten (10) days shall have their individual cases decided by the local school board following a formal hearing. SUSPENSIONS AND EXPULSIONS Students who are on suspension by order of the school principal shall be considered unexcused from school for each day of the suspension. Students who commit overt or repeated infractions of established rules or policies shall be subject to expulsion for the duration of the school year by the school board, following a formal hearing concerning the infraction. Students who are on suspension may not come on the school campus, ride the school bus, participate in, or attend any school function or athletic event until the suspension has ended, or until a conference with the parent, student, and the principal has been held. Students who have been expelled from school by the School Board may not come on the school campus, ride the school bus, participate in, or attend any school function or athletic event until the expulsion has ended and the parent, student, and the School Board has held a conference concerning the expulsion and future conduct. Ref.: MS Code Section 37-11-29 1. Any teacher or other school employee who observes or has knowledge of any unlawful activity, or violent act(s) which occur on educational property during a school related activity shall report such activity to the respective principal who shall in turn notify the appropriate law enforcement officials. 2. If a student is arrested or charged with a crime, the Superintendent will be notified by law enforcement. Law enforcement authorities shall make subsequent notification to the Superintendent as to the status of legal proceedings on these charges. Ref.: MS Code Section 1 43-21-51 As Amended 1. In the event of a child expelled from the public schools, the youth court shall be notified of the act of expulsion and the act or acts constituting the basis for expulsion. 2. The parent, guardian or custodian of a child who has not reached his/her thirteenth birthday may be civilly liable for any criminal acts of such child. Ref.: Section 4; Section 43-21-255 Record of school officials for unlawful acts by students involving the use of dangerous 33 weapons including photographs and fingerprints may be released to appropriate law enforcement officials. Confidentiality of records, as prescribed by law, will be maintained by school officials. Ref.: Section 43-21-261 Section 9 – Any student in any school who possesses any controlled substance in violation of the Uniform Controlled Substance Law, knife, handgun, other firearms or any other instrument considered to be dangerous and capable of causing bodily harm or who commits a violent act on school property may be recommended for expulsion by the superintendent or principal from such school: Such expulsion shall take effect immediately subject to the constitutional rights of due process. DESTRUCTION OF SCHOOL PROPERTY Any student that defaces, destroys or steals school property shall be required to make restitution and is subject to suspension or expulsion. If the administration deems it necessary, the offender may be turned over to the proper law enforcement authorities. Discipline Plan Section 37-11-53 A parent, guardian, or custodian of a compulsory school-age child enrolled in a public school shall be responsible for the following: 1. Financially responsible for his /her minor child’s destructive acts against school property or persons. 2. Shall be requested to appear at school by an appropriate school official for a conference regarding acts of the child specified in the above #1. 3. Shall be responsible for any criminal fines brought against such student for unlawful activity occurring on school grounds (37-11-29). 4. Persons who refuse or willfully fail to perform any of the duties imposed upon him/her under 37-11-53 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction, shall be fined not to exceed Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($3,500.00). Newton County School District shall be entitled to recover damages in an amount not to exceed Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00), plus necessary court cost, from the parents of any minor under the age of eighteen (18) years and over the age of six (6) years, who maliciously and willfully damages or destroys property belonging to this school district. However, this shall not apply to parents whose parental control of such child has been removed by court order or decree. 34 DISCIPLINE PLAN It is the intention of the Newton County School District to maintain an atmosphere that is conducive to learning and that exhibits that objective through positive student behavior. Any student whose action inhibits this objective will be punished according to the guidelines set forth in this handbook. NEWTON COUNTY SCHOOLS ASSERTIVE DISCIPLINE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES The assertive discipline program includes but is not limited to the following examples of behavior together with the consequences that will follow. The student who engages in the type of misbehavior described will be placed on the appropriate step of the discipline ladder, with consequences clearly listed. 1. Open defiance of a teacher 1. Step 1-5 2. Profanity or vulgarity (to include acts, gestures, or symbols directed at another person) 2. Step 1-4 3. Smoking or possession of tobacco-related products at or in the immediate vicinity of the school 3. Step 3-4 4. Use, sale, or possession of drugs on or near school 4. Step 7 5. Use, sale, or possession of alcohol on or near school 5. Step 5-7 6. Defacing or otherwise injuring property that belongs to the school district (to include restitution) 6. Step 1-7 7. Fighting at school, on the way to school or at school activities 7. Step 3-7 8. Use or possession of dangerous objects 8. Step 4-7 9. Use or possession of fireworks (weapons) 9. Step 4-7 10. Improper behavior in the cafeteria or on campus 10. Step 1-5 11. Improper behavior at assemblies or other school activities 11. Step 1-5 12. Stealing (to include restitution) 12. Step 2-5 13. Cutting classes 13. Step 2-4 14. Truancy 14. Step 2-4 15. Leaving campus without authorization 15. Step 2-4 16. Gambling or possession of gambling devices 16. Step 1-5 17. Harassment, intimidation, or threatening (bullying) of other students 17. Step 2-7 18. Refusal to identify oneself properly when requested to do so by a faculty or staff member 18. Step 2-5 19. Misbehavior on the school bus 19. Step 1-7 20. Continuous disobedience 20. Step 1-5 21. Tardies as defined by Board Policy 21. See Tardy Discipline Ladder 22. Unlawful activity or association 22. Step 2-7 23. Use of cell phone or other electronic device (see Electronic Device Policy) 23. Step 1-7 35 24. Other misbehavior as determined by the administration (i.e. Inappropriate Internet Usage) 24. Step 1-4 25. Public display of affection (holding hands, kissing, hugging, etc) 25. Step 1-4 26. Chewing gum or eating. 26. Step 1-4 27. Males wearing earrings and unusual body piercings male and female. 27. Step 1-4 28. Dress Code 28. Pg. 49-51 29. Gang Symbols (displaying, possession, drawing, etc.) 29. Step 3-7 DISCIPLINE LADDER (GRADES 6-12) Step 1 1. Contact parent or legal guardian 2. Student conference/reprimand 3. Removal from ladder if not referred to the office for 30 school days from the date of entry onto this step. Step 2 1. Contact parent or legal guardian 2. Detention, corporal punishment, Saturday school or parent care 3. Removal from ladder if not referred to office for 35 school days from date of entry onto this step. Step 3 1. Contact parent or legal guardian (may require personal visit with building administrator) 2. *In-school/out-of-school one to three days, corporal punishment, Saturday school 3. Loss of all privileges during suspension 4. Removal from ladder if not referred to office for 40 school days from date of return to school after suspension. Step 4 1. Contact parent or legal guardian (may require personal visit with building administrator) 2. *In-school suspension, one to five days 3. Out-of-school suspension, one to five days 4. Loss of all privileges during the time of suspension 5. Removal from ladder if not referred to office for 45 school days after return from suspension Step 5 1. Contact parent or legal guardian (personal visit with building administrator) 2. Out-of-school suspension, three to ten days 3. Referral to central office administrator 36 4. 5. 6. 7. Other terms as dictated by central office administrator Loss of privileges during time of suspension Parent may be required to attend classes with student Removal from ladder if not referred to office for 50 school days after return to school Step 6 1. Recommendation for alternative placement 2. Return to home school upon completion of assignment Step 7 1. Recommendation for expulsion 2. A student may be recommended for expulsion upon the display of felonious conduct to include but not limited to sexual offenses, bomb threat, possession of a weapon, aggravated assault or possession of drugs. A. Incentive is provided for the student to improve his/her behavior through provisions of a probationary period that allows a student to remove himself/herself from the discipline ladder by improved conduct. B. A parent/guardian conference with an administrator is required before a student can return to school after a suspension (Steps3, 4, or 5). Telephone calls will not be sufficient. C. A student may enter the discipline ladder at any step, depending upon the nature of the offense. D. Failure to complete the punishment as designated will result in additional consequences in the assertive discipline program. E. Return to the office during the probationary period prescribed in the discipline step will result in additional consequences in the assertive discipline program. F. Loss of privileges means that during the time stated, the student cannot participate in assemblies or any school function designated as a extra activity, including athletic events, dances, plays, extra-curricular programs, filed trips, school-sponsored activities, etc. The student may, however, participate in the graduation ceremony. CORPORAL PUNISHMENT The Newton County School Board encourages the teacher to use corporal punishment only when it is considered to be effective and suitable means of discipline and/or when other measures used to promote good conduct have been tried and failed to produce positive results. If an offense is serious enough to warrant corporal punishment, IT MUST BE ADMINISTERED IN THE PRESENCE OF ANOTHER CERTIFIED STAFF MEMBER. There should be no doubt in the mind of the student as to the seriousness of the offense for which he/she is to be punished nor as to the punishment deserved. The teacher or principal, when administering corporal punishment, should use an instrument approved by the principal which will produce no physical injury to the child, and it must not be applied on any part of the body above the waist or below the buttocks. Three (3) licks on the buttocks shall be the maximum number applied. Striking the hands, knuckles, and palms with rulers or slapping about the face and head with hand (either 37 open or closed) or with any instrument is expressly forbidden. It must be remembered that all punishment is to be at a time and under conditions when it is not calculated to produce a rebellious or vengeful spirit in the student. If a student refuses to take corporal punishment as directed be the teacher and/or principal, he/she we be subjected to suspension from school. Instances of corporal punishment shall be reported to the parent(s) by the principal or teacher who administered the punishment. A written record shall be made by the teacher, signed by the witness and given to the principal each time a teacher administers corporal punishment. This written record must contain all pertinent facts relating to the misconduct and shall become part of the disciplinary file of the student involved. Parents shall have the right to deny corporal punishment to their child by making a written request which will be placed in the student’s cumulative record. SATURDAY SCHOOL Students who attend Saturday School must report by 8:00 a.m. to the front of the school. Saturday School will dismiss at 11:00 a.m. If your child arrives between 8:01 a.m. and 8:09 a.m. he/she will be required to stay until 11:30 a.m. If your child comes after 8:10 a.m. he/she will not be admitted to Saturday School. In this case he/she will be automatically assigned Saturday School the next Saturday. Failure to come the assigned Saturday or the alternate will result in a 2 day In-school suspension. Therefore, it is very important for your child to attend Saturday School on the assigned date. STUDENTS ATTENDING SATURDAY SCHOOL MUST WEAR UNIFORMS, AND BRING PAPER AND PENCIL Students will not be admitted if not in dress code. IN SCHOOL SUSPENSION (ISS) ISS is a form of punishment that removes a student from their regular schedule. ISS may be assigned for ONE OR MORE PERIODS OR THE ENTIRE DAY. Students must obey the rules of the ISS Instructor. Assignments will be given to students by the ISS Instructor and must be completed to the satisfaction of the ISS Instructor before students are cleared to return to their regular scheduled classes. EXPULSIONS Expulsion is the total exclusion of the student from participation in or attendance at any school-related activity. The School Board shall be the sole authority to expel a student from school. A student who has been expelled by the Newton County School Board must apply in writing to the Superintendent for possible readmission. The School Board, on recommendation of the Superintendent or his/her designee, may expel or exempt students from attendance in accordance with the provisions of the statutes of the State of Mississippi. Any behavior that the principal deems severe could result in immediate suspension from school for the year, pending board action. The administration reserves the right to 38 suspend any student at any time for behavior that is severe in nature or detrimental to school climate. Administration also reserves the right to move to step six (Alternative School) at any time. Any student who participates in extra-curricular activities at Newton County High School and is suspended two times during a given calendar school year will be dealt with by the Administration and Coaches of that particular activity. Behavior contracts are often signed by players and parents. EMERGENCY DRILLS At the beginning of the school year students will be given information instructing them where to report for each alarm. A plan for evacuation for fire alarms and a plan of cover during severe weather conditions will be posted in each classroom. A. Fire – A fire alarm signal used by the school will be sounded by a series of short bells and flashing lights. B. Tornado – A tornado alarm signal used by the school will be a long, continuous ringing of the bell. Faculty members are assigned to direct hearing- impaired students to safe shelters. C. All other drills will be announced in “plain speech” and teachers will follow the provided protocol listed in the emergency procedures guide. Drills Will Be Held in Accordance With Accreditation Standards D. Guidelines 1. Students should walk in single file to the designated areas. 2. Students should remain as quiet and as calm as possible. 3. Running or making loud noises will not be tolerated. E. Dismissal of Students During Storm Conditions 1. Students will be permitted to leave school early only when their parents come for them. 2. If a storm is approaching at dismissal time, or a tornado is likely to strike a designated area immediately, or within the hour, and it is believed that children will not have time to reach home before it strikes, students will be kept in the building until it is deemed safe to dismiss them. FIGHTING Fighting in school, on the school bus, on the school grounds, on school-sponsored trips and at athletic events and school programs will not be tolerated. Students who engage in 39 fighting shall be subject to a suspension by the principal of three (3) to five (5) days deemed appropriate by the principal based on the circumstances, for the first offense. For the second offense the student will be suspended for five (5) days. A third offense could result in expulsion from school. A student might also be arrested, possibly be incarcerated and/or possibly face Youth Court action. The student must be escorted back to school by a parent and/or guardian before the student will be readmitted to school. FUND RAISING Sponsors must obtain the approval of the principal prior to instituting any fund-raising project. The fund-raising project must be scheduled and posted on the official school calendar in the office at least two weeks before it is conducted. GANG ACTIVITY ANY STUDENT DISPLAYING GANG SYMBOLS WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE SUSPENDED. GENERAL STUDENT POLICIES AND PROCEDURES 1. Educational opportunities in the Newton County School System will be offered without regard to race, national origin, gender or disability. 2. All required fees should be paid prior to receiving report cards and receiving credit for the year’s work. 3. All students must enroll in six (7) subjects each year. 4. Only students who are enrolled in the Newton County School District may attend class-sponsored functions. 5. Student visitors are not allowed to attend school with enrolled students. 6. All Newton County Schools will require students seeking to enroll or continue to enroll in the District to register at the school they are assigned to attend. The parent or guardian must provide the school at least two items to document residency. 7. Students shall adhere to the rules and regulations of their respective schools as specified in student handbooks, memorandums, etc. and as directed in assemblies, homeroom or the classroom. 8. A student shall not leave the campus of the school for any reason without the expressed permission of the principal or the official in charge of the school when the principal of the school is absent. 9. Students enrolled in classes at the Career Center will be transported by bus to and from classes. After students have boarded the bus to the Career Center and a problem arises, the Career Center Director will handle the problem. If there is a 40 problem on the way back to the High School, the Principal will handle the matter. 10. If a student is suspended from the High School, he/she is suspended from Career Center classes. 11. Students entering the Newton County School District will not be required to pass any end-of-course Subject Area Test in the course for which the school accepts Carnegie units earned by the student in private school as fulfilling the requirements for a high school diploma, provided the private school is accredited by a regional accreditation agency such as SACS (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools). 12. AP Classes – Pre-requisite also based on previous years final average. If you have questions, please contact the Counselor. 13. Gifted – Students are tested. If you have questions, please contact the Psychometrist. Exemption and Testing All nine week tests/exams are to be given as scheduled by the administration. Any adjustment for individual test schedules must be approved by the principal. Students who miss a nine weeks test/exams must have a doctor’s excuse in order to make up test/exams. Students shall be exempt from second and fourth term exams if the student has an 80 average and perfect attendance or the student has an average of 90 or above regardless of attendance. Perfect attendance will be kept on a per/class basis for exemption purposes. ISS is not considered perfect attendance. HALL REGULATIONS A. Hall Passes Students will not be excused from classrooms except in cases of absolute necessity and then a hall pass issued by a teacher or the office is required. Students in the corridor without a hall pass are subject to disciplinary action. Note: Hall passes should not be issued for a student to go to another classroom while a class is in progress in either classroom. B. Hall Rules The hallways are crowded, thus creating a congested traffic problem. However, if students will follow the simple rules dictated by common courtesy, confusion can be kept to a minimum. 1. Make a habit of walking on the RIGHT side of the hall. 2. Do not monopolize the space near your locker; be considerate of others who need to get to their lockers. 41 3. Do not run in the halls. 4. Loud laughter, yelling, whistling, or any other unnecessary noise is not permitted. HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION, BULLYING AND THREATS Harassing, intimidating, bullying and threatening any student, teacher, administrator or other school employee will not be tolerated and will result in possible suspension or expulsion. Senate Bill No. 2015 District: Newton County Schools Section: Student Bullying / SB 2015 The Newton County School District does not condone and will not tolerate bullying or harassing behavior. Bullying or harassing behavior is any pattern of gestures or written, electronic or verbal communications, or any physical act or threatening communication, or any act reasonably perceived as being motivated by any actual or perceived differentiating characteristic that (a) places a student or school employee in actual and reasonable fear of harm to his or her person or damage to his or her property, or (b) creates or is certain to create a hostile environment by substantially interfering with or impairing a student’s educational performance, opportunities or benefits. A “hostile environment” means that the victim subjectively views the conduct as bullying or harassing behavior and the conduct is objectively severe or pervasive enough that a reasonable person would agree that it is bullying or harassing behavior. Bullying or harassing behavior will not be condoned or tolerated when it takes place on school property, at any school-sponsored function, or on a school bus, or when it takes place off school property when such conduct, in the determination of the school superintendent or principal, renders the offending person’s presence in the classroom a disruption to the educational environment of the school or a detriment to the best interest and welfare of the pupils and teacher of such class as a whole. The Newton County School District will make every reasonable effort to ensure that no student or school employee is subject to bullying or harassing behavior by other school employees or students. Likewise, the District will make every reasonable effort to ensure that no person engages in any act of reprisal or retaliation against a victim, witness or a person with reliable information about an act of bullying or harassing behavior. The District encourages anyone who has witnessed or has reliable information that a student or school employee has been subject to any act of bullying or harassing behavior to report the incident to the appropriate school official. The School Board directs the superintendent or designee to design and implement procedures for reporting, investigating, and addressing bullying and harassing behaviors. The procedures should be appropriately placed in District personnel policy handbooks, school handbooks that include discipline policies and procedures, and any other policy or 42 procedure that deals with student or employee behavior. The discipline policies and procedures must recognize the fundamental right of every student to take “reasonable actions” as may be necessary to defend himself or herself from attack by another student who has evidenced menacing or threatening behavior through bullying or harassing. Furthermore, the Newton County School District defines “reasonable action” as promptly reporting the behavior to a teacher, principal, counselor, or other school employee when subjected to bullying or harassing behavior. Ref: SB2015; Miss. Code Ann. 37-7-301(e) STUDENT COMPLAINTS OF BULLYING OR HARASSING BEHAVIOR Students and employees in the Newton County School District are protected from bullying and harassing behavior by other students or employees. It is the intent of the Board and administration to maintain an environment free from bullying and harassing behavior. This complaint procedure provides a process for filing, processing and resolving complaints of such conduct. Adherence to these procedures is mandatory. The failure of any person to follow these procedures will constitute a waiver of the right to pursue a complaint at any level, including review by the Board. I. Definitions Bullying or harassing behavior is any pattern of gestures or written, electronic or verbal communications, or any physical act or any threatening communication, or any act reasonably perceived as being motivated by any actual or perceived differentiating characteristics that (a) places a student or school employee in actual and reasonable fear of harm to his or her person or damage to his or her property, or (b) creates or is certain to create a hostile environment by substantially interfering with or impairing a student’s educational performance, opportunities or benefits. A “hostile environment” means that the victim subjectively views the conduct as bullying or harassing behavior and the conduct is objectively severe or pervasive enough that a reasonable person would agree that it is bullying or harassing behavior. Bullying or harassing behavior will not be condoned or tolerated when it takes place on school property, at any school-sponsored function, or on a school bus, or when it takes place off school property when such conduct, in the determination of the superintendent or principal, renders the offending person’s presence in the classroom a disruption to the educational environment of the school or a detriment to the best interest and welfare of the pupils and teacher of such class as a whole. II. Procedures for Processing a Complaint Any student, school employee or volunteer who feels he/she has been a victim of bullying or harassing behavior, or has witnessed or who has reliable information that a 43 student, school employee or volunteer has been subject to bullying or harassing behavior shall report such conduct to a teacher, principal, counselor or other school official. The report shall be made promptly but no later than five (5) calendar days after the alleged act or acts occurred. The school official shall complete a “Bullying/Harassing Behavior” complaint form which shall include the name of the reporting person, the specific nature and date of the misconduct, the names of any witnesses and any other information that would assist in the investigation of the complaint. The report shall be given to the principal or superintendent who shall institute an immediate investigation. Complaints against the principal shall be made to the superintendent and complaints against the superintendent shall be made to the Board Chairman. The complaint shall be investigated promptly. Parents will be notified of the nature of any complaint involving their student. The district official will arrange such meetings as may be necessary with all concerned parties within five (5) working days after initial receipt of the complaint by the District. The parties will have an opportunity to submit evidence and a list of witnesses. All findings related to the complaint will be reduced to writing. The District official conducting the investigation shall notify the victim and parents as appropriate when the investigation is completed and a decision regarding disciplinary action, as warranted, is determined. Possible disciplinary action for students who engage in bullying or harassment behavior is listed in the Newton County High School/Middle School student handbook and the Newton County Elementary student handbook. If the victim is not satisfied with the decision of the District official, he/she may submit in a written appeal to the superintendent. Such appeal shall be filed within ten (10) working days after receipt of the results of the initial decision. The superintendent will arrange such meetings with the victim and other affected parties as deemed necessary to discuss the appeal. The superintendent shall provide a written decision to the victim’s appeal within ten (10) working days. If the victim is not satisfied with the decision of the superintendent, a written appeal may be filed with the Board. Such appeal shall be filed within ten (10) working days after receipt of the decision of the superintendent. The Board shall, within twenty (20) working days, allow the victim and parents as appropriate to appear before the Board to present reasons for the dissatisfaction with the decision of the superintendent. The Board shall provide a written decision within (10) working days following the victim’s appearance before the board. LIBRARY BOOKS Our library books belong to all of us and pride should be taken in their preservation. The following rules apply to library books: 1. If they are willfully marred or defaced, damages will be charged. 2. Full price will be charged for any lost library book. 44 3. Librarians may charge a fine for overdue books. LOCKERS Locker rent (which also includes a lock) will be ten dollars ($10.00) per student. It is the student’s responsibility to keep the locker in good useable condition. Students will be charged a $10.00 replacement fee for lost locks. LOST AND FOUND If an article of value is found, it should be taken to the principal’s office. Inquiries concerning lost articles of value should be made in the principal’s office. PARTICIPATION IN SCHOOL FUNCTIONS In order to participate in any school function, students must attend school 63% of the day on the day of the event, or the last school day prior to the event. This will include, but not be limited to, the following: Athletic Events Cheerleading Banquets Beauty/Beau Pageants All Other School Activities POSSESSION OF ILLEGAL DRUGS OR ALCOHOL The possession of, use of, or being under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol at school will result in suspension from school for an indefinite period of time or expulsion for the remainder of the school year. The transfer/sale of illegal drugs will result in recommendation to the Alternative School. A student might also be arrested, possibly be incarcerated and/or face possible Youth Court action. The student must be escorted back to school by a parent and/or guardian before the student will be readmitted to school. ELECTRONIC DEVICES To help maintain a learning environment which minimizes distractions, as well as to protect personal property, students are not permitted to have radios, ipods, mp3 players, ipads, tablets, or game players, etc. at school unless it is for educational purposes and has been approved by the principal. Without such approval, the above mentioned items will be confiscated. A parent/guardian will be required to come to the school to pick up the 45 radios, ipods, mp3 players, ipads, tablets, game player, or other electronic device after 30 days. SCHOOL INSURANCE The Newton County School System contracts with a reputable company which offers school accident insurance. This insurance is not required, but is available to all students at a small student paid premium. This insurance provides very limited coverage and should be considered as a supplemental insurance only. The following steps should be followed when it is necessary to file a claim. 1. Before seeing a doctor, claims should be reported to the principal except in an emergency. 2. Claims must be verified by the teacher supervising the activity in which an accident occurs. 3. Claims must be filed and bills presented for payment within the specified time. SCHOOL BUS PROCEDURES AND POLICY 1. 2. 3. 4 No person other than students and school employees may ride the buses. Students shall arrive at the bus stop before the bus arrives. Students shall wait in a safe place, clear of traffic, and away from where the bus stops. A student is considered to be under the control and supervision of the bus driver from the time that he/she boards the bus until he/she departs the bus. 5. Students shall cross the street in front of the bus only after the bus has come to a complete stop and upon direction from the driver. 6. Students shall be properly dressed in school uniforms prior to loading and remain properly dressed until exiting the bus. 7. The bus driver will assign seats on each bus. Students are expected to remain in their assigned seat from the time that they board the bus until they depart the bus. 8. Students should be seated in the seat properly (facing the front) with books and/or book-bag in their lap. (aisles must remain clear of any book-bags) 9. No throwing of objects on, from or into buses. 10.Students should refrain from the use of profane language, obscene gestures, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or any other controlled substance on the bus. 11.Students shall not carry hazardous materials, nuisance items, and animals onto the bus. 12.No food or drink shall be consumed on the bus. (Water is allowed as long as it does not cause any problems on the bus. 13.Students shall refrain extending head, arms, or objects out of the bus windows. 14.If a child who rides a bus has more than one child going home with him/her, parents are responsible for picking students up at school to avoid overcrowding the bus. 15.A note must be signed by the principal to get off the bus at a different location. 16.A student’s privilege to ride the bus is dependent upon proper conduct. The bus driver is expected to immediately report to the principal any unbecoming conduct by a 46 student while riding on the school bus. Reports to the principal are to be made in the school office by the bus driver accompanied by the student(s) who violated the rules of proper conduct. 17.Newton County Schools are only responsible for transporting students from home to school and from school to home. 18. Any student who does not abide by the rules as adopted by the Newton County Board of Education will be disciplined as follows: 1st Offense – conference with student and administrator; a student may receive the following, but not limited to: a warning, corporal punishment or suspension from the bus and/or school. 2nd Offense – conference with student, parents, administrator and bus driver; resulting in corporal punishment, suspension from bus and/or school and notification of future violations. 3rd Offense – automatic suspension from the bus for one (1) to five (5) days and not to exceed ten (10) days which may also lead to or result in suspension from school. 4th Offense – student will be suspended from the bus and/or school until the next regularly scheduled board meeting in which a hearing (due process) with the Board will determine whether the student will be expelled from the bus and / or school. SOLICITATIONS Students may not solicit money from individuals or businesses for school activity or any other reason except when authorization has been given by the principal. SPECIAL OCCASIONS No flowers, balloons, or other gifts may be delivered in grades 6-12. STUDENT ELECTIONS In order for a student to be a candidate in a school election, the student must have been enrolled in the school for at least one semester prior to the current semester. The Counselors will oversee all elections and they will be held in the cafeteria: Student Council Officers Student Council Class Officers Homecoming Queen Homecoming Maids Class Favorites Mr. and Miss NCHS Who’s Who A. Who’s Who Categories Cutest Most School Spirit 47 Typical Teenager Best-All Around Most Dependable Most Courteous Best Dressed Most Talented Wittiest Best Personality Most Athletic These categories are open to students in grades 9-12. One male and one female will be selected in each category. Note: A student may hold only two (2) positions in Who’s Who. B. Mr. and Miss Newton County High School All seniors who have an eighty (80) grade average for the three previous years will be listed on the ballot as candidates for Mr. and Miss Newton County High School. These same students will be listed on a separate ballot as candidates for Most Likely to Succeed and will be selected by the faculty. C. Class Favorites Class favorites are to be selected by individual class members by a majority vote in the following ratio: Grades 6-12 must select 2 females and 2 males from each grade. When there is a tie vote, there must be a run-off. D. Class Officers Class officers are to be elected by majority vote. Class officers must have a cumulative grade average of 80 for the previous school year. The following positions should be elected: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Reporter E. Homecoming Homecoming Maids – Each class will elect two maids. The sponsors will prepare one ballot listing all contestants for maid. All students will vote for their choice, with the students receiving the highest number of votes being the maids from that class. To be eligible to run for maid, a girl must have an average of 75 for the previous school year and have attended the current school the previous semester. 48 Homecoming Queen Candidates – To be eligible for Homecoming Queen, a girl must be a senior and have an average of 75 each year for the past 3 years of high school. The girl must have been enrolled in the school for at least one semester prior to the current semester. Voting will be done by secret ballot. Three queen candidates will be selected by the senior class by secret ballot and grades 9-12 will vote for queen from those candidates. If there is a tie vote, there must be a run-off. Results will be kept secret until the night of Homecoming. Homecoming Escorts – must have a 75 average (same as girls). Members of the varsity football team or band cannot be escorts. STUDENT DRESS CODE AND APPEARANCE UNIFORM DRESS CODE COMPLIANCE POLICY It shall be the policy of the Newton County School District to create an atmosphere that is safe and unobtrusive for students to learn and teachers to teach. Since the enactment of the Uniform Dress Code all students are to be in compliance. All students who were in attendance last year are expected to be in compliance the first day of school. However, students who are new to this district may not be aware of the Uniform Dress Code. Once these students have legally enrolled, a grace period of seven (7) days will be granted to these students to become compliant with the Uniform Dress Code. Once the grace period has concluded, these students will not be allowed on campus until such time as they become compliant with the Uniform Dress Code. After the grace period, every day missed will be unexcused. THE FOLLOWING SCHOOL UNIFORM DRESS CODE APPLIES TO THE NEWTON COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL/MIDDLE SCHOOL: Uniform Tops: Short/Long Sleeve Polo Shirts Approved Colors: Royal Blue, Orange, or White Short/Long Sleeve Polo Shirts MUST be worn Monday-Friday unless you are participating in the Academic Thursday or Spirit Friday. All uniform tops must be tucked in properly. Uniform Bottoms: Pants/Capris/Skirts/Shorts Approved Colors: Khaki or Navy—Uniform style 49 Belts: A black or brown belt must be worn through the belt loops Prohibited Bottoms: No cargo pants No spandex/polyester/other tight fitting pants/capris/skirts/shorts No sagging (pants/shorts must fit properly; cannot be more than one size too big) No pants/capris/skirts/shorts without belt loops No belts hanging down from the waist No cut, frayed or rolled up pants legs No skirts/shorts more than 3” above the knee No slit in skirts No denim Shoes: Students must wear shoes approved and in compliance with the SUDC. Athletic shoes, loafers, and boots are preferred. All shoes must be properly tied or fastened. Prohibited Shoes: No platform or spiked heels No lighted sole Note: Students who wear an approved uniform top and bottom will be in compliance with the SUDC. All other accessories are optional. ACCESSORIES Undershirts: Approved undershirts are: Turtlenecks and T-shirts Approved Colors: Royal Blue, Orange, White, Gray, Black All undershirts must be tucked in properly. Jackets: Approved School Jackets/Zip Up or Button Up 50 Approved Colors: Royal Blue, Orange, White, Gray, Black, Brown, Navy Styles: Must not be longer than mid-thigh School logo is allowed but not mandatory Sweatshirts, Sweaters, Vests: Approved Colors—Royal Blue, Orange, White, Gray, Black A collared shirt must be worn Monday-Friday except on Academic Thursday and Spirit Friday. Logos: Brand logos must not be larger than 2 inches Spirit Day: During the school year each Friday will be designated as a “spirit day.” On this day, school colors and school organizations will be promoted. Tops may include those listed above, plus any shirt that appropriately displays Newton County School District colors or logos that promote any school organization associated with the Newton County School District. Uniform bottoms will remain the same. All other rules will apply as stated above. Academic Day: The official Newton County Middle/High School 2014-2015, “Cougar Strong” shirt can be worn on Thursdays by students. If students choose not to wear the 2014-2015, academic-themed shirt, the standard dress code for Thursday will remain in effect. STUDENTS WHO VIOLATE THE UNIFORM POLICY WILL BE REFERRED TO THE ADMINISTRATION AND WILL BE PLACED ON THE APPROPRIATE STEP OF THE SCHOOL’S DRESS CODE ASSERTIVE DISCIPLINE PLAN Step 1. Warning—notify student or parent in writing with a signed form Step 2. Saturday School—notify student or parent in writing with a signed form 51 Step 3. Paddling—notify student or parent in writing with a signed form Step 4. Referral back to Step 3 on the Assertive Discipline Ladder on page 36 STUDENTS WHO COMPROMISE ANY OF THE REGULATIONS BELOW WILL BE REFERRED TO THE ADMINSTRATION AND WILL BE PLACED ON THE APPROPRIATE STEP ON THE SCHOOL’S ASSERTIVE DISCIPLINE PLAN. 1. Unusual body piercing and wearing of pierced jewelry will not be allowed. (I.E. eyebrows, nose, tongue, flesh expanders, etc.) 2. Males shall not wear earrings at school or at school sponsored events. 3. Students shall practice good hygiene in body and clothing. 4. Students’ hair shall be neat and well-groomed. Hair must be kept out of eyes, and be a natural color (NO pink, blue, orange, green, red, etc.) 5. No head wear allowed. (I.E. caps, toboggans, bandanas, etc.) 6. Students appearance must not distract from the learning environment. TELEPHONES The school telephones are business telephones and are not for student use except in the case of an emergency. Students will not be called to the telephone except in an emergency and these calls may be monitored. TEXTBOOK FINES State owned books are assigned to all pupils on the first regular day of school. The teacher of each course requiring the use of such textbooks will issue books. The student will be held responsible for the loss or damage of textbooks issued to him/her. Any lost textbook will be assessed at replacement cost. Condition of Book When issued Condition of Book when returned Amount of Fine if book is returned New New New New Good Good Good Good Fair Poor Unusable Fair Poor Unusable None 50% of price 75% of price 100% of price None 50% of price 100% of price 52 Fair Fair Poor Poor Unusable Unusable None 25% of price None VEHICLE PARKING Students who wish to drive to school must present a valid drivers license to the office and pay a $10.00 fee before obtaining a Parking Permit. Seniors will be given first priority followed by juniors, etc. Note: There will be a $10.00 fee for replacement permits. Internet Safety Policy Newton County School District Introduction It is the policy of Newton County School District to: (a) prevent user access over its computer network to, or transmission of, inappropriate material via Internet, electronic mail, or other forms of direct electronic communications; (b) prevent unauthorized access and other unlawful online activity; (c) prevent unauthorized online disclosure, use, or dissemination of personal identification information of minors; and (d) comply with the Children’s Internet Protection Act [Pub. L. No. 106-554 and 47 USC 254(h)]. Definitions Key terms are as defined in the Children’s Internet Protection Act. Access to Inappropriate Material To the extent practical, technology protection measures (or “Internet filters”) shall be used to block or filter Internet, or other forms of electronic communications, access to inappropriate information. Specifically, as required by the Children’s Internet Protection Act, blocking shall be applied to visual depictions of material deemed obscene or child pornography, or to any material deemed harmful to minors. Subject to staff supervision, technology protection measures may be disabled for adults or, in the case of minors, minimized only for bona fide research or other lawful purposes. Inappropriate Network Usage To the extent practical, steps shall be taken to promote the safety and security of users of the Newton County School District online computer network when using electronic mail, chat rooms, instant messaging, and other forms of direct electronic communications. Specifically, as required by the Children’s Internet Protection Act, prevention of inappropriate network usage includes: (a) unauthorized access, including so-called ‘hacking,’ and other unlawful activities; and (b) unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal identification information regarding minors. 53 Education, Supervision and Monitoring It shall be the responsibility of all members of the Newton County School District’s staff to educate, supervise and monitor appropriate usage of the online computer network and access to the Internet in accordance with this policy, the Children’s Internet Protection Act, the Neighborhood Children’s Internet Protection Act, and the Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act. Procedures for the disabling or otherwise modifying any technology protection measures shall be the responsibility of The Technology Director or designated representatives. The Newton County School District or designated representatives will provide ageappropriate training for students who use the Newton County School District Internet facilities. The training provided will be designed to promote the Newton County School District’s commitment to: I. The standards and acceptable use of Internet services as set forth in the Newton County School District’s Internet Acceptable Use Policy; II. Student safety with regard to: a. safety on the Internet; b. appropriate behavior while on online, on social networking Web sites, and in chat rooms; and c. cyberbullying awareness and response. III. Compliance with the E-rate requirements of the Children’s Internet Protection Act (“CIPA”). Following receipt of this training, the student will acknowledge that he/she received the training, understood it, and will follow the provisions of the District's acceptable use policies. Adoption This Internet Safety Policy was adopted by the Board of the Newton County School District at a public meeting, following normal public notice, on May 15, 2012. 54 SECTION 7: CONSENT/VERIFICATION FORMS We the parents or guardian of _________________________________________ _______ Student’s Name Grade did receive a copy of the 2014-2015 Student Handbook of Newton County High School/Newton County Middle School. We agree to become familiar with the information contained in this handbook which was adopted by the Newton County School Board as part of the official school policy for the 2014-2015 school year. Signed: _______________________________________________ Parents/Guardian 55 NEWTON COUNTY CORPORAL PUNISHMENT OPT-OUT FORM GRADES 6-12 Newton County School District allows the use of corporal punishment. Corporal Punishment: Corporal punishment may not be administered with a vengeful spirit toward the student. A parent/guardian of the student shall be notified of the corporal punishment by the teacher or principal that administered the punishment. Corporal punishment must be administered in the presence of another certified adult employee of the school that shall be present to witness the spanking. Corporal punishment will be administered by spanking the buttocks, no more than three (3) times with a flat-surfaced paddle that will cause no more than temporary pain and not inflict permanent damage to the body. No other form of corporal punishment is authorized. Parental/Guardian not wishing for their student to receive corporal punishment must fill-out the below OPT-OUT portion of the below form , and return it to the school. It will be assumed that corporal punishment is an option of punishment unless this OPT-OUT form is returned. ***************************************************************************************** 56 I have read the above regulation and I understand that I have the right to choose whether or not corporal punishment may be used in disciplining my student. [ ] I hereby authorize the use of corporal punishment under the conditions outlined above [ ] I do not wish for corporal punishment to be administered. I wish to OPT-OUT of corporal punishment as a form of punishment for my student. Full Name of Student: _____________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian : _______________________________________ Date Daytime Phone: ______________________________________________ This authorization is valid as long as said child(ren) are attending Newton County School District (grades 6-12). It may be revoked at anytime by submitting a new form to the appropriate school official(s). ACADEMIC DISHONESTY, 9 ACTIVITIES, 18 Advanced Placement English, 15 Alternative School 24 ASBESTOS NOTIFICATION, 24 ASSERTIVE DISCIPLINE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES, 35 ATTENDANCE, 7 BEAUTY AND BEAU PAGEANTS, 19 Bell Schedule 25 BULLYING, 42 CAFETERIA, 27 CELLULAR PHONES, 32 CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, 10 CHECK-OUTS, 8 CHECKS, 27 CHEERLEADING, 19 CLASS RANKING POLICY, 10 CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS, 19 CODE OF CONDUCT, 32 Compulsory Attendance, 18 Corporal Punishment 37, 56 DESTRUCTION OF SCHOOL PROPERTY, 34 DISCIPLINE LADDER, 36 Discipline Plan, 35 Dress Code 49 Drugs and Alcohol 45 DUAL ENROLLMENT/DUAL CREDIT, 12 Elections 47 ELECTRONIC DEVICES, 45 EMERGENCY DRILLS, 39 EXCUSED ABSENCES, 7 Exemption and Testing, 41 EXPULSIONS, 38 EXTENDED SCHOOL POLICY, 12 EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITY INJURY POLICY, 23 FIGHTING, 39 FUND RAISING, 40 GANG ACTIVITY, 40 GENERAL STUDENT POLICIES AND PROCEDURES, 40 GIFTED, 17 GRADE CLASSIFICATION, 14 GRADE REPORTS, 13 GRADING SCALE, 15 Graduation Requirements 15 GRIEVANCE POLICY, 27 GUIDANCE PROCEDURES, 23 HALL REGULATIONS, 41 Handbook Consent Forms 55 HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION, BULLYING AND THREATS, 42 HONORS, 11 Internet Safety Policy, 52 ISS 38 LIBRARY BOOKS, 44 LOCKERS, 45 LOST AND FOUND, 45 57 MAKE-UP WORK, 8, 16 PARTICIPATION IN SCHOOL FUNCTIONS, 45 Permanent Records, 13 Phone Numbers 6 POSITIVE BEHAVIOR, 28 PREVENTION OF SCHOOL VIOLENCE LAW, 29 Report Card Dates 27 Saturday School 38 SCHOOL BUS PROCEDURES AND POLICY, 46 SCHOOL CALENDAR, 26 SCHOOL INSURANCE, 46 SCHOOL NURSE, 30 SCHOOL VOLUNTEER POLICY, 31 SKIPPING, 8 SOLICITATIONS, 47 SPECIAL EDUCATION, 16 SPECIAL OCCASIONS, 47 STAR STUDENT, 14 STUDENT COUNCIL, 20-23 Suspensions, 33 TARDIES, 9 TELEPHONES, 52 TEXTBOOK FINES, 52 UNEXCUSED ABSENCES, 8 VALEDICTORIAN AND SALUTATORIAN, 14 VEHICLE PARKING, 52 VISITORS, 31 Weapons 29 WITHDRAWAL FROM SCHOOL, 9 WRITTEN EXCUSE, 7 58