PROJECT GAP ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE Transport Sector Please provide information by filling in the below fields where appropriate and attaching copies of the requested documents. Please give clear identification of the sources of information. (Note: if you are applying for a few projects, this form should be completed for each project if they are to be implemented separately). Project title: Lead project Beneficiary/proponent: Other beneficiaries (if any): Responsible or authorized person for contact: Name – Position: Email address - Telephone: 1. Executive Summary of the proposed project – Project description (max. 300 words) 2. Project identification 2.1 Scope of the project Investment Typology Mark with X Comment (Please indicate main characteristics of the projected infrastructure: size/dimensions (length, area), location/s, loading capacity (max – min), expected transport timing, etc). New infrastructures (road, rail, ports, airports) to satisfy increasing transport demand Completion of existing networks (missing links) Extension/renovation of existing infrastructures Improved use of the existing networks (i.e. better use of under-utilised network capacity – safety measures – etc.) Improvement in networks interoperability Improvement in intermodality (interchange nodes, accessibility to ports and airports) Functional characteristics of the investments Increasing capacity of existing networks Reducing congestion Mark with X (Please indicate where, how and what functions the proposed infrastructure/s will serve) 1 Improving accessibility to less developed regions Reducing transport-operating costs 3. Technical assessment 3.1 Spatial Planning documentation* Mark if Yes Mark if No Completion date Comment Infrastructure Corridor Plan Regional spatial plan Municipal spatial plan General urban plan General regulation plan Detailed regulation plan Urban design (if needed) (e.g. Land expropriation) Land acquisition (Land formally available) (e.g. Do conditions for Location Permit exist? - Is the land ownership issue solved? - Are the planning documents from cadastre available?) Location permit * Please attach the existing spatial planning documentation to be verified by Assessment panel 3.2 Project technical documentation* Prefeasibility study Mark if Yes Mark if No Completion date Comment (e.g. Is the Pre-Feasibility Study and General design reviewed by the Revision Committee?) General project design Feasibility study (with CBA** according EU requirements) (e.g. Has the Feasibility study and Preliminary Design been reviewed by the Revision Committee?) Preliminary design Environmental impact assessment Final design (e.g. EIA is not needed, or EIA procedure completed with EIS approval? EIA process activated but still ongoing? EIA studies and documentation prepared/under preparation, or no environmental analysis documentation initiated) (e.g. Is the Main project passed Technical revision?) Construction permit Tender documentation *All project’s design stages utilized in the table are aligned with the Serbian legal framework and regulations, namely: Law on Planning and Construction. Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”, No. 72/2009, 24/2011, Law on Environmental Impact Assessment, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No 135/2004, 36/2009. 2 For further specifications please refer to the “Guide to Cost Benefit Analysis of Investment Projects, European Commission DG Regio, 2008”. **CBA- Cost Benefit Analysis Note: please attach the above documents from the most advanced Project Preparation stage in electronic (or hard copy) format. Please provide clarifications/further information on the above where you deem necessary. 3.3 Options Identification (this section is filled only in case PreFeasibility Study exists)* Have been different investments options analysed? Do-nothing scenario: what impact it will have on the objectives you want to achieve? Do-minimum scenario: what minimal effort is needed to achieve the objectives? Comment Yes/no Do-something scenario: Which different options have been analysed, and why have been excluded? Describe the scope of ‘do-most desirable’ scenario * For further specifications please refer to the “Guide to Cost Benefit Analysis of Investment Projects, European Commission DG Regio, 2008”. 4. Institutional assessment 4.1 Institutional framework/capacity Comment Investor* If cross – border infrastructure, what type of coordination between countries and/or managers takes place? a. Implementation Mark with X Existing PIU with experience in projects implementation/operation to implement the project New Project Implementation Unit Staff (non PIU) with experience in projects implementation b. Operation Existing National Authority/Public enterprise is project beneficiary responsible for operation New project beneficiary responsible for operation * In this phase it is necessary to have the Investor nominated being responsible for performing tasks defined by the Law 3 5. Economic/financial assessment – Expenditure Coverage system 5.1 Socio-economic context Comment Assessment of the macro-economic and social conditions of the area - demographic growth annual budget of the Municipalities of the Region employment rate potential demand for the project 5.2 Operational/Financial status of the Project beneficiary/s Comment Annual revenues from tolls, fares and charges, transfers from the government Short and medium term investment needs Current annual O&M costs Current financing costs (debt servicing) Financial balance in last 3 years and Business plan projection 5.3 Project Costs Total estimated Investments costs % of funds from Total costs to be financed through the grant % of costs to be provided from loan Borrowing capacity (credit ability) of Infrastructure’s owner/beneficiary Comment (e.g. Who is loan provider? Has formal agreement to provide these money been reached? When? Please attach an evidence) (e.g. This information could be received from the ministry responsible for work in public financials section) Estimated O&M costs (if available) Expected EIRR (if available) 6. Environmental assessment 6.1 Environmental assessment Will the projected infrastructure cause impacts in the following environmental components? Construction phase Operating phase Positive Negative No Positive Negative No impact impact impact impact impact impact Air quality Water quality Landscape Noise Soil Groundwater Flora and fauna Does the infrastructure affect environmentally sensitive areas (Natura2000 etc.)? Yes (please provide details on number and kinds) 4 Yes, with mitigation measures incorporated in project realization No areas affected No information Does the projected infrastructure mitigate impact on climate change Positive impact on climate change mitigation expected (CO2 emission reduction) Negative Impact on climate change mitigation expected (CO2 emissions increased) No relevant impact on climate change 7. Preliminary risks Please list the project risks and the measures that could mitigate the risks: 5