Curriculum Vitae August 2013 Dr Louise Cooke (BA, MA, PhD) Old Bridge Barn Yedingham Malton North Yorkshire YO17 8SL Telephone: 01944 728441 / 07761 698895 Email: Blog: Personal Born Lichfield, Staffordshire, 1978. Academic qualifications BA HONS (2:1) ARCHAEOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM. 1999. MA (DISTINCTION) MANAGING ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES, INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. 2002. PHD. ARCHAEOLOGY. INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. 2002-2006 (awarded 2008). Thesis title: "Approaches to the conservation and management of earthen architecture in archaeological contexts" Supervised by Tim Williams. Career OPEN UNIVERSITY ASSOCIATE LECTURER 2007-ongoing Associate Lecturer for 3 undergraduate courses A251 - World Archaeology, AD281 Understanding Global Heritage, and A151- Making Sense of Things. Extensive experience of traditional and online teaching, in addition to examination marking and moderation, peer support and monitoring of assessment, mentoring of staff new to the VLE, staff development and other activities, and research on use of tablet pcs to enhance learning. Currently enrolled on the OU scheme for professional development that meets the UK Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher Education (OpenPad) which will result in membership of the HEA by the end of 2013. FREELANCE HERITAGE CONSULTANT 2008-ongoing My research and practice is concerned with examining the process of heritage as substance (material) and process (cultural and natural transformation). Research is at the centre of my consultancy, this includes reports for planning, alongside cultural heritage resource development within the UK and internationally. I have undertaken work for a range of clients including English Heritage, Hanson PLC, Global Heritage Fund, Abu Dhabi Association for Cultural Heritage and University College London. REVIEWS EDITOR, CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES 2007-ongoing Coordinating book reviews for the leading peer-reviewed publication for cultural resource management 1 Dr Louise Cooke (BA, MA, PhD) RESEARCH ASSISTANT, TRAINER. MERV, TURMENISTAN 2001-2005 (p/r) Responsibility for buildings GIS, conservation recording, backfilling strategies, supervision of staff and students. PROJECT ASSISTANT, AMERICAN UNIVERSITY BEIRUT Responsibility for digital archiving of archaeological finds, drawings, etc. 2001 PROJECT ASSISTANT, ENGLISH HERITAGE Responsibility for Policy, Standards and Guidelines project 1999-2001 PROJECT ASSISTANT, MUSEUM OF LONDON ARCHAEOLOGY SERVICE Responsibility for excavation, finds processing, supervision of volunteers. 1999 Voluntary SCHOOL GOVERNOR, WEST HESLERTON PRIMARY SCHOOL. 2011-ongoing Though the role is varied I have been part of a team making decisions over school budgets, staffing and curriculum, and performance monitoring. This demonstrates collaborative working, management and administration skills. DIRECTOR EARTH BUILDING UK 2009-ongoing Established in 2009 as the UK national network for building with earth, currently converting to a charitable trust) and was chair (2011-2013). I have driven the development of Earth Building UK, including the orgainsation of annual conferences and development of website and members communications. SECRETARY ICOMOS ISCEAH 2008-ongoing Collaborative research through ICOMOS ISCEAH includes work on documentation approaches for earthen architecture on archaeological sites, and research into cultural landscapes. Projects & Impact International: I am currently consultant conservation director to Global Heritage Fund including work at Gobekli Tepe (Turkey) and Pachacamac (Peru). In 2011 I was the UK contributor to the Terra Europae Project resulting in publication and a travelling exhibition on earthen architecture in Europe. In 2009-2010 undertook conservation assessment for Abu Dhabi Association for Cultural Heritage (for redevelopment of Hili Archaeological Park), and additional work with Gustafson Porter (landscape and regeneration designers). From 2001-2005 I undertook various roles for the Merv Archaeological Project (for UCL, and PhD research). In 2004 I undertook a conservation assessment at Catalhoyuk, Turkey, and 2001 undertook work for American University of Beirut (digital archiving project). UK: I have been consultant to English Heritage undertaking a survey of Recreational Activities that impact upon the historic environment (2013). I was consultant and author for the Vale of Pickering Statement of Significance project 2011-2013, including stakeholder assessment and workshops. 2012, undertook conservation planning advice for Hanson PLC Wykeham Quarry. Archaeological mitigation, and public engagement on Wolds Way Art Projects working with land artists and general public along the Yorkshire Wolds Way (WANDER 2011-2012)). Grants and funding In addition to income generated via my freelance work I have also contributed to other grantfunded projects, inlcuding: Funding awarded to EBUK as part of multi-million Euro European Leonardo Funded vocational training standards in earth building (ECVET PIRATE) project (2012-2015). 2 Dr Louise Cooke (BA, MA, PhD) Funding awarded to UCL/Craterre/Turkmenistan Ministry of Culture. US Ambassadors Fund Kyz Kala Project. ANNEX 1: PUBLICATIONS Monographs Cooke, L, 2010. Conservation Approaches to Earthen Architecture in Archaeological Contexts. British Archaeological Reports International Series S2147. Oxford: Archaeopress. Book chapters Cooke, L. 2011. Earthen architecture in the United Kingdom. In. Terra Europae – Earthen Architecture in the European Union. Pisa, Italy: Edizioni ETS. p. 188-191. Cooke, L, Chabenet, M, and O’Reilly, B. 2011. Earthen architecture in Northwestern Europe: Ireland, the United Kingdom and Northern France. In. Terra Europae – Earthen Architecture in the European Union. Pisa, Italy: Edizioni ETS. p. 48-63. Cooke, L. 2007. Shir Dor Madrasa, Samarkand, Uzbekistan; Saminid Mausoleum, Bukhara, Uzbekistan; GreatKyz Kala, Merv, Turkmenistan. 1001 Buildings You Must See Before You Die. 2007. Quintessence, London. Digital publications Cooke, L. 2012. Vale of Pickering – Statement of Significance. Report for English Heritage (Yorkshire and Humber Region). Cooke, L. 2013. Vale of Pickering – Statement of Significance. Summary Report for English Heritage (Yorkshire and Humber Region). Papers in conference proceedings Cooke, L. 2012. Emerging Debates. Heritage Theory, Environment and Development. In. Heritage, a driver for development, ICOMOS’ 17th General Assembly Scientific Symposium proceedings – Part V – Session 2. Adapting to climate change and new challenges. pp. 1076-1078. Cooke, L. 2011. The Use of Historic Photographs for the Study of Earthen Architecture. In. Ranier, L, Bass Rivera, A and Gandreau, D. Terra 2008. 10th International Conference on the Study and Conservation of Earthen Architecture February 1st-5th 2008. Bamako, Mali. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute. p.155-160. Cooke, L. 2004. Earthen Building Materials and Techniques at Merv, Turkmenistan. Preprints 4th International Conference on Building with Earth. 29.-30 October 2004. Leipzig, Germany. Weimar Germany: Dachverband Lehm e.V. Cooke, L. 2003. To fill or not to fill. Backfilling at Merv, Turkmenistan. Preprints 9th International Conference on the Study and Conservation of Earthen Architecture, Terra 2003, Yazd, Iran. 29th November – 2nd December 2003. Iranian Cultural Heritage Organisation, Tehran. Journal articles Cooke, L. 2008. The archaeologist’s challenge or despair: reburial at Merv, Turkmenistan. Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites. Vol. 9 No. 2, 97–112. Miscellaneous 3 Dr Louise Cooke (BA, MA, PhD) Cooke, L. 2011. Conservation in an age of consensus. Book review. Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites. Vol. 13 No. 1, 84–87 Cooke, L. 2009. Israeli Archaeological Activity in the West Bank 1967-2007: A Sourcebook, by R. Greenberg and A. Keinan. Book Review. Conservation & Management of Archaeological Sites. Vol. 11 Issue 3/4, Nov 2009. 351-353. Cooke, L. 2009. Dakhleh Oasis Project. Book review. Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites. Vol. 11 No. 2, May, 2009, 189–92 Cooke, L. 2009. Hatussa. Book review. Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites. Vol. 11 No. 2, May, 2009, 189–92 Cooke, L. 2008. Protecting Catalhoyuk. Book Review. Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites. Vol. 10 No. 2, 195–196. (Joint review with Gaigysyz Joraev and Gavin Lucas). Cooke, L. 2008. Of the past, for the future: integrating archaeology and conservation. Book Review. Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites. Vol. 9 No. 3, 174–175 Cooke, L. 2008. Terra 2008. The Tenth International Conference on the Study and Conservation of Earthen Architectural Heritage. Conference Review. Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites. Vol. 9 No. 1, 49-53. 2011-2013 Earth Building UK website and newsletter: Ongoing blog of research interests: Project reports (unpublished) Cooke, L. 2013. Report on conservation workshop Pachacamac, Peru. June 2013 for Global Heritage Fund. Cooke, L. 2013. Conservation planning for Gobekli Tepe: report on planning trip. May-June 2013 for Global Heritage Fund. Cooke, L. 2013. English Heritage PNUM: 6755. NHPP 2B3 Recreational Activities. A project to provide a survey of recreational activities that can potentially have an adverse impact on the historic environment. Cooke, L. 2010. Condition assessment for the excavated sites. Initial Summary Hili Archaeological Park, Al Ain, Abu Dhabi. Report Undertaken for Abu Dhabi Association for Cultural Heritage ADACH. Cooke, L. 2010. Condition Assessment and Conservation Options for the Monuments, Hili Archaeological Park, Al Ain, UAE. Part 1 & Part 2. Stage C Report Undertaken for Abu Dhabi Association for Cultural Heritage ADACH. Forthcoming Publications in press Cooke, L. Earthen Architecture in Archaeological Conservation and Preservation. Encyclopaedia of Global Archaeology. (Smith. C. Ed). 4 Dr Louise Cooke (BA, MA, PhD) Cooke, L and Fodde, E. Documenting earthen archaeological sites -the ISCEAH glossary of deterioration patterns. In. Terra 2012, Lima, Peru. The 11th International Conference on the Study and Conservation of Earthen Architectural Heritage. Augarde, C. Charles, M. Cooke, L, Jaquin, P, Keable, R. Morton, T. Row, A, Smith, L and Walker, P. Earth building UK- national networks for earth builders and why does it matter. In. Terra 2012, Lima, Peru. The 11th International Conference on the Study and Conservation of Earthen Architectural Heritage. Brimblecombe, P and Cooke, L. Understanding climate and climate change impacts on earth structures- establishing a research agenda. In. Terra 2012, Lima, Peru. The 11th International Conference on the Study and Conservation of Earthen Architectural Heritage. Bell, J. Kanan, I, and Cooke, L. The research work of the landscape group of ISCEAH- identifying and discussing case studies. In. Terra 2012, Lima, Peru. The 11th International Conference on the Study and Conservation of Earthen Architectural Heritage. Fodde, E and Cooke, L. Conservation of earth structures at Al Ain Abu Dhabi. Submitted to Journal of architectural conservation. Publications in prep Cooke, L. The heritage of earth buildings: process, substance and climate change. In. The Future of Heritage as Climates Change: Loss, Adaptation and Creativity. Harvey, D & Perry J (eds). Routledge, Key Issues in Culutral Heritage Series. Cooke, L. Architecture of Turkmenistan. Contribution to Vernacular Buildings. A New World Survey S. Piesik (ed). Thames & Hudson. 5 Dr Louise Cooke (BA, MA, PhD)